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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To sourmilk93:  "Laughable.

"Following a request by Jim McGuinness to the Ulster Hearings committee, the County secretary has been informed that the alleged infraction was not proven, and that no further disciplinary action is to be taken,"

Not proven, He either played or he didn't play"
I had to laugh at the comments on here and online about this. Even some Donegal posters wondering did Jim make an error. Jim knew what he was doing but also knew there was a loophole that he was going to expose with their rules regarding competitions run by the Ulster Council. People still don't seem to get this.

If it was black and white he wouldn't have a chance of winning his appeal. Fair play to McGuinness I say. Young lad got experience over the winter training with the seniors and made his debut. No harm done.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8309 - 12/01/2024 10:03:50    2519759


Following a request by Jim McGuinness to the Ulster Hearings committee, the County secretary has been informed that the alleged infraction was not proven, and that no further disciplinary action is to be taken,"

Absolute joke how was it not proven? He obviously did play and donegal broke a rule any other county the rule would have stuck unless it was Dublin or kerry either.

But Jim Mcguiness can do what he likes apparently..

S1234 (Mayo) - Posts: 106 - 12/01/2024 10:07:35    2519761


It's ironic that people who last week were preaching about rules being rules and saying the decision made by the ulster council was correct, are now complaining about the decision the ulster council people made after the appeal.
A few masks slipping.....

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 604 - 12/01/2024 10:09:26    2519762


Replying To S1234:  "Honestly couldn't give a crap that we lost better off out of a nothing FBD competition.

I've nothing against donegal or Mcguiness merely pointing out that rules are rules.

Yeah I would be saying the same thing if it happened to carlow or any other county as would ye lot if it had been ourselves if we were the ones to be silly enough to break the rule in the first place ha."
Morning Clare from the famous Mayo blog, I've just seen your posts and thought to myself that sounds like a familiar poster! I then had a look on the Mayo blog and there it is in multiple posts, 20 or 30 on the thread about the Londan game alone, Ha!
Anyways back to the topic, what do you think of that this morning? Or is it just your calling card answer, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.

Ulsterchamps72 (Donegal) - Posts: 103 - 12/01/2024 10:11:42    2519763


Replying To eoinog:  "I think most people are happy that the ban has been overturned. I always felt that the blame was the secretary. They put their name to the team sheet not the manager. It will just keep the pot bubbling nicely for hopefully some cracking games ahead."
Thanks you eoinog, Secretary signs Teamsheet. End off

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 437 - 12/01/2024 10:24:41    2519765


Replying To sponger:  "Jim has been drafted in but that will not help Donegal.

Wicklow will replace ye in Division 2 next year."
Wicklow will do well staying in Division 3.......

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 437 - 12/01/2024 10:25:25    2519766


Replying To sourmilk93:  "Laughable.

"Following a request by Jim McGuinness to the Ulster Hearings committee, the County secretary has been informed that the alleged infraction was not proven, and that no further disciplinary action is to be taken,"

Not proven, He either played or he didn't play"
Armagh didn't protest so it was purely a media driven thing. GAA not run on that basis.

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 437 - 12/01/2024 10:27:44    2519767


Replying To greenfan:  "It's ironic that people who last week were preaching about rules being rules and saying the decision made by the ulster council was correct, are now complaining about the decision the ulster council people made after the appeal.
A few masks slipping....."
Absolutely. We were all told we hadn't a clue up here for questioning the thing. Then the ban is dropped quickly. That's the rulebook for ya now ..

Donegal_abroad (Donegal) - Posts: 1392 - 12/01/2024 10:29:00    2519768


Ulster council didn't prove a breach before applying the sanction I assume (documentary evidence would be needed not just heresay from a media interview). Therefore, points should be reinstated and I'd be feeling very hard done by if I was a Down supporter.

WeGoAgain (Donegal) - Posts: 62 - 12/01/2024 10:37:17    2519772


Actually, just reading further I see it's possibly more to do with the rules being unclear as to the "person in charge". They probably only appealed the suspension. The official statement is a bit unclear by simply saying the charge wasn't proven.

WeGoAgain (Donegal) - Posts: 62 - 12/01/2024 10:52:37    2519776


Replying To Ulsterchamps72:  "Morning Clare from the famous Mayo blog, I've just seen your posts and thought to myself that sounds like a familiar poster! I then had a look on the Mayo blog and there it is in multiple posts, 20 or 30 on the thread about the Londan game alone, Ha!
Anyways back to the topic, what do you think of that this morning? Or is it just your calling card answer, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha."
What are you talking about ya clown I don't know anyone called Clare you fool.

