'David Clifford is the GOAT'

November 24, 2023

Fossa's David Clifford is 'double marked' by David Roche and Pa Wrenn of Milltown-Castlemaine. ©INPHO/Lorraine O'Sullivan.

Pat Spillane has hailed David Clifford as a ‘genius.’

Speaking on Virgin Media’s Ireland AM programme on Thursday, Spillane was in no doubt about who the best footballer in the country is right now.

“You could argue about the greatest team and the greatest player of all-time, but at the moment David Clifford is the GOAT. He has unbelievable skills; a lovely, talented lad who is big and strong,” Spillane said of his fellow county man.

“He played in the Kerry IFC final last weekend. He had two fellas marking him, sometimes three. The first 12 shots he had at goal, he scored 12 points. He’s just a genius. He’s our Ronaldo, he’s our Messi, he’s our Johnny Sexton.”

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