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Carlow GAA thread

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Replying To TaosHum:  "When you think about it, the hurling should be a more attractive prospect for dual players undecided what to commit to. Just off the top of my head the advantages are:

- Play at a higher standard than the footballers
- Promotion away from playing highest standard of hurling
- Settled and well respected coaching staff
- Higher chance of winning some silverware
- Solid core group of players established on the panel

Horse and Murphy may not be automatic starters for the hurlers as they would for the footballers, but they add some much needed depth and will have a part to play in every game."
Can't disagree with your main points. The hurling teams have been very successful and have achieved a lot and from a players perspective, they have the chance to pit their talents against many of the better teams.
Whether managers, and I would feel , especially the footballers would 'allow' a player to play both, well that is very debatable !!!
Agree also that for many years now, the hurling team has had excellent managers, who have been dedicated to improving the teams performance.
To me, the hurlers have had the better record in keeping the players and with their results also despite the fact that football is seen and viewed as the bigger sport within the county.
Really do hope the hurlers have another great year ahead. They deserve it.

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1825 - 18/01/2022 15:50:05    2395466


Replying To carlowman:  "Can't disagree with your main points. The hurling teams have been very successful and have achieved a lot and from a players perspective, they have the chance to pit their talents against many of the better teams.
Whether managers, and I would feel , especially the footballers would 'allow' a player to play both, well that is very debatable !!!
Agree also that for many years now, the hurling team has had excellent managers, who have been dedicated to improving the teams performance.
To me, the hurlers have had the better record in keeping the players and with their results also despite the fact that football is seen and viewed as the bigger sport within the county.
Really do hope the hurlers have another great year ahead. They deserve it."
Fr. Jimmy Doyle a Carlow man and priest from Kildavin passed away while out walking near his home at Craanmore, in Oct. 2020 RIP.

An accomplished hurler and footballer with Kildavin/Clonegal, with whom he won three senior football championships in 1966, '70 and '73. Fr Jimmy represented Carlow in both codes. Coming from the second smallest county in the country we seem to be able to produce footballers and hurlers from small rural clubs that in time would become house hold names, Paddy Quirke and Cyril Hughes are two other dual players that are house hold names, and there are more in the county

Another great achievement of Fr. Jimmy's if not his greatest was the role he played with his victorious Junior hurling team when he captained them to Junior championship and league victories at 18 years of age.

I got a present of a Book Of Tributes to Fr. Jimmy ( Sportsman and a Shepherd.) well worth a read.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2956 - 18/01/2022 21:33:01    2395515


Replying To supersub15:  "Fr. Jimmy Doyle a Carlow man and priest from Kildavin passed away while out walking near his home at Craanmore, in Oct. 2020 RIP.

An accomplished hurler and footballer with Kildavin/Clonegal, with whom he won three senior football championships in 1966, '70 and '73. Fr Jimmy represented Carlow in both codes. Coming from the second smallest county in the country we seem to be able to produce footballers and hurlers from small rural clubs that in time would become house hold names, Paddy Quirke and Cyril Hughes are two other dual players that are house hold names, and there are more in the county

Another great achievement of Fr. Jimmy's if not his greatest was the role he played with his victorious Junior hurling team when he captained them to Junior championship and league victories at 18 years of age.

I got a present of a Book Of Tributes to Fr. Jimmy ( Sportsman and a Shepherd.) well worth a read."
Fr Jimmy was indeed an Influential person and has been greatly missed. RIP.
You mention 2 former players that you refer to as 'household' names. In a second I will put a few other players as being exceptional dual code players, but using the term 'household' implies that they are well known by the general public.
I agree that the players mentioned were superb but not household names. Yes Paddy and Cyril were top class players who were honoured time and time again and fully deserving of such honours. But I don't agree that they were household names. Outside of the GAA community how well known were they actually ?
As someone who has admired both players as a spectator for many years if I mentioned either players name to most of the people I worked with, even during their playing era, they just did not hear of them.
But I do agree that Carlow has produced many fine dual stars and I personally believe that Paddy was the best hurler we have ever had. But others who should be mentioned as great dual stars would be Johnny Nevin, Joe and Brendan Hayden as two others who I believe are as good as any other dual players we have produced.
I am sure I have left out a few as well !
To be a household name - even within ones own county one would need to have been part of many successful teams over a sustained period and have a very prominent public profile.
At the moment, very few of our players in either code are part of teams who are continuing to be successful and getting the media coverage essential to being regarded as 'household ' names within Carlow not to mind being national ones !

