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Wexford Hurling thread 2024

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Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "So you still haven't commented on Limerick or Tipp's poor displays at the weekend? I agree regards Limerick on Friday had them favorites for the All Ireland and Clare, Kilkenny and Tipp part of the 5 team chasing pack who are all roughly the same level. Today I still see it that way."
Tipp haven't the scoring forwards to be up there for me. Think Galway will be ahead of them come the AI series.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13296 - 25/03/2024 13:10:07    2533535


Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "I think that lad from Glynn on the Good Counsel team was playing on the u19 development team Friday night, I absolutely agree than St Peters dropping to B grade wouldn't be good, the more schools competing at A grade the better, this isn't really to relevant to Wexford more nationally but you have to wonder are the schools a bit skewed when you see Kierans have been in 9 Croke Cup finals in a row (no final in 2020 or 21) due to covid, yet this hasn't been reflected in Kilkenny dominating intercounty underage in the same period, what really brought this home to me was the outcry last year when Offaly schools won Leinster yet Keirans who they bet in the final had a bigger spread of clubs including a player from Laois and a player from Carlow on the starting team, I know talking to people in Kilkenny that they think the Keirans situation isn't healthy for the county as a whole."
Just to comment on the Peters dropping to Senior B, chatting to teachers in there involved who I know well say this has more to do with the admission changes, in that its a lottery where as years gone past they could take the best hurlers when they apply while now, its a complete lottery who they get.

alwaysasub (Wexford) - Posts: 423 - 25/03/2024 13:10:23    2533536


Replying To wexfordminor92:  "the u18 boy in question is in school in Wexford CBS,
feeder teams to Wexford schools are from Annes martins harriers shells barn town and a big crew from oulart, all top Wexford senior clubs and all premier and ronin 1 at minor level, still st peters dropping to senior b along with the CBS,
very worrying situation for the standard of underage club hurling in Wexford county, yet Good Counsel are supplied from junior and intermediate teams from south Kilkenny and newross yet can complete at the high level every year at senior A in Leinster, (I did notice players from barntown and Martins on their team last year, are these boys county underage players)
this seems very hard to explain, and would you agree st peters dropping to Senior B is a concern"
It is. Wall is by all accounts an excellent coach at GC. Who is over the team at Peters?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13296 - 25/03/2024 13:11:12    2533537


Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "So you still haven't commented on Limerick or Tipp's poor displays at the weekend? I agree regards Limerick on Friday had them favorites for the All Ireland and Clare, Kilkenny and Tipp part of the 5 team chasing pack who are all roughly the same level. Today I still see it that way."
I see Cork and Galway as a bigger threat than Tipp this year. Just dont think Tipp have the forwards apart from Jake Morris and Jason Forde who was uncharacteristically poor on the frees yesterday. Think the pecking order currently looks like Limerick, Kilkenny, Clare, Galway, Cork , Tipp, Ourselves , Waterford, Dublin. These are likely to change over the coming weeks

Afinestick96 (Wexford) - Posts: 342 - 25/03/2024 13:20:30    2533545


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "Limerick will still win the All-Ireland at their ease in my opinion, but that did not stop Kilkenny getting in to the trenches with them. They got off the bus with a F these fellahs attitude. We've 36 All-Irelands these have 1/3 of that. We are Kilkenny. As Martin Fogarty said "If Limerick won the next 20 All-Irelands they'd still have less".

Wexford and many other counties would have got off the bus and had a "give it a lash Jack and we have a heap of injuries and Dublin in 4 weeks time is all that matters" attitude.

Mindset. It is powerful."
Dublin have won one Leinster title in 62 years. Don't think you are in the right place to be talking about hurling or 'mindset'.

countyman2022 (Wexford) - Posts: 680 - 25/03/2024 13:21:32    2533546


Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "I know and agree, just seeing the lads complaining about excuses etc. over the last week had any taughts on poor displays by Limerick and Tipp over the weekend."
Its not only now that Wexford people have excuses, or "if this hadn't happened" stories now, is it?
I saw it in our own club when we lost a huge game, 2 of the lads were blaming the referee at the end but both were flagging at the end because they had been on a sun holiday just before championship.

