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Take what you want.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7857 - 22/03/2025 21:04:52 2597856 Link 1 |
In fairness to Garron he spoke fairly and truthfully. Pity politicians in Ireland couldn't follow his example. Follow him.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2271 - 23/03/2025 00:22:19 2597882 Link 5 |
Fair play to ya but isn't that Trumps JOB??? I mean who elected him to do what? Simple question. Imagine if Ireland had PRO IRELAND politicians but they don't.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 23/03/2025 02:05:10 2597887 Link 2 |
Yeah it's his job. But if he seriously did everything he said he's going to do it could be catastrophic for Ireland. Hence why I pointed it out to you. Now, maybe you consider yourself American more than Irish, that's your prerogative. Fair enough if you're living over there, look after number one.
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9696 - 23/03/2025 09:18:24 2597902 Link 1 |
I suppose that is the literal meaning of MAGA. Make America great again and to let everyone else do the same. If only global politics and trade were as simple as that. Let's see what the situation is in Spring Summer 2026. These policies should be starting to bear fruit at that point in time - or not, as the case might be.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 23/03/2025 11:09:14 2597920 Link 0 |
That would be no. Christ on a bike.
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1231 - 23/03/2025 16:08:13 2597989 Link 0 |
Give up the mind reading.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7857 - 23/03/2025 17:22:31 2598020 Link 0 |
You're quick to offer up a view on most things. At least he had the balls to do it.
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1231 - 23/03/2025 17:43:06 2598031 Link 0 |
You assume too much. Why assume I don't agree or do agree with what he said? He said a lot in 127 seconds. Which part would you assume I don't agree with?
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7857 - 23/03/2025 17:57:09 2598041 Link 0 |
"We're already talking about that, dividing up certain assets," he says" points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet (Tyrone) - Posts: 290 - 23/03/2025 18:15:15 2598053 Link 0 |
Hard to disagree with any of that.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 23/03/2025 18:24:10 2598056 Link 1 |
I see that Europe can relax. Mr Witkoff says that Putin has no plans to invade "the rest of Europe ". How does he know this - that paragon of truth telling - Putin - said so and Mr Witkoff believes him. Isn't that comforting ?? Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 23/03/2025 21:54:28 2598149 Link 0 |
GOOD MAN TRUMP! Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 24/03/2025 18:08:08 2598392 Link 2 |
The Atlantic story about the group chat is the craziest thing I have seen. Imagine these eejits are running a government. TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8340 - 24/03/2025 20:35:50 2598421 Link 0 |
But you forget - GOOD MAN TRUMP. Credit where it is due. To hell with the rest of the world.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 24/03/2025 23:35:07 2598447 Link 2 |
There's NO DEFENDING it. Egg on face for sure. This CANT happen. I hope they learn from it.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 25/03/2025 18:16:42 2598585 Link 1 |
Absolutely crazy stuff and hear them trying to blame the journalist trying to make out that he made it all up and was useless and had a record of doing similar fake stories
minor77 (Galway) - Posts: 265 - 25/03/2025 19:52:49 2598593 Link 0 |
TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8340 - 25/03/2025 20:40:21 2598596 Link 0 |
Whatever about the Americans isn't our own Dail a complete joke? Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3145 - 25/03/2025 21:32:49 2598603 Link 2 |
Trump doing his best to end the fighting? A ceasefire on the way with Russia dictating the terms? So no ceasefire?
TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8340 - 26/03/2025 07:21:27 2598619 Link 0 |