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Replying To TheFlaker:  "I know nothing about McGregor ?? I have seen some lies in my time but that tops the lot."
I know nothing about McGregor as I said, nor do I want to, no interest in MMA at all, he has apparently made a fortune for himself and good luck to him with that.
I just agree with what he said about unchecked illegal immigration in this country. Most people I know feel the same about it.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3145 - 19/03/2025 20:01:21    2597354


Replying To Viking66:  "Agree 100% but your country has changed now. Nowadays its not "give us your poor" it's "if you are rich we will sell you a place in our country"."
That's because the NEEDS of the country have changed. Look up the Oklahoma Land Rush when the US was giving away land and encouraging settlers to Go West. As for the Rich coming in it may help the US National Debt that approaches $37 TRILLION.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 19/03/2025 20:11:36    2597355


Replying To Trump2020:  "Those that landed at Ellis Island came with whatever was required at that time. They entered LEGALLY. It's the same as your Front Door as in people can come in the right way or the wrong way. This isn't rocket science."
Another totally out of context comment. How the hell do you think they were supposed to get in. There were no submarines or speed boats to drop them on a sandy beach somewhere. They were poor devastated souls, in the main, who had spent all their worldly possessions to make the crossing, many to unscrupulous shipping agents. Many died on the journey. How else do you think they were going to get in, for gods sake. Through the front door my ass. And then, when they got in, they had to run the gauntlet of being despised for their nationality, religion, at the mercy of crooked landlords and agents. Maybe it's time you got yourself out of Breitbart news and similar outlets and really got out more and smelt the coffee, or maybe just stick to your vision of the great Mr T, of whom you never cease to be in thrall of his feats.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 19/03/2025 20:14:49    2597356


Replying To Lockjaw:  "I would suggest that you do the tiniest bit of reading up on McGregor and decide whether he's the type of man you want to be agreeing with. I try to ignore the hateful drivel he comes out with. But I have to admit that seeing him at the White House lectern pontificating about immigration, as if he had some sort of mandate to speak for the Irish people made my blood boil. A sickening, hatefui individual."
Honestly Lockjaw I know nothing about him other than he is an MMA fighter. you can't avoid seeing him on the news at times etc but I pass no heed on most of the rubbish they call news anyway.
I agree with him on the illegal migrants issue, I don't know if he said he was speaking for the Irish people, I suppose he's entitled to his own views same as everyone else.
Unchecked illegal migration was responsible for the Brits voting Brexit imo, it was also a big factor imo in Trump getting elected President because of their porous southern border.
There is a trend there, I think unless the EU gets control of the illegal migration issue it will cause the breakup of the ever more centralised EU they are trying to create.
Not sure I like us being part of that anymore and being dictated to by some politicians in Europe I know nothing about either, but I suppose we are wedded to it now. If the EU says jump the muppets in the Dail say how high.
Our culture will end up destroyed the way parts of Britain are if we keep going the way we are, that's just my opinion, you disagree and that's fair enough.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3145 - 19/03/2025 20:17:42    2597357


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Honestly Lockjaw I know nothing about him other than he is an MMA fighter. you can't avoid seeing him on the news at times etc but I pass no heed on most of the rubbish they call news anyway.
I agree with him on the illegal migrants issue, I don't know if he said he was speaking for the Irish people, I suppose he's entitled to his own views same as everyone else.
Unchecked illegal migration was responsible for the Brits voting Brexit imo, it was also a big factor imo in Trump getting elected President because of their porous southern border.
There is a trend there, I think unless the EU gets control of the illegal migration issue it will cause the breakup of the ever more centralised EU they are trying to create.
Not sure I like us being part of that anymore and being dictated to by some politicians in Europe I know nothing about either, but I suppose we are wedded to it now. If the EU says jump the muppets in the Dail say how high.
Our culture will end up destroyed the way parts of Britain are if we keep going the way we are, that's just my opinion, you disagree and that's fair enough."
I agree with you that unchecked immigration is a problem. But I disagree that existing immigrants are the cause of Ireland's ills, which is what the likes of McGregor would have you believe.

I work with many immigrants from places like India, Turkey, Brazil, Ukraine & Nigeria. They're all good, decent people, who have embraced Ireland as their new home, and contribute richly to our society.

