Replying To Ulsterman: "You can see from the above post by Skippy2 the sheer ignorance and determination to cause deep offence still exists. It's quite sad actually." What's really sad is you're on here posting about something that hasn't being proven.
Skippy2 (Carlow) - Posts: 69 - 07/02/2022 15:51:05
Replying To Ulsterman: "Irish News today reporting that Down hurlers were called "Brits and Prods" throughout the game by Carlow players in yesterday's game. Really bad form if true. Why would Carlow players do that given the history of attacks on GAA players in the North?" Absolute ignorance of history, embarrassing behaviour . Carlow gaa should make a stand on that and name the players involved
Barrowsider (Carlow) - Posts: 1694 - 07/02/2022 16:00:12
Very poor if slagging crossed a line - no place for sectarianism- all right minded Carlow supporters would not condone that activity, particularly as people of all faiths and none play the game locally. Anyway, if true Down did their talking where it mattered on the scoreboard. If it is proven, the GAA will rightly make an example of the player (s) involved.
Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 565 - 07/02/2022 16:18:40
Replying To Skippy2: "What's really sad is you're on here posting about something that hasn't being proven." If it was on the other foot or Tyrone or Armagh you wouldn't be shouting looking proof.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2260 - 07/02/2022 16:29:54
Replying To Saynothing: "If it was on the other foot or Tyrone or Armagh you wouldn't be shouting looking proof." The respect, craic and behaviour of the Dublin fans when they come North is always class. They usually lay a wreath where Aidan McAnespie was killed.
Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9813 - 07/02/2022 16:40:23
Replying To Barrowsider: "Absolute ignorance of history, embarrassing behaviour . Carlow gaa should make a stand on that and name the players involved" I don't think anyone would be using this as an example of Carlow people or GAA in general. Nor ought the team be punished.
Mind-boggling ignorance apart from anything else!
On more positive note, lads that were on Dublin extended panel played Down last Sunday and while Dublin won well enough thanks to a clatter of goals, the Down lads were apparently handy enough and are obviously setting high target this year after a few bad ones.
BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 07/02/2022 16:55:02
Replying To Ulsterman: "The respect, craic and behaviour of the Dublin fans when they come North is always class. They usually lay a wreath where Aidan McAnespie was killed." No bigger fan of that fact than myself and when Dublin fans pay their respect at the roadside some people on these forums say they are just doing it to be seen, we up here know different.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2260 - 07/02/2022 16:55:14
Replying To Ulsterman: "You can see from the above post by Skippy2 the sheer ignorance and determination to cause deep offence still exists. It's quite sad actually." People from the South are often called all sorts Freestaters, West Brits etc by people from the North and it's rarely if ever called out. Not saying it justifies what's supposed to have happened but it's just as offensive
oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1529 - 07/02/2022 17:01:23
Replying To leitrim4sam: "I think you have hit the nail on the head here. Unless the clubs in the county produce top class players who are exposed to top class football week in week out then the county team will never be up to it. Good club scene equals good inter county team.
Roscommon are a good example- st Brigids dominated their championships from underage upwards putting in huge effort from underage upwards and training their club players and teams like intercounty teams. Everyone fell behind and had to change and did- now I know of junior clubs in Roscommon putting in as much effort as some inter county teams. And their club scene is brilliant now. Won Connacht senior and intermediate club champs this year. Their inter county team is flying.
A lot of Leitrim clubs go through the motions but that is changing and gathering pace thankfully. It will still take 10 years minimum to get the real benefit from this. Leitrim have always struggled for numbers and we used to play some underage games 13 a side to accommodate teams. This is now gone. For me this is a massive help. This was great to get kids games but players underage then get too used to space and freedom that they won't have against the Roscommon and mayo's we have to face. It's then they need to develop the skills to play under pressure and less space available. Is this the same in Carlow perhaps?
If the club scene is top notch each week players go out to play in then the county team inherit players that are already up to speed and take them a little bit more. Nobody can take players that have been going through the motions since underage and expect them to go beat players from another county who have been working on themselves and their game since a young lad. Leitrim have been getting players in to the county team that would be intermediate level in other counties at best, like I said that is changing but sheer numbers will always be against us.
The stronger counties don't have some secret recipe for success- what they have are clubs training guys from 4 years up and everything in place for them to succeed. Diet, S&C, coaching, effort and buy in from the players and competitive games every week.
