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Semi final places wrapped up with a week to spare in the Carlow SHC.

I'd question whether 6 team is the way to go. 5 team Championship and automatic relegation if the team that wins Intermediate is a clubs first team.

TaosHum (Carlow) - Posts: 250 - 18/07/2022 11:17:24    2432663


The two hurling semi finals are being shown on TV at the weekend at the shocking price of 25 euro.

Pure greed which will limit the amount of people watching.

carlovia (None) - Posts: 1527 - 29/07/2022 11:28:22    2435205


Replying To carlovia:  "The two hurling semi finals are being shown on TV at the weekend at the shocking price of 25 euro.

Pure greed which will limit the amount of people watching."
Yeah it's a terrible price for two club hurling matches.

Is there an argument though that if it was only a tenner, people would stay at home and watch instead of going to the grounds?

TaosHum (Carlow) - Posts: 250 - 29/07/2022 13:26:44    2435224


Replying To TaosHum:  "Yeah it's a terrible price for two club hurling matches.

Is there an argument though that if it was only a tenner, people would stay at home and watch instead of going to the grounds?"
I don't think so. The club supporters and family will turn up no matter what. The TV is for those who are away on holidays or too Ill to attend.

Just think it's a crazy price.

carlovia (None) - Posts: 1527 - 29/07/2022 16:37:09    2435281


Should be a great county final tomorrow. Hard to call it as a neutral. Hopefully the quality will be at least as good as the semi finals and we'll be in for a treat.

Unusedsub (Carlow) - Posts: 99 - 06/08/2022 18:49:24    2436469


Replying To Unusedsub:  "Should be a great county final tomorrow. Hard to call it as a neutral. Hopefully the quality will be at least as good as the semi finals and we'll be in for a treat."
Can't attend unfortunately and the streaming price of
20 euro makes it probably the most expensive Gaa match ever shown.

Will listen to it and hopefully Bagnelstown will win just to shake things up a bit.

But if Mouse plays then St Mullins will be too strong.

carlovia (None) - Posts: 1527 - 06/08/2022 21:41:59    2436488


A disappointing second half to the game. Bagenalstown were still in with a shout at half time with a second half breeze but instead st mullins came out firing and never relented. I thought James doyle and Jason oneill were a class apart up front while the St mullins backs were completely on top. Well done to St Mullins and commiserations to Bagenalstown.

Unusedsub (Carlow) - Posts: 99 - 07/08/2022 18:28:25    2436560


Replying To Unusedsub:  "A disappointing second half to the game. Bagenalstown were still in with a shout at half time with a second half breeze but instead st mullins came out firing and never relented. I thought James doyle and Jason oneill were a class apart up front while the St mullins backs were completely on top. Well done to St Mullins and commiserations to Bagenalstown."
Yea a real pity that the game didn't live up to the colour and the enthusiasm that the Bagenalstown supporters brought to the occasion. The best buzz I've seen at a Co Final in a long time.
I'm not sure who this split Hurling / Football calendar helps, but it was always going to be a huge ask for Bagenalstown to come down from their fantastic semi final win, then raise themselves for a Co. Final within a week.

carlovian (Carlow) - Posts: 16 - 07/08/2022 21:31:04    2436584


Similar to what happened to Ballinkillen a couple of years back against MLR, the occasion was just too much for Bagenalstown.

St Mullins just so sharp and dominant all over. I always thought Jason O'Neill was a fine hurler, but he reached another level yesterday.

TaosHum (Carlow) - Posts: 250 - 08/08/2022 14:11:43    2436663


A pity for St Mullins that they're going to have such a long wait until Leinster Championship. Anyone know when it starts?

carlovian (Carlow) - Posts: 16 - 08/08/2022 15:28:10    2436678


Replying To carlovian:  "A pity for St Mullins that they're going to have such a long wait until Leinster Championship. Anyone know when it starts?"
QF is scheduled for the 12/13 November. It's a long time to go without a competitive fixture, but Wexford champs be in the same boat.

I think the split Championship is better, as it gives dual clubs a fair craic at going for both But they should prob alter it every year, football first next year, hurling the year after.

TaosHum (Carlow) - Posts: 250 - 08/08/2022 16:34:17    2436693


I'm neither for nor against the split season at club level I can't make my mind up and I see benefits to it especially for a proper dual county like ours but it has to be a major concern that there will be no hurling played within the county now until next spring. This time of year is ideal for hurling - when it's played and looks at its best on dry ground on short grass and for a huge number in south of the county it's their only game. Some might now try a bit of football but it can't be good for developing the game and improving the sharpness and standard of play to down hurls now for so long.

I don't know but would be it better to go with dedicated two week slots eg first half of each month for hurling and second half for football. Likes of MLR and Btown Gaels wouldn't like it I'd say but I whatever I don't think it's good to be finished one code so early in the year.

One other thing if we are going with spoilt season as now surely a greater effort could be made to get area teams into the senior championship eg so the better footballers in St Mullins yo name one club get to play senior football. Similarly for hurling to get a senior team from the best of the hurlers from CTHC burren rangers tullow etc playing senior or even intermediate.

