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I read somewhere recently that immigrant children are outperforming Irish kids in learning Irish

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12241 - 14/02/2024 11:48:05    2526008


And of course the great irony is that the Irish people have emigrated for generations in search of better lives, and have flourished when given the opportunity. A fact that seems utterly lost on some of these right-wing "patriots" who have seem to lack a complete sense of self-awareness. One such patriot based in Donegal who regularly posts content on social media hounding various people actually lived as an immigrant for a time in the US himself. You couldn't make it up.

He recently accosted a young black man in Letterkenny spouting nonsense such as "Irish people are now actually in a minority in Letterkenny". The young man stood his ground and calmly batted away each totally ridiculous and unfounded "fact". The young man's mother is actually a hard-working nurse in Letterkenny General Hospital. Yet our great patriot was essentially accusing them of being free-loaders.

I certainly know who I'd have more time and respect for - and that's the salt of the earth nurse and her family, and not some half-wit grifter who spends his days wandering the streets and trying to antagonise people.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9567 - 14/02/2024 12:20:57    2526014


Replying To Lockjaw:  "My take on it would be that we shoud hate the system that teaches it and not the language itself.
I'm not fluent, but I can speak enough to get by and living in a Gaeltacht certainly helps.

Last summer the Comórtas Peil na Gaeltacht was held in Anagaire, Donegal and there was a club competing from Belfast whose name escapes me now. Every single person, players, management, supporters young and old spoke nothing but Irish while they were here. It was marvellous to see and hear.

As for immigration, there is a dangerous rhetoric at present blaming immigrants for all our ills. Ireland is not full, and we are at near full employment. I would cast my blame squarely at the door of successive incompetent governments who have been at best incapable, and at worst unwilling to properly tackle housing and health care. The latest overspend figures of the National Children's Hospital bear this out.

The Burj Kahlifa in Dubai was built at a cost of $1.5 billion. Our National Children's Hospital is currently at $2.4 billion.
Ireland is 100 times larger than Singapore, but they can affordably house 5.5 million people in an area smaller than Louth.

FF/FG have had the run of the country since its inception. What was it that Einstein said about insanity?"
That's a great post Lockjaw

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14443 - 14/02/2024 13:42:09    2526034


Replying To Viking66:  "That's a great post Lockjaw"
Great post. Speaks for itself.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1352 - 14/02/2024 14:08:52    2526045


Replying To ThePowerhouse:  "Well said. It's a generalisation I know, but quite often I find that the ones shouting loudest about immigration are angry that their own lives haven't turned out how they'd have wished. They've made some bad choices or are too lazy to make any at all. It's easy to blame their problems on others instead of taking responsibility themselves."
It's a tactic as old as time. Unscrupulous operators shift the blame to "others", often those on the margins as it is.
What have Ukrainians or Syrians had to do with successive Irish governements encouraging vulture funds to hoover up housing projects? No Ukrainians or Syrians regulate the Irish rental market as far as I can see. Did Ukrainians or Syrians ruin the economy in the mid to late 00's with reckless lending practices? I forgot that it was "them foreigners" who oversaw the ridiculous overspend on the National Children's Hospital. The list goes on...

But yeah, it's a tiny proportion of the population who in many cases have escaped absolute hell on earth, who are the problem.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9567 - 14/02/2024 14:23:51    2526050


Replying To Lockjaw:  "It's a tactic as old as time. Unscrupulous operators shift the blame to "others", often those on the margins as it is.
What have Ukrainians or Syrians had to do with successive Irish governements encouraging vulture funds to hoover up housing projects? No Ukrainians or Syrians regulate the Irish rental market as far as I can see. Did Ukrainians or Syrians ruin the economy in the mid to late 00's with reckless lending practices? I forgot that it was "them foreigners" who oversaw the ridiculous overspend on the National Children's Hospital. The list goes on...

But yeah, it's a tiny proportion of the population who in many cases have escaped absolute hell on earth, who are the problem."
Every single one of them fell deep into the facebook algorithm over lockdown

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12241 - 14/02/2024 14:45:13    2526052


Replying To Breffni40:  "Every single one of them fell deep into the facebook algorithm over lockdown"
And 2 shady Irish websites in particular

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12241 - 14/02/2024 16:29:04    2526073


On another note - if RTE want to save money why not cull the Sports Department? People only working for a couple of minutes each day on Six One and that's it.

bruffgael (Limerick) - Posts: 209 - 14/02/2024 18:26:27    2526084


The Irish language is failing in schools because of the way it is being taught. Kids hate it and actively avoid doing it and parents don't push it. The Department of Education don't listen to fluent speakers and teachers of the language. And people who don't care about the language dying need to cop onto themselves.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8222 - 14/02/2024 18:35:45    2526087


Great win by dan wiffen in the world swimming championships
Wins gold in 800 free
Irelands first ever medalist in world championships

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3707 - 14/02/2024 18:48:13    2526089


Replying To bruffgael:  "On another note - if RTE want to save money why not cull the Sports Department? People only working for a couple of minutes each day on Six One and that's it."
Jesus are you serious? You think they only do that segment and nothing else all week?

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8222 - 14/02/2024 19:11:26    2526098


Replying To bruffgael:  "On another note - if RTE want to save money why not cull the Sports Department? People only working for a couple of minutes each day on Six One and that's it."
What are you smoking if you think some of rtes sports department only work a few minutes each day on the news at 6.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3707 - 14/02/2024 19:31:58    2526099


Replying To Breffni40:  "I read somewhere recently that immigrant children are outperforming Irish kids in learning Irish"
Where did you hear that now? Where do you think most of exemptions from Irish are coming from?

Gaeltacht schools under huge pressure to teach refugee children English never mind Irish!