I like Carlow- great people and I have visited dr Cullen park more than probably any other away ground down through the years in division 4, hopefully we can both progress upwards soon. All the best for the rest of the league, ye are better than this." No need for all that plámás there in the last two sentences. We're meeting them in a few weeks, the flowery stuff will be grand then if the result goes our way. Liatroim abú.
Boxtyeater (Leitrim) - Posts: 730 - 07/02/2022 17:09:09
Replying To Ulsterman: "The respect, craic and behaviour of the Dublin fans when they come North is always class. They usually lay a wreath where Aidan McAnespie was killed." Always lay a wreath.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2260 - 07/02/2022 19:41:55
Replying To TaosHum: "I'm still hoping the allegations are unfounded, but if the allegations are true then I don't think going easy on lads is the answer if you want to stamp it out. If the GAA are serious about ending this type of stuff, then they need to send a message it won't be tolerated.
Slagging and sledging doesn't bother me, it's harmless and means nothing calling someone a random insult, but this type of stuff is far too personal and close to home for some of the lads who have direct or indirectly experienced sectarian violence." Well said. I agree totally. It's not the slagging in itself, it's still very raw in the North and on the Ards Pensinsula teams on Down especially who faced an onslaught at times during the conflict.
Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9813 - 07/02/2022 20:51:20
At the moment Carlow gaa is going nowhere except downhill at speed, I can't wait for the findings of the investigation to be made known, so until then I will distance my self.
supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 3128 - 08/02/2022 10:42:51
We all know that sledging goes on and none of us regardless of county condone it in any way. But the comments that have been quoted are beyond sledging. They are simply disgraceful and I as a proud GAA Carlow fan of both hurling and football feel disgust and serious embarrassment.
I never thought that I would feel let down by a county team from our county.
Action needs to be taken The question really is, what action. We can talk about fines but that does not affect players, unless it means that players don't have over night stays for away games. Should an entire panel suffer because of the ignorance of a few ? We can also look at making apologies and I believe that players who were saying such unacceptable stuff should make personal apologies. No player regardless of who he or she is should ever have to listen to such unacceptable hurtful ignorance regardless of gender, sexual orientation religion or club or county. The perpetrators need to personally recognise the hurt that such comments make. Internal suspension should be considered by Carlow Co board. I don't think that such behaviour would have the backing of any decent person, official or player at any time. Such stupid ignorance should be outed and dealt with.
carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1856 - 08/02/2022 13:43:56
Silence from Carlow county board is (typically) deafening.
They need to make a statement and launch an investigation immediately.
In effect allegations of racism has been made against members of the team from a credible source and they seem to doing nothing about it. An investigation is needed and the players who were involved suspended. I'm sure Down players know the numbers of the players involved and just as likely I'm sure members of the Carlow team know who was involved. They need to show moral courage and call out their teammates if they don't put their hands up. An investigation is needed to facilitate that process however and a statement is urgently needed too. If the inept Carlow county board won't do the GAA in Croke Park need to take over.
Onion Breath (Carlow) - Posts: 1488 - 08/02/2022 14:35:03
Replying To Onion Breath: "Silence from Carlow county board is (typically) deafening.
They need to make a statement and launch an investigation immediately.
In effect allegations of racism has been made against members of the team from a credible source and they seem to doing nothing about it. An investigation is needed and the players who were involved suspended. I'm sure Down players know the numbers of the players involved and just as likely I'm sure members of the Carlow team know who was involved. They need to show moral courage and call out their teammates if they don't put their hands up. An investigation is needed to facilitate that process however and a statement is urgently needed too. If the inept Carlow county board won't do the GAA in Croke Park need to take over." I think statement from co board chairman is already in the public domain and states clearly that an investigation will take place and restated clearly the boards condemnation of any form.of sectarianism etc. I don't think that team mates will 'out' any player but obviously the Down manager is aware of the perpetrators. Will be very interesting to see events unfold. The entire situation is very worrying and brings the game into disrepute.
carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1856 - 08/02/2022 16:49:22
just reading some the messages on this and I just want to start by saying I fully agree that sectarianism racism etc has no place in our games. However there is one major issue I have with this incident. Why have none of the down players come forward to support their manager or condone what was allegedly said to them? It's a major red flag to me that this came to light via a tweet which is actually only in reply to another comment and was picked up on by social media outlets. If this incident took place then the down set up should have gone through the appropriate channels. As someone who has been involved in Carlow hurling all my life I was extremely disappointed to hear of these allegations- however jumping to conclusions without proper investigation is not a road we should be going down. To be clear I'm not saying it didn't happen it just seems very odd how the manager has gone about approaching the situation and the lack of any real evidence or support from his players is eye brow raising in my opinion.
