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Replying To CTGAA10:  "Well I see the news channel being used for tipp/Clare next suits when they want to..against it I think it's the Galway/ Dublin match is live but wex/kk is behind paywall..if Gaa go was available like sky where you just turned on tv and the channel was available,don't think there would be as much uproar..all this signing in,passwords,smart tv,laptop to screen,makes it very hard and then there is the broadband problem."
I find it very strange how they've announced they'll use RTE News to show Clare v Tipp live. Makes you wonder why the channel couldn't also have been used on other previous occasions.

I find it even stranger that they're using it to show a match which could well turn out to be largely irrelevant. A match that features one team that's already out of the championship but who have no relegation jeopardy, against a team who'll go through to the final anyway if Limerick beat Waterford, no matter what happens in their own match.

Yet in Leinster, we have what are essentially two old-fashioned semi-finals, as the winners of both (assuming no draws) will go to the Final. Definitely a huge amount at stake in both games there, while as I said, Clare v Tipp could turn out to be largely irrelevant.

Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2453 - 22/05/2024 09:45:30    2546305


Replying To TerraPovera:  "So you want 73 matches shown free to air by RTÉ. And many of these are on at the same time. So wall to wall GAA on multiple RTÉ channels. Hopelessly unrealistic."
I never said that. And it would be impossible to do so under current corcumstances. Even now does gaago show every single match in the calendar? However there could be a dedicated channel for sport from rte on the saorview box that could show a good chunk of these games not on the main channel. If you had 3 live games on Saturdays and Sundays and delayed coverage of others that wouldn't be too hard.

eslinchickenmaryland (Leitrim) - Posts: 224 - 22/05/2024 10:47:40    2546323


Replying To TerraPovera:  "Maybe have free attendance for all at all matches including the All Ireland finals. I mean it's easy to run an organisation the size of the GAA on fresh air. And then give 83% of that fresh air back to the clubs."
Sure if that is the case why are there club lottos and people going round parishes knocking on doors sheepishly collecting for grand draws etc for the club. Clubs have to look after themselves with hard pressed locals funding it and not much coming from Croke Park
The same locals getting dinged for TV licences and if they want to see the important games another ding for gaago
That's not even counting the cost of attending bog standard provincial games in football especially. Some tickets coming in at 30 quid a clip.
The cost of running the games are directly linked to the fact the games are moving from their amateur ethos to some twilight zone of semi pro.

eslinchickenmaryland (Leitrim) - Posts: 224 - 22/05/2024 11:03:59    2546336


My God, some people are only happy when they are unhappy. Would you be happier to have the option to pay 80 quid and see all these matches or go back to the good old days etc where we see only semi finals and finals?

KKid (Kilkenny) - Posts: 419 - 22/05/2024 12:42:37    2546375


Replying To GreenandRed:  "They might be, emphasis on might, learning some errors of their ways. Their All Ireland group games deal, €50 for adults, €15 for juveniles, is a good deal. Not ignoring your capitalist comment. They do seem to have to taken the turn to benefit from making stronger counties stronger and give them more games to boost TV revenue.

That's top brass GAA, suits, not grassroots. They're far removed from the reality that some clubs have to face, pitch availability at the start of the year, getting players and maybe family members registered to raise some funds, getting refs for matches, fundraising for new jersies, having the underage numbers good and keeping them good and trying to add to them etc. A lot of clubs have a coffee shop that'll give them a small bit more cash. Decent coffee too, at times! Better than what you'll get in Croke Park on match day. That's because the club needs more money to survive. Croke Park has your ticket money, they don't seem interested in improving the quality of catering. Sure there's more profit selling beer than there is selling coffee and sandwiches. I am that cynical!"
Hopefully the GAA will learn from its mistakes but Jarlath Burns has made a terrible start as GAA President with some of his statements that the GAA will continue on the course of pursuing profits at all costs. The GAA has a turnover of €140 million so they have no need of extra money from GAA Go etc. Also they say they need more money for facilities but they have offered no extra money for Casement Park than the £15 million they pledged many years ago for example.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1663 - 22/05/2024 12:54:54    2546380


Replying To TerraPovera:  "Maybe have free attendance for all at all matches including the All Ireland finals. I mean it's easy to run an organisation the size of the GAA on fresh air. And then give 83% of that fresh air back to the clubs."
The GAA has €140 million in turnover so they have no need for extra money for GAA Go. With that level of turnover the GAA is already extremely rich and not living on "fresh air" far from it.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1663 - 22/05/2024 12:57:51    2546381


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "Hopefully the GAA will learn from its mistakes but Jarlath Burns has made a terrible start as GAA President with some of his statements that the GAA will continue on the course of pursuing profits at all costs. The GAA has a turnover of €140 million so they have no need of extra money from GAA Go etc. Also they say they need more money for facilities but they have offered no extra money for Casement Park than the £15 million they pledged many years ago for example."
When did Burns say that the 'GAA will continue on the course of pursuing profits at all costs'?
They have a turnover of 140 million, not a profit of 140 million. They're using the money to fund GAA projects and, like other sporting organisations, will continue to look for government funding. GAAGO isn't made up of voluntary commentators, analysts, camera crews, sound crews etc, they all need to be paid. That doesn't mean they can't do things better and ease the costs for some.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7571 - 22/05/2024 16:32:18    2546443


