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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To Lockjaw:  "Jeez think we need to cool the jets a wee bit. Noone was getting carried away when we hammered fringe Armagh and Monaghan teams. Similarly we shouldn't lsoe the run of ourselves after a McKenna Cup final defeat in January.

I thought we did ok in the first half. There was good intensity and forced Derry into uncharacteristic bad shooting.

The second half was disappointing. Derry owned the ball and kicked some lovely scores into the breeze. I thought we rushed things and needed to be a bit calmer in getting our shooters into good positions to maximise the advantage of the breeze.

The red cards were silly, but in my opinion the referee caused a lot of the frustration on both sides with his nit picking and inconsistent calls.

The starting lineup this weekend will be interesting. You'd like to think the likes of Eoghn Ban, McCole, Langan and McGee will be available. Mulreanny will start in goals I'd say. He did ok on Saturday but I expected a bit more from his kickouts second half. A lot of them were just boomed out the field. He is certainly a good option for long range frees however. The two scores he got were top notch."
Derry dominated their own kickout and they dominated most of our long range kick-outs too, which gave them a superb platform to hold possession and attack us repeatedly. Losing the Midfield battle was the main factor we lost that game.

I think the majority of Donegal's attacks came from either Short kick-outs or forcing turnovers or frees, which involved an immense work rate. It just meant we weren't able to get that platform to properly run at Derry like we seen in other matches.

Returning Key players will make a huge difference, particularly the likes of Patton, McCole, Ban Gallagher, Langan, McGee, Niall O'Donnell and Conor O'Donnell, we should be contesting midfield better and have more shooting quality all over the pitch, so we have a wider variety of shooter in key positions. Having one or two shooters isn't a good idea, too easy for the opposition to marshal. Also adding some of the above players into the mix with Caolan McGonigle, Ciaran Thompson etc, quite a variety of high fielders to target in kick-outs.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1316 - 22/01/2024 13:23:36    2521528


Not blaming the ref but I thought it was a poor performance from him, very fussy over silly things. Anyway it's near time for football that really matters, hope we get a good run in the league.
Derry will not be easy beat in April, but that's what you want, test yourself against the best. all good for Ulster football I'm sure Ulster will be a great Championship as it always is, time doesn't be long rolling in.
Hope is high that we'll have a good season this year, lets all pull together and support Jim and the boys, don't want to hear any crying about Bonner anymore, that's water under the bridge, he had his chance.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3114 - 22/01/2024 13:49:39    2521541


Think we will struggle at midfield this year. Thompson, Langan and Mc Gonagle are our nailed down starters. Debatable on Jason. Hughie past it. That's it. A lot of small lads in the team. Be interesting what we do. Our kick out press was very impressive in the first three league games so I'm sure we have a plan.

TheRock2121 (Donegal) - Posts: 1206 - 22/01/2024 14:23:19    2521553


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Not blaming the ref but I thought it was a poor performance from him, very fussy over silly things. Anyway it's near time for football that really matters, hope we get a good run in the league.
Derry will not be easy beat in April, but that's what you want, test yourself against the best. all good for Ulster football I'm sure Ulster will be a great Championship as it always is, time doesn't be long rolling in.
Hope is high that we'll have a good season this year, lets all pull together and support Jim and the boys, don't want to hear any crying about Bonner anymore, that's water under the bridge, he had his chance."
Forget about the ref Derry deserved to win. Not overly bothered about result Derry had a stronger team on than we had. Can't understand people getting excited about mc kenna cup. The real football starts Sunday I expect us to get promotion if we can keep langan. Owen ban , gallen. Etc fit. Still worried about our defence against good opposition.. cork will not be easy but are not renowned travellers. Hope to see a big crowd there that's the way to get behind Jim and the team from the terrace not the couch.

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2592 - 22/01/2024 16:54:20    2521586


Saturdays first half performance wasn't bad, a lot of positives to be taken from it. The second half was poor. We were very poor at midfield. But saying that, I thought that tactically we made a mistake on our own kick outs by not moving further up the field and fighting for the breaks. This would also have possibly made more room for the shorter options.

The referee wasn't wonderful. He let a little too much go, which then led to the niggle which eventually boiled over. Referees are always going to take that option when given the opportunity, and Paddy made it easy for him. I thought the linesman on that side had a good enough view of it and could've helped Paddys case. He will have to make sure that it doesn't happen again, or else he will become a target in the way Michael was in the past.

It's a pity we didn't get Michael Langan and Jason McGee a run out as they are our most likely midfield combination. The more games they can get under their belts together in the league the better.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 743 - 22/01/2024 22:05:19    2521641


Replying To TheRock2121:  "Think we will struggle at midfield this year. Thompson, Langan and Mc Gonagle are our nailed down starters. Debatable on Jason. Hughie past it. That's it. A lot of small lads in the team. Be interesting what we do. Our kick out press was very impressive in the first three league games so I'm sure we have a plan."
Hugh McFadden spent the first three years of his inter-county career being written off by every regular on here, and now 100 appearances later at 29 years of age he's being told he's past it.

