National Forum

Turning The Hill Into All Seater

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I think it will be difficult to bar individuals. But I would suggest that the GAA make it clear that there will be sanctions against counties of fans who transgress in future.. e.g. fines .no hill tickets for future games, forfeiture of home fixtures. That way there is an incentive for fans to make sure that their more disruptive county colleagues are kept in toe.

anotheralias (Galway) - Posts: 912 - 05/07/2023 21:43:06    2492541


Replying To RHF:  "If drink was banned on trains and buses this problem would be sorted very quickly. The scrotes wouldn't even bother going and the rest would have a couple of pints before the match and hopefully be a bit more mannered.

Is it even legal to drink on a bus in Ireland?

If you think that's the problem,you don't know the problem.

cityman73 (Limerick) - Posts: 783 - 05/07/2023 21:56:28    2492542


Replying To Seanfanbocht:  "Wouldn't you lose half the capacity?"
They looked at it before and that was one issue as well as the overall logistics of having to expand which would have planning and other implications.

A stand that was not going to look ridiculously out of synch with the rest of stadium would mean going back into people's back gardens!

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2929 - 06/07/2023 09:46:48    2492566


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "They looked at it before and that was one issue as well as the overall logistics of having to expand which would have planning and other implications.

A stand that was not going to look ridiculously out of synch with the rest of stadium would mean going back into people's back gardens!"
Couldn't be any worse than the Aviva.

I'll disagree with a lot of posters here. Yeah a lot of counties have an element of messers and drunk idiots. In my experience though Armagh have a sinister element about them especially when on the hill. I haven't experienced that from other Northern Counties.

daytona11 (Kildare) - Posts: 4012 - 06/07/2023 10:27:11    2492581


Replying To streaker:  "To my knowledge, the majority of those getting bailed out by the state wouldn't have much interest in the All Ireland series..."
not always..I seen a few at intercounty games and how they were and are constantly there with the price of tickets amazes me...

Fairplayalways (Offaly) - Posts: 1037 - 06/07/2023 11:50:51    2492618


Replying To daytona11:  "Couldn't be any worse than the Aviva.

I'll disagree with a lot of posters here. Yeah a lot of counties have an element of messers and drunk idiots. In my experience though Armagh have a sinister element about them especially when on the hill. I haven't experienced that from other Northern Counties."
Yeah that sounds like a scientific survey alright, like for instance how many times were you on the hill with Armagh supporters and what did this sinister element do "in your experience"

sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 749 - 06/07/2023 12:09:38    2492626


Replying To Fairplayalways:  "not always..I seen a few at intercounty games and how they were and are constantly there with the price of tickets amazes me..."
You probably misconstrued what I was getting at, but I'm with you on the initial issue...

streaker (Galway) - Posts: 500 - 06/07/2023 12:47:46    2492642


Replying To daytona11:  "Couldn't be any worse than the Aviva.

I'll disagree with a lot of posters here. Yeah a lot of counties have an element of messers and drunk idiots. In my experience though Armagh have a sinister element about them especially when on the hill. I haven't experienced that from other Northern Counties."
Sounds like you've a chip on your shoulder and it's Mc Geaney you're really having a dig at. As most level headed people point out, no counties are angels but they should come down hard on their trouble makers.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2097 - 06/07/2023 12:55:50    2492644


Replying To Saynothing:  "Sounds like you've a chip on your shoulder and it's Mc Geaney you're really having a dig at. As most level headed people point out, no counties are angels but they should come down hard on their trouble makers."
Does McGeaney be on the Hill much??

streaker (Galway) - Posts: 500 - 06/07/2023 14:54:25    2492682


Replying To streaker:  "Does McGeaney be on the Hill much??"
I don't know, does he?

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2097 - 06/07/2023 17:06:59    2492725


Replying To Fairplayalways:  ""they move in pretty quickly"...there wasnt too much sign of them in the clip from the hill at the weekend and it was a lenghty enough clip I seen...they shouldnt have to "move in very quickly, they should be stationed at points in all areas, not in a huddle near the exits always near halfway...and I wont hear this ould lark a low visibility presence etc. that is only justifying them standing around near where the elete are seated etc..let them go in as put 2 or 3 per each area front and back and there will be little trouble...getting paid to save the referee which isnt too often and watch the games appears to be their job discriptions to date...nothing personal against them but it doesnt look too organised their current locations anyway..."
I'd say you must have failed the aptitude test for the Guards back in the day!

1st..sub (Galway) - Posts: 26 - 06/07/2023 19:34:23    2492744


Replying To daytona11:  "Couldn't be any worse than the Aviva.

I'll disagree with a lot of posters here. Yeah a lot of counties have an element of messers and drunk idiots. In my experience though Armagh have a sinister element about them especially when on the hill. I haven't experienced that from other Northern Counties."
I see the Armagh fans must've infiltrated the hill for Sunday's game too. Bloody nordies!

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 11/07/2023 19:41:43    2493884


The silence is deafening after last weeks row in the hurling. Double standards once again and one wonders where the anti northern chip on the shoulder comes from.

ardmhacha (Armagh) - Posts: 172 - 16/07/2023 19:20:38    2494886


There was a couple of incidents on the Hill during the first game which injured a young girl.
The guilty person was identified and arrested.
Horrific and could have been so much worse... Such a stupid dangerous act.
Thankfully the Gardai stopped the incident spiraling out of control as fans went to seek retribution.

Another taken away for questioning also as he tried to leave the stadium after that game.

Before that 2 other fans were also taken off the Hill by Gardai.
All from the same county I might add.

Always a few idiots who tarnish the good name of a county's support.

Yet again, there was clearly not enough of a Garda presence before these incidents.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 17/07/2023 10:07:05    2494996
