National Forum

Some Updates On The Football Review

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Replying To sligo joe:  "Sure rugby union did get a boost in Oz after they won the world cup but in reality union has always been behind Rules and rugby league over there and soccer is now taking over in Australia and soccer is threatening rugby union big time in New Zealand. You are right the GAA cannot be complacent, there is a lot of competition out there both for participants and supporters. Maybe conceding to the wishes of the players regarding playing the finals in July was a mistake but surely attempting to reverse the decision now without player agreement would be an even bigger error."
A mistake to concede to the players??? What games will you have without players?

ORIELMAN85 (Monaghan) - Posts: 306 - 07/09/2024 15:58:52    2568843


Replying To SaffronDon:  "Why don't you form a breakaway sport then? Maybe not a sport actually, because coaching won't be allowed. But a bit like WWE you could send out a bunch of lads in Peaky Blinders caps and cigarettes in their mouths like the good old days. Go out and just drive the ball up the field and swing punches at whoever is in possession. No hand passing, just aimless kicks, no training because that's too robotic. No emphasis on winning because that takes the fun out of it. Just lads on a field kicking the ball over the bar with only one man allowed near him and give the trophy to both sides at the end because it's all about entertainment, not winning. You could be like the Jake Paul of the GAA, calling out finished GAA players to come join the pantomime. See if your ideals can draw a bigger crowd."
Another member of the trendy woke brigade, read your post again and cringe. All those legends of the past Matt Connor, Frank Mc Guigan, Jack O'Shea were just figments of the imagination to be mocked and laughter at. Welcome to the " 29 players inside the 50 yard line" era of football.- you are welcome to it.

tireoghainabu (Tyrone) - Posts: 312 - 07/09/2024 17:56:43    2568846