We need to be better at controlling the influx surely. But we need to be better at a whole host of other things too. Our health service, housing, infrastructure, public transport etc

I totally get the fact that people are frustrated at how certain things are done in this country. But blaming immigrants for our woes is misguided I feel.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9696 - 19/03/2025 22:04:13    2597379


Replying To Freethinker:  "Another totally out of context comment. How the hell do you think they were supposed to get in. There were no submarines or speed boats to drop them on a sandy beach somewhere. They were poor devastated souls, in the main, who had spent all their worldly possessions to make the crossing, many to unscrupulous shipping agents. Many died on the journey. How else do you think they were going to get in, for gods sake. Through the front door my ass. And then, when they got in, they had to run the gauntlet of being despised for their nationality, religion, at the mercy of crooked landlords and agents. Maybe it's time you got yourself out of Breitbart news and similar outlets and really got out more and smelt the coffee, or maybe just stick to your vision of the great Mr T, of whom you never cease to be in thrall of his feats."
Stop crying. I read history too and I agree with you they were wretched souls that suffered. Where did I hint otherwise?!? At least stick with the topic and stop letting your hate blind you. And hey AT LEAST TRUMP HAS FEATS! The others do nothing while smiling at you. You're easy to impress.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 19/03/2025 22:51:52    2597395


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Honestly Lockjaw I know nothing about him other than he is an MMA fighter. you can't avoid seeing him on the news at times etc but I pass no heed on most of the rubbish they call news anyway.
I agree with him on the illegal migrants issue, I don't know if he said he was speaking for the Irish people, I suppose he's entitled to his own views same as everyone else.
Unchecked illegal migration was responsible for the Brits voting Brexit imo, it was also a big factor imo in Trump getting elected President because of their porous southern border.
There is a trend there, I think unless the EU gets control of the illegal migration issue it will cause the breakup of the ever more centralised EU they are trying to create.
Not sure I like us being part of that anymore and being dictated to by some politicians in Europe I know nothing about either, but I suppose we are wedded to it now. If the EU says jump the muppets in the Dail say how high.
Our culture will end up destroyed the way parts of Britain are if we keep going the way we are, that's just my opinion, you disagree and that's fair enough."
Well said Tirchonaill that's exactly what's going on.. The government and RTE didn't want to hear what McGregor said so dismissed it out of hand.. but what he said is exactly what's going on and are the views of most of the people of the country if they had the courage to say it….

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3675 - 20/03/2025 07:00:16    2597403


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Well said Tirchonaill that's exactly what's going on.. The government and RTE didn't want to hear what McGregor said so dismissed it out of hand.. but what he said is exactly what's going on and are the views of most of the people of the country if they had the courage to say it…."
Voting is anonymous

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15232 - 20/03/2025 08:37:29    2597409


Replying To Trump2020:  "Stop crying. I read history too and I agree with you they were wretched souls that suffered. Where did I hint otherwise?!? At least stick with the topic and stop letting your hate blind you. And hey AT LEAST TRUMP HAS FEATS! The others do nothing while smiling at you. You're easy to impress."
You are getting more and more like your idol. He loves capital letters too in his tweets. By the way - I don't do hate, life is too short, at least mine is. No, I leave hate to all far right advocates. As I said before, what he is doing in America is quite interesting and sometimes even amusing to observe. Nor am I easy to impress. Your idol and his boss, Musk, can do whatever they like in your country, after all, you did elect at least one of them, but the other great Alexander the Great wannabee in the world - Putin, is playing your man like a fiddle and getting a right old tune out of him. I don't for a minute believe that conspiracy theory doing the rounds which says your great leader is a Russian agent, but it would be nice, in the interests of world peace and order, if he put his foot down the odd time and called Putin out. I'm sure that in your perusal of world history - yes, there is loads of history outside of the USA - you have come across the name Chamberlain, he of " peace in our times". Shades of that all around this Ukrainian crisis. We won't go into this transplanting of over 2 million unfortunates from Gaza to Sudan or Somalia ( which agents of your govt are exploring) in order to build the Trump Gaza Riviera). So, trot along now like a good boy and don't forget to keep taking your vittles.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 20/03/2025 08:50:40    2597410


I suppose a big problem we have that other countries don't, is our open border with the North. For obvious reasons, that open border must remain. I'm open to correction on this, just me speculating. But I wonder what the immigration figures are of those who come to Belast/Larne from the UK - and then proceed freely through the open border to the Republic? I'd be critical enough of our Government, but putting a stop to the above scenario I described would be tricky in fairness.

Do we need some sort of authority like ICE which they have in the US? They'd be tasked with investigating and removing immigrants who are here illegally? I agree with TC and others that there is a growing unease at the way things are going. The government would be better served heeding it, than arrogantly dismissing it. Better that, than having a guttersnipe offering his two cents on a global platform.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9696 - 20/03/2025 09:12:02    2597414


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Well said Tirchonaill that's exactly what's going on.. The government and RTE didn't want to hear what McGregor said so dismissed it out of hand.. but what he said is exactly what's going on and are the views of most of the people of the country if they had the courage to say it…."
The views of most people in the country? Don't speak for me good lad. It's so lazy to point to immigrants . Pathetic stuff. I live in a community that has taken in a huge number of Ukranians who have been welcomed with open arms and there hasn't been a single issue. Not all people seeking asylum are good eggs, there are always going to be issues here and there but McGregors point of view is embarrassing . Talking about us becoming a minority. Idiotic stuff.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8340 - 20/03/2025 09:22:14    2597415