S1234 (Mayo) - Posts: 106 - 12/01/2024 11:01:53    2519781


Replying To S1234:  "What are you talking about ya clown I don't know anyone called Clare you fool."
You know everything else.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 741 - 12/01/2024 11:11:49    2519782



Now that storm in a teacup is dealt with, can we go back to discussing football now?

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9646 - 12/01/2024 11:35:22    2519786


Replying To S1234:  "Following a request by Jim McGuinness to the Ulster Hearings committee, the County secretary has been informed that the alleged infraction was not proven, and that no further disciplinary action is to be taken,"

Absolute joke how was it not proven? He obviously did play and donegal broke a rule any other county the rule would have stuck unless it was Dublin or kerry either.

But Jim Mcguiness can do what he likes apparently.."
The ban was excessive which plenty of us had said. Donegal still lost the points for the game. Which was enough for a fairly meaningless game in an effectively pre season competition. Which you lads knew anyway. You're just not happy Jim didn't get the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Donegal_abroad (Donegal) - Posts: 1392 - 12/01/2024 11:47:30    2519793


Replying To Donegal_abroad:  "The ban was excessive which plenty of us had said. Donegal still lost the points for the game. Which was enough for a fairly meaningless game in an effectively pre season competition. Which you lads knew anyway. You're just not happy Jim didn't get the kitchen sink thrown at him."
Replying To Donegal_abroad: "The ban was excessive which plenty of us had said. Donegal still lost the points for the game. Which was enough for a fairly meaningless game in an effectively pre season competition. Which you lads knew anyway. You're just not happy Jim didn't get the kitchen sink thrown at him."

People who find bother in other people's lives are generally lacking something in their own.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 1154 - 12/01/2024 12:06:33    2519797


Replying To S1234:  "What are you talking about ya clown I don't know anyone called Clare you fool."
Now Clare, unless you are a qualified professional, you'd being unable to determine my state of mind. It is disappointing that someone would use such a derogatory term in 2024. I've just checked the Mayo blog again and you've 20 posts up on the thread on the FBD podcast alone since 3pm yesterday. I'm all for reasonable debate but you are dogmatic in your replies to anything other than your opinion. If you wish to hide your identity, you should stop using the Ha, it just confirms, that you are Clare from the Mayo blog. Here ends my replies to you.

Ulsterchamps72 (Donegal) - Posts: 103 - 12/01/2024 12:07:42    2519798


Replying To Ulsterchamps72:  "Now Clare, unless you are a qualified professional, you'd being unable to determine my state of mind. It is disappointing that someone would use such a derogatory term in 2024. I've just checked the Mayo blog again and you've 20 posts up on the thread on the FBD podcast alone since 3pm yesterday. I'm all for reasonable debate but you are dogmatic in your replies to anything other than your opinion. If you wish to hide your identity, you should stop using the Ha, it just confirms, that you are Clare from the Mayo blog. Here ends my replies to you."
I'm not Clare absolute weirdo accusing me of being someone I'm not strange if I was this so called Clare I'd admit it but I'm not weird behaviour of you.

S1234 (Mayo) - Posts: 106 - 12/01/2024 12:17:53    2519804


Replying To peiledoir20:  "Replying To Donegal_abroad: "The ban was excessive which plenty of us had said. Donegal still lost the points for the game. Which was enough for a fairly meaningless game in an effectively pre season competition. Which you lads knew anyway. You're just not happy Jim didn't get the kitchen sink thrown at him."

People who find bother in other people's lives are generally lacking something in their own."
So says the man who was first to post about Mayo losing to London in an FBD match.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8309 - 12/01/2024 12:25:14    2519808


Replying To Lockjaw:  "#JimmysWinningAppeals

Now that storm in a teacup is dealt with, can we go back to discussing football now?"
I doubt that on this forum.

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 604 - 12/01/2024 12:44:24    2519814


Replying To Scenicparish:  "Thanks you eoinog, Secretary signs Teamsheet. End off"
No doubt if it happened under bonners reign who would get the blame. Just saying. If the cap fits

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2592 - 12/01/2024 13:03:48    2519820
