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Experimental Railway Cup

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Replying To legendzxix:  "Are the 7 core rules changes that complicated?
1. 1v1 throw-in to start the game
2. 40 metre scoring arc and new scoring system
3. Kick-outs from the 20 having to go beyond the 40 arc.
4. 'Solo and Go'
5. Advanced mark changes for kicks outside the 45 fielded inside the 20, and an advantage being allowed which should create goal opportunities.
6. Limits on passing to the goalkeeper. Player and keeper must both be on the large rectangle, or the keeper has advanced beyond the 65 yard line.
7. 3/3 Up/Back. Supposedly this might change to a new halfway line. By that extension, possibly the passing to the keeper in point 6 might also apply when the keeper advances beyond halfway.

1, 2, 3 and 4 seem very straightforward. 5 seems an improvement on the current advance mark and should be a smooth change.
6. New but should be very manageable.
7. Again a new one. A bit tricky for one official but the feedback is that it is generally self policed. Players won't be long drawing refs attention to players straying out of bounds."
The Railway cup has had its day.
Saying that, I don't see why we couldn't have some sort of match on the bank holiday weekend in October/November where th best players are playing against each other, be it international rules/all star game etc. probably not Croke Park but maybe Dr Cullen Park/Breffni Park type of ground.

As for the rule changes
1. 1v1 throw-in to start the game

- should be good improvement, particularly if cynical fouling is punished - the current situation end up in a free 60% of the time

2. 40 metre scoring arc and new scoring system

Can't see how this won't be an improvement, less and less players need to kick long range points or goals (both considered low percentage shots/plays at present), we would all love players to be a bit more adventurous

3. Kick-outs from the 20 having to go beyond the 40 arc.

Can't be a bad thing - if your keeper can't kick a ball 20m into the wind, off a tee, you need to put an actual goalie in goal

4. 'Solo and Go'

Apparently it's great - can't see why it won't work if cynical tackles/fouls are punished properly

5. Advanced mark changes for kicks outside the 45 fielded inside the 20, and an advantage being allowed

A major improvement - just wish they would make it for overhead/diving catches only

6. Limits on passing to the goalkeeper.

To be welcomed - really sick of the sight of goalies

7. 3/3 Up/Back. Supposedly this might change to a new halfway line.

This is essentially a form of GAA offside. Despite all the moaning, offside rules are being implemented across the world in underage and junior soccer without too much difficulty. Plenty of dodgy calls but what harm, cant have VAR everywhere.

8. Cynical fouls moved up 50m

The real game changer. Just need refs to implement

I'd have redefined the tackle to allow physical contact on the torso with the inside (open) hand while simultaneously trying to dispossess the ball with the outside hand.

I would ban the handoff also.

I would then limit the number of tacklers to one at a time.

We need to give good defenders more tools to allow a fair tackle and negate the need for doubling up on defenders.
At present, a good defender has a limited range of options to stop his opponent on his own once they get the ball.

tirawleybaron (Mayo) - Posts: 1179 - 16/10/2024 01:22:40    2575187