StoreysTash (Wexford) - Posts: 1777 - 25/03/2024 13:50:53    2533570


Replying To Afinestick96:  "I see Cork and Galway as a bigger threat than Tipp this year. Just dont think Tipp have the forwards apart from Jake Morris and Jason Forde who was uncharacteristically poor on the frees yesterday. Think the pecking order currently looks like Limerick, Kilkenny, Clare, Galway, Cork , Tipp, Ourselves , Waterford, Dublin. These are likely to change over the coming weeks"
I agree on that pecking order but the point I'm making is the gap the between Kilkenny and Tipp is smaller than the gap from Limerick to Kilkenny in my opinion.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 25/03/2024 14:02:13    2533578


Replying To Viking66:  "Tipp haven't the scoring forwards to be up there for me. Think Galway will be ahead of them come the AI series."
I would too but only slightly ahead, if they played next week in championship I'd probably see it 55/45 in Galway's favour.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 25/03/2024 14:03:57    2533580


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "I don't see your point, or what you want me to say about them?
Tipp and Limerick were beaten by better teams on the day. Neither will make excuses and both will regroup.
I don't think either of them have - or would have - or could have - any complaints.
Limerick are Limerick and still AI favourites by a mile and Tipp have a lot of work to do.
I don't see any other point you are making, truth be told."
Think the point is that you haven't said the performances were scandalous, and that they will therefore be going nowhere in the Championship, or that their fans deserved better after paying 20 euros to see the games.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13296 - 25/03/2024 14:06:07    2533581


Replying To alwaysasub:  "Just to comment on the Peters dropping to Senior B, chatting to teachers in there involved who I know well say this has more to do with the admission changes, in that its a lottery where as years gone past they could take the best hurlers when they apply while now, its a complete lottery who they get."
It's not a complete lottery. Children apply to multiple schools and pick their favourite out of the schools that offer them a place.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13296 - 25/03/2024 14:07:30    2533582


Replying To Viking66:  "It's not a complete lottery. Children apply to multiple schools and pick their favourite out of the schools that offer them a place."
agree not a valid excuse, just seems to be a serious lack of interest in gaa in st peters, takes efford to compete a senior level in both hurling and football, why do good cousel compete,bring back mick caulfield
declan wall doing serious work in gsc
i know willie cleary tried to have a connection between the schools and clubs when he was county coach but never continued with current set up,
wexford need st peters at A level hurling

wexfordminor92 (Wexford) - Posts: 75 - 25/03/2024 15:25:34    2533621


Replying To Viking66:  "It's not a complete lottery. Children apply to multiple schools and pick their favourite out of the schools that offer them a place."
No disrespect to Peters but they haven't really been a powerhouse in Senior hurling in a long time .. The seem to be living on past glories! (similiar to GCC) .. Surely Senior hurling status could depend on how their teams did at U14 / U16 levels

MyOhMi (Wexford) - Posts: 139 - 25/03/2024 15:28:07    2533623


Replying To ExiledInWex:  "I don't see your point, or what you want me to say about them?
Tipp and Limerick were beaten by better teams on the day. Neither will make excuses and both will regroup.
I don't think either of them have - or would have - or could have - any complaints.
Limerick are Limerick and still AI favourites by a mile and Tipp have a lot of work to do.
I don't see any other point you are making, truth be told."
Tipp and Limerick were beaten by better teams and will regroup after disappointing performances like you said but a disappointing performance from Wexford merits 1 of your predictable rants about culture, mindset and how your still ****** about paying 18E for a league game 13 months ago.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 25/03/2024 15:38:52    2533628


Replying To Viking66:  "It's not a complete lottery. Children apply to multiple schools and pick their favourite out of the schools that offer them a place."
I was told anecdotally but open to correction but the old adage of you'll get into a school because your mother or father attended it doesn't apply as much these days.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 25/03/2024 15:41:46    2533629


Just going off of posts put in here regarding all Ireland favourites/ power rankings. Out of Limerick, Clare, Cork, Kilkenny, Galway, Tipp, Dublin and Waterford, on any given day in the championship with a full strength team - who do yous think we could beat?

