Flynn contacted Clifford over controversial 'smoked' tweet after All-Ireland final

December 01, 2023

GPA CEO Paul Flynn speaking at the GPA Reps Day

Former Dublin star Paul Flynn has revealed that he contacted Kerry’s David Clifford over the controversial tweet he posted after this year’s All-Ireland SFC final.

Late July saw the Dubs defeat Kerry by 1-15 to 1-13 at Croke Park, where the Kingdom’s talisman was held to just two points from play over the 70 minutes by marker Mick Fitzsimons.

The following tweets went out from Flynn in the days that followed the final and stirred up some controversy:

Incidentally, Clifford has since been named this year’s ‘Footballer of the Year’ and many have returned the point to Flynn who says that the comments in the tweets were not meant as a slight on him.

Speaking on the Second Captains podcast, the Fingallians clubman revealed that he had contacted the Kerry captain and said that they “cleared the air”.

“I reached out to Clifford anyway. The main thing for me was that I didn't really care what other people thought, I cared that he might see it or whatever. I didn't want that,” said Flynn.

“I reached out to David Clifford and he was dead sound, we cleared the air. I felt good after that, buried it and moved on.

“It was probably the next day. Once that happened, I had put it to bed in my head. I made it clear to him that I made absolutely no disrespect to him and I thought the world of him. Who doesn't?

“All the guys there in The Sunday Game would tell you how much I big him up. Even that (All-Ireland final) day with Gooch, I can't get over the lad.

“It was just me trying to make a case for James McCarthy. I did it the wrong way.”

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