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Replying To Viking66:  "That's an eye opener. I'd say they are including management all the way up to Board members to get that average. I was talking about take home pay but 720 euro take home is great money, and you would be able to afford the 300-400 euro a week rent or mortgage. Most people I know, including myself although I'm self employed, aren't earning anything like that unless they are management level."
That figure is nonsense.

It includes all PAYE workers.

CEO on a million and casual working on 200 euro.

The formula is total earned divided by number of workers.

Really silly metric.

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 3335 - 22/02/2024 15:11:22    2527579


Replying To Viking66:  "That's an eye opener. I'd say they are including management all the way up to Board members to get that average. I was talking about take home pay but 720 euro take home is great money, and you would be able to afford the 300-400 euro a week rent or mortgage. Most people I know, including myself although I'm self employed, aren't earning anything like that unless they are management level."
In order to disregard those top management level earners, you need to look at median wage and not average.

Weekly take home, after tax, reduces to €675 when looking at it this way.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 22/02/2024 15:46:02    2527586


Replying To cavanman47:  "In order to disregard those top management level earners, you need to look at median wage and not average.

Weekly take home, after tax, reduces to €675 when looking at it this way."
It's worth pointing out this should be segment by region to be objective

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 3335 - 22/02/2024 16:48:11    2527595


Replying To Doylerwex:  "It's worth pointing out this should be segment by region to be objective"

The increase in work-from-home employment makes that difficult tho.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 22/02/2024 18:49:21    2527607


On the subject of road safety, yesterday was national slow down day, I heard the Garda reps on the radio making out basically that road deaths are all about speeding and being a few km's over the limit, as little as 5km's more leads to more fatalities and serious injuries,
well maybe so but I disagree, have a look at the picture of where the speed van is sitting in this pic on Donegal daily, the roads are lined with trees and bushes, they should be all cut away, the roads aren't maintained properly either,

also I see it every day of the week people using mobile phones whilst driving, bad enough they are talking into them but they are texting and watching videos and video msgs,
why aren't the guards out catching these people?
an unmarked squad car or Garda motorbike would soon deter these people and I believe a great many 'accidents' are caused by distracted driving and not by people going 5km over the limit and being fined by these revenue collecting speed vans.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3076 - 01/03/2024 12:32:31    2529053


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "On the subject of road safety, yesterday was national slow down day, I heard the Garda reps on the radio making out basically that road deaths are all about speeding and being a few km's over the limit, as little as 5km's more leads to more fatalities and serious injuries,
well maybe so but I disagree, have a look at the picture of where the speed van is sitting in this pic on Donegal daily, the roads are lined with trees and bushes, they should be all cut away, the roads aren't maintained properly either,

also I see it every day of the week people using mobile phones whilst driving, bad enough they are talking into them but they are texting and watching videos and video msgs,
why aren't the guards out catching these people?
an unmarked squad car or Garda motorbike would soon deter these people and I believe a great many 'accidents' are caused by distracted driving and not by people going 5km over the limit and being fined by these revenue collecting speed vans."
Using a mobile phone whilst driving needs to be treated the same as being caught drink driving. The effects of mobile phone use can be equally as recasting on the road. It's frightening how many people I see using their phones on the n7 mainly texting on a daily basis. Accidents waiting to happen. The penalties for for mobile phone use are nowhere near effective. We need to start putting people off the road for it for a year if caught. I can't understand it at all with so many cars and new cars on the roads with blue tooth technology and ability to read out messages and send them. There's no excuses. Yet you still see so many heads going up and down like a nodding donkey .

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2143 - 01/03/2024 15:27:43    2529087


Replying To Bon:  "Using a mobile phone whilst driving needs to be treated the same as being caught drink driving. The effects of mobile phone use can be equally as recasting on the road. It's frightening how many people I see using their phones on the n7 mainly texting on a daily basis. Accidents waiting to happen. The penalties for for mobile phone use are nowhere near effective. We need to start putting people off the road for it for a year if caught. I can't understand it at all with so many cars and new cars on the roads with blue tooth technology and ability to read out messages and send them. There's no excuses. Yet you still see so many heads going up and down like a nodding donkey ."
True, we are great at passing laws in this country but there is not enough enforcement at all, the Gardai need more resources for sure but there really needs to be a crackdown on mobile phone use.
It wouldn't take much to change behaviour and I think it would do far more to prevent accidents than these speed vans that everyone is aware of as other drivers flash the lights at oncoming drivers to warn them of the speed check ahead. They don't change behaviour much, all they do is raise funds for the state and catch some poor ejit going a small few km's over the limit.
I've seen Bus Eireann drivers using handheld mobiles, lorry drivers coming round roundabouts with there mobile held up by their shoulder to their ear, it's madness, those same lorries are meant to be limited to a certain speed far as I remember, I regularly see them speeding far in excess of that, if you are travelling at 100 kmph you'll get these trucks tailgating you trying to get past.
I've driven behind people who I assumed were drunk but if you get a chance to overtake them you'll see them texting away and wandering over and back the road.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3076 - 01/03/2024 16:26:27    2529098