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Well said Tirchonaill that's exactly what's going on.. The government and RTE didn't want to hear what McGregor said so dismissed it out of hand.. but what he said is exactly what's going on and are the views of most of the people of the country if they had the courage to say it…."
McGregor must be thinking of running for President of Ireland next October/November.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1326 - 20/03/2025 09:49:17    2597419


Replying To TheFlaker:  "The views of most people in the country? Don't speak for me good lad. It's so lazy to point to immigrants . Pathetic stuff. I live in a community that has taken in a huge number of Ukranians who have been welcomed with open arms and there hasn't been a single issue. Not all people seeking asylum are good eggs, there are always going to be issues here and there but McGregors point of view is embarrassing . Talking about us becoming a minority. Idiotic stuff."
Yeah I've heard that line trotted out as well. That indigenous Irish will become a minority. Are people incapable of basic arithmetic now? Dhia sabháil, we must be in worse trouble than we think.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9696 - 20/03/2025 10:10:17    2597423


Replying To Commodore:  "McGregor must be thinking of running for President of Ireland next October/November."
Thinking is all he will be doing… he would never get council nominations… nor should he…!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3675 - 20/03/2025 10:12:40    2597424


Replying To TheFlaker:  "The views of most people in the country? Don't speak for me good lad. It's so lazy to point to immigrants . Pathetic stuff. I live in a community that has taken in a huge number of Ukranians who have been welcomed with open arms and there hasn't been a single issue. Not all people seeking asylum are good eggs, there are always going to be issues here and there but McGregors point of view is embarrassing . Talking about us becoming a minority. Idiotic stuff."
' Most people ' doesn't mean all the people so you probably fall into those that think we have no problems, our cities are all safe and the government takes accountability for all the wastage of public monies… Good luck with that..

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3675 - 20/03/2025 10:12:52    2597425


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Honestly Lockjaw I know nothing about him other than he is an MMA fighter. you can't avoid seeing him on the news at times etc but I pass no heed on most of the rubbish they call news anyway.
I agree with him on the illegal migrants issue, I don't know if he said he was speaking for the Irish people, I suppose he's entitled to his own views same as everyone else.
Unchecked illegal migration was responsible for the Brits voting Brexit imo, it was also a big factor imo in Trump getting elected President because of their porous southern border.
There is a trend there, I think unless the EU gets control of the illegal migration issue it will cause the breakup of the ever more centralised EU they are trying to create.
Not sure I like us being part of that anymore and being dictated to by some politicians in Europe I know nothing about either, but I suppose we are wedded to it now. If the EU says jump the muppets in the Dail say how high.
Our culture will end up destroyed the way parts of Britain are if we keep going the way we are, that's just my opinion, you disagree and that's fair enough."
Your not very well informed if your only listening to media that you agree with, you don't like RTE fair enough but at least you will hear what the other side says. You should ask yourself why didn't you hear about McGregors rape case on your right wing media outlets, why wasn't that discussed there?, is it showing a populist figure in a bad light?

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 892 - 20/03/2025 10:18:46    2597428


Replying To Commodore:  "McGregor must be thinking of running for President of Ireland next October/November."
He can't run unless either 4 Councils or 20 Oireachtas members nominate him.

I suspect Nikita Hand would have a better chance of getting that.
The views he spouted in the white hiuse attracted 2% of the vote in the Election last November.

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2174 - 20/03/2025 10:22:13    2597431


Replying To updwell:  "Your not very well informed if your only listening to media that you agree with, you don't like RTE fair enough but at least you will hear what the other side says. You should ask yourself why didn't you hear about McGregors rape case on your right wing media outlets, why wasn't that discussed there?, is it showing a populist figure in a bad light?"
McGregors case was well covered by all media just like all Bill Clinton's accusers that he had to settle with. Did you just admit that RTE is Left Wing? Good man.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 20/03/2025 10:56:37    2597433


Replying To Commodore:  "McGregor must be thinking of running for President of Ireland next October/November."
He has as much hope as myself in getting elected.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1231 - 20/03/2025 11:07:54    2597436


Replying To Seanfanbocht:  "He can't run unless either 4 Councils or 20 Oireachtas members nominate him.

I suspect Nikita Hand would have a better chance of getting that.
The views he spouted in the white hiuse attracted 2% of the vote in the Election last November."
I didn't know the criteria needed for a person to run, hopefully there is no chance he would achieve those requirements, the man is unstable and yet he fitted in well at the White House.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1326 - 20/03/2025 13:01:09    2597461
