No going back for Murphy

December 05, 2023

2012 Donegal All-Ireland winning captain Michael Murphy with 1992 Donegal All-Ireland winning captain Anthony Molloy.
©INPHO/Cathal Noonan.

Michael Murphy has ruled out a return to the Donegal fold under Jim McGuinness.

The 2012 All-Ireland SFC winning captain announced his inter-county retirement last year and told reporters at yesterday’s GAAGO 2024 season launch in Croke Park that he has no intention of reversing his decision.

"We chat a lot, we always do still chat a lot. We chat every couple of weeks and since he came back in that hasn't stopped," Murphy said of his relationship with his former manager.

"For me, it hasn't changed since day one when I made the call to retire. That was it, I was out. Just because Jim has come back, as much as there's a loyalty there from me to him, and from me to Donegal, it still doesn't change in terms of the playing point of view.

"Definitely it was never a case of ever going back and that's still the case now. I'll try to give to Donegal in another way. I'm heavily involved with my own club and I'll get back involved with Donegal at underage now and give back in that way. No playing for me, it's job done 100%."

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