At the moment, the closest we have are Marty in the hurling and Jordan in the football with Brendan M being a recent notable player for football and Paul B also in that category.
But isn't it sad that we don't have dual players at the moment being talked about even within our own county ?

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1825 - 19/01/2022 15:00:09    2395616


Replying To carlowman:  "Fr Jimmy was indeed an Influential person and has been greatly missed. RIP.
You mention 2 former players that you refer to as 'household' names. In a second I will put a few other players as being exceptional dual code players, but using the term 'household' implies that they are well known by the general public.
I agree that the players mentioned were superb but not household names. Yes Paddy and Cyril were top class players who were honoured time and time again and fully deserving of such honours. But I don't agree that they were household names. Outside of the GAA community how well known were they actually ?
As someone who has admired both players as a spectator for many years if I mentioned either players name to most of the people I worked with, even during their playing era, they just did not hear of them.
But I do agree that Carlow has produced many fine dual stars and I personally believe that Paddy was the best hurler we have ever had. But others who should be mentioned as great dual stars would be Johnny Nevin, Joe and Brendan Hayden as two others who I believe are as good as any other dual players we have produced.
I am sure I have left out a few as well !
To be a household name - even within ones own county one would need to have been part of many successful teams over a sustained period and have a very prominent public profile.
At the moment, very few of our players in either code are part of teams who are continuing to be successful and getting the media coverage essential to being regarded as 'household ' names within Carlow not to mind being national ones !

At the moment, the closest we have are Marty in the hurling and Jordan in the football with Brendan M being a recent notable player for football and Paul B also in that category.
But isn't it sad that we don't have dual players at the moment being talked about even within our own county ?"
The way I see it is a household name in gaelic games is not at all measured by the amount of people that know of him or heard of him from within his county or outside his county, rather it is the players ability to consistently play well above average and give a man of the match performance leading by example when the chips are down. I do not believe for a minute that Paddy Quirke, Cyril Hughes, Johnny Nevin, Brendan or Joe Hayden etc are not known across the country in selected places, not a chance. I am a Carlow man living and settled outside the county for a number of years now however I am still a Carlow supporter; from mixing with a wide variety of people from a very wide area I have a different meaning of household to that of yours, and that's ok sure it's all about opinion.

Paddy has an embarrassing amount of riches in silverware he won on the field in both hurling and football along with allocates of many far too much to mention, he also won Dual replacement All Star 1980 (Man of Match V Kerry)
Yes, Carlowman, Paddy Quirke is without a shadow of doubt a household name of greatness.

PS. He was never put off in his entire playing career.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2956 - 19/01/2022 21:29:27    2395677


Replying To supersub15:  "The way I see it is a household name in gaelic games is not at all measured by the amount of people that know of him or heard of him from within his county or outside his county, rather it is the players ability to consistently play well above average and give a man of the match performance leading by example when the chips are down. I do not believe for a minute that Paddy Quirke, Cyril Hughes, Johnny Nevin, Brendan or Joe Hayden etc are not known across the country in selected places, not a chance. I am a Carlow man living and settled outside the county for a number of years now however I am still a Carlow supporter; from mixing with a wide variety of people from a very wide area I have a different meaning of household to that of yours, and that's ok sure it's all about opinion.

Paddy has an embarrassing amount of riches in silverware he won on the field in both hurling and football along with allocates of many far too much to mention, he also won Dual replacement All Star 1980 (Man of Match V Kerry)
Yes, Carlowman, Paddy Quirke is without a shadow of doubt a household name of greatness.

