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Replying To Saynothing:  "And there lies the problem, you get 1 chance to make a first impression. If you were on your way to a crucial business meeting or a do or die meeting with your bank manager you'd make an effort and dress up. Zelensky rocked up as if he hadn't a care in the world."
Trumps hero Musk never wore a suit to meetings. Zelensky was dressed all in black. You would swear he was wearing shorts and sliders.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8295 - 01/03/2025 17:37:34    2593932


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Trumps hero Musk never wore a suit to meetings. Zelensky was dressed all in black. You would swear he was wearing shorts and sliders."
Good point. The Real USA President rocks up in whatever he feels like. One of his favourite accessories is a chain saw. Reall, George Orwell would struggle to better this ongoing saga.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 01/03/2025 18:02:29    2593938


Replying To Saynothing:  "And there lies the problem, you get 1 chance to make a first impression. If you were on your way to a crucial business meeting or a do or die meeting with your bank manager you'd make an effort and dress up. Zelensky rocked up as if he hadn't a care in the world."
Have you been reading "The Sap's Guide to Meeting Techniques" again? Your hero would make some 1st impression alright! An orange man baby bully that always looks like he sleeps in the one badly made suit he has! A barnet that looks like he he just took it out of the washing machine and plonked it on his big bleedin' mutton head and a bad collection of baseball caps to try cover it up! "Make America Great Again" indeed!

Onion_Sack (Dublin) - Posts: 286 - 01/03/2025 18:11:05    2593941


Replying To yew_tree:  "Very little outcry in Ireland at that time?? It resulted in a civil war ffs. All these Putin apologists make me laugh. You think Putin or his successor in the future will stop at Ukraine? No chance. Give these lads na inch and they will take a mile. Reminds of of apologists for Nazi Germany..

Europe will now accelerate defence spending massively and Ireland will have to play its part."
I think we need to be realistic here.

1. Vladamir Putin is 72 years old, consistently during his reign he has eliminated any rival who could potentially step into this role as leader, there are no equivalent leaders waiting in the wings to take over from him, not even the heads of different departments under him are leaders like him, nor will there be any allowed. With no serious leadership alternatives, I predict Russia will face serious internal feuds and splits as different factions try to take control at that point.

2. The EU has ~450 million people, the worlds 2nd largest economy after the US. Russia has ~135 million people, economically it is very weak, not even in the Top 10 economies in the world, within which the EU has 3 members states, not including the EU. Russia currently is a top 3 military superpower, but longer term it is destined to fall down the global military pecking order, as it won't be able to deliver the sustained spending needed to maintain that military standing. The EU is starting to look at collective EU defense force, which will likely become a top 2 or 3 force in time.

3. Russia doesn't have the desire or the means to invade the EU, keep in mind that Ukraine kept them at bay for 3 years now simply from receiving weapons from the EU and US. Russia can't be seen to be weak when NATO is considering membership to a Country who eastern border surrounded key Russian naval bases. They are the largest Country in the world in terms of land area, but the real threat to Russia is China, who longer-term supposedly want a big chunk of Siberia.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1300 - 01/03/2025 18:15:23    2593943


Replying To Onion_Sack:  "Have you been reading "The Sap's Guide to Meeting Techniques" again? Your hero would make some 1st impression alright! An orange man baby bully that always looks like he sleeps in the one badly made suit he has! A barnet that looks like he he just took it out of the washing machine and plonked it on his big bleedin' mutton head and a bad collection of baseball caps to try cover it up! "Make America Great Again" indeed!"
I've no time for the man but he puts his country first, time for Irish politicians to do the same with Ireland.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2258 - 01/03/2025 18:30:30    2593951


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Trumps hero Musk never wore a suit to meetings. Zelensky was dressed all in black. You would swear he was wearing shorts and sliders."
Difference is Musk doesn't go begging for money.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2258 - 01/03/2025 18:31:43    2593952


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "You're obsessed with the suit and tie. It wasn't a first impression anyway, he's met all them boys before, except maybe Musk, and he doesn't dress up either."
Not obsessed at all, but that was the start of the downfall. Zelensky deserved all he got.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2258 - 01/03/2025 18:35:42    2593953


Replying To Commodore:  "I think we need to be realistic here.

1. Vladamir Putin is 72 years old, consistently during his reign he has eliminated any rival who could potentially step into this role as leader, there are no equivalent leaders waiting in the wings to take over from him, not even the heads of different departments under him are leaders like him, nor will there be any allowed. With no serious leadership alternatives, I predict Russia will face serious internal feuds and splits as different factions try to take control at that point.

2. The EU has ~450 million people, the worlds 2nd largest economy after the US. Russia has ~135 million people, economically it is very weak, not even in the Top 10 economies in the world, within which the EU has 3 members states, not including the EU. Russia currently is a top 3 military superpower, but longer term it is destined to fall down the global military pecking order, as it won't be able to deliver the sustained spending needed to maintain that military standing. The EU is starting to look at collective EU defense force, which will likely become a top 2 or 3 force in time.

