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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To Commodore:  "It was a tight game as expected, but I was a bit frustrated by the performance at times, particularly in the first half and even halfway through the 2nd half.. However we only had 1 week to prepare and this is a new look Tyrone team with no settled system of play yet, so it was hard to gauge match ups or exploit weaknesses.

While we might have had 11 scorers, I was frustrated with the number of wide's, similar to the Derry game and something that needs to be addressed. Like the 4 goals against Derry glossed over that we only scored 11 points and hit a lot of wide's. Armagh will be stronger than when we met in the Division 2 final and they don't cough up goals easily, so our point scoring needs to be better.

On a positive note, we got over another tight battle and that will stand to this team, we never gave up and clawed our way back into it and that aspect was very impressive. Armagh are an absolute beast of a team, I expect they will be favourites going into this regardless of Division 2 final."
Everything you say is correct.Anybody that thought Tyrone would be easily beaten were living in dreamland ,on league positions they are No 5 in the country and came to Derry totally convinced that they would win the game.Donegal were always going to find it hard to get to the same level as the Derry game but on the plus side they battled well coming back twice in the game even though their play was nowhere near as crisp as the previous week.The downside is our shooting which you would think would be our strong point and was in the past.You would expect more scores from play from Fara,Langan,Brennan etc.Thompson and McBrearty only got a couple as well.The other thing from a scoring aspect is going for the jugular when there is a goal chance on.We had 3 punched points on Sunday when there was chances for goals but given the tightness of the game maybe they made the right decisions but it it something we might improve on.

gunman (Donegal) - Posts: 1095 - 29/04/2024 14:46:02    2541522


Replying To Commodore:  "How long has Kieran Donaghey been part of the Armagh backroom team now?"
Since December 2020. McGeeney has been there 10 years with nothing really to show for it. I think when it comes down to tactics, I'd expect Jim McGuinness to have the upper hand, especially now that we have the physicality to match Armagh around the middle of the field.

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 531 - 29/04/2024 15:00:48    2541527


Replying To Commodore:  "It was a tight game as expected, but I was a bit frustrated by the performance at times, particularly in the first half and even halfway through the 2nd half.. However we only had 1 week to prepare and this is a new look Tyrone team with no settled system of play yet, so it was hard to gauge match ups or exploit weaknesses.

While we might have had 11 scorers, I was frustrated with the number of wide's, similar to the Derry game and something that needs to be addressed. Like the 4 goals against Derry glossed over that we only scored 11 points and hit a lot of wide's. Armagh will be stronger than when we met in the Division 2 final and they don't cough up goals easily, so our point scoring needs to be better.

On a positive note, we got over another tight battle and that will stand to this team, we never gave up and clawed our way back into it and that aspect was very impressive. Armagh are an absolute beast of a team, I expect they will be favourites going into this regardless of Division 2 final."
Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion that Armagh played well within themselves in Croke Park that day. In the game in Armagh they got joy from bombing early ball into Murnin. But they didn't try that tactic at all in the final.
They did rouse themselves in the last 10 minutes and very nearly beat us only for Donegal to claw it back from them.

For me this is a 50/50 game. I have faith that Jim can win the tactical battle. But it will up to the players to be far more clinical and efficient with their scoring opportunities.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 29/04/2024 15:08:32    2541529


Replying To greenfan:  "Since December 2020. McGeeney has been there 10 years with nothing really to show for it. I think when it comes down to tactics, I'd expect Jim McGuinness to have the upper hand, especially now that we have the physicality to match Armagh around the middle of the field."
Murphy gave a dig at Armagh yesterday at the end of the BBC coverage saying that Jim is seven months into his project while McGeeney is 10 years into his.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 902 - 29/04/2024 15:56:37    2541545


Was Odhran Doherty on bench yesterday, is he carrying a knock? Surprised he didn't get a run if fit as he was a regular in league.

