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That has to be a windup. So instead of decreasing teams our CB are increasing them?!!! So will it be 4 teams relegated this year? I thought the rules were set in stone for last year and this year.
Frank74 (Longford) - Posts: 204 - 09/02/2025 15:10:53 2590254 Link 0 |
Carrickedmond put in an appeal to rescind the format of the 24 Championship as voted by ALL CLUBS in Feb 24. 36 at meeting something like voted to rescind, 11 not to and rest abstained. With what happened over the various appeals following the wrong score cand failure to field v Slashers, Carrickedmond got a sympathy vote from some clubs, other clubs looked at maybe we'll be in similar position next year and will need help,while Intermediate clubs didn't want them coming down at all. The executive was split with majority voting for and 5 against
Therein2010 (Longford) - Posts: 55 - 09/02/2025 20:25:58 2590300 Link 0 |
Sure we might as well do away with Intermediate and Junior Championships and bump everyone into Senior!!
Frank74 (Longford) - Posts: 204 - 10/02/2025 03:01:01 2590327 Link 0 |
60% of the clubs in Longford are in SFC!!! I doubt any other county comes close. It's madness. Unfortunately not the first time we see clubs not making the drop despite being relegated. It has happened half a dozen times since 2000. Undermines the whole structure IMO. And we wonder why crowds are dwindling. LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 589 - 10/02/2025 11:53:16 2590388 Link 0 |
You have to laugh at the way things are ran in Longford. What does that mean for the intermediate championship? williesboy (Leitrim) - Posts: 462 - 10/02/2025 13:01:11 2590414 Link 0 |
I have heard Carrickedmond are definitely staying Senior, Is it confimed that Kenagh are too, or are they going to go down? LongfordSham (Longford) - Posts: 119 - 11/02/2025 08:41:47 2590535 Link 0 |
Lads I honestly didnt think Longford club football could get any worst but each year we seem to out do ourselves.. Garmin (Longford) - Posts: 98 - 12/02/2025 10:16:18 2590715 Link 0 |
Will it not be a 13 team senior championship if nobody is going down but Drumlish still going up? Rumours going around that Cashel and Ardagh are being given the chance to stay and Intermediate, i presume linked to the fact if no senior teams are going down, why should they. LongfordSham (Longford) - Posts: 119 - 12/02/2025 11:23:54 2590724 Link 0 |
Lads, surely everybody knows our supreme leaders couldn't organise an o--y in a b-----l!! Spinx (Longford) - Posts: 1347 - 12/02/2025 12:15:54 2590739 Link 0 |
Ardagh queried it out the night but were told no. Nobody from Cashel spoke. Fr Manning Gaels by bye law must go up. So unlucky 13 it is. Probably a return to 3 group format. The whole move is thought to be illegal under rule. Will come home to roost if a club is beaten by Carrickedmond and Kenagh in this year's championship and end up being relegated, go through the appeal process and end up in the DRA where they will win their case and your back at square one. A county will 2 or 3 standalone clubs in their A underage championships for last 30 years going nowhere with 13 in Senior Championship
Therein2010 (Longford) - Posts: 55 - 12/02/2025 13:15:46 2590750 Link 1 |
Feels like deja vu. Carrickedmond got relegated in 2015 (lost to Ballymahon in relegation final) but the structure of the SFC was then changed from 12 teams to 13 for 2016 and they managed to stay up. Not picking on Carrickedmond, there are plenty of other clubs got relegated and magically avoiding the drop over the past couple of decades. It's a racket. LongfordgaaAbú (Longford) - Posts: 589 - 12/02/2025 14:01:03 2590755 Link 2 |