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Factually incorrect I would firmly say. Most clubs (at least those that are serious about development) have a second team now which are generally teams full of young lads and no longer "junior b" footballers. Most clubs use this to fill the intended void that U19 competition was supposed to fill (but second teams are much better IMO) Most of the larger clubs (those that are serious about development and not just winning underage cups) have teams in A/B and C grade. Most clubs have large academies and huge numbers playing go games from 7-11 age bracket. So I would be very confident to say that playing numbers are much greater across the county bar the odd exception. As I said a few weeks ago, there was reason we went from 1968 to 2021 without an underage title and now we've had 3 in 3 years. And those wins were with 13-15 clubs represented proves my initial statement here regarding playing numbers.
ShellyGael (Sligo) - Posts: 106 - 27/08/2023 13:34:34 2502442 Link 0 |
Factually incorrect about what? There were far less amalgamations at underage 20/30 years ago in fact there may not have been any. Ballisodare as a club has disappeared despite more people living in the parish than ever before. You have Calry and St John's joined up at some underage grades and they have 2/3 of the town to pick from. 2 clubs to cater for the whole of North Sligo???
Sligoman1234 (Sligo) - Posts: 450 - 27/08/2023 14:46:33 2502451 Link 0 |
Incorrect about playing numbers. Your examples are of the lamest nature. Ballisodare only operated for one decade out of the last five on their own - and they really were only operating for 5 years of that decade. Your St John's example is weak too. They are booming at underage except for u17-19.
ShellyGael (Sligo) - Posts: 106 - 27/08/2023 15:11:11 2502455 Link 0 |
So what about Ballymote, Geevagh, St Michael's, Bunninadden, Tubbercurry, Cloonacool, St Farnans, Easkey all who are involved in amalgamations that weren't in other years? Coolaney/Mullinabreena another team that is struggling with numbers. Having academies is great but retention beyond u15 seems to be a problem. So too St John's should be booming given the pick they have and good luck to them, they need some good news given their adult teams poor run. Returning to football on the field matters Shamrock Gaels bow out now bar a miracle, making their league win a consolation prize when they look back on the year. Still cannot write off Tourlestrane to at least be in the final at this stage. They just seem to have that winning edge despite using much the same panel. Bunninadden won't make the semis now which will be a disappointment for them after a lean spell in Division 1 but again working from very small numbers. Sligoman1234 (Sligo) - Posts: 450 - 27/08/2023 18:10:58 2502471 Link 0 |
As I said initially per St Michaels, the issues those clubs are having is population decline but we will agree to differ. This factor will be even more evident over coming years. If you were old enough, you would know that's not that long ago since Bunninadden boys were amalgamated with Mullinabreena under St Nathys. A revived Calry St Joseph's to take the north half of the town is crucial over the coming years, if we are to leverage population growth at the other end of the spectrum.