PS. He was never put off in his entire playing career."
I think we and that includes yourself are living in a world that is and has changed quite a lot.
I have watched and admired all of the names we have mentioned and marvelled at their drive skill and efforts over many years and many more from all clubs small and big from all corners of the county.
However, my view is that very few of our players are well known and recognised in the county overall. From my work, and again working with a lot of people, I would say that out of 70 people, just 5 of those would have recognised Paddy , Cyril Johnny Brendan and Joe Even when they were in their pomp.
Carlow is indifferent to GAA success.
The majority of my work colleagues were more interested in premiership rugby and GAA is well down the pecking order. Love Island is a big hit !

Even, recent games like the county finals at most levels have brought in small attendances.
Some may say, covid has had an impact but in reality this is a trend that has been happening for years. The attendances are very small and that incudes county finals at all levels.
Take the minor football final this year which had Tullow or St Patrick's playing against Eire Og. A very small attendance.
Even The Nationalist, once a 'must read' on Tuesday is now struggling hugely.
Earlier in the year there was controversy when an effort at raising the entrance price for senior football was very clearly a failure and droves did not attend.
I have been to a huge amount of games this year at all levels and in both codes and I am beginning to lose faith to be honest.
Yes, like yourself I will continue to go to support my club , but you know... I am often sitting on my own and the closest person to me is often a long way away in the stand.

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1825 - 20/01/2022 13:41:33    2395740


Replying To carlowman:  "I think we and that includes yourself are living in a world that is and has changed quite a lot.
I have watched and admired all of the names we have mentioned and marvelled at their drive skill and efforts over many years and many more from all clubs small and big from all corners of the county.
However, my view is that very few of our players are well known and recognised in the county overall. From my work, and again working with a lot of people, I would say that out of 70 people, just 5 of those would have recognised Paddy , Cyril Johnny Brendan and Joe Even when they were in their pomp.
Carlow is indifferent to GAA success.
The majority of my work colleagues were more interested in premiership rugby and GAA is well down the pecking order. Love Island is a big hit !

Even, recent games like the county finals at most levels have brought in small attendances.
Some may say, covid has had an impact but in reality this is a trend that has been happening for years. The attendances are very small and that incudes county finals at all levels.
Take the minor football final this year which had Tullow or St Patrick's playing against Eire Og. A very small attendance.
Even The Nationalist, once a 'must read' on Tuesday is now struggling hugely.
Earlier in the year there was controversy when an effort at raising the entrance price for senior football was very clearly a failure and droves did not attend.
I have been to a huge amount of games this year at all levels and in both codes and I am beginning to lose faith to be honest.
Yes, like yourself I will continue to go to support my club , but you know... I am often sitting on my own and the closest person to me is often a long way away in the stand."
I totally agree with almost everything you say, including the change that has happened and is still happening at pace and in my opinion it's not helpful at all to counties such as Carlow. The familiarity of our players within the county is partially because the buzz is gone off the street, generation after generation has seen failure after failure so young people have little to aspire to, for that reason Carlow are indifferent to GAA success, to be fair to Carlow's hurlers they have at least shown positive promise with respectable results over the years. I would like to know the answer to this question, if Carlow were to remove themselves from their involvement with senior inter county football would it go unnoticed, if it was, would there be a strategic plan put in place to sort things out.

I was reading where the start and broadcast of the Kildare co final was put back by 10 mins. To give patrons time to enter the grounds such was the crowd, it has me wondering is it a response to the 5 man all-star management team put in place to guide their senior footballers over the next few years, not alone that but I read today where they have signed up Paul Galvin as their forward coach. I read too where Jim Mc Guinness has teamed up with the Waterford senior footballers to coach them to better things.

Offaly have fallen on bad times over the past 20 years or so in both codes, Michael Duignan is doing good things it seems, underage is being well looked after, Offaly senior footballers fell down to div.4 a few short years ago, they are now in div.2 having brought in John Maughan they then brought in Tomas O' Se.

