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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To Whestofthewest:  "going into a 5th year without an ulster title, im sure HQ are shaking in their boots ha ha"
Read my comment again.

TheRock2121 (Donegal) - Posts: 1206 - 09/01/2024 17:18:01    2519299


Jim's in every counties head. We have lads on here from Roscommon, Mayo, Monaghan, Tyrone.

TheRock2121 (Donegal) - Posts: 1206 - 09/01/2024 17:23:08    2519301


In fairness not everyone is against Jim. I think he is a brilliant man who had a hugely positive impact on the game, especially in his own county.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8309 - 09/01/2024 18:07:33    2519311


Replying To INTOTHEWEST1:  "Broke the rules, ban shouldn't be over ruled."
You must feel very passionately about this, when as a Galway man, you set up a whole new profile to fire shots on the Donegal forum with your first post.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 741 - 09/01/2024 18:12:44    2519313


Replying To eoinog:  "Excellent post. Full of common sense and an acceptance to admit that rules were broken. Not trying to hide behind it was only a MC Kenna Cup game, or against Armagh U.20 (who didn't play any 17 year old) or that he is a big lump of a lad and can take care of himself nor that he should be able to play because mammy and daddy said he could play. Such rubbish that's written on this topic. MC Guinness missing from training sessions will hurt Donegal hard. They will need to put up a strong case to get the ban at least halved. No one wants any teams preparation to get disrupted over a stupid, careless but costly mistake."
Very few on this forum have said that rules weren't broken

So why are so many posters from other counties arguing with posters that we are?

However judges don't hand out arbitrary sentences when someone breaks the law.

They take all factors into consideration, and sentence accordingly

Eight weeks - 5 league matches - is certainly a harsh, harsh punishment for the circumstances

'It's only the McKenna Cup' is actually the attitude every Ulster County shows to the tournament.

If it was a serious competition the young fella wouldnt be starting at all. Nor would the Armagh U20s

These are mitigating circumstances that need to take into consideration

Common sense you say.

But not much coming from you.

Al_Maguire (Donegal) - Posts: 257 - 09/01/2024 18:46:47    2519315


Replying To Whestofthewest:  "going into a 5th year without an ulster title, im sure HQ are shaking in their boots ha ha"
We'll not even count back the years when you won something in football. Have you still got a football team? Ha Ha Ha

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 434 - 09/01/2024 18:56:24    2519317


Replying To sourmilk93:  "He should have got longer."
Why? A 2 month ban seems excessive. Yes, a rule was broken but it's excessive and was likely an innocent mistake given the lad just turned 18. The lads presence on the pitch would have had little impact on the final result.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1210 - 09/01/2024 19:03:21    2519318


Replying To TheRock2121:  "Jim's in every counties head. We have lads on here from Roscommon, Mayo, Monaghan, Tyrone."
Not really every county then... but imo I think it's a extremely harsh punishment. Take the points off and move on

TalkToFahy (Tyrone) - Posts: 35 - 09/01/2024 19:39:24    2519322


Replying To Al_Maguire:  "Very few on this forum have said that rules weren't broken

So why are so many posters from other counties arguing with posters that we are?

However judges don't hand out arbitrary sentences when someone breaks the law.

They take all factors into consideration, and sentence accordingly

Eight weeks - 5 league matches - is certainly a harsh, harsh punishment for the circumstances

'It's only the McKenna Cup' is actually the attitude every Ulster County shows to the tournament.

If it was a serious competition the young fella wouldnt be starting at all. Nor would the Armagh U20s

These are mitigating circumstances that need to take into consideration

Common sense you say.