The talk is now about Damien Duff as a possible Rep of Ireland manager????
Duff was a good player but has no credentials as a manager. Managing Shelbourne, an average league of Ireland side is not exactly worthy of serious consideration.
Stephen Kenny failed miserably to improve the Irish team. He had been manager of Dundalk and was hugely successful but the step up to international standard was way beyond him. A nice fellow but you need more than that to be the right man for the job.
I can understand why very few current successful managers turned down the chance to manage a poor team like Ireland. We simply don't have the quality players and struggle even against weak teams.
I think Lee Carlsly would be our best choice although he seems to be flip flopping since his name was mentioned.
There is no magic wand to improve our lot but with the right man in place I feel we at least would become more competitive and maybe at last qualify for the finals of the Euros or dare I say it, the world cup.
John o'shea who will be our interm manager but again has no experience as manager at any level.
I don't envy whoever succeeds Kenny, it's really a poison chalice.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 398 - 01/03/2024 19:03:29    2529122


Replying To Magpie2:  "The talk is now about Damien Duff as a possible Rep of Ireland manager????
Duff was a good player but has no credentials as a manager. Managing Shelbourne, an average league of Ireland side is not exactly worthy of serious consideration.
Stephen Kenny failed miserably to improve the Irish team. He had been manager of Dundalk and was hugely successful but the step up to international standard was way beyond him. A nice fellow but you need more than that to be the right man for the job.
I can understand why very few current successful managers turned down the chance to manage a poor team like Ireland. We simply don't have the quality players and struggle even against weak teams.
I think Lee Carlsly would be our best choice although he seems to be flip flopping since his name was mentioned.
There is no magic wand to improve our lot but with the right man in place I feel we at least would become more competitive and maybe at last qualify for the finals of the Euros or dare I say it, the world cup.
John o'shea who will be our interm manager but again has no experience as manager at any level.
I don't envy whoever succeeds Kenny, it's really a poison chalice."
Profoundly disagree to be honest.

Potentially the best group of players we've ever had.

Kenny was naive and probably tried to do too much too soon but there's plenty of quality in that group.

John O'shea may be inexperienced but he's one of the most decorated Irish players ever. He's won a lot more than Southgate did for example.

I do agree about duff.

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 3335 - 01/03/2024 19:24:03    2529124


Replying To Magpie2:  "The talk is now about Damien Duff as a possible Rep of Ireland manager????
Duff was a good player but has no credentials as a manager. Managing Shelbourne, an average league of Ireland side is not exactly worthy of serious consideration.
Stephen Kenny failed miserably to improve the Irish team. He had been manager of Dundalk and was hugely successful but the step up to international standard was way beyond him. A nice fellow but you need more than that to be the right man for the job.
I can understand why very few current successful managers turned down the chance to manage a poor team like Ireland. We simply don't have the quality players and struggle even against weak teams.
I think Lee Carlsly would be our best choice although he seems to be flip flopping since his name was mentioned.
There is no magic wand to improve our lot but with the right man in place I feel we at least would become more competitive and maybe at last qualify for the finals of the Euros or dare I say it, the world cup.
John o'shea who will be our interm manager but again has no experience as manager at any level.
I don't envy whoever succeeds Kenny, it's really a poison chalice."
Where's the talk of Duff coming from?
Hes currently 50/1 with PP.

Carsley is odds on for the job.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 01/03/2024 19:41:20    2529132


Replying To cavanman47:  "Where's the talk of Duff coming from?
Hes currently 50/1 with PP.

Carsley is odds on for the job."
Based on an article in the indo today.
Stephen Bradley the shamrock rovers boss said he felt that Duff should get the Irish gig.
So maybe Duff could be a dark horse but the odds would be against him. However with Carlsy in one day then out the next then back in the race. With theFAI you just never know.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 398 - 01/03/2024 20:55:22    2529138


Replying To Doylerwex:  "Profoundly disagree to be honest.

