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IF there's any whiff of truth in the Don Connellan tale he has one qualification.
He's a Kilmore man.

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1717 - 28/08/2022 11:11:32    2438877


Replying To SmokieRoss:  "So the latest news in the pubs in Carrick last night is that Don Connellan is going to be proposed as manager at next county board meeting for the clubs to accept or reject. No experience at county level I am informed. Is that a negative?. Played for Roscommon alright but that has little bearing on whether he can cut it as a manager at this level first time around. Currently involved with NUIG and a club in Galway I believe.

Good appointment for Longford I note in Paddy Christie and I see Dessie Sloyan manager iof sligo u20s this year on his backroom ticket also. Jack Cooney leaving Westmeath also sees another county similar to ourselves looking for a manger out of the same limited pool. I thought Christie would have been a good fit for Ross along with a relatively fresh coach like Sloyan or Connellan.

Roscommon were lucky to get Cunningham last minute the last time around and he got them out of a tight slot as options were exhausted at that stage. Dublin ladies county board meeting tomrrow night amd Mick Bohans name is nominated for the position of ladies senior manager again. I note his counterpart in Meath has stepped down after winning back to back All Ireland senior titles.

After the COE debacle and the hundreds of thousands lost on same and we no nearer to having a base for all our teams the pressure is really on the county board."
Going by the other counties looking for managers and the pool available out there, it is very unlikely we can get a seasoned inter county manager so there is going to be a big level of unknown associated with the appointment. Meath, Longford and Down have done that. It's likely Monaghan will as well. Galway did the same with Joyce but getting the likes of O'Neill in was crucial for them this year.

If it is Connellan his backroom will be very important. Would Sherlock be a good coach to bring in? Or his he looking more for management. Is there anyone Connellan could bring with him from Galway?

MachaireConnacht (Roscommon) - Posts: 975 - 28/08/2022 11:32:23    2438879


Replying To SmokieRoss:  "So the latest news in the pubs in Carrick last night is that Don Connellan is going to be proposed as manager at next county board meeting for the clubs to accept or reject. No experience at county level I am informed. Is that a negative?. Played for Roscommon alright but that has little bearing on whether he can cut it as a manager at this level first time around. Currently involved with NUIG and a club in Galway I believe.

Good appointment for Longford I note in Paddy Christie and I see Dessie Sloyan manager iof sligo u20s this year on his backroom ticket also. Jack Cooney leaving Westmeath also sees another county similar to ourselves looking for a manger out of the same limited pool. I thought Christie would have been a good fit for Ross along with a relatively fresh coach like Sloyan or Connellan.

Roscommon were lucky to get Cunningham last minute the last time around and he got them out of a tight slot as options were exhausted at that stage. Dublin ladies county board meeting tomrrow night amd Mick Bohans name is nominated for the position of ladies senior manager again. I note his counterpart in Meath has stepped down after winning back to back All Ireland senior titles.

After the COE debacle and the hundreds of thousands lost on same and we no nearer to having a base for all our teams the pressure is really on the county board."
Malachy Clerkin writing about the managerial merry-go-around in Saturday's Irish Times stated the following:

"Of the managers who have been installed since the end of the 2022 championship, Pat Flanagan (Roscommon) and Liam Kearns (Offaly) are both about to take up their fourth intercounty gig". The article also included photographs of Kevin McStay, Liam Kearns, Colm O' Rourke and Pat Flanagan.

Has Malachy the inside track or is he guessing? Maybe the the drinkers in Carrick are correct about Don Connellan. We will all have to wait and see.

letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 591 - 28/08/2022 12:36:59    2438886


Replying To letsgetgoing:  "Malachy Clerkin writing about the managerial merry-go-around in Saturday's Irish Times stated the following:

"Of the managers who have been installed since the end of the 2022 championship, Pat Flanagan (Roscommon) and Liam Kearns (Offaly) are both about to take up their fourth intercounty gig". The article also included photographs of Kevin McStay, Liam Kearns, Colm O' Rourke and Pat Flanagan.

Has Malachy the inside track or is he guessing? Maybe the the drinkers in Carrick are correct about Don Connellan. We will all have to wait and see."
Don't believe everything you read in the papers….or hear in the pub.! The County Board chairman Brian Carroll is a Kilmore club man as is Don Connellan so maybe there's something in the talk around Carrick. We shall see but I don't expect Pat Flanagan to get the Roscommon job nor do I want him to get it.

endgame (Roscommon) - Posts: 2264 - 28/08/2022 13:03:40    2438893


Replying To endgame:  "Don't believe everything you read in the papers….or hear in the pub.! The County Board chairman Brian Carroll is a Kilmore club man as is Don Connellan so maybe there's something in the talk around Carrick. We shall see but I don't expect Pat Flanagan to get the Roscommon job nor do I want him to get it."
Interesting if i had a choice of the two I'd be picking Flanagan over Connellan just for his experience alone and his track record of what he has achieved with Pearses where so many other bigger names tried and failed.

Also the fact that got westhmeath promoted to Division 1 previously from Division 3 so his record is not shabby by any stretch of the imagination. I think some Roscommon supporters have unrealistic expectations of who they think will manage us.

Longford were the last county to appoint a manager last year and dare I say it we will probably follow suit this time round.

SmokieRoss (Roscommon) - Posts: 279 - 28/08/2022 14:10:57    2438902


Replying To SmokieRoss:  "So the latest news in the pubs in Carrick last night is that Don Connellan is going to be proposed as manager at next county board meeting for the clubs to accept or reject. No experience at county level I am informed. Is that a negative?. Played for Roscommon alright but that has little bearing on whether he can cut it as a manager at this level first time around. Currently involved with NUIG and a club in Galway I believe.

Good appointment for Longford I note in Paddy Christie and I see Dessie Sloyan manager iof sligo u20s this year on his backroom ticket also. Jack Cooney leaving Westmeath also sees another county similar to ourselves looking for a manger out of the same limited pool. I thought Christie would have been a good fit for Ross along with a relatively fresh coach like Sloyan or Connellan.

Roscommon were lucky to get Cunningham last minute the last time around and he got them out of a tight slot as options were exhausted at that stage. Dublin ladies county board meeting tomrrow night amd Mick Bohans name is nominated for the position of ladies senior manager again. I note his counterpart in Meath has stepped down after winning back to back All Ireland senior titles.

After the COE debacle and the hundreds of thousands lost on same and we no nearer to having a base for all our teams the pressure is really on the county board."
The club in Galway is Moycullen who he lead to their first ever county title a few years ago.

Paddy Christie would be simliar to Connellan remains to be seen if he can cut it at this level, Longfords level is Div 3 level which will be easier task than Div 1. Paddy had no experience as a manager at county level. Don meanwhile involved with the successful NUIG team was basically working with and against top level county players

Yondu (UK) - Posts: 845 - 28/08/2022 14:41:18    2438908


Replying To SmokieRoss:  "Interesting if i had a choice of the two I'd be picking Flanagan over Connellan just for his experience alone and his track record of what he has achieved with Pearses where so many other bigger names tried and failed.

Also the fact that got westhmeath promoted to Division 1 previously from Division 3 so his record is not shabby by any stretch of the imagination. I think some Roscommon supporters have unrealistic expectations of who they think will manage us.

Longford were the last county to appoint a manager last year and dare I say it we will probably follow suit this time round."
Is league form enough though? few here have credited Anthony Cunningham for leaving the Roscommon team in Div 1. Westmeath decided not to keep him on for that Div 1 campaign which was fairly telling on how he did in the championship with them. Going by your pub visit you suggest an appointment will be made soon and now think Roscommon will be the