3. Russia doesn't have the desire or the means to invade the EU, keep in mind that Ukraine kept them at bay for 3 years now simply from receiving weapons from the EU and US. Russia can't be seen to be weak when NATO is considering membership to a Country who eastern border surrounded key Russian naval bases. They are the largest Country in the world in terms of land area, but the real threat to Russia is China, who longer-term supposedly want a big chunk of Siberia."
This is another realistic post, obviously posted by someone with a good understanding of the geopolitical situation pertaining in Europe and particularly Eastern Europe. I heard an interesting opinion from a Ukrainian a week or two ago. He mentioned that Mr Putin might be building a bigger problem for himself at home. His forces apparently, by being on a war footing, are paid multiples of what the ordinary Joe in Russia earns, and as a consequence there is a shortage of labour and skilled labour to support the domestic economy His question was, what happens on the streets in Russia, if in the event of a ceasefire, and those returning veterans have to go back to the average wage. Will there be disquiet or discontent on the streets and how would Mr P handle that ? . His point was that Putin could be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. The Russian economy can't sustain the war effort indefinitely. I think the Ukrainians realise this but can they hold out, especially if Mr T continues to support his best buddy Putin.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 01/03/2025 18:46:22    2593959


Replying To Saynothing:  "I've no time for the man but he puts his country first, time for Irish politicians to do the same with Ireland."
Ah lad! Would you give over! He puts himself 1st! Even his own are turning on him. You're desperate, giving yourself thumbs up!

Onion_Sack (Dublin) - Posts: 286 - 01/03/2025 18:54:29    2593964


Replying To Saynothing:  "Not obsessed at all, but that was the start of the downfall. Zelensky deserved all he got."
No he didn't deserve what he got imo. He's thanked America on numerous occasions, but Vance charged him with not thanking America just after Zelenskyy made Vance look silly on the 'diplomacy' point. Why does Trump keep saying USA gave 350billion, when numerous other American sources say they've given 183billion? Why does Trump say Europe gave less, when they've given more, and are getting their money back, when they're not getting it back. Trump's backing of Putin is sickening to many, but as PS pointed out, if countries arm up Ukraine to beat Russia back, you could be risking a nuclear red alert if Putin faced defeat.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3994 - 01/03/2025 18:57:51    2593967


The USA has given Ukraine around $180 Billion while being almost $37 Trillion in debt themselves! I'd much rather a rough around the edges person like Trump than these smiling fake politicians from either fake parties. The transparency was beautiful. Finally someone that represents the taxpayers that foot the bill for all this.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2384 - 01/03/2025 18:58:15    2593968


Replying To Trump2020:  "The USA has given Ukraine around $180 Billion while being almost $37 Trillion in debt themselves! I'd much rather a rough around the edges person like Trump than these smiling fake politicians from either fake parties. The transparency was beautiful. Finally someone that represents the taxpayers that foot the bill for all this."
Mmmm rough person around the edges. That's a nice term for him. Aah God bless your innocence. By the way. Are you Irish or American ?? Not that it matters, though I'd imagine it is a moot point really as you seem to have a few supporters on here.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 01/03/2025 19:28:34    2593979


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Trumps hero Musk never wore a suit to meetings. Zelensky was dressed all in black. You would swear he was wearing shorts and sliders."
Not alone does he not wear suits but usually has a t-shirt with something stupid written on it and then decided to bring his young child into the oval office during meeting

minor77 (Galway) - Posts: 261 - 01/03/2025 19:35:15    2593982


Replying To Freethinker:  "This is another realistic post, obviously posted by someone with a good understanding of the geopolitical situation pertaining in Europe and particularly Eastern Europe. I heard an interesting opinion from a Ukrainian a week or two ago. He mentioned that Mr Putin might be building a bigger problem for himself at home. His forces apparently, by being on a war footing, are paid multiples of what the ordinary Joe in Russia earns, and as a consequence there is a shortage of labour and skilled labour to support the domestic economy His question was, what happens on the streets in Russia, if in the event of a ceasefire, and those returning veterans have to go back to the average wage. Will there be disquiet or discontent on the streets and how would Mr P handle that ? . His point was that Putin could be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. The Russian economy can't sustain the war effort indefinitely. I think the Ukrainians realise this but can they hold out, especially if Mr T continues to support his best buddy Putin."
Putins been president for 21 years, and since 2000 there's been no evidence of him being damned if he does or doesn't. His opponents and critics and enemies over that generation have been damned, eliminated or executed alright. There's never a report of Putin being under pressure politically, I wonder why.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3994 - 01/03/2025 19:36:46    2593984