ShellyGael (Sligo) - Posts: 106 - 27/08/2023 18:26:48 2502472 Link 0 |
Shamrock Gaels are clinging by their finger tips to their dream of making the Senior Semi final. They need other clubs to do them loads of favours but after the hammering by old foes Tourlestrane the Gaels will do well to beat Drumcliffe next week. Mary's are cruising nicely and Tourlestrane without MC Intyre yesterday are once again going to be the team to beat. Next weekend when all teams will have a minimum of 2 games played will tell us more about the state of play. eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2016 - 28/08/2023 09:27:51 2502558 Link 0 |
Tourlestrane showing why they are favourites. Winning with ease without having to play fantastically well Sligobunnie (Sligo) - Posts: 5 - 28/08/2023 14:22:48 2502646 Link 0 |
Tourlestrane really enjoy being written off, I will not give them any more ammunition. Text book performance from them muscles (Sligo) - Posts: 467 - 28/08/2023 15:35:39 2502661 Link 0 |
A hugely impressive performance from Tourlestrane yesterday, as for Shamrock Gaels poor selections in Rd1 followed by questionable tactics in Rd2 has all but ended their campaign. Drumcliffe got the job done but that's about all that could be said about it. Mary's and Molaise both getting the job done. Expected a bit of a fight back from curry after their poor performance v Calry and they did but it up to Mary's even with 14 men. manfromthewest (Sligo) - Posts: 33 - 28/08/2023 18:32:30 2502716 Link 0 |
Weekend went as expected will be Tourlestrane DRP Mary's Maloise all to be in Senior semis Sligobunnie (Sligo) - Posts: 5 - 04/09/2023 16:50:38 2503039 Link 0 |
Well it's all taking shape nicely now. Marys are in semis and Molaise will join them and it'll be interesting to see how their round 5 game will go to decide who faces who in the semi. Tour are still doing the business and I'd expect Drumcliffe to join them at this point. Story of senior so far has been the collapse of Shamrock Gaels. Some would say it's karma for the league. They'll not go down though. I would expect Curry or Farnans to be heading for Intermediate. Sligoman1234 (Sligo) - Posts: 450 - 04/09/2023 17:15:44 2503044 Link 0 |
Group 1 all but sorted. group 2 is a bit more to play for. Drp and Coolera have faced off in the last few years in either group or semis. They drew in last years group, I expect a close game again. Drp were off it in the first half against Gaels and could have been dead and buried. Massive second half display and gaels were at a loss. Tours exp brought them through, they've dealt with coolera and everyone else in the last 8 years. Hard to see them being stopped. Marys not really being tested and could undo them later on. Their final game vs Molaise could be shadow boxing. townietalk (Sligo) - Posts: 44 - 04/09/2023 18:52:33 2503070 Link 0 |
I had a poor performance with my predictions last weekend. In Junior I expected Ballymote to beat Owenmore Gaels, Molaise to beat Harps. In the intermediate I couldn't see Enniscrone winning so easily and then in the Senior championship I surely thought there would be a kick in Shamrock Gaels. I also went for Coolera to beat Tourlestrane as I eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2016 - 05/09/2023 16:15:08 2503189 Link 0 |
If we learned anything at the weekend, it's that in general, league standings don't mean much come championship! DRP who were poor in Div 2 beating the Div 1 winners. Div 3 winners beating Castleconnor handy, who beat the likes of DRP in the league. Owenmore hammering Ballymote despite getting relegated to Div 3. You would have to wonder how a second string Shamrock Gaels team can run CM to a few points. What does that say about SG? ShellyGael (Sligo) - Posts: 106 - 05/09/2023 19:34:10 2503214 Link 0 |
Does anyone know what the rule will be if 3 teams are level on points ? Are Sligo GAA using the old rule of points difference between all teams or will the new rule of it being points difference between the 3 teams involved only be implied. Sligosportman (Sligo) - Posts: 4 - 05/09/2023 20:00:37 2503215 Link 0 |
They cant use old system, its in the rules for the new system so Sligo GAA has to follow the new rules If they are all level on points in the implied games with the 3 teams, then it is the score difference in those games that also applies and not the overall score difference. I believe this is the ruling being objected to elsewhere muscles (Sligo) - Posts: 467 - 06/09/2023 10:04:59 2503240 Link 0 |
Has to be the new rule as St Molaise Gaels found out in the league. It's unlikely to happen though that 3 teams will finish on the same in any group judging by current tables and fixtures for rounds 4 and 5.
Sligoman1234 (Sligo) - Posts: 450 - 06/09/2023 12:10:15 2503273 Link 0 |
Another weekend of football soon upon us. Sligoman1234 (Sligo) - Posts: 450 - 13/09/2023 22:26:56 2504220 Link 0 |
Sligobunnie (Sligo) - Posts: 5 - 14/09/2023 07:43:57 2504225 Link 0 |
For some clubs this is the last game of the round robin series. Players are beginning to drift back to soccer if they have no chance of progression to the semi finals. eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2016 - 14/09/2023 14:04:06 2504262 Link 0 |