Potentially the best group of players we've ever had.

Kenny was naive and probably tried to do too much too soon but there's plenty of quality in that group.

John O'shea may be inexperienced but he's one of the most decorated Irish players ever. He's won a lot more than Southgate did for example.

I do agree about duff."
Where's the evidence Doyler that this is potentially the best team we have ever had. Results are what matters. A team that struggles against the lower rated teams and scoring goals is a rarity. So let's not look at this with green tinted glasses.
I wish it was different but facts speak for themselves.
We can improve but only if the right guy gets the job.

Magpie2 (Wexford) - Posts: 398 - 01/03/2024 21:11:04    2529140


Replying To Magpie2:  "Where's the evidence Doyler that this is potentially the best team we have ever had. Results are what matters. A team that struggles against the lower rated teams and scoring goals is a rarity. So let's not look at this with green tinted glasses.
I wish it was different but facts speak for themselves.
We can improve but only if the right guy gets the job."
They were very successful at underage. The average age profile is low. Kelleher is flying at a top club. Only a matter of time for Ferguson.

O Shea, Collins, molumby, knight all look set for decent careers.

The days of Irish lads captaining the top clubs in England is a bygone era. The English lads are barely even at the top level now.

I'll be shocked if this group don't qualify for two major tournaments.

They're not unlike the Wexford hurlers to be honest.

The best performances of the Kenny era were against the top teams.

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 3335 - 01/03/2024 22:44:46    2529149


I had the misfortune of seeing Eamonn Ryan appear on late late..I'm afraid typical politician,didn't answer any question but kept talking..all I remember him mention were solar panels,which I'm afraid to say are beyond the reach of most normal people..I'll be shocked if I see him or any green minister in next government..

CTGAA10 (Limerick) - Posts: 2447 - 01/03/2024 23:45:42    2529153


Replying To CTGAA10:  "I had the misfortune of seeing Eamonn Ryan appear on late late..I'm afraid typical politician,didn't answer any question but kept talking..all I remember him mention were solar panels,which I'm afraid to say are beyond the reach of most normal people..I'll be shocked if I see him or any green minister in next government.."
I'm amazed anyone votes for them to be honest.

Imagine being so privileged that your biggest concern was the environment.

Doylerwex (Wexford) - Posts: 3335 - 02/03/2024 08:24:37    2529169


Replying To CTGAA10:  "I had the misfortune of seeing Eamonn Ryan appear on late late..I'm afraid typical politician,didn't answer any question but kept talking..all I remember him mention were solar panels,which I'm afraid to say are beyond the reach of most normal people..I'll be shocked if I see him or any green minister in next government.."
The proof was he got a very lukewarm reaction when he walked on and never got any sort of applause reaction to anything he said… Compare that to Michelle O Neill last week when almost after every question put to her was answered with a huge applause from the audience…. Remember this guy had to be woken up twice in the Dail to answer questions yet has the cheek to pontificate to the people about saving the planet…. Anyone giving these guys a vote needs their heads seriously examined….!!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3437 - 02/03/2024 08:48:13    2529171


Replying To Doylerwex:  "I'm amazed anyone votes for them to be honest.

Imagine being so privileged that your biggest concern was the environment."
It is rather important

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2064 - 02/03/2024 08:55:03    2529172


Replying To Seanfanbocht:  "It is rather important"
I think the housing and hospital situation is much more important but a privileged twat like Ryan would rather waste time on his green agenda…. Look at the latest debacle of an idea the plastic bottle recycling system….another disaster

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3437 - 02/03/2024 10:34:47    2529183


The environment is important, and it's the least privileged people who will suffer greatest if it is allowed to deteriorate gravely.

There is a place in government for A green party. But this green party are awful!

The airport numbers cap is the latest glaring own goal. How on earth can they not see the economic benefit of lifting the cap, and the potential investment boost in green energy that such economic benifit would bring with it?

They're all stick and no carrot and we need rid.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 02/03/2024 11:03:32    2529187


Replying To Doylerwex:  "Profoundly disagree to be honest.

Potentially the best group of players we've ever had.

Kenny was naive and probably tried to do too much too soon but there's plenty of quality in that group.

John O'shea may be inexperienced but he's one of the most decorated Irish players ever. He's won a lot more than Southgate did for example.

I do agree about duff."
You can't be much more than 8 years old or so, if you think that the current Ireland soccer squad is potentially the best ever.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3940 - 02/03/2024 11:26:50    2529190
