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Replying To Blackbog:  "No laois hoodoo for Hurlers
Any reports... seem to be comfortable enough win"
Hurlers were brilliant tonight. Laois were good in the first 15 mins and were 6-4 up but once our lads got into it they were streets ahead of them.

Half back line was dominant and midfield won every loose ball going. Chris Nolan was unplayable as was Mouse.
Kevin McDonald was immense and dominated the match but the whole defence was brilliant. We went in 5 up at HT.

Laois were very poor at the start of the second half and kept lumping ball to our spare man. We went 9 up and should have had 2 more goals. Laois Ryan Mullaney made a great goal line save from Mouse.

We got a bit sloppy towards the end but Laois played well for the last ten minutes and almost had a goal which somehow stayed out.

Huge win and another against Down should see us promoted to Div 1B

carlovia (None) - Posts: 1519 - 24/02/2024 22:17:46    2527922


Composed performance by the hurlers last night. Few changes on the team didn't seem to affect them. The panel looks even stronger this year. Their work rate and quality is really impressive. Should manage to get through the next couple of fixtures if they play to form.

Unusedsub (Carlow) - Posts: 85 - 25/02/2024 12:44:32    2527978


Good weekend in both codes
Hurlers looked good last night and have strength in depth
Battling performance by footballers to stay in promotion hunt

Blackbog (Carlow) - Posts: 709 - 25/02/2024 15:59:42    2528014


Delighted the footballers battled to a win. Good weekend for carlow gaa following last night's win in portlaoise

Unusedsub (Carlow) - Posts: 85 - 25/02/2024 17:02:47    2528041


Replying To Unusedsub:  "Delighted the footballers battled to a win. Good weekend for carlow gaa following last night's win in portlaoise"
Great effort to get that goal. Well done to Colm and special mention to Eric molloy who made a fantastic run to keep the move going. Jamie Clarke outstanding. Morrissey was blackguarded all day long. Shocking refereeing. Still in the hunt.

Overthebar53 (Carlow) - Posts: 227 - 25/02/2024 17:41:15    2528056


Replying To Unusedsub:  "Delighted the footballers battled to a win. Good weekend for carlow gaa following last night's win in portlaoise"
Great to see both senior teams prevail, not every weekend we can say that or can every county for that matter!! The manner of the footballers victory was particularly satisfying..

PS if it is available on line, the commentary on KCLR for Hultons goal is worth listening to … it is what makes local GAA coverage so unique

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 25/02/2024 19:11:40    2528087


Great win today. We won it right at the death just like Leitrim beat Wexford last week. Thought we deserved it overall as we lead for most of the game. They pulled a couple clear near the end but we dug it out. We really should have pushed on when we scored that goal & a point in the 2nd half from turnovers from their kick out. Unfortunately we let them score a goal almost straight away & then they took the lead a few minutes later. Something to work on going forward. Lastly the ref was very poor. For the 2nd game running we had a Carlow man bearing down on goal with a great chance to bury it when he is pulled down & no black card?? Its unbelievable stuff. He was poor for both sides today but I felt very hard on us & I can say that as we won.... Wexford next week is a hugh game now. Another 50/50 game but hopefully we can do it

carlo (Carlow) - Posts: 226 - 25/02/2024 20:29:31    2528111


Good wins from both teams over the weekend. We need leitrim to slip up again and we need to keep winning. Hurlers are looking a step ahead of the rest, could be a very good season ahead for them.