Carlow county board are made up of decent people doing the best they can in the interest of Carlow's gaelic games, it now seems that the Carlow county board is at a cross roads, the cross roads leads them to staying put or making a couple of difficult decisions that may change direction and misfortunes of gaelic games in Carlow.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2956 - 20/01/2022 21:50:58    2395815


Replying To supersub15:  "I totally agree with almost everything you say, including the change that has happened and is still happening at pace and in my opinion it's not helpful at all to counties such as Carlow. The familiarity of our players within the county is partially because the buzz is gone off the street, generation after generation has seen failure after failure so young people have little to aspire to, for that reason Carlow are indifferent to GAA success, to be fair to Carlow's hurlers they have at least shown positive promise with respectable results over the years. I would like to know the answer to this question, if Carlow were to remove themselves from their involvement with senior inter county football would it go unnoticed, if it was, would there be a strategic plan put in place to sort things out.

I was reading where the start and broadcast of the Kildare co final was put back by 10 mins. To give patrons time to enter the grounds such was the crowd, it has me wondering is it a response to the 5 man all-star management team put in place to guide their senior footballers over the next few years, not alone that but I read today where they have signed up Paul Galvin as their forward coach. I read too where Jim Mc Guinness has teamed up with the Waterford senior footballers to coach them to better things.

Offaly have fallen on bad times over the past 20 years or so in both codes, Michael Duignan is doing good things it seems, underage is being well looked after, Offaly senior footballers fell down to div.4 a few short years ago, they are now in div.2 having brought in John Maughan they then brought in Tomas O' Se.

Carlow county board are made up of decent people doing the best they can in the interest of Carlow's gaelic games, it now seems that the Carlow county board is at a cross roads, the cross roads leads them to staying put or making a couple of difficult decisions that may change direction and misfortunes of gaelic games in Carlow."
I don't think that withdrawing the senior footballers from competition would generate much comment internally within the county.
GAA in Leinster and Croke Park would definitely respond and I would think the response would be in withholding monies normally accruing from participation in league and championship. That woukd be a huge blow and woukd affect jobs in yhe immediate term - so, probably no Operations Manager and probably just one full time gda.
It's interesting that you surmise that Kildares recent upsurge in interest may be due to their management team.
I think that is a possibility or its probable.
Offaly have put the right people in and are working hard at every level under Gugnans management.
I agree that our board is made up of decent people that are doing their best, but competing with others especially at football is not working.
There are good player pathways there for young lads to have a decent playing career if they so wish.
Again without success, its very difficult losing key players makes it very difficult. Management's are working feverishly.
Very good people have been there with our underage set ups for quite a while. Indifferent success at minor and under 20 hurling it must be said while at football it's been dismal.
When it comes to names.... for management, a 'name' is a big help but it's not everything. Having the enthusiasm and instilling belief is what makes a difference.
We also have to look at our internal championship structures. Both of us now know who the last 4 will be in the championship this year and we could pick out the finalists. That is simply not promoting the game at all.
Go down to minor, its the very same or even worse with one team winning almost every year.
Great to see a novel pairing in the under 20 football final but almost everyone left with wondering would those Clonmore young men wear their club Jersey again such was their poor performance on the day.
And, when we look at hurling, it's not quite as predictable but Gaels have rejoined senior and Balinkillen are making strides too. A few years ago it was just 4 senior clubs.
Clubs have ambitions, no doubting that, the improvements in player facilities matches any county in the country, and perhaps the next stage will see a better focus at kids level.
Primary school games are almost non existent, and huge emphasis needs to be directed there. In saying that the club underage structures are providing a lot more games and cross county leagues are helping at underage hurling a lot.

The Supporters Club has gone, which is a most regrettable situation and we have to ask why that has happened.

The pitch - outside one - at Netwatch Cullen Park has no nets and the Board wants teams to warm up there...
Invariably if you are involved with a team at county level, your monies are capped so that if you want to bring a team somewhere or do something different, it's out of your pocket it will come. That definitely is not helpful.
I have been around a long time and there are shoots that are encouraging and perhaps this year we will have representative trams that wil lift the spirits!!

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1825 - 21/01/2022 10:35:53    2395833


County football is not good … reports of 18 players for training , hammered by Kildare .. not playing Westmeath.. what incentive for young lads to pull on the county jersey ?
Does the panel have the best players in the county?
We need to start like Eddie Brennan did in Laois hurling.. he drew up a list of players he wanted around the county and went to each of them .. he facilitated those that gave him commitment …
Supporters club is a huge loss … the likes of limerick with a major sponsor showed what money can do .. particularly with development squads ..