But not much coming from you."
You are talking rubbish.
You obviously have no idea how disciplinary matters work. When a rule is broken the punishment is already laid out. It falls into a certain category and the penalty is X .This isn't a courtroom with a judge like you are trying to make it out to be. Most posters including myself want this ban greatly reduced and I think it will be and if it is reduced to 4 weeks for eg, I have no idea how it will be enforced. Who is going to go to the Donegal training sessions to make sure that MC Guinness isn't involved. That point seems to be lost on a lot of people. MC Guinness can't have anything to do with the team.

eoinog (Sligo) - Posts: 2039 - 09/01/2024 20:37:46    2519329


Replying To eoinog:  "You are talking rubbish.
You obviously have no idea how disciplinary matters work. When a rule is broken the punishment is already laid out. It falls into a certain category and the penalty is X .This isn't a courtroom with a judge like you are trying to make it out to be. Most posters including myself want this ban greatly reduced and I think it will be and if it is reduced to 4 weeks for eg, I have no idea how it will be enforced. Who is going to go to the Donegal training sessions to make sure that MC Guinness isn't involved. That point seems to be lost on a lot of people. MC Guinness can't have anything to do with the team."
It's not lost at all on a 'lot of people'. We can read what 'not involved' means.

And it may not be a courtroom. But I guarantee you solicitors or at least legal advice will be involved in the appeal.

And their argument will be that it should be reduced.

Because 'common sense' would say the punishment handed out in one non serious, pre season series of friendlies should not greatly affect a serious competition.

The GAA doesnt have a good track record of handing pre-set out punishments - otherwise why does everyone appeal? And mostly succeed?

As you say it's not even enforceable

This is the problem with the GAA handing out arbitrary sanctions set out beforehand, they don't take common sense of the circumstances into the equation.

Al_Maguire (Donegal) - Posts: 257 - 09/01/2024 21:28:25    2519340


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "I think you should be more worried in Mayo about why you bottled every All Ireland final you were in since 1951 than worrying about the goings on in a pre season tournament in Ulster in all fairness.
I'll never forget Murphy bursting the Mayo net with that goal in 2012, never heard a set of mouthy fans go quiet so quick."
And I'll never forget following year cillian O Connor bagged 3 goals against ye lot never heard Donegal going so quiet or leave Croker as quick ... We're doing just grand ha. Only pointing out the obvious that rules are rules in gaa and if any other county you lot would be saying the same thing just own up and say ye made a mistake and accept the ban end of.

S1234 (Mayo) - Posts: 106 - 09/01/2024 22:28:28    2519350


Replying To S1234:  "And I'll never forget following year cillian O Connor bagged 3 goals against ye lot never heard Donegal going so quiet or leave Croker as quick ... We're doing just grand ha. Only pointing out the obvious that rules are rules in gaa and if any other county you lot would be saying the same thing just own up and say ye made a mistake and accept the ban end of."
Thats the problem, you celebrated that day like you won the final and the same in many QFs and SFs since only to let yourselves down when it mattered. Gave the rest of the country a good laugh though so thanks for that.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 1152 - 10/01/2024 07:51:37    2519359


A rule was clearly broken, not sure how Donegal GAA missed that, but the punishment of 8 weeks total ban for Jim McGuinness definitely seems too harsh on top of a County Fine and 2 week player ban.

Even a 4 week ban seems rough given the nature of this violation is so minor, I think given the context it should be greatly reduced upon appeal.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1315 - 10/01/2024 08:01:13    2519360


Replying To TheRock2121:  "Jim's in every counties head. We have lads on here from Roscommon, Mayo, Monaghan, Tyrone."
He can thin what he wants, hes played his track in 2010-2012, we all know his schemes now, and also everyone is talking about Jim, realistically I dont think donegal have anywhere near the players to get out of Div 2 this year never mind touch the big boys, so many players hyped up to the last, Mc gee, O donnell, langan, thompson, Ban, Cole, and they are bang average. Dont worry no one is quaking in their boots.

monaghanmad (Monaghan) - Posts: 403 - 10/01/2024 08:43:35    2519365


The reason why the rule was put in place was to prevent player burnout and to protect a young players overall health (physical/emotional/mental) at a very important time in a young players life where he may be also doing important leaving certificate and college examinations. (High and difficult pressure) It is very overly simplistic to say that he is a big strapping lad who can look after himself. What about his emotional intelligence/maturity? Can he manage his time? Can he prioritise things correctly? Can he say no? Has he the energy to concentrate and study? Is he physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Does he need a part time job to help him pay for his college fees? What are his personal circumstances like at home? Can he sleep at night? Can he deal with multiple pressure points in his young life? The consequences in modern life (social media included) can be potentially very serious from multiple perspectives.