Onion Breath (Carlow) - Posts: 1448 - 11/08/2022 13:01:34    2437059


Replying To Onion Breath:  "I'm neither for nor against the split season at club level I can't make my mind up and I see benefits to it especially for a proper dual county like ours but it has to be a major concern that there will be no hurling played within the county now until next spring. This time of year is ideal for hurling - when it's played and looks at its best on dry ground on short grass and for a huge number in south of the county it's their only game. Some might now try a bit of football but it can't be good for developing the game and improving the sharpness and standard of play to down hurls now for so long.

I don't know but would be it better to go with dedicated two week slots eg first half of each month for hurling and second half for football. Likes of MLR and Btown Gaels wouldn't like it I'd say but I whatever I don't think it's good to be finished one code so early in the year.

One other thing if we are going with spoilt season as now surely a greater effort could be made to get area teams into the senior championship eg so the better footballers in St Mullins yo name one club get to play senior football. Similarly for hurling to get a senior team from the best of the hurlers from CTHC burren rangers tullow etc playing senior or even intermediate."
I see your point and it's made well.
What I have noticed is that players in hurling have adapted well to the scheduling of matches so close to each other. Not too long ago when a team had a.match every 2 or 3 weeks.
I know the football vlubs have not been happy and there is a danger as you say that football might gain an extra foothold in some areas where hurling is definitely the main sport but overall having hurling ames played together in a short season plus the Kilkenny league games given players a lot to look forward to and play and they can have a serious break after to go on holidays etc which I think is important for themselves partners etc.

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1853 - 11/08/2022 15:46:40    2437089


I think the split season has been a success, even in such a short space of time.

In the three seasons that it's been done, we have seen Ballinkillen and Bagenalstown get to Senior hurling finals, both clubs with a lot of dual players. Before that, it was a St Mullins and MLR monopoly for years.

MLR have reached two SFC semi's and St Mullins have returned to playing football.

I don't think the results are coincidental. When both championships were been played at the same time, there was alot demanded from players. Training for two separate codes, constantly switching focus between both and not been able to gain any real momentum because of it. Some football clubs also didn't want lads playing hurling and would put pressure on them to focus on the football.

Hurling was the loser. NB and Bagnealstown has fallen back because lads struggled to commit to both (which is not surprising). Burren Rangers could be up there within 10 years with the amount of great work that is being done at underge.

TaosHum (Carlow) - Posts: 250 - 15/08/2022 09:22:12    2437453


Replying To TaosHum:  "I think the split season has been a success, even in such a short space of time.

In the three seasons that it's been done, we have seen Ballinkillen and Bagenalstown get to Senior hurling finals, both clubs with a lot of dual players. Before that, it was a St Mullins and MLR monopoly for years.

MLR have reached two SFC semi's and St Mullins have returned to playing football.

I don't think the results are coincidental. When both championships were been played at the same time, there was alot demanded from players. Training for two separate codes, constantly switching focus between both and not been able to gain any real momentum because of it. Some football clubs also didn't want lads playing hurling and would put pressure on them to focus on the football.

Hurling was the loser. NB and Bagnealstown has fallen back because lads struggled to commit to both (which is not surprising). Burren Rangers could be up there within 10 years with the amount of great work that is being done at underge."
Agree fully with you. Football has been the dominant sport at club level but one reason has been the fact that clubs have put pressure on dual players to leave the stick in the corner and just play football when it comes to the business end of the season.
Absolutely no doubt that both codes have actually benefited from a split season and even the numbers of players togging out for clubs has increased and in time Burren Rangrs look well placed to be up there with a good hurling team in the very near future.

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1853 - 15/08/2022 12:53:50    2437494


Big ball predictions
Senior title looks like Rathvilly or Eire Og, i think theres a big gulf in class to the next teams. Much is said about whos missing for EO but still have squad depth but i fancy Rathvilly for the title. BBranna to drop to inter.
Friday night EO by 6pts over Bagnelstown
Pal to beat MLR by 3pts
Sat Tinryland to beat Ballinabranna in a low scoring game by 4pts
Rathvilly i think could be tested by OL but will win by 6pts.
Inter is wide open but Fenagh should start as favourites Myshal should be in the shake up. Kilbride or EO to drop down to junior.
Fenagh to beats Pats by 2pts
Kildavin and Grange could be a draw
Blues to beat Kilbride by 3pts
Myshall should be too strong for a very young EO side.
Everyone has Clonmore to cruise through and go back up at the first attempt. Much like Grange last year they should be too strong for this division. Bagenalstown or Old Leighlin to drop down to jnr B. Askea or St Mullins should be the favourites to win the Jnr B.