Coldeye (Carlow) - Posts: 10 - 22/01/2022 10:59:18    2395930


Replying To carlowman:  "I don't think that withdrawing the senior footballers from competition would generate much comment internally within the county.
GAA in Leinster and Croke Park would definitely respond and I would think the response would be in withholding monies normally accruing from participation in league and championship. That woukd be a huge blow and woukd affect jobs in yhe immediate term - so, probably no Operations Manager and probably just one full time gda.
It's interesting that you surmise that Kildares recent upsurge in interest may be due to their management team.
I think that is a possibility or its probable.
Offaly have put the right people in and are working hard at every level under Gugnans management.
I agree that our board is made up of decent people that are doing their best, but competing with others especially at football is not working.
There are good player pathways there for young lads to have a decent playing career if they so wish.
Again without success, its very difficult losing key players makes it very difficult. Management's are working feverishly.
Very good people have been there with our underage set ups for quite a while. Indifferent success at minor and under 20 hurling it must be said while at football it's been dismal.
When it comes to names.... for management, a 'name' is a big help but it's not everything. Having the enthusiasm and instilling belief is what makes a difference.
We also have to look at our internal championship structures. Both of us now know who the last 4 will be in the championship this year and we could pick out the finalists. That is simply not promoting the game at all.
Go down to minor, its the very same or even worse with one team winning almost every year.
Great to see a novel pairing in the under 20 football final but almost everyone left with wondering would those Clonmore young men wear their club Jersey again such was their poor performance on the day.
And, when we look at hurling, it's not quite as predictable but Gaels have rejoined senior and Balinkillen are making strides too. A few years ago it was just 4 senior clubs.
Clubs have ambitions, no doubting that, the improvements in player facilities matches any county in the country, and perhaps the next stage will see a better focus at kids level.
Primary school games are almost non existent, and huge emphasis needs to be directed there. In saying that the club underage structures are providing a lot more games and cross county leagues are helping at underage hurling a lot.

The Supporters Club has gone, which is a most regrettable situation and we have to ask why that has happened.

The pitch - outside one - at Netwatch Cullen Park has no nets and the Board wants teams to warm up there...
Invariably if you are involved with a team at county level, your monies are capped so that if you want to bring a team somewhere or do something different, it's out of your pocket it will come. That definitely is not helpful.
I have been around a long time and there are shoots that are encouraging and perhaps this year we will have representative trams that wil lift the spirits!!"
Carlowman, your an honest poster and I have an honest question for you, you say, - GAA in Leinster and Croke Park would definitely respond and I would think the response would be in withholding monies normally accruing from participation in league and championship. That woukd be a huge blow and woukd affect jobs in yhe immediate term.
supersub15 (Carlow) - My question is, what sanctions were put in place to penalise Kilkenny for withdrawing their senior football team from the leinster senior football championship.
Carlowman. - The Supporters Club has gone, which is a most regrettable situation and we have to ask why that has happened'
supersub15 (Carlow) - I joined the supporters club back then, I got my c w pen, my c w key ring, c w info, etc. full stop. Carlow county board need to be reminded that Carlow gaa needs a supporters club now.
Carlowman. - but competing with others especially at football is not working.
supersub15 (Carlow) - Question.- Why persist with something that is not working.? Why not search for something new that may work .Why not insist that the powers in Crole Park be reminded that it's almost too late to level the playing field.
Carlowman - The pitch - outside one - at Netwatch Cullen Park has no nets and the Board wants teams to warm up there...
Invariably if you are involved with a team at county level, your monies are capped so that if you want to bring a team somewhere or do something different, it's out of your pocket it will come. That definitely is not helpful.
supersub15 (Carlow). - How long is the pitch without nets, are the board reminded of this unacceptable situation, and we wonder why we have problems, sweet jaysus help us, is it any wonder we are where we are.
There is approx.,15 counties that may never, ever win a provincial senior football title, let it be their first,second or third, or reach an all Ireland senior football championship semi final.
There is 8 counties ever likely to win an all Ireland senior football title. on that basis what chances has Carlow got. I would like to know how many counties from div.1 / div 2 do not have a supporters club, it's not everything but it would help a lot.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2956 - 22/01/2022 14:47:08    2395950