Replying To Onion_Sack:  "Ah lad! Would you give over! He puts himself 1st! Even his own are turning on him. You're desperate, giving yourself thumbs up!"
Ah sure Irish politicians don't agree with him but will go over in a couple of weeks cap in hand. Slag a man off but still go to meet him. Farcical. Sinn Fein have went down in my vote this past couple of years but at least they won't go to America.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2258 - 01/03/2025 19:39:11    2593985


Replying To Trump2020:  "The USA has given Ukraine around $180 Billion while being almost $37 Trillion in debt themselves! I'd much rather a rough around the edges person like Trump than these smiling fake politicians from either fake parties. The transparency was beautiful. Finally someone that represents the taxpayers that foot the bill for all this."
The debt will be about 45 trillion when Trump gets his "beautiful new bill" passed, encompassing his tax cuts which primarily benefit billionaires. Not to worry, he will continue to pinch pennies firing government workers, and with the unwavering support of Republican senators, congressmen and of course his loyal MAGA followers, the Trump dynasty will roll on.

Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 470 - 01/03/2025 19:48:40    2593988


Replying To Trump2020:  "The USA has given Ukraine around $180 Billion while being almost $37 Trillion in debt themselves! I'd much rather a rough around the edges person like Trump than these smiling fake politicians from either fake parties. The transparency was beautiful. Finally someone that represents the taxpayers that foot the bill for all this."
Haha he's going to cripple the economy and isolate America from its allies. You are an eejit.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8295 - 01/03/2025 20:18:39    2593995


Replying To PoolSturgeon:  "Total BS.Russiaphobia on speed. Russia atm is engaged in a war where they have felt under existential threat from NATO's expansion east over the past 30 years. Of course Ukrainia is feeling the existential threat now too due to listening to the gung-ho attitude of the likes of Boris Johnson who urged them to fight on and win when they had a good deal on the table 3 years ago in Istanbul. They are going to pay the price now for listening to that eejit and turning it down. This war has weakened Russia considerably. Their resources have been so stretched that they wont be in a position to wage another war for another generation even if they wanted to. The Baltic states are out of the Russian spere of influence forever more (as is Poland and all other countries that are already in NATO. To try and invade any of those countries would bring the combined might of NATO onto Russia and the certainty of nuclear war in WW3 . Russia would be turned into a wasteland (as would much of the West on the other side). Whatever anyone may think about Putin, he is a rational human being and is no fool. He is not ever going to pick a fight with NATO as there would be no winners. But be absolutely certain that if the Europe and the US hardened their resolve to impose a humiliating defeat on Russia and drive them out of Ukraine completely, Russia would use nuclear weapons and WW3 would be upon us very soon. From their pov it is that existential also. I hate Trump for what he is doing in Gaza but he is right (if for the wrong reasons) on Ukraine."
I am not wrong but your repeating the usual anti Ukraine rhetoric of don't push Putin because he'll start WW3. So by that logic give Putin whatever he wants or he'll get cross and blow us all up. Didn't Neville Chamberlain try this with Hitler in the 1930s- that didn't work then and it won't now either. Russia has an army of bots trolling and splitting peoples in countries allover the western world from US elections to Brexit to interfering in national elections and if you can't see that your asleep. A NATO without the US is not intimidating to Putin and do you think seriously Trump would go and defend the Baltic states if Russia invaded. The problem with Trump is he's not only anti Ukraine, he's clearly pro Russian. Him looking for a rare minerals deal shows his real interest and is just pure American greed from him and the crowd his surrounded himself with.

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 881 - 01/03/2025 20:22:32    2593998


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Haha he's going to cripple the economy and isolate America from its allies. You are an eejit."
Ha ha ha I was wondering when you'd stoop to name calling. Thanks for your frustration as it shows you do care even when wrong. Also I'm happy to see that you all of a sudden care about the economy like a good fiscal conservative. There's hope for you yet.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2384 - 01/03/2025 20:54:47    2594004


You can argue all day about the ins and outs of the war, which has been going on a lot longer than three years. Russia is unlikely to give up what they currently occupy, so there will have to be some compromise if any sort of ceasefire/peace is to be achieved.

I am ashamed when I see & hear Irish people show no empathy to Ukrainian people seeking refuge here. I agree that there are many indigenous Irish people who need to be looked after as well. But as the saying goes, punch up, not down. Homelessness, HSE problems, waiting lists etc existed before Putin started this crisis. Irish people have suffered for generations, and sought better lives in pastures new. It's incredible how much we lack in self-awareness at times.

Lastly, I'm not getting into any partisan red v blue American politics debate. But in my opinion, there has never been a more narcissistic, unintelligent blusterer in high office anywhere. He is an entitled, spoiled clown who has lived his life getting his own way & goes around acting like a loud mouth schoolyard bully.

My fear is that what's coming after him is worse.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9621 - 01/03/2025 21:18:24    2594010
