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Dublin Club Championship

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Replying To Fionn:  "Crokes are Evens
Na Fianna 10/3
Boden 9/2
Kickhams 10/1
Judes 14/1

Cant see Crokes being beaten this year thb."
If they have their main men on the field for the knockout stages they will be hard beat including in defence of All Ireland.

Na Fianna are the obvious alternative, but they need to seriously up their scoring threat. I'd still fancy Kickhams to have a say assuming they get to quarter finals and have everyone fit.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 11/08/2023 16:23:37    2500098


Great win for Vinnies, Some of the old timers really showed up, and some good displays from younger lads like Dylan
Dunne who scored some nice points when Whitehall were coming back at them.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 11/08/2023 20:53:44    2500121


Script torn up earlier in PP...

Big result for Vinnies.

Whitehall left themselves with too much to do in 2nd but will still rue a couple of good goal chances, early in the 2nd half.

On a side note - Mossie - what a player even at 42... pulled the strings in the 1st half and what a pass for the 1st goal of the game, from the end line.. Lasted the 62mins also. What a legend to Dublin football he is.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 11/08/2023 22:58:21    2500130


Replying To CiarraiMick:  "I just googled it and it says "Paul Geaneys bar and restaurant" main street. I was in it 5 or 6 years ago for grub (very nice) but could nt remember name or location."
It's between Foxy John's and An Driochead Beag iirc Mick.

Was there last winter.

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13770 - 11/08/2023 23:14:55    2500133


Replying To MesAmis:  "It's between Foxy John's and An Driochead Beag iirc Mick.

Was there last winter."
You should avoid the seafront like the plague. Paddy Bawns is just up the road and full of Kerry/Dubs memorabilia and pint is about 1.50 cheaper. No exaggeration. Is baile iontach í Daingean Úi Chuis, ach níl ach tús an bóthar go Chorca Dhuibhne agua an fíor Chiarraí!,

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 12/08/2023 08:54:33    2500142


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Great win for Vinnies, Some of the old timers really showed up, and some good displays from younger lads like Dylan
Dunne who scored some nice points when Whitehall were coming back at them."
Cian Dunne. Don't know where the Dylan came from. Might be a lad who might expect a call over the Winter if he continues his form. Free taking has been his forte up to now but was mostly bad last night, albeit on a windy night when Costello misfired until late on too. Dunne kicked some great points from play and was by far the most impressive forward on show, with Mossie sublime in supporting role including DC like pass for goal in first half! and two key turnovers out the filed due to innate cuteness.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 12/08/2023 08:58:32    2500143


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "You should avoid the seafront like the plague. Paddy Bawns is just up the road and full of Kerry/Dubs memorabilia and pint is about 1.50 cheaper. No exaggeration. Is baile iontach í Daingean Úi Chuis, ach níl ach tús an bóthar go Chorca Dhuibhne agua an fíor Chiarraí!,"
Bhíomar ann don chéad uair le blianta fada anuas thar an Nollaig seo caite. Baile álainn ach baile fíor-chostasach a mheasamar!

Tá Corca Dhuibhne go hálainn gan amhras ach b'fhearr liom Uíbh Rathach mé fhéin, go háirithe timpeall ar Dhoire Fhionáin/Cathar Dhónail nó Baile an Sceilg.

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13770 - 12/08/2023 10:49:21    2500163


Replying To MesAmis:  "It's between Foxy John's and An Driochead Beag iirc Mick.

Was there last winter."
Go raibh maith agat a chara!

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3823 - 12/08/2023 12:34:19    2500176


Dreadful game between Judes and Na Fianna. Most of excitement was in injury time. Na Fianna awful. Little or no forward threat and late goal was square ball.

Can't see Na Fianna recovering to mount real threat even if they do get the second spot, and would not like to see Judes going much further.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 12/08/2023 16:57:00    2500209


Some comeback by Raheny over Cuala in the 2nd half, even with the strong wind.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 12/08/2023 20:25:44    2500234


Replying To Fionn:  "Some comeback by Raheny over Cuala in the 2nd half, even with the strong wind."
Saw the half time result and thought that Cuala would hold on. Has also seen them as a potential challenger, but seemingly too dependent on Con.

After the first round, the only thing we can take is that Crokes appear to be a good bit ahead of the pack, even when not anywhere near full strength nor tuning. Hard to see any of the others getting near them to be honest. Raheny after yesterday look well placed to go through and it they can improve their scoring capacity on previous years, as was seemingly the case yesterday, then they be hard to beat. Best club midfield in country in fairness!

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 13/08/2023 11:46:10    2500281