McFadden showed excellent form at club level last season, and having been injured for pre-season, what have you seen to suggest he's 'past it' beyond other throwaway comments on this forum weakly suggesting so?

Let's hope he gets some minutes this weekend and we can get him up to full speed for Championship. Until then, yes I think we could struggle short term in midfield, but Caulfield is an excellent footballer and he will continue to get opportunities. He has a chance to show what he's about, and I believe we will be a great deal more confident in our midfield options in one months' time.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 448 - 22/01/2024 22:48:38    2521647


Replying To SurelyToGod:  "Hugh McFadden spent the first three years of his inter-county career being written off by every regular on here, and now 100 appearances later at 29 years of age he's being told he's past it.

McFadden showed excellent form at club level last season, and having been injured for pre-season, what have you seen to suggest he's 'past it' beyond other throwaway comments on this forum weakly suggesting so?

Let's hope he gets some minutes this weekend and we can get him up to full speed for Championship. Until then, yes I think we could struggle short term in midfield, but Caulfield is an excellent footballer and he will continue to get opportunities. He has a chance to show what he's about, and I believe we will be a great deal more confident in our midfield options in one months' time."
I agree with you about McFadden and it is hard to fathom why he is always being under estimated.I would be prepared to wager that if you looked in to his stats since he started with Donegal he would have more possessions than any other the team.He can really dictate the flow of the game.Maybe it is his unorthodox running style that fools people.

gunman (Donegal) - Posts: 1140 - 23/01/2024 10:56:08    2521697


Hugh will still be one of the main players when he gets fit. A real leader who always gives 100 %.

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2592 - 23/01/2024 11:23:00    2521700


Replying To gunman:  "I agree with you about McFadden and it is hard to fathom why he is always being under estimated.I would be prepared to wager that if you looked in to his stats since he started with Donegal he would have more possessions than any other the team.He can really dictate the flow of the game.Maybe it is his unorthodox running style that fools people."
Some individuals on this site like to pretend to be ahead of the curve when in reality they're all just parroting each other's dull observations. It's easy picking on an experienced player with niggling injuries and claiming they're past it because it's hard to be proved wrong. It happened with Toye and McGlynn on here too; Frank supposedly was washed up and retiring in 2013.

Hugh's ceiling when fully firing is All-Star quality. At 29 years old, he has plenty of time to ramp up to his best form, and the decision makers certainly know that. Comments writing him off don't help anyone.

SurelyToGod (Donegal) - Posts: 448 - 23/01/2024 11:52:38    2521705


Replying To totalrecall:  "From a cavan man . ...yee have won 2 in colour!"
still hell of a lot more than we've won and will ever win, All Irelands included .

ModernMaharaja (Donegal) - Posts: 85 - 23/01/2024 13:31:37    2521717


Replying To totalrecall:  "From a cavan man . ...yee have won 2 in colour!"
still hell of a lot more than we've won and will ever win, All Irelands included .

ModernMaharaja (Donegal) - Posts: 85 - 23/01/2024 13:31:42    2521718


I think Hugh McFadden deserves a wee bit more respect than to be just casually dismissed as finished. He is an experienced player, he's very vocal and despite never being blessed with pace, has a great physical presence and is a good organiser. I'm not sure what his injury/fitness status is, but if he can get himself in the required shape then I think he can still have a role to play. He might not be a certain starter or play full matches anymore but there will come a time when his experience could be vital.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9653 - 23/01/2024 15:09:26    2521734


Hugh has been a great servant and leader. At times in the past he has played as a plus one/sweeper role despite being named at midfield and this deeper role suits him down to the ground. I remember his great performance vs Tyrone when he played here and cut out vital supply to their two inside lads, Donnelly and Mc Shane. He's strong carrying ball out of defence also.

I also agree that his fitness in the past /injuries has not helped him but it has to be highlighted that when playing in midfield at inter county level he gets badly exposed. Teams run at him when he's out the field and he struggles. A notable example is when he came on fresh in injury time in the Ulster final in place of Caolon Mc Gonagle and he got destroyed in the middle of the park..again maybe that's a fitness question but it has to be pointed out that his opposing number at that point had played nearly 80 minutes of football more at that point. Watch it back.

Maybe my finished remark was flippant, I felt last year when playing Full forward he gave us a good option. However the way we are currently playing , all players need to be mobile, there's no man left in beside the opposition goal keeper, all Donegal players are asked to contribute defensively.

I would love to see him back playing for us, but where/how I don't know. Full forward isn't an option, midfield definitely isn't an option and the day of a permanent plus one /sweeper is gone, you need to be mobile to help in attack also.

TheRock2121 (Donegal) - Posts: 1206 - 23/01/2024 17:13:07    2521763


Replying To TheRock2121:  "Hugh has been a great servant and leader. At times in the past he has played as a plus one/sweeper role despite being named at midfield and this deeper role suits him down to the ground. I remember his great performance vs Tyrone when he played here and cut out vital supply to their two inside lads, Donnelly and Mc Shane. He's strong carrying ball out of defence also.

