National Forum

St Mary's Rosslare/Liam Griffin Motion At Congress

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Replying To Viking66:  "Canuck the motion isn't about what way the Kilkenny CB are like at promoting adult football. It's about young lads getting the opportunity to play hurling even if they are from Louth for example.
A few posters who are ignorant of the truth have tried to argue that there isn't the opportunity for young lads to play football in Kilkenny, so I just pointed out only 4 clubs out of 41 there don't have underage football, 2 of those are in the same parish as football clubs, and the other 2 are less than 5 miles from clubs who do provide football for kids.
The bottom line is that there are vast swathes of a large number of counties where a lad wouldn't be able to take up hurling if he wanted to. That's what this Motion is trying to tackle."
I hear you Viking but many things go into making kids wanting to participate in a sport. Opportunity to do so for sure but also kids are influenced by the stars of the sport or what the inter county player brings back to the community about the merits of that honour. I am sure in Kilkenny hoards of kids picked up a hurley because of idolizing Eddie Keher, D.J. Carey, Henry Sheflin, T.G. Reid and many others. A player told the manager on a Tuesday night that he would not make Thursday training because he had a football game with his club . He was told if not there he need not come back. How do I know that ? A relative. So using Kilkenny as any form of example in promoting football is a bad one. There are probably the best county ever to play hurling while making sure football stays in its lane. The lane they created for it and want to keep.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2949 - 22/02/2025 20:53:52    2592513


Replying To Canuck:  "I hear you Viking but many things go into making kids wanting to participate in a sport. Opportunity to do so for sure but also kids are influenced by the stars of the sport or what the inter county player brings back to the community about the merits of that honour. I am sure in Kilkenny hoards of kids picked up a hurley because of idolizing Eddie Keher, D.J. Carey, Henry Sheflin, T.G. Reid and many others. A player told the manager on a Tuesday night that he would not make Thursday training because he had a football game with his club . He was told if not there he need not come back. How do I know that ? A relative. So using Kilkenny as any form of example in promoting football is a bad one. There are probably the best county ever to play hurling while making sure football stays in its lane. The lane they created for it and want to keep."
I'm not using Kilkenny as an example of a Football county promoting adult Football, or a Football county offering underage Football to all its young people. The reason I was using Kilkenny as an example is because they are a definite hurling county, yet they still provide football games for every young lad in Kilkenny who wants to play Football.
If they can do that then why can't any Football county do the same to provide hurling for kids?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14823 - 22/02/2025 21:40:26    2592521


Replying To Viking66:  "I'm not using Kilkenny as an example of a Football county promoting adult Football, or a Football county offering underage Football to all its young people. The reason I was using Kilkenny as an example is because they are a definite hurling county, yet they still provide football games for every young lad in Kilkenny who wants to play Football.
If they can do that then why can't any Football county do the same to provide hurling for kids?"
I hope they have a foot ball when they show up to play. Look I'm not telling Kilkenny what to but would not hold them up as a beacon or example for football. I would love to see hurling grow and expand in all counties. The logistics of setting up hurling is a bit more difficult in the counties with little tradition in it. However passing rules to force it is not the way. As it would not be the answer to force football on anyone.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2949 - 22/02/2025 23:05:18    2592534