Barrowsider (Carlow) - Posts: 1625 - 26/02/2024 08:50:42    2528196


Good to bounce back after the Laois game. Very entertaining game to watch, 2 evenly matched teams, Leitrim kicked some lovely scores in the second half and will no doubt be very disappointed.
Good win, but very close to a disappointing loss so we can't get too ahead of ourselves.
Couple of things to work on:
1. Kickout improved but still needs work, Some short KO are very loopy when they shouldn't be. but big improvement as players looked like they wanted the ball and when we went long we had numbers out the field.
2. We need more out of some of our big name players, in particular Jordan Morrissey and Ross Dunphy, hopefully we'll see more from them next Saturday evening.
3. I'd like us too push up on opposition kickouts a little more. I know we conceded the goal off their long KO but we are giving teams too much respect and should at least push up more in spells in each half. We only seem to be doing it after free kicks at the moment and therefore struggle to gain momentum in the game.
4. We are very slow to bring on subs. Nearly 70 mintues on the clock and he only brought on 1 sub, and we were crying out for fresh legs and energy for 10/15 minutes at that stage. And we have subs who can come on and make an impact. If Colm Hulton doesn't score that goal, I think that would have been a huge talking point after the game. Not like our starting 15 starred, loads of players were out on their feet.
5. Lastly, 2 frees from 50/55 yards brought forward for back chat to the referee and then scored. Very poor and needs to be addressed. Scores are too hard to score (esp given our gameplan & ko strategy) to be giving away these type of cheap scores.

Big chance next weekend V Wexford. We are capable of it but I'm not confident on a win. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Repeat1944 (Carlow) - Posts: 6 - 26/02/2024 09:53:37    2528218


Replying To Bimb:  "Who would take the frees?....... Plus he still gets a fair share of points from play....... Id be more inclined to use him as a long ball option more often"
He had a good game yesterday to be fair despite missing a few easy frees probably should have been subbed for fresh legs in second half

Carlowrising (Carlow) - Posts: 137 - 26/02/2024 11:01:09    2528258


Unbelievable winning goal from Colm Hulton and I think it was him who saved our bacon in the first half blocking a certain Leitrim goal off the line. Jamie Clarke gave a great performance also turning over the kickout and finishing our first 3 pointer. I would echo @repeat1944's sentiment of Morrissey and Dunphy being quiet yesterday but they tend to be targeted defensively by our opposition. Overall it was an extremely exciting game to watch and sets us up for a chance to knock Wexford out of the promotion race next weekend. Two areas for concern were firstly our kickout struggles particularly in the second half and secondly the 10 minute spell Leitrim were playing with 14 men yet controlled the game, we never adjusted during this phase of the game when we should have turned the screw by introducing fresh legs from the bench and utilised our extra man.

Wexford will be no easy task and by the looks of it are a similar level to ourselves, I see Wexford started with Ben Brosnan on the bench last Saturday and brought him on for the last 20 minutes and he scored 6 points. I think we could use Darragh Foley in a similar way and we might close out games stronger.

Carlowrising (Carlow) - Posts: 137 - 26/02/2024 11:30:17    2528276


Replying To Repeat1944:  "Good to bounce back after the Laois game. Very entertaining game to watch, 2 evenly matched teams, Leitrim kicked some lovely scores in the second half and will no doubt be very disappointed.
Good win, but very close to a disappointing loss so we can't get too ahead of ourselves.
Couple of things to work on:
1. Kickout improved but still needs work, Some short KO are very loopy when they shouldn't be. but big improvement as players looked like they wanted the ball and when we went long we had numbers out the field.
2. We need more out of some of our big name players, in particular Jordan Morrissey and Ross Dunphy, hopefully we'll see more from them next Saturday evening.
3. I'd like us too push up on opposition kickouts a little more. I know we conceded the goal off their long KO but we are giving teams too much respect and should at least push up more in spells in each half. We only seem to be doing it after free kicks at the moment and therefore struggle to gain momentum in the game.
4. We are very slow to bring on subs. Nearly 70 mintues on the clock and he only brought on 1 sub, and we were crying out for fresh legs and energy for 10/15 minutes at that stage. And we have subs who can come on and make an impact. If Colm Hulton doesn't score that goal, I think that would have been a huge talking point after the game. Not like our starting 15 starred, loads of players were out on their feet.
5. Lastly, 2 frees from 50/55 yards brought forward for back chat to the referee and then scored. Very poor and needs to be addressed. Scores are too hard to score (esp given our gameplan & ko strategy) to be giving away these type of cheap scores.