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3338 - 14/02/2024 19:34:57    2526100


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Where did you hear that now? Where do you think most of exemptions from Irish are coming from?

Gaeltacht schools under huge pressure to teach refugee children English never mind Irish!"
Really Barney? You think most of the exemptions are non Irish kids? You want to get into a debate with me about this? I will gladly throw factual numbers your way.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8222 - 14/02/2024 20:16:57    2526107


Replying To TheFlaker:  "The Irish language is failing in schools because of the way it is being taught. Kids hate it and actively avoid doing it and parents don't push it. The Department of Education don't listen to fluent speakers and teachers of the language. And people who don't care about the language dying need to cop onto themselves."
Very true! Native Irish speakers from Gaeltacht areas very often don't perform well in Leaving Certificate Irish examination. Oral proficiency is not given enough credit.

Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 422 - 15/02/2024 01:49:07    2526134


Countries like Singapore can house millions because they built up. Try build anything higher than 10 stories here and its objections and protests.

Successive governments have failed the Irish people. As for immigration. The country would collapse overnight without them especially the health service.

I do understand fear though and I think it's wrong to dismiss someone with genuine fears. Throwing a few hundred refugees into a small town in Leitrim with one GP who has a 3 week waiting list does not make any sense.

Young couple next to me moved to Australia last year as the bank denied them a mortgage to buy a house here. Young people going in their droves again and we can waffle about full employment but the standards of living have dropped as the cost rises. This makes people frustrated and angry. Throw in a refugee crises and you've got a cocktail mix for division and hate.

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11446 - 15/02/2024 07:45:22    2526140


Replying To yew_tree:  "Countries like Singapore can house millions because they built up. Try build anything higher than 10 stories here and its objections and protests.

Successive governments have failed the Irish people. As for immigration. The country would collapse overnight without them especially the health service.

I do understand fear though and I think it's wrong to dismiss someone with genuine fears. Throwing a few hundred refugees into a small town in Leitrim with one GP who has a 3 week waiting list does not make any sense.

Young couple next to me moved to Australia last year as the bank denied them a mortgage to buy a house here. Young people going in their droves again and we can waffle about full employment but the standards of living have dropped as the cost rises. This makes people frustrated and angry. Throw in a refugee crises and you've got a cocktail mix for division and hate."
Singapore built up because they had to. We have a problem with rural depopulation. Very hard to get planning around here to build a house. And with the rollout of fibre broadband surely there's no need to concentrate all our population in towns and cities.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14443 - 15/02/2024 08:24:10    2526142


Replying To yew_tree:  "Countries like Singapore can house millions because they built up. Try build anything higher than 10 stories here and its objections and protests.

Successive governments have failed the Irish people. As for immigration. The country would collapse overnight without them especially the health service.

I do understand fear though and I think it's wrong to dismiss someone with genuine fears. Throwing a few hundred refugees into a small town in Leitrim with one GP who has a 3 week waiting list does not make any sense.

Young couple next to me moved to Australia last year as the bank denied them a mortgage to buy a house here. Young people going in their droves again and we can waffle about full employment but the standards of living have dropped as the cost rises. This makes people frustrated and angry. Throw in a refugee crises and you've got a cocktail mix for division and hate."
Very true… no point in talking about full employment if the money paid is eaten up with inflation and the rising cost of living… FG/FF have failed miserably in the areas of housing and health…In the last 30 years absolutely nothing has changed.. is it any wonder the young people are leaving in droves… most leaving have jobs here but can't make ends meet.. Our succession of Governments have been an absolute disgrace with all their empty promises and targets… They will probably break anyone left with their nonsensical climate change targets they are trying to achieve which will make not a bit of difference…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3377 - 15/02/2024 08:28:46    2526144


Replying To yew_tree:  "Countries like Singapore can house millions because they built up. Try build anything higher than 10 stories here and its objections and protests.

Successive governments have failed the Irish people. As for immigration. The country would collapse overnight without them especially the health service.

I do understand fear though and I think it's wrong to dismiss someone with genuine fears. Throwing a few hundred refugees into a small town in Leitrim with one GP who has a 3 week waiting list does not make any sense.

Young couple next to me moved to Australia last year as the bank denied them a mortgage to buy a house here. Young people going in their droves again and we can waffle about full employment but the standards of living have dropped as the cost rises. This makes people frustrated and angry. Throw in a refugee crises and you've got a cocktail mix for division and hate."
Yeah good points. I wouldn't like to be starting out again as a graduate and trying to save towards buying a house. In many cases it'd be near impossible, especially living in the cities.
The immigration issue isn't going away so there needs to be a lot more thought put into it than simply sticking a load of people into some random hotel in a rural area like you say.

My point is that the anger and frustration is misdirected. Successive government failure has caused a lot of the problems and yet I could almost guarantee you that it will be the same FF/FG, or some flavour of that, which will emerge after the next general election. It's like the priest in Father Ted, "Is there anything to be said for having another mass?"

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9567 - 15/02/2024 09:14:39    2526150


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Yeah good points. I wouldn't like to be starting out again as a graduate and trying to save towards buying a house. In many cases it'd be near impossible, especially living in the cities.
The immigration issue isn't going away so there needs to be a lot more thought put into it than simply sticking a load of people into some random hotel in a rural area like you say.

My point is that the anger and frustration is misdirected. Successive government failure has caused a lot of the problems and yet I could almost guarantee you that it will be the same FF/FG, or some flavour of that, which will emerge after the next general election. It's like the priest in Father Ted, "Is there anything to be said for having another mass?""
And many of the whingers won't actually vote at all.

bruffgael (Limerick) - Posts: 209 - 15/02/2024 10:51:03    2526162
