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Agree we need to be consistently competitive at u20, and then hopefully at Senior. As regards coaching what more can Wexford GAA do than organise sessions and courses to improve the standard of coaching? Mihael and Ray can't hire a coach or 2 and drive them round the clubs and schools forcing people to get on board with shotguns. It's up to the people of Wexford to go on these courses, rather than stand on the sidelines, or even worse not bother standing on the sidelines supporting the teams.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 13:57:11 2538067 Link 0 |
I'm won't either but in fairness to him just like a player can improve I think he's improved significantly as a referee since that game.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 15/04/2024 13:57:54 2538068 Link 0 |
Fair play to you for encouraging and supporting him. I hope it works out for him and he gets to play Senior some day. And better again win something at Senior!
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 13:59:01 2538070 Link 1 |
I agree we shouldn't accept mediocrity, but that's pretty much where we have been at since I was at National school in the 70s. Change has to happen from the bottom up, and from being involved over the winter with the u12s our skill development from u8 to u12 in the clubs is way behind other counties.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 14:02:06 2538071 Link 0 |
I'm afraid going to the match isn't an option when your living in Perth! They had another lad commentating on SE radio (for the cork match if memory serves me right) and he actually commentated on the match which was a pleasant surprise - I think Spratt was down in Enniscorthy commentating on the football match. Anyway, I suppose we can all look forward to the day Spratt retires and they get someone in that can actually do some commentating!
Davidwex (Wexford) - Posts: 11 - 15/04/2024 14:03:22 2538072 Link 0 |
Dont know if I agree with that . I know my own club The last two years we have been given gym programmes , everyone posts their work to an app group and we are regularly tested so there is no hiding place. The main focus is both strength , power and injury prevention . I think even at club level now you will not be able to compete if lads arent doing gym work
Afinestick96 (Wexford) - Posts: 455 - 15/04/2024 14:12:32 2538079 Link 0 |
Just out of interest, now we are talking about walking the walk, are you involved in coaching? If not, why not? If you are, how do you think you need to improve? What have you done to improve your coaching? If you already a good coach, award 2 say, then why aren't you involved coaching an underage development squad?
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 14:21:30 2538083 Link 0 |
I'm not doubting you but I find that to believe, even in the club game I would have taught you'd be left behind these days if you weren't putting in the S&C work.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 15/04/2024 14:27:03 2538084 Link 0 |
Around 2017/18 time I was working with a lad who plays club Junior hurling and Senior football in Laois, he told me whoever was in charge of them had the metric given to them in January of if you couldn't squat your body weight by the club championship started which was April back then you weren't getting on the starting team.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 15/04/2024 14:46:19 2538095 Link 0 |
That was Noel Holohan I think, yeah Spratt was doing the football later that evening which was actually postponed til the next day.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 15/04/2024 14:48:35 2538097 Link 0 |
Just to clarify think it was more geared towards the football given they were competing at a higher standard.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 15/04/2024 14:52:19 2538100 Link 0 |
I actually enjoy Spratts commentary in fairness and have sometimes listened to it while watching a match, but it gives you very little about what's happening on the pitch:-D
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 15:09:59 2538107 Link 0 |
It didn't work for Limerick til 2015 and 2017. It takes time. And they had an exceptional group of players, its not often you get lads that size all coming at the one time in any county. Also I think the lads at u14 and u15 need to get together more often tbh. Not sure how that can be organised or funded either tbh.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 15:12:46 2538109 Link 0 |
You are with a Senior club I'm guessing?
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 15:14:05 2538110 Link 0 |
I'm a member of an Intermediate club, alot of the lads never went near a gym. We got one in last year and a good few lads haven't used it. Guess that's one of the reasons we are only Intermediate!
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 15:16:02 2538111 Link 0 |
He provides the odd comedy moment but in terms of the actual function of a radio commentator not so much.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 15/04/2024 17:06:14 2538149 Link 0 |
Until I got a small bit of gym equipment in the house over the covid lockdowns I used to use the gym of 1 of the hotels around Wexford town and you'd see GAA players from local clubs constantly, if clubs are getting in there own gyms obviously you might not see as much of that.
TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 15/04/2024 17:16:02 2538154 Link 0 |
I go to a gym in town. There are past and present players from Martins, Shels, Oylegate, Mary's, Joe's, and Barntown who use it. More again use the Ferrycarrig. Some of our lads have gyms at home, while others have been going since they were 18. But there are still a good few adult players at our club who don't do any gym work in an organised or regular way, and I know of several other clubs where that's the case also. We got a gym together last year, and some lads are using it. But not all by any stretch.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15079 - 15/04/2024 17:25:15 2538160 Link 0 |
Gym isn't the be all and end all. As long as players are in good condition and are relatively big enough they have a good chance of winning. A team of 15 that go to the gym isn't going to beat a team of 15 decent hurlers
Wexforduser89 (Wexford) - Posts: 16 - 15/04/2024 18:08:09 2538168 Link 0 |
Spratt will never retire. I enjoy his commentary
Yellowhelmet (Australia) - Posts: 118 - 15/04/2024 21:30:45 2538191 Link 0 |