I'm not privy to what is going on in training with the footballers but Sigerson is currently underway with about a half dozen players tied up with various colleges locally and in Dublin - the most I can ever remember. They will return in due course and strengthen things - we don't have the luxury of a deep pool of talent. Gannon and Ruth I understand are injured and will be coming back over the next few weeks - again both will improve the options open to the manager.

To be fair there is a major transition underway with a lot of the older players retiring - some of these guys will not be replaced easily but supporters will need to be patient to allow the rebuilding proceed. I dunno if we will revert to the norm or,will the Turlo /Poacher rollercoaster return

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 23/01/2022 11:14:58    2396024


I'm not privy to what is going on in training with the footballers but Sigerson is currently underway with about a half dozen players tied up with various colleges locally and in Dublin - the most I can ever remember. They will return in due course and strengthen things - we don't have the luxury of a deep pool of talent. Gannon and Ruth I understand are injured and will be coming back over the next few weeks - again both will improve the options open to the manager.

To be fair there is a major transition underway with a lot of the older players retiring - some of these guys will not be replaced easily but supporters will need to be patient to allow the rebuilding proceed. I dunno if we will revert to the norm or,will the Turlo /Poacher rollercoaster return

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 23/01/2022 11:14:59    2396025


Good that young players are playing Sigerson and that we have a good few lads playing and that is great for them in that it's a really high standard and will do a lot for their confidence.
Lack of a supporters club in some form is a deficit that while not generating huge amounts of money was still there working beaverishly and keeping supporters informed and involved.
The lack of ball stop nets on outside pitch is incredible really where teams warm up.
I don't know how much they cost but in this day and age it's simply not showing respect for teams.
It's a sign I believe that money is really in short supply.
If that is the case then we do need to look and see where monies are being paid out and ask are we getting value for money and cut if needed.

On whether we should return to an O Brien /Poacher scenario - well Eire Og have nabbed Turlough, and that is a very interesting appointment.
No doubt it is a hard act to follow Joe Murphy who put Eire Og within striking distance of another Leinster.
Great to see so many new faces last week v Kildare and that is a good thing. The difficulty for those players is that they are nor used to playing at even close to that standard at local level and perhaps it's time we looked again at giving junior and intermediate players the chance of joining up to play some senior. What harm would it do ?
There does not seem to be any discussion in playing intercoubty football leagues with say Kildar and Wicklow and Wexford, unlike the hurling with Kilkennyn leagues which has helped improve the standard.

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1825 - 23/01/2022 12:53:58    2396042


Replying To carlowman:  "Good that young players are playing Sigerson and that we have a good few lads playing and that is great for them in that it's a really high standard and will do a lot for their confidence.
Lack of a supporters club in some form is a deficit that while not generating huge amounts of money was still there working beaverishly and keeping supporters informed and involved.
The lack of ball stop nets on outside pitch is incredible really where teams warm up.
I don't know how much they cost but in this day and age it's simply not showing respect for teams.
It's a sign I believe that money is really in short supply.
If that is the case then we do need to look and see where monies are being paid out and ask are we getting value for money and cut if needed.

On whether we should return to an O Brien /Poacher scenario - well Eire Og have nabbed Turlough, and that is a very interesting appointment.
No doubt it is a hard act to follow Joe Murphy who put Eire Og within striking distance of another Leinster.
Great to see so many new faces last week v Kildare and that is a good thing. The difficulty for those players is that they are nor used to playing at even close to that standard at local level and perhaps it's time we looked again at giving junior and intermediate players the chance of joining up to play some senior. What harm would it do ?
There does not seem to be any discussion in playing intercoubty football leagues with say Kildar and Wicklow and Wexford, unlike the hurling with Kilkennyn leagues which has helped improve the standard."
carlowman (Carlow) It seems I'm picking up a few valuable points from your post's,

Question for you, have you any idea how it could be put across that Carlow needs a supporters club asap, also as for the need of new nets, does the Carlow hurlers train or warm up there as well as the footballers,if yes, then is it not reasonable to suggest that both managements should insist on new nets being supplied immediately, cost should not be an issue or excuse.