Big chance next weekend V Wexford. We are capable of it but I'm not confident on a win. Hopefully I'm wrong."
Let's call a spade a shovel here, we won yesterday because of the players and despite the management

Overthebar53 (Carlow) - Posts: 227 - 26/02/2024 11:32:10    2528278


Replying To Carlowrising:  "Unbelievable winning goal from Colm Hulton and I think it was him who saved our bacon in the first half blocking a certain Leitrim goal off the line. Jamie Clarke gave a great performance also turning over the kickout and finishing our first 3 pointer. I would echo @repeat1944's sentiment of Morrissey and Dunphy being quiet yesterday but they tend to be targeted defensively by our opposition. Overall it was an extremely exciting game to watch and sets us up for a chance to knock Wexford out of the promotion race next weekend. Two areas for concern were firstly our kickout struggles particularly in the second half and secondly the 10 minute spell Leitrim were playing with 14 men yet controlled the game, we never adjusted during this phase of the game when we should have turned the screw by introducing fresh legs from the bench and utilised our extra man.

Wexford will be no easy task and by the looks of it are a similar level to ourselves, I see Wexford started with Ben Brosnan on the bench last Saturday and brought him on for the last 20 minutes and he scored 6 points. I think we could use Darragh Foley in a similar way and we might close out games stronger."
Who would take the frees?...... Conor doyles 45 yesterday would nt exactly fill me with cinfidence

Bimb (Carlow) - Posts: 453 - 26/02/2024 12:10:12    2528296


The margins between success / failure in this Division can be insane. Winning goal scored deep in injury time, Laois a last minute free to win ... Leitrim penalty at the death last week ... With a few rounds to go you still cannot discount an upset or two - hopefully not at our expense -

On the way back some of the post match radio interviews were v interesting. From management & players a strong sense they let them selves down vs Laois and didn't bring the necessary fight to them and was something they wanted to put right yesterday. For me this indicates a united and strong group able to have honest appraisals and to be able to take it to the field afterwards. I didn't detect any ego, delusion or braggado from players and management after what was a absolutely mighty win, but a clear realisation that it just keeps us in the promotion hunt. Playing to the very end and playing for each other brought the right result yesterday. Saying that, the manner of the victory is priceless, the inner confidence it will give what is a relatively young group cannot be measured. How many times would other CW sides not be mentally or physically able for the challenge .... Also let us be realistic Hulton took his goal incredibly well - skill, poise and execution - but sometimes it dosnt come off - lady luck plays a part

Certainly, the Wexford game is now the key one, both sides have to win to stay in the promotion hunt. It could be reasonably argued it is the toughest one we have left because if Leitrim beat Longford, when we meet them they have nothing apart from pride to play for and London are out of the promotion reckoning. Again neither are sides to be underestimated, as lets be fair, all teams would feel we are beatable. Wexford have some good experience - Ben Brosnan - to call on - but we are at home and have over the years a very decent record against them. From an injury and suspension perspective going into this tie Carew has a full panel to draw from .

For the team it is to go into this with the right attitude, grit and to be mentally prepared as they clearly were yesterday.

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 26/02/2024 13:22:35    2528324


Replying To Bimb:  "Who would take the frees?...... Conor doyles 45 yesterday would nt exactly fill me with cinfidence"
Some of the spelling on this forum wouldn't fill me with cinfidence however if you give guys opportunity they might rise to the challenge. Conor Doyle has been taking the 45s well this year and I'm sure our forwards could manage the frees between them, yesterday atleast 3 scorable frees were missed which is hardly indispensable form.