Replying To GreenandRed:  "When did Burns say that the 'GAA will continue on the course of pursuing profits at all costs'?
They have a turnover of 140 million, not a profit of 140 million. They're using the money to fund GAA projects and, like other sporting organisations, will continue to look for government funding. GAAGO isn't made up of voluntary commentators, analysts, camera crews, sound crews etc, they all need to be paid. That doesn't mean they can't do things better and ease the costs for some."
He said that the GAA will seek to make as much money as possible and that GAA Go should become a major revenue generator. I think they need to do things much better as attendances have been poor at many games this year??

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1663 - 22/05/2024 17:22:17    2546458


Good points on both sides. True that GAA gets very unfairly bashed esp by the FAI losers. They often project that the GAA is cronyism.
On the other hand JB should be clear about GAAGo. Rumours that it was not cleared by competition watchdog are dangerous. Also not good to be fighting with politicks about it. Double not good for the directors of GAAGo to be the directors of GAA and RTE both very honest and open orgs. IDee Forbes was one of the directors too.
And they chose to sell the rights of the games to.... themselves I guess? TG4 should have been treated better.

Good points about pricing but also good about potential for moving intercounty to semi pro. Already see it going that way without GAAGo - many top intercounty players with sponsored cars & clothes, training and match load starting to become too much for avg 30yo with 9-5 job leading to more and more uni students and part time workers. JB ought to be careful about profiteering phrases.

As a side note about cameras - get to your next game early and have a chat with either the tv truck guys or the fellas with the big cameras. RTE, GAAGo, and TG4 don't really have a lot of camera staff a lot of these guys are freelancers and do work for all 3 or more. Fairly lucrative business honestly.
Side side note - embarassing for Sunday game last week that there were no cameras at win for London over Offaly. Tho this week they didn't really show much of any of the tailteann games....

systematic (Galway) - Posts: 99 - 22/05/2024 19:37:37    2546481


Replying To KKid:  "My God, some people are only happy when they are unhappy. Would you be happier to have the option to pay 80 quid and see all these matches or go back to the good old days etc where we see only semi finals and finals?"
Agree. Some serious self-centred whinging going on.

TerraPovera (Leitrim) - Posts: 9 - 22/05/2024 20:30:48    2546488


Replying To eslinchickenmaryland:  "Sure if that is the case why are there club lottos and people going round parishes knocking on doors sheepishly collecting for grand draws etc for the club. Clubs have to look after themselves with hard pressed locals funding it and not much coming from Croke Park
The same locals getting dinged for TV licences and if they want to see the important games another ding for gaago
That's not even counting the cost of attending bog standard provincial games in football especially. Some tickets coming in at 30 quid a clip.
The cost of running the games are directly linked to the fact the games are moving from their amateur ethos to some twilight zone of semi pro."
It's great to see such entrepreneurial spirit in clubs. The successful ones are not waiting around for handouts. If there's not much coming from Croke Park as you say, considering the GAA redistribute around 83%, then obviously the GAA need to make more money.
The reality of life is that if you want to make progress as an organisation, you have to make money. If that negative thinking had prevailed since the GAA was setup then you wouldn't have the fantastic infrastructure that has been built by an amateur organisation, up against professional sports as well as historical resistance to it even existing and some current attitudes to degrade it.

'Locals getting dinged for TV licences', what relevance has that in this context. Every household in the country is supposed to pay a TV licence. If you want to change that, it's open to all to vote so that the law gets changed. A cost of 44c per day is not exactly onerous. That whinge is used now in any argument against any other costs in any sphere.

The price of tickets no doubt should be kept as low as possible. But I'd say many people complaining about prices are willing to pay multiples of those prices to go to soccer or rugby matches or other events. The sense of self entitlement is amazing when it comes to this.

TerraPovera (Leitrim) - Posts: 9 - 22/05/2024 20:57:42    2546492


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "Hopefully the GAA will learn from its mistakes but Jarlath Burns has made a terrible start as GAA President with some of his statements that the GAA will continue on the course of pursuing profits at all costs. The GAA has a turnover of €140 million so they have no need of extra money from GAA Go etc. Also they say they need more money for facilities but they have offered no extra money for Casement Park than the £15 million they pledged many years ago for example."
Completely disagree with that. Jarlath Burns has made a superb start. His interview with Claire Byrne last week is a masterclass in debunking myths and injecting reality into these debates.

TerraPovera (Leitrim) - Posts: 9 - 22/05/2024 21:02:44    2546494


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "The GAA has €140 million in turnover so they have no need for extra money for GAA Go. With that level of turnover the GAA is already extremely rich and not living on "fresh air" far from it."
And isn't it good if it is rich and better for all if it were richer still, considering it must be unique in how much of its earnings it redistributes to the grassroots (83%). It's only a drop in the ocean though compared with the money made by the top professional sports. As Jarlath Burns said, Arsenal and Manchester United make more from broadcasting rights from one game alone than the GAA make in total in five years.

