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Font of Wisdom of 187 posts HU Hu Tomsmith here from Cavan Town Font of wisdom ough what a uppish handle to use for your 187 Posts . To challenge a senior Poster like Tomsmith who (is aided / guided by the great Mrs T) over the years has been in the fore front of intelligent posts on Hoganstand. But anyway Font of wisdom of 187 posts or is it 87posts you simply say verylittle in relation to the negative aspect of the current Gaa game. I feel that supporters should demand a refund from the Gateman if not happy with the players performance tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3999 - 10/06/2023 21:54:24 2485388 Link 0 |
That last line gave me a laugh. "The ideas you're proposing are utterly stupid and would promote boring defensive football" So it's about the degree of boredom one can tolerate then, yeah? PoolSturgeon (Galway) - Posts: 1979 - 10/06/2023 22:33:50 2485400 Link 0 |
I prefer not to debate with you Tom. Although I agree that you were yourself a decent footballer and played a brand that was different to what we watch now, your modus operandi here is to troll. You're using accounts purporting to be from a few different counties, purely to disrupt real debate.
Fontofwisdom (Cavan) - Posts: 128 - 11/06/2023 23:09:05 2485654 Link 0 |
Tom smith and his good wife maybe the most visionary posters on this forum. It is true that the GAA is concerned about the attractiveness of Gaelic Football, and maybe is no coincidence that weeks after our esteemed Tom Smith posting his concerns, the top official in the GAA ( O' Donovan) has proposed rule changes to the game. Maybe he should consult Tom before doing anything in future! Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 433 - 13/06/2023 16:50:04 2486264 Link 0 |
Tom, another county! How do you remember all the passwords?
Fontofwisdom (Cavan) - Posts: 128 - 14/06/2023 09:06:52 2486351 Link 0 |
I'll keep this as short as I can, I would like to post here more often but no, the first 3 or 4 posts of mine were short and reasonable but were ignored and that's all right by me but were I read here and see how a particular poster can start a thread of nonsense and then hijack it to suit him / her self beats me, the same poster can succeed in getting responses from long term good posters, maybe if I started posting nonsense stuff it would work for me. Cuhullain (Kildare) - Posts: 298 - 14/06/2023 10:43:40 2486376 Link 2 |
For a poster whose widely mocked and dismissed as a wum on this forum,, Tomsmith doesn't half get people talking Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 14/06/2023 11:09:04 2486383 Link 0 |
Seems to work in USA. The most radical politicians get the attention, like Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene and controversial talk show hosts like the recently departed Tucker Carlson, and Hannity. The venerable Tom Smith is not associated with this crowd, and for a Cavan man talks a lot of sense. I still feel that Cavan were robbed by referee against Cork in 1967 semifinal. Cork won by a point, got a penalty that shouldn't have been given, and Cavan denied a penalty! The Breffni will be back!
Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 433 - 14/06/2023 11:56:13 2486404 Link 0 |
Tom Smith has over 3000 posts, and very likely could be an administrator on this forum. Anybody with this amount of posts, is quite likely running the show!
Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 433 - 14/06/2023 13:00:00 2486424 Link 0 |
There is very few administrators. there is moderators. big difference between a moderator and administrator KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3711 - 14/06/2023 13:54:22 2486429 Link 0 |
I don't know any.
Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 433 - 14/06/2023 19:47:46 2486521 Link 0 |
'Tom' is quite well known in gaa circles and I doubt people would associate him with the kind of low blow trolling he engages in on this forum.
Fontofwisdom (Cavan) - Posts: 128 - 15/06/2023 09:35:30 2486571 Link 1 |
Fantastic weekend in the football championship. Very unfair the early stages of the football championship being compared to the hurling which had 4 of the top 6 teams competing for places in the latter stages. A Another (None) - Posts: 193 - 19/06/2023 10:29:39 2487120 Link 0 |
Replying To Cuhullain: "I'll keep this as short as I can, I would like to post here more often but no, the first 3 or 4 posts of mine were short and reasonable but were ignored and that's all right by me but were I read here and see how a particular poster can start a thread of nonsense and then hijack it to suit him / her self beats me, the same poster can succeed in getting responses from long term good posters, maybe if I started posting nonsense stuff it would work for me." 'Tom' is quite well known in gaa circles and I doubt people would associate him with the kind of low blow trolling he engages in on this forum. Fontofwisdom (Cavan) - Posts: 95 - Tomsmith here Poor Cuhullain Tomsmith here As a senior Poster of longstanding who posts excellent intelligent posts ( assisted by the great Mrs T) I have sympathy for you if your Posts did not reach the Hoganstand high standard . If you could get in touch with forerblue Cavan , Viking or that other fellow who uses Killing Fields from ough County Limerick some of them could guide you in how to compile a rubbish posts and get it printed on the board. I can name a few other rubbish posters or should I say posters of rubbish who slipped through the net with inferior posts. As a senior poster we do endeavour to maintain a high standard on this site and as such inferior posts like font of wisdons do sometime slip through tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3999 - 19/06/2023 13:10:06 2487300 Link 0 |