hurleronthestool (Carlow) - Posts: 5 - 10/02/2022 13:00:38
Replying To hurleronthestool: "just reading some the messages on this and I just want to start by saying I fully agree that sectarianism racism etc has no place in our games. However there is one major issue I have with this incident. Why have none of the down players come forward to support their manager or condone what was allegedly said to them? It's a major red flag to me that this came to light via a tweet which is actually only in reply to another comment and was picked up on by social media outlets. If this incident took place then the down set up should have gone through the appropriate channels. As someone who has been involved in Carlow hurling all my life I was extremely disappointed to hear of these allegations- however jumping to conclusions without proper investigation is not a road we should be going down. To be clear I'm not saying it didn't happen it just seems very odd how the manager has gone about approaching the situation and the lack of any real evidence or support from his players is eye brow raising in my opinion." I hear what you are saying but I do think that if there is substance to the reports then the Down manager at this stage will have presented his case to those who will be undertaking an investigation.
carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1856 - 10/02/2022 18:41:06
Replying To hurleronthestool: "just reading some the messages on this and I just want to start by saying I fully agree that sectarianism racism etc has no place in our games. However there is one major issue I have with this incident. Why have none of the down players come forward to support their manager or condone what was allegedly said to them? It's a major red flag to me that this came to light via a tweet which is actually only in reply to another comment and was picked up on by social media outlets. If this incident took place then the down set up should have gone through the appropriate channels. As someone who has been involved in Carlow hurling all my life I was extremely disappointed to hear of these allegations- however jumping to conclusions without proper investigation is not a road we should be going down. To be clear I'm not saying it didn't happen it just seems very odd how the manager has gone about approaching the situation and the lack of any real evidence or support from his players is eye brow raising in my opinion." At last someone's talking sense. Surprising how many lad's here came down very hard on the lad's without hearing all the facts. Just to add aswell, the Down manager said had they lost the match he wouldn't have said anything. Seems Surprising, as the result shouldn't stop him if he feels that strongly about it.
Skippy2 (Carlow) - Posts: 69 - 10/02/2022 21:46:30
Replying To Skippy2: "At last someone's talking sense. Surprising how many lad's here came down very hard on the lad's without hearing all the facts. Just to add aswell, the Down manager said had they lost the match he wouldn't have said anything. Seems Surprising, as the result shouldn't stop him if he feels that strongly about it." The Down managers point is very clear and not strange or surprising at all. If Down had lost, and he had on behalf of his players made the same statement about sectarian abuse he would have been accused of being a 'bad loser'. He was very aware of this and that is why he stated what he did, as he wants people to take the situation seriously. As for lads coming down on lads without knowing all the facts, it's about time that we all, condemned any and all incidents of sectarian abuse regardless of when and where they are . Let's see what comes out of the investigation. That will inform us more and give us a more complete.picture.
carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1856 - 11/02/2022 14:56:38
Replying To carlowman: "The Down managers point is very clear and not strange or surprising at all. If Down had lost, and he had on behalf of his players made the same statement about sectarian abuse he would have been accused of being a 'bad loser'. He was very aware of this and that is why he stated what he did, as he wants people to take the situation seriously. As for lads coming down on lads without knowing all the facts, it's about time that we all, condemned any and all incidents of sectarian abuse regardless of when and where they are . Let's see what comes out of the investigation. That will inform us more and give us a more complete.picture." There's no issue coming down hard on it when it's proven absolutely should be a total suspension for the remainder of the competition. However I'd honestly have serious question marks over the truth of this incident- it's a telling factor that no major outlet like off the ball has brought him on air to discuss it or outline exactly how the incident occurred. 'A few of the players told me in the dressing afterwards' in my eyes is not good enough 'proof' when firing such an allegation out that's extremely damaging to a county's reputation. Again I really want to stress that I'm not condoning sectarian abuse but I am really disappointed at the swift call to hang draw and quarter players by our own supporters when we don't even know if the incident actually took place. We've no news of anyone being suspended or statements from the Gaa itself even which would indicate to me that someone's being loose with the truth.
hurleronthestool (Carlow) - Posts: 5 - 12/02/2022 08:54:28