But maybe there is a cohort out there that think that money isn't needed and wouldn't it be great if we could go back to some mythical golden age.
Sure wouldn't it be grand if we played on pitches that the cattle were on earlier, what harm is a bit of cow dung anyway.
Why do those pitches need to be level, wouldn't a bit of a hollow in the ground or a slope liven things up and maybe give us some excitement and mess up those new fangled defensive systems.
Why do we need all those big stadia, couldn't we hold the All Ireland finals in somewhere like that shinty crowd do for their equivalent match (which is usually smaller than your average GAA Junior Club ground).

If this sort of stunted thinking with a total lack of ambition had prevailed in the past, then that's exactly where the All Ireland finals would be now.

TerraPovera (Leitrim) - Posts: 9 - 22/05/2024 21:46:26    2546500


Replying To TerraPovera:  "It's great to see such entrepreneurial spirit in clubs. The successful ones are not waiting around for handouts. If there's not much coming from Croke Park as you say, considering the GAA redistribute around 83%, then obviously the GAA need to make more money.
The reality of life is that if you want to make progress as an organisation, you have to make money. If that negative thinking had prevailed since the GAA was setup then you wouldn't have the fantastic infrastructure that has been built by an amateur organisation, up against professional sports as well as historical resistance to it even existing and some current attitudes to degrade it.

'Locals getting dinged for TV licences', what relevance has that in this context. Every household in the country is supposed to pay a TV licence. If you want to change that, it's open to all to vote so that the law gets changed. A cost of 44c per day is not exactly onerous. That whinge is used now in any argument against any other costs in any sphere.

The price of tickets no doubt should be kept as low as possible. But I'd say many people complaining about prices are willing to pay multiples of those prices to go to soccer or rugby matches or other events. The sense of self entitlement is amazing when it comes to this."
83% of nothing to a club in Leitrim will still be nothing no matter if the GAA was making a billion a year.

Making money is for corporations, businesses and shareholders. The GAA is an amateur organisation as they like to keep bleating. Their responsibility is the promotion of the national games, which by putting them behind a paywall disenfranchises the members of the organisation into having to fork out more money.

Bear in mind the average official viewership of games shown last year on the service was about 30,000 which is a very poor figure for promoting the national games.

eslinchickenmaryland (Leitrim) - Posts: 224 - 23/05/2024 16:27:08    2546645


GAAGO are showing very little games. No group games on it today. Galway v Westmeath and Louth v Monaghan not on anywhere. What going on ?

To watch a game is 12 euro but on loitv its 7. How is GAA charging more then loi? How can loi show every game but Gaa only show 2 from 10?

brisbane (Galway) - Posts: 675 - 02/06/2024 19:14:06    2548981


Replying To brisbane:  "GAAGO are showing very little games. No group games on it today. Galway v Westmeath and Louth v Monaghan not on anywhere. What going on ?

To watch a game is 12 euro but on loitv its 7. How is GAA charging more then loi? How can loi show every game but Gaa only show 2 from 10?"
GAAGO sub was €70 for the year if you bought in December.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7571 - 02/06/2024 21:10:24    2549030


Replying To GreenandRed:  "GAAGO sub was €70 for the year if you bought in December."
What value is that if they are not covering all the games… ?

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2729 - 03/06/2024 09:22:50    2549095


Replying To brisbane:  "GAAGO are showing very little games. No group games on it today. Galway v Westmeath and Louth v Monaghan not on anywhere. What going on ?

To watch a game is 12 euro but on loitv its 7. How is GAA charging more then loi? How can loi show every game but Gaa only show 2 from 10?"
I also thought it was a bit rich that they didn't show Cork v Donegal either.

systematic (Galway) - Posts: 99 - 03/06/2024 11:15:18    2549129


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "What value is that if they are not covering all the games… ?"
I replied to a poster who said it's €12 to watch a game. There aren't enough cameramen or women to show all the games. Must be nice to live in never neverland where people get everything for free,where there's an abundance of camera people, sound techs, commentatirs, analysts etc to cover live intercounty games that very few people will watch. But sure the €160 for a TV licence or go to jail. That's 'free' to air.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7571 - 03/06/2024 12:26:30    2549145


Replying To GreenandRed:  "I replied to a poster who said it's €12 to watch a game. There aren't enough cameramen or women to show all the games. Must be nice to live in never neverland where people get everything for free,where there's an abundance of camera people, sound techs, commentatirs, analysts etc to cover live intercounty games that very few people will watch. But sure the €160 for a TV licence or go to jail. That's 'free' to air."
50% of Galways games have not been on. Both Sligo and Westmeath games were close enjoyable games not available to anyone anywhere.

In Galway we can watch every club game. I understand that might seem never neverland to you but to most people its easy to show games.

The poster even used the loitv who show every game every week and are much poorer then the GAA and has much less support.

combo (Galway) - Posts: 8 - 03/06/2024 19:57:47    2549266