Carlow needs a new surge of energy throughout the county, they need transparent financial assistance, they need a managed supporters club, they need reasons to play their gaelic games hurling and football for Carlow, not reasons to stop, Carlow also need a proper PR that keeps the patrons / supporters informed as required.
An intercounty league with neighbouring counties is a good idea, why is it not being discussed like you say so it can be rolled out.

Like I say, Carlow's county board is made up of decent people it's just that their finger is not always on the pulse.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2956 - 23/01/2022 16:24:50    2396079


I'm not privy to what is going on in training with the footballers but Sigerson is currently underway with about a half dozen players tied up with various colleges locally and in Dublin - the most I can ever remember. They will return in due course and strengthen things - we don't have the luxury of a deep pool of talent. Gannon and Ruth I understand are injured and will be coming back over the next few weeks - again both will improve the options open to the manager.

To be fair there is a major transition underway with a lot of the older players retiring - some of these guys will not be replaced easily but supporters will need to be patient to allow the rebuilding proceed. I dunno if we will revert to the norm or,will the Turlo /Poacher rollercoaster return

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 23/01/2022 20:18:53    2396120


Positive to see CBS lads in a South Leinster schools final today, along with a few guys on the IT Carlow Sigerson Cup panel for tonight also. It would be great to see a new wave of younger talent progressing through to our intercounty team for the next couple of years. I am not trying to be negative, but unfortunately there's no sign of any up and coming prodigy coming through in Carlow to replace the likes of Broderick, Gannon or Brendan Murphy. You would think there would be more stand out talents emerging when you consider all the teams in Carlow across underage groups as far as u20. If there are any exceptional talents that I'm unaware of please correct me, or even players with the ability to become exceptional to a level of some of our most noteworthy players through the years? And most importantly why are we not producing more top quality players?

Carlowrising (Carlow) - Posts: 137 - 25/01/2022 14:34:34    2396389


Looking ahead to our league opener v London this weekend with cautious optimism, a win would be great but the performance will be interesting and hopefully more convincing than the Kildare game in O'Byrne cup.

In 2017 Carlow lost to London in the league by 4 or 5 points with a much more experienced team than the current side, before beating them by one point in the Championship in the same year. Also a few years before that we drew with London in the league, perhaps the absence in the league last year will work against them but certainly don't expect London to be any pushovers.

Carlowrising (Carlow) - Posts: 137 - 27/01/2022 10:19:17    2396667


Hurling final v Westmeath on Sunday at 2.

Team has done well so far. Is James Doyle not playing this year and was
wondering if Ciaran Whelan is nearly fit ?

carlovia (None) - Posts: 1519 - 28/01/2022 11:31:53    2396834


Sickening. 10 points up in 2nd half & lose to a team who haven't had a competitive game in two years. We really have hit rock bottom now. We will do well to pick up any points in this league now. To get any momentum you just have to win your first league game especially when it's at home. I know it's a whole new panel & they are young but it's so disheartening. Some teams lose their experierenced players over a few years but we seemed to have lost them all in one go which is a disaster when trying to build a new team. Will be a very difficult year ahead I think

carlo (Carlow) - Posts: 226 - 29/01/2022 21:32:31    2397076


Best of luck to the hurlers this afternoon, hopefully a bit of silverware on the sideboard this evening.

Very disappointing last night for their big ball colleagues. It will be a real test for management to try to rally the lads after that. The last thing we want now is for the rot to set in. However consistently each year there are several shocks in Div 4 so hopefully they can get it together.

Bainisteoir (National) - Posts: 545 - 30/01/2022 09:38:01    2397096


Best of luck to the hurlers today .. a few lads playing today that could have played yesterday.. !

Coldeye (Carlow) - Posts: 10 - 30/01/2022 09:40:48    2397097