jigger (None) - Posts: 100 - 16/08/2022 18:48:54    2437722


Replying To carlowman:  "Agree fully with you. Football has been the dominant sport at club level but one reason has been the fact that clubs have put pressure on dual players to leave the stick in the corner and just play football when it comes to the business end of the season.
Absolutely no doubt that both codes have actually benefited from a split season and even the numbers of players togging out for clubs has increased and in time Burren Rangrs look well placed to be up there with a good hurling team in the very near future."
How can you be surprised at hurling taking a back seat? It's easier to play football,fewer skills,give a guy a pair of runners and he can fill a spot in football.hurling in Carlow is being paid lip service to by the GAA and the schools for a long time now.Way more potential in hurling in this county.,its needs to be nurtured,practiced at home,refereed to a higher standard and given a proper commitment at school level (all year round,not just for cumann na mbunscoieanna).Hurling is now being infiltrated by football coaches , unlimited handpassing,passing backwards to the goalie,sweepers etc .Messers (Yes messers)Fitz ,Cusack and McGrath have a lot to answer for,no ground hurling,overhead hurling,endless hand passing , way less 50/50 tussles for the ball,etc all developed to beat KK who had the ability to win their own ball, hurling is in decline ,lighten the ball ,the handpass and get rid of the overuse of yellow cards and overanalysis on TV ,its dragging the heart out of the game

scubydu (Carlow) - Posts: 18 - 23/08/2022 10:33:23    2438348


Replying To scubydu:  "How can you be surprised at hurling taking a back seat? It's easier to play football,fewer skills,give a guy a pair of runners and he can fill a spot in football.hurling in Carlow is being paid lip service to by the GAA and the schools for a long time now.Way more potential in hurling in this county.,its needs to be nurtured,practiced at home,refereed to a higher standard and given a proper commitment at school level (all year round,not just for cumann na mbunscoieanna).Hurling is now being infiltrated by football coaches , unlimited handpassing,passing backwards to the goalie,sweepers etc .Messers (Yes messers)Fitz ,Cusack and McGrath have a lot to answer for,no ground hurling,overhead hurling,endless hand passing , way less 50/50 tussles for the ball,etc all developed to beat KK who had the ability to win their own ball, hurling is in decline ,lighten the ball ,the handpass and get rid of the overuse of yellow cards and overanalysis on TV ,its dragging the heart out of the game"
I presume you had a second look at what you typed before you pressed the POST button !
A lot of points made - the key point being the necessity for skill attainment at an early stage and the promotion of the games at local school and club level by coaches intent on maintaining the integrity of the game. That is the main thrust of your post as far as I can see.
Little doubt that skill attainment for hurling must start at a very early age and be fostered at club and school level for success later at late adolescent and adult level.
As for school involvement- it seems that primary level involvement in hurling is quite small in comparison to Kilkenny and Laois. In Carlow a.young person will play about 10% of what they play in kilkenny and about 40% of what is played in Laois.
At second level the same is the case with a handful of schools putting any effort into training and the playing of school hurling games.
But many teachers will say- it's not their job and their job is to complete the curriculum and not to promote hurling ! So a.massive.challenge there.

As for the messers and current coaching styles, well that is the way the game has evolved unfortunately !

carlowman (Carlow) - Posts: 1853 - 23/08/2022 15:08:36    2438431


Replying To carlowman:  "I presume you had a second look at what you typed before you pressed the POST button !
A lot of points made - the key point being the necessity for skill attainment at an early stage and the promotion of the games at local school and club level by coaches intent on maintaining the integrity of the game. That is the main thrust of your post as far as I can see.
Little doubt that skill attainment for hurling must start at a very early age and be fostered at club and school level for success later at late adolescent and adult level.
As for school involvement- it seems that primary level involvement in hurling is quite small in comparison to Kilkenny and Laois. In Carlow a.young person will play about 10% of what they play in kilkenny and about 40% of what is played in Laois.
At second level the same is the case with a handful of schools putting any effort into training and the playing of school hurling games.
But many teachers will say- it's not their job and their job is to complete the curriculum and not to promote hurling ! So a.massive.challenge there.

As for the messers and current coaching styles, well that is the way the game has evolved unfortunately !"
Lads I played both football and hurling in Carlow for many years and I get the frustration in relation to hurling in the county. I see a huge effort being put in by a small minority and getting more hurling in schools is definitely the way to go. I always get the sense, and this is just my opinion, that many in the county see hurling as secondary to football and that "little Johnny can turn up for hurling training every once in a while but god forbid he miss football". Hurling needs kids playing regularly and throughout the year for them to truly develop their skills.

Unusedsub (Carlow) - Posts: 99 - 23/08/2022 19:02:05    2438469


Replying To Unusedsub:  "Lads I played both football and hurling in Carlow for many years and I get the frustration in relation to hurling in the county. I see a huge effort being put in by a small minority and getting more hurling in schools is definitely the way to go. I always get the sense, and this is just my opinion, that many in the county see hurling as secondary to football and that "little Johnny can turn up for hurling training every once in a while but god forbid he miss football". Hurling needs kids playing regularly and throughout the year for them to truly develop their skills."
Are there any Carlow schools playing in Leinster colleges competitions?

oneoff (UK) - Posts: 1499 - 23/08/2022 19:52:29    2438475