This main issue is not really about Jim McGuinness, Donegal, the media, "rules are rules" or was the punishment too harsh?
It is about looking after a special talent, young Rourty, who seems somewhat forgotten about in the whole debate.

I wish him well now, in his playing career with multiple teams and more importantly "life" in general.

" He needs to be looked after now too in difficult circumstances, no matter how big and phyically strong he is".

letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 688 - 10/01/2024 09:32:26    2519368


Replying To monaghanmad:  "He can thin what he wants, hes played his track in 2010-2012, we all know his schemes now, and also everyone is talking about Jim, realistically I dont think donegal have anywhere near the players to get out of Div 2 this year never mind touch the big boys, so many players hyped up to the last, Mc gee, O donnell, langan, thompson, Ban, Cole, and they are bang average. Dont worry no one is quaking in their boots."
Just worry about your own county kid. I predict that if Monaghan keep going the way they are going that they will win an All Ireland in the next 3 or 4 years. But it'll be an Over 40's one.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 741 - 10/01/2024 09:59:13    2519371


Replying To SouthOfTheGap:  "Just worry about your own county kid. I predict that if Monaghan keep going the way they are going that they will win an All Ireland in the next 3 or 4 years. But it'll be an Over 40's one."
Agreed…Monaghan missed the boat…we're only getting started again

Jimsam12 (Donegal) - Posts: 20 - 10/01/2024 10:21:01    2519376


Replying To monaghanmad:  "He can thin what he wants, hes played his track in 2010-2012, we all know his schemes now, and also everyone is talking about Jim, realistically I dont think donegal have anywhere near the players to get out of Div 2 this year never mind touch the big boys, so many players hyped up to the last, Mc gee, O donnell, langan, thompson, Ban, Cole, and they are bang average. Dont worry no one is quaking in their boots."
The same bang average players that comprehensively beat Monaghan in championship last summer with a cobbled together management team?

WeGoAgain (Donegal) - Posts: 62 - 10/01/2024 10:58:23    2519382


Replying To letsgetgoing:  "The reason why the rule was put in place was to prevent player burnout and to protect a young players overall health (physical/emotional/mental) at a very important time in a young players life where he may be also doing important leaving certificate and college examinations. (High and difficult pressure) It is very overly simplistic to say that he is a big strapping lad who can look after himself. What about his emotional intelligence/maturity? Can he manage his time? Can he prioritise things correctly? Can he say no? Has he the energy to concentrate and study? Is he physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Does he need a part time job to help him pay for his college fees? What are his personal circumstances like at home? Can he sleep at night? Can he deal with multiple pressure points in his young life? The consequences in modern life (social media included) can be potentially very serious from multiple perspectives.

This main issue is not really about Jim McGuinness, Donegal, the media, "rules are rules" or was the punishment too harsh?
It is about looking after a special talent, young Rourty, who seems somewhat forgotten about in the whole debate.

I wish him well now, in his playing career with multiple teams and more importantly "life" in general.

" He needs to be looked after now too in difficult circumstances, no matter how big and phyically strong he is"."
All true and valid points.

But I think it was highly unlikely that Roarty was being earmarked as a senior squad member for the year ahead.
Himself, KJ Molloy, Martin, Carr and Caulfield were in the McKenna Cup squad I believe to give them a taster of senior football. They'll all be dropping down to the u20 panel before long and will be concentrating on Sigerson in the coming weeks.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9643 - 10/01/2024 11:17:27    2519384


Replying To PeterQ92:  "Some nonsense talked on this one.

The fact of the matter is that Jim played an ineligible player and that is a serious offence in the GAA, and rightly so. What in Gods name was the rush to play a young lad who hasn't even played for his club yet is beyond me.
A mistake was made and the price now has to be paid.

We can blame the rule, blame the punishment, blame the Ulster council or blame the weather.. we all know the where the buck stops on this one!"
Exactly, Some of the better club players in Donegal not on the panel must be scratching their heads that a lad that hasnt even played senior club football got a run out. Screams on McGuiness ego here

sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1201 - 10/01/2024 11:37:54    2519389