HEREBENJI (Donegal) - Posts: 427 - 29/04/2024 16:05:53    2541550


Replying To HEREBENJI:  "Was Odhran Doherty on bench yesterday, is he carrying a knock? Surprised he didn't get a run if fit as he was a regular in league."
He was named in the 26. Think he just wasn't used

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 531 - 29/04/2024 16:57:28    2541567


I don't think our bench is that strong. I think mc Guinness knows this so the sooner eoin ban , Conor o Donnell get back the better.. hopefully we avoid the injuries because the football will be coming thick and fast. Cship draw tomorrow it'll be interesting with Derry and Tyrone as 3 rd seeds and we can play both again. I predict we'll beat Armagh it probably won't be easy but mc geeney has a terrible record in big games. . Donegal by 4 rorysboys predicts. He's been right all year so far.. another thing st nauls having 3 starters some achievement fair play to all the underage trainers around mount Charles . Frosses..

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2527 - 29/04/2024 16:59:15    2541570


Replying To peiledoir20:  "Murphy gave a dig at Armagh yesterday at the end of the BBC coverage saying that Jim is seven months into his project while McGeeney is 10 years into his."
He was stating facts and taking a bit of pressure off Donegal in the process....

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 383 - 29/04/2024 17:09:37    2541573


I think it's absolutely farcical that counties can re draw counties they've already met in their province.

Say for example Donegal do come through and win a bruising Ulster campaign, as a reward they can draw either Derry or Tyrone again. And Dublin can hockey Meath again? BS.

Let the Dubs or Kerry draw Tyrone or Derry in the groups to make up for the handy games they had in their province.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 902 - 29/04/2024 17:36:20    2541579


Replying To greenfan:  "Since December 2020. McGeeney has been there 10 years with nothing really to show for it. I think when it comes down to tactics, I'd expect Jim McGuinness to have the upper hand, especially now that we have the physicality to match Armagh around the middle of the field."
McGuinness 3W 3D 1L v McGeeney (including McGeeney's year as selector in 2014).

Draw v Kildare (Div 2)
Draw v Kildare (AI QF - wIn AET)

4pt Loss v Kildare (Div 1)

5pt Win v Armagh (Div 2)
1pt Win v Armagh (AI QF)

1pt Win v Armagh (Div2)
Draw v Armagh (Div2 final -win AET)

Pre-2024 I'd argue McGeeney's teams punched well above their weight v McGuinness. Right now, I think they are further along line in terms of coaching than we are. That's why I'd swing it their way.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 420 - 29/04/2024 17:37:01    2541580


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion that Armagh played well within themselves in Croke Park that day. In the game in Armagh they got joy from bombing early ball into Murnin. But they didn't try that tactic at all in the final.
They did rouse themselves in the last 10 minutes and very nearly beat us only for Donegal to claw it back from them.

For me this is a 50/50 game. I have faith that Jim can win the tactical battle. But it will up to the players to be far more clinical and efficient with their scoring opportunities."
I disagree Lockjaw, I think Armagh really wanted to win that div 2 trophy and to get it handed to them by Jarlath Burns, I think what was said after about there being an illness in the camp was just another excuse from them, McGeeney is there 10 years or so and won nothing, don't think he won anything either with Kildare?
I expect us to win it now and I make us favourites for it. I think we have a better team and better players than Armagh, we just have to get the best out of them and Jim is doing that.
Yesterday was a bit of an off day and Tyrone were hard to beat as always, I'd rate them a better team than Armagh for sure, Tyrone could have won that game in the 70 mins but the longer it went the more our fitness and support swung the thing, I think we got a bit of a bad performance out of our system and still dug out the win, That's great for confidence and character building, we kicked a lot of wides and dropped shots short, very similar to Derry last week.
On another day we would have been more clinical in going for goals but that hopefully will come on bigger days out.
Well done to the team and management and supporters, another great day for Donegal, thanks to all involved.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2897 - 29/04/2024 18:00:16    2541590


I just see us being drawn again with Derry tomorrow, why are these draws made before the provincial finals? seems a bit ridiculous to me?

