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I think you could change your system to include those 12 teams. Ulster and Leinster semi-finalists, Connacht and Munster. With a seeded championship a team winning their way through will have to have gotten through a part of the draw that included a top tier team. Should 4 Leinster teams be guaranteed a spot? There'd still be 16 spots available between 21 other teams, I don't think it'd be a big stress to have 4 Leinster have a place. The competition itself would have 20 teams playing 10 rounds and games counting for qualifying for the following season. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 22/01/2025 17:24:57 2587007 Link 0 |
Sorry, I didn't follow much of this. "those 12 teams" ? "Ulster and Leinster semi-finalists, Connacht and Munster" Is this your U4 + L4 + C2 + M2 = 12 ? "16 spots" ? "21 other teams" - presumably, non-Leinster, but with regards to what ? Send me Colombo :) omahant (USA) - Posts: 3115 - 23/01/2025 00:31:06 2587063 Link 0 |
So I'm saying there'd be 20 teams in the All Ireland. Ulster and Leinster guaranteed 4 each, Connacht and Munster 2 each. People could complain about 4 Leinster teams having guaranteed places but if you have 20 teams in the All Ireland the 21 non-Leinster teams would have 16 places available to them still. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 23/01/2025 10:12:56 2587086 Link 0 |
This has to be the most futile thread on this forum. eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2033 - 23/01/2025 10:30:47 2587089 Link 0 |
Been saying that for months . The 2 main lads need to take a break for a few years. As I said recently there is the current 2023 to 2025 system and the only other system being proposed is the "Jarlath Burns" double elimination system. The latter maintains the same qualification system as the current one. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2124 - 23/01/2025 11:02:15 2587096 Link 0 |
You know what you are right. Some of the stuff I've suggested at times are complete pie in the sky ideas. At the same time the current formats don't make a lot of sense either and there actually should be a rethink that's a lot more substantive than tinkering around the edges. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 23/01/2025 11:59:31 2587108 Link 1 |
Nothing wrong with thinking up new ideas, even if we expect nothing to come of it. There are those among us who enjoy painting or writing poems, solely for personal pleasure. Even in an echo chamber, isn't it fun? Nothing would ever change if all thought is shut down. (possibly America's future?) omahant (USA) - Posts: 3115 - 23/01/2025 17:12:40 2587178 Link 0 |
Why months - to repeat the same mistake, hoping for a different result - Einstein's definition of "*°^". More like a three-legged stool there, I'd say. omahant (USA) - Posts: 3115 - 23/01/2025 17:30:44 2587185 Link 0 |
Amusing that some are hot and bothered by discussion on the format. If the championship wasn't providing so many meaningless games, there wouldn't be any discussion. legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8580 - 23/01/2025 19:16:21 2587212 Link 0 |
@legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8434 - 23/01/2025 19:16:21 omahant (USA) - Posts: 3115 - 23/01/2025 22:13:14 2587241 Link 0 |
Don't worry - for any GAA championship format to to work properly there'd need to be about another 3 months in the year so there'll always be work to do on this thread!
brianb (Kildare) - Posts: 406 - 24/01/2025 13:44:58 2587323 Link 0 |
What is everyone's thoughts on how the UEFA Swiss style league is working? There is certainly a lot of intrigue coming into the last week - and matches have increased in importance as the weeks rolled on. brianb (Kildare) - Posts: 406 - 24/01/2025 13:53:39 2587324 Link 0 |
My AILC is my best shot ! I think UEFA's Swiss System is working better than expected, with each win sending teams up multiple places in the table (and nom-winning others down as well). While an argument can be made against each team's assymmetric match schedule, the quantity of teams advancing substantially neutralises any imbalance. One change I'd like to see though - as I don't think there's enough jeopardy on missing out on a Playoff Rd bye - In lieu of one two-legged Playoff Rd for 9-24, I'd prefer two one-legged Playoff Rds for 14-25 (no change in workload). This way, only a quarter of 12 playoff teams would advance to the Rd of 16 (along with bye teams, i.e. the 'top 13). omahant (USA) - Posts: 3115 - 24/01/2025 15:21:43 2587350 Link 0 |
Swiss Systems are very flexible. omahant (USA) - Posts: 3115 - 24/01/2025 15:35:58 2587355 Link 0 |
The league's position as a qualifying route for the All Ireland seems secure. The new format to be voted on in February is confirmation of that. legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8580 - 25/01/2025 08:05:44 2587424 Link 0 |
"The league's position as a qualifying route for the All Ireland seems secure." This is a big issue though. Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4416 - 25/01/2025 15:10:40 2587467 Link 0 |
Where is it a big issue? There seems to be more people speaking up about provincial championships before league than there are about opposition to the league offering a qualifying route. Colm O'Rourke, Eamonn Fitzmaurice and Michael Murphy have spoken in favour of provincial championships before league.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8580 - 25/01/2025 23:04:04 2587544 Link 0 |
The new rules were instigated and formulated by an anti Ulster cabal within the Free State media and Southern GAA. It was chiefly designed to hinder Ulster sides I have no doubt about this. Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9811 - 26/01/2025 01:30:56 2587556 Link 0 |
Hopefully you're a winder upper. If not you need help. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2124 - 26/01/2025 09:37:16 2587583 Link 0 |
I think we have a wind-up merchant in the house...
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1190 - 26/01/2025 09:59:28 2587590 Link 1 |