OpenStandWall (Wexford) - Posts: 132 - 25/03/2024 15:43:02    2533631


Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "I think that lad from Glynn on the Good Counsel team was playing on the u19 development team Friday night, I absolutely agree than St Peters dropping to B grade wouldn't be good, the more schools competing at A grade the better, this isn't really to relevant to Wexford more nationally but you have to wonder are the schools a bit skewed when you see Kierans have been in 9 Croke Cup finals in a row (no final in 2020 or 21) due to covid, yet this hasn't been reflected in Kilkenny dominating intercounty underage in the same period, what really brought this home to me was the outcry last year when Offaly schools won Leinster yet Keirans who they bet in the final had a bigger spread of clubs including a player from Laois and a player from Carlow on the starting team, I know talking to people in Kilkenny that they think the Keirans situation isn't healthy for the county as a whole."
who is the st martins and barntown lads on the good counsel team?
i got the same feed back about kierans, but we in wexford need as many boys exposed to A level schools hurling, it is u19 and way higher level than u17 minor, boys are more mature and any boy who missed underage squads due to late development are picked up, no club politics on selection, it yoir good enough your picked,
with a bit of suppprt from ferns we could early have st peters, gsc, enniscorty cbs and gorey cs playing at top level, then add in fcj and wexford cbs at b level
i know willie cleary tried to encourge this but why was it not continued, st peters droping to b level is a massive step back fir the development of hurling in this county

wexfordminor92 (Wexford) - Posts: 75 - 25/03/2024 15:43:46    2533632


Replying To OpenStandWall:  "Just going off of posts put in here regarding all Ireland favourites/ power rankings. Out of Limerick, Clare, Cork, Kilkenny, Galway, Tipp, Dublin and Waterford, on any given day in the championship with a full strength team - who do yous think we could beat?"
If we are full strength and hurling really well I think we can beat anyone bar Limerick. If they get out of Munster they will still be the team to beat

Afinestick96 (Wexford) - Posts: 342 - 25/03/2024 15:56:42    2533637


Replying To wexfordminor92:  "who is the st martins and barntown lads on the good counsel team?
i got the same feed back about kierans, but we in wexford need as many boys exposed to A level schools hurling, it is u19 and way higher level than u17 minor, boys are more mature and any boy who missed underage squads due to late development are picked up, no club politics on selection, it yoir good enough your picked,
with a bit of suppprt from ferns we could early have st peters, gsc, enniscorty cbs and gorey cs playing at top level, then add in fcj and wexford cbs at b level
i know willie cleary tried to encourge this but why was it not continued, st peters droping to b level is a massive step back fir the development of hurling in this county"
Cian Carthy from Glynn and Conn Mernagh from St Martins.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 25/03/2024 15:57:06    2533638


Replying To Afinestick96:  "If we are full strength and hurling really well I think we can beat anyone bar Limerick. If they get out of Munster they will still be the team to beat"
I'd agree there's 5 teams below Limerick where we would be definitely underdogs but not no- hopers if we faced them.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 25/03/2024 16:23:55    2533648


Replying To countyman2022:  "Dublin have won one Leinster title in 62 years. Don't think you are in the right place to be talking about hurling or 'mindset'."
We have not, you are right. I was talking about Kilkenny's mindset is the only problem.

ExiledInWex (Dublin) - Posts: 1250 - 25/03/2024 16:51:00    2533663