Carlowrising (Carlow) - Posts: 137 - 26/02/2024 13:58:16    2528336


Replying To Bainisteoir:  "The margins between success / failure in this Division can be insane. Winning goal scored deep in injury time, Laois a last minute free to win ... Leitrim penalty at the death last week ... With a few rounds to go you still cannot discount an upset or two - hopefully not at our expense -

On the way back some of the post match radio interviews were v interesting. From management & players a strong sense they let them selves down vs Laois and didn't bring the necessary fight to them and was something they wanted to put right yesterday. For me this indicates a united and strong group able to have honest appraisals and to be able to take it to the field afterwards. I didn't detect any ego, delusion or braggado from players and management after what was a absolutely mighty win, but a clear realisation that it just keeps us in the promotion hunt. Playing to the very end and playing for each other brought the right result yesterday. Saying that, the manner of the victory is priceless, the inner confidence it will give what is a relatively young group cannot be measured. How many times would other CW sides not be mentally or physically able for the challenge .... Also let us be realistic Hulton took his goal incredibly well - skill, poise and execution - but sometimes it dosnt come off - lady luck plays a part

Certainly, the Wexford game is now the key one, both sides have to win to stay in the promotion hunt. It could be reasonably argued it is the toughest one we have left because if Leitrim beat Longford, when we meet them they have nothing apart from pride to play for and London are out of the promotion reckoning. Again neither are sides to be underestimated, as lets be fair, all teams would feel we are beatable. Wexford have some good experience - Ben Brosnan - to call on - but we are at home and have over the years a very decent record against them. From an injury and suspension perspective going into this tie Carew has a full panel to draw from .

For the team it is to go into this with the right attitude, grit and to be mentally prepared as they clearly were yesterday."
It's definitely the last chance saloon for wexford. Longford likewise must win and beat us the following week. I think there is nothing between carlow wexford Longford leitrim and tipp. But if carlow and leitrim win next week another scenario comes into play, if carlow and leitrim win the next two they will go into the final round of games on 10 points laois will be statistically promoted but the 3 could finish on 12 points. Now that would leave us having to hammer London in the last game. I'm hoping that won't happen and that leitrim drop more points. If wexford and Longford win next week it's going to be make for a grand stand finish to the league

Barrowsider (Carlow) - Posts: 1625 - 26/02/2024 14:56:43    2528365


Replying To Carlowrising:  "Some of the spelling on this forum wouldn't fill me with cinfidence however if you give guys opportunity they might rise to the challenge. Conor Doyle has been taking the 45s well this year and I'm sure our forwards could manage the frees between them, yesterday atleast 3 scorable frees were missed which is hardly indispensable form."
So who are the free takers in the team?....... Yesterday was nt darraghs best day but he has kept us in many games over the years. How many 45s or frees has conor doyle scored this year for carlow?.......... Was it a typo or just coonsidence that i spelt cinfidence wrong?

Bimb (Carlow) - Posts: 453 - 26/02/2024 16:32:41    2528401


Replying To Barrowsider:  "It's definitely the last chance saloon for wexford. Longford likewise must win and beat us the following week. I think there is nothing between carlow wexford Longford leitrim and tipp. But if carlow and leitrim win next week another scenario comes into play, if carlow and leitrim win the next two they will go into the final round of games on 10 points laois will be statistically promoted but the 3 could finish on 12 points. Now that would leave us having to hammer London in the last game. I'm hoping that won't happen and that leitrim drop more points. If wexford and Longford win next week it's going to be make for a grand stand finish to the league"
On one level I would love the tension of a grand finale finish (where we obviously come out on top) - the McDonagh final ET last year is an example, but dunno if the nerves could handle it .... to not go up in those circumstances would be utterly sickening .... On balance perhaps best we take our fate into our own hands !!

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 26/02/2024 17:07:39    2528413


Replying To Bainisteoir:  "On one level I would love the tension of a grand finale finish (where we obviously come out on top) - the McDonagh final ET last year is an example, but dunno if the nerves could handle it .... to not go up in those circumstances would be utterly sickening .... On balance perhaps best we take our fate into our own hands !!"
Isn't it exciting to be in a promotion race again?

I really think we have a great bunch of young players. And I'd be very interested to see what a quality coach, with a good tactical plan, could do with them.

Niall Carew deserves credit for putting the group together, but I agree with the poster above who said yesterday's win was down to the players.

Again, I saw so many strategic limitations.

CARPS (Carlow) - Posts: 652 - 26/02/2024 17:51:05    2528435


Great to see your hurlers going so well. C'mon the little guy.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1093 - 26/02/2024 18:34:40    2528447