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2897 - 29/04/2024 18:11:44    2541593


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion that Armagh played well within themselves in Croke Park that day. In the game in Armagh they got joy from bombing early ball into Murnin. But they didn't try that tactic at all in the final.
They did rouse themselves in the last 10 minutes and very nearly beat us only for Donegal to claw it back from them.

For me this is a 50/50 game. I have faith that Jim can win the tactical battle. But it will up to the players to be far more clinical and efficient with their scoring opportunities."
I dont think Armagh have the quality to beat this Donegal team in championship. They won't be able to bully Donegal physically and despite all the hype their forwards are quite ordinary.

Eddie the Exile (Monaghan) - Posts: 1095 - 29/04/2024 18:34:33    2541600


Replying To Scenicparish:  "He was stating facts and taking a bit of pressure off Donegal in the process...."
It was a bit of harm in that, disappointed at the large number of Donegal fans who chose to boo Morgan when he was taking his frees yesterday. I have been critical of armagh fans for the same thing in the past, it has no place in gaelic games.

totalrecall (Leitrim) - Posts: 981 - 29/04/2024 20:48:59    2541617


Replying To totalrecall:  "It was a bit of harm in that, disappointed at the large number of Donegal fans who chose to boo Morgan when he was taking his frees yesterday. I have been critical of armagh fans for the same thing in the past, it has no place in gaelic games."
Why not? I've always found the respectful silences that descend upon a rugby match before a kick slightly phoney and contrived. Booing isn't a big deal, it's pretty much just banter, and certainly not nearly as bad as some of the sledging that goes on between players, much of it reputedly of a personal nature.
I'd stamp that nonsense out of the game before worrying about boos.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1873 - 29/04/2024 21:49:21    2541630


Replying To totalrecall:  "It was a bit of harm in that, disappointed at the large number of Donegal fans who chose to boo Morgan when he was taking his frees yesterday. I have been critical of armagh fans for the same thing in the past, it has no place in gaelic games."
I agree it was only banter. The booing is awful to listen to. No place for it at Gaa matches.

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 383 - 29/04/2024 21:58:17    2541634


Tickets likely to go to general sale I wonder or do I have little chance of getting one? Can't remember if it was Ticketmaster or somewhere else I got the tickets for the 2022 Ulster final

thebronze14 (Donegal) - Posts: 45 - 29/04/2024 23:23:12    2541656


Replying To totalrecall:  "It was a bit of harm in that, disappointed at the large number of Donegal fans who chose to boo Morgan when he was taking his frees yesterday. I have been critical of armagh fans for the same thing in the past, it has no place in gaelic games."
I didn't like the booing of Morgan, I do think though (at least in part) some of it was in response to the excessive time taken before kicking the frees. It is curious the amount of time referees allow for goalkeepers to jog up and kick frees, outfield players aren't afforded the same time. Opposition supporters almost instantly shout "How long?" when the keeper puts the ball on the tee for a kickout but little is said when the keeper jogs the length of the pitch to kick a free.

BeardedBorderGael (Donegal) - Posts: 44 - 30/04/2024 00:15:36    2541663


Leave the booing to the Dubs.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 420 - 30/04/2024 08:48:40    2541682


Replying To BeardedBorderGael:  "I didn't like the booing of Morgan, I do think though (at least in part) some of it was in response to the excessive time taken before kicking the frees. It is curious the amount of time referees allow for goalkeepers to jog up and kick frees, outfield players aren't afforded the same time. Opposition supporters almost instantly shout "How long?" when the keeper puts the ball on the tee for a kickout but little is said when the keeper jogs the length of the pitch to kick a free."
One of them frees took a minute to take which is too long.

Ulsterchamps_32 (Donegal) - Posts: 763 - 30/04/2024 08:58:53    2541685