I also agree that his fitness in the past /injuries has not helped him but it has to be highlighted that when playing in midfield at inter county level he gets badly exposed. Teams run at him when he's out the field and he struggles. A notable example is when he came on fresh in injury time in the Ulster final in place of Caolon Mc Gonagle and he got destroyed in the middle of the park..again maybe that's a fitness question but it has to be pointed out that his opposing number at that point had played nearly 80 minutes of football more at that point. Watch it back.

Maybe my finished remark was flippant, I felt last year when playing Full forward he gave us a good option. However the way we are currently playing , all players need to be mobile, there's no man left in beside the opposition goal keeper, all Donegal players are asked to contribute defensively.

I would love to see him back playing for us, but where/how I don't know. Full forward isn't an option, midfield definitely isn't an option and the day of a permanent plus one /sweeper is gone, you need to be mobile to help in attack also."
I agree with TheRock.

A great servant, and he will still have a bit to offer, but certainly not a starter. He is also a great organiser. But when you look at the speed that Jim intends to play with, Hughie will struggle.

Caolán McGonagle is being groomed for the role that Hughie has been playing. But Caolán offers more speed, and more of a threat going forward.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 743 - 23/01/2024 18:14:57    2521776


Replying To Lockjaw:  "I think Hugh McFadden deserves a wee bit more respect than to be just casually dismissed as finished. He is an experienced player, he's very vocal and despite never being blessed with pace, has a great physical presence and is a good organiser. I'm not sure what his injury/fitness status is, but if he can get himself in the required shape then I think he can still have a role to play. He might not be a certain starter or play full matches anymore but there will come a time when his experience could be vital."
Completely agree. A great servant for the county and dedicated to the team. A brilliant man to have representing our county, making sacrifices for gaa for many years!

GAAmanDNG (Donegal) - Posts: 19 - 23/01/2024 20:56:08    2521796


Replying To SouthOfTheGap:  "I agree with TheRock.

A great servant, and he will still have a bit to offer, but certainly not a starter. He is also a great organiser. But when you look at the speed that Jim intends to play with, Hughie will struggle.

Caolán McGonagle is being groomed for the role that Hughie has been playing. But Caolán offers more speed, and more of a threat going forward."
I agree with these sentiments. I suppose the nature of the forum is people will have views on players, I don't know that it has been that disrespectful towards Hugh.

He has had good moments in a Donegal jersey but as you mentioned, he doesn't have that speed of movement. I also feel he can ponder on the ball a bit for that real high level of intensity against Division One level opponents. I don't see a starting place for him but very happy to be proven wrong.

I saw someone saying that Frank McGlynn and Christy Toye were questioned in the same manner, maybe that was the case but both those players were technically superior to Hugh both in their control of the ball and their movement around a pitch.

Hugh could offer physicality and a willingness to get on the ball which would be useful late in games.

Donegal_abroad (Donegal) - Posts: 1392 - 23/01/2024 21:20:45    2521801


Hugh took his time to mature as a player and therefore people were slow to appreciate the leader he was, and eventually became in the Donegal jersey. His best years IMO were 2018/19 as sweeper and pushing forward, winning the Ulster Championship and leading the charge. He was excellent.
Those days are well behind him I fear and I say this with absolute respect. He's a huge man and will still have a role but the game is now played by most players getting up and down the pitch and that will be a stretch for a big bulky man like Hugh. Hope I'm wrong but I think he'll see limited action this year.

PeterQ92 (Donegal) - Posts: 139 - 24/01/2024 08:24:12    2521825


Replying To Donegal_abroad:  "I agree with these sentiments. I suppose the nature of the forum is people will have views on players, I don't know that it has been that disrespectful towards Hugh.

He has had good moments in a Donegal jersey but as you mentioned, he doesn't have that speed of movement. I also feel he can ponder on the ball a bit for that real high level of intensity against Division One level opponents. I don't see a starting place for him but very happy to be proven wrong.

I saw someone saying that Frank McGlynn and Christy Toye were questioned in the same manner, maybe that was the case but both those players were technically superior to Hugh both in their control of the ball and their movement around a pitch.

Hugh could offer physicality and a willingness to get on the ball which would be useful late in games."
I think Hugh still has a lot to offer Donegal, I think he could feature at FF on a rotational basis or CHF. I don't think direct pace is actually a problem for him, its lack of turning pace for when play changes direction that he struggles with. But he is a powerful player, bit like Ryan Bradley in many respects and I think Jim will find a use for him.

I think Ryan McHugh has been excellent at Wing forward this season, I prefer him in more attacking role and think he adds much needed firepower.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1316 - 24/01/2024 10:11:51    2521846


Whether Hugh starts or not he's a great man to have on the bench and in certain games his influence could be the match winner.
We seen lots of games swung in recent years by the old fashioned tactic of kicking in high ball to the square, I just wish Murphy was around for another few years for that role and more but that ship has sailed.
Sunday will be the first game that really matters for Jim since his return, hoping we get off to a great start in Div 2.
Should be a big crowd there for it, make some noise and get behind the team.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3114 - 24/01/2024 10:38:36    2521855


Hi totalrecall: You were totally recalled yesterday!

AudiMan (Donegal) - Posts: 678 - 25/01/2024 09:22:34    2521987
