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Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Yourself and freethinker can hide under the bed."
Mmm. Really intelligent retort. Wouldn't expect much better anyway.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 15/03/2025 13:13:03    2596483


Replying To tireoghainabu:  "Planning for re- unification has to be government led, if Sinn Fein are the prime movers in the process it would freak out the moderate unionists in the north. Michael Martin shows no signs whatsoever of pushing this agenda and the only hope of it happening is if Jim I' Callaghan takes over as leader of Fianna Fáil. No-one in Fine Gael is showing any interest since Leo stepped down."
A portion of Fine Gael core support comes from the Unionist community across the Republic of Ireland (And the Farmers), they get the block votes in certain Counties, that is likely why they would never form a coalition with Sinn Fein down south and why a lot of their TD's are not really Nationalist or Republican minded.

They even selected a Unionist from the UFU for the Irish Senate. It was a Fine Gael Presidential candidate Gay Mitchell who a few years back suggested Ireland rejoining the British Commonwealth. Also past Fine Gael leaders don't really align with Irish Republicans, such as Alan Dukes from the Sean Quinn documentary, who clearly has blatant contempt for "Border people" saying we are "Lawless and have violence in our blood", and Garrett Fitzgerald who signed a Anglo-Irish agreement with Maggie Thatcher in the 80s.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3024 - 15/03/2025 13:59:23    2596493


Replying To gunman:  "People that don't want a United Ireland will point out all the possible difficulties and people that want to see a United Ireland will highlight all the benefits that would result.A united Ireland would definitely be good for Donegal which has been blighted by partition.A lot of the naysayers are even suggesting that 51% vote would not be enough but are accepting that 49% is enough for the border to stay."
Personally as a Republican, I want to see a United Ireland ASAP, it would bring some political balance back to the North West region, which has been divided and neglected on both sides of the border and lacked Political sway since partition.

Derry City at the last census was still the 4th biggest City on the Island after Dublin, Belfast and Cork, yet we have had virtually no significant investment in infrastructure here.
When I visit Cork, Limerick or Galway, the amount of investment in motorways in that South West corridor is unreal, then you drive into Derry it must feel like entering a town, as there are no motorways or no dual carriageway even from the South.

There has been a shortage of housing too, a lot of Derry people were forced to move across the border into Donegal. If you look at houses in Killea, Muff, Bridgend, Burnfoot, Carrigans, small places on the outskirts of the City, id say the majority are Derry people living there due to housing shortages in the town. I know they are building houses like mad now on the Cityside and Waterside, especially around Whitehouse and the Skeoge rd, but we still lack road infrastructure, need the A5 financed and pushed through.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3024 - 15/03/2025 14:18:35    2596499


I see Trump has McGregor in the White House today to 'represent' us. It's funny I thought Trump was deporting drug dealers, rapists and criminals not inviting them into the States , yet more double talk and lies from King Donald.

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 892 - 17/03/2025 16:53:50    2596922


Replying To updwell:  "I see Trump has McGregor in the White House today to 'represent' us. It's funny I thought Trump was deporting drug dealers, rapists and criminals not inviting them into the States , yet more double talk and lies from King Donald."
I suppose they are kindred spirits in ways. They are what they are and both admire each other. Speaks volumes. It's cringe making seeing McG spouting his "truths" from the rostrum - with the real president - Musk - grinning that silly grin of his in the background.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1547 - 17/03/2025 20:48:39    2596946


Definitely doesn't represent me..we shouldn't be surprised he got invite,considering some others the potus has been seen with..

CTGAA10 (Limerick) - Posts: 2486 - 17/03/2025 23:38:48    2596966


Two reprobates who, if all things were fair and equal, would be imprisoned.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9696 - 18/03/2025 13:57:09    2597068


We're gonna have to get used to having all these deviants in power and power-adjacent. Elected or otherwise. They're not going away and I can imagine things will get a lot worse before they get any better

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12279 - 18/03/2025 15:15:19    2597086


Replying To Breffni40:  "We're gonna have to get used to having all these deviants in power and power-adjacent. Elected or otherwise. They're not going away and I can imagine things will get a lot worse before they get any better"
The sooner a big meteor comes the better

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2223 - 18/03/2025 15:36:40    2597089


Varadkar deserves credit for how he phrased it

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 2087 - 18/03/2025 15:48:56    2597092


I know nothing about McGregor or MMA but I agree with him about the illegal migrant issue in Ireland, he's saying what most people are saying on that issue in my experience.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3145 - 18/03/2025 21:26:43    2597155


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I know nothing about McGregor or MMA but I agree with him about the illegal migrant issue in Ireland, he's saying what most people are saying on that issue in my experience."
I don't care about his personality either but McGregor is 100% right. Nice to see someone with a platform speaking out. The Politicians sure won't.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 19/03/2025 00:15:41    2597172


Thank you Elon Musk!

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 19/03/2025 00:18:05    2597173



The Trump administration has released a tranche of unredacted documents about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Titled the "Records of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (the Warren Commission), 1954-1965," the documents include photos of evidence and correspondence regarding the assassination.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2439 - 19/03/2025 00:25:11    2597174


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I know nothing about McGregor or MMA but I agree with him about the illegal migrant issue in Ireland, he's saying what most people are saying on that issue in my experience."
Asylum/IPA applicamts are not "Illegal migrants" .

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2174 - 19/03/2025 00:52:41    2597176


So the hundreds of thousands of Donegal people who left for Scotland, England and the states should be sent home?? To say you know nothing about McGregor is embarrassing

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 2087 - 19/03/2025 08:05:44    2597185


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I know nothing about McGregor or MMA but I agree with him about the illegal migrant issue in Ireland, he's saying what most people are saying on that issue in my experience."
He isnt saying what most people are saying. Hes parroting things some right wing and what many americans have been saying on social media. If he was saying what most people thought then people woth those views would have been elected in huge numbers at both local and national level in recent elections
Which hasnt been the case

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3743 - 19/03/2025 08:52:42    2597189


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I know nothing about McGregor or MMA but I agree with him about the illegal migrant issue in Ireland, he's saying what most people are saying on that issue in my experience."
I would suggest that you do the tiniest bit of reading up on McGregor and decide whether he's the type of man you want to be agreeing with. I try to ignore the hateful drivel he comes out with. But I have to admit that seeing him at the White House lectern pontificating about immigration, as if he had some sort of mandate to speak for the Irish people made my blood boil. A sickening, hatefui individual.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9696 - 19/03/2025 09:20:26    2597191


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I know nothing about McGregor or MMA but I agree with him about the illegal migrant issue in Ireland, he's saying what most people are saying on that issue in my experience."
I know nothing about McGregor ?? I have seen some lies in my time but that tops the lot.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8340 - 19/03/2025 09:25:38    2597192


Replying To Lockjaw:  "I would suggest that you do the tiniest bit of reading up on McGregor and decide whether he's the type of man you want to be agreeing with. I try to ignore the hateful drivel he comes out with. But I have to admit that seeing him at the White House lectern pontificating about immigration, as if he had some sort of mandate to speak for the Irish people made my blood boil. A sickening, hatefui individual."
Interesting while I agree mcgregor is a tool I don't agree with you cant agree with someone opinion due to their character.

For example if his opinion is that Dublin City centre is in dire condition and unsafe he is 100% right.

If a Katie Taylor or Paul oDonovan said it would it be ok to agree with them as they seem decent characters

Now his lack of self awareness commenting about Irish Americans living in America was laughable

jm25 (Galway) - Posts: 1417 - 19/03/2025 09:28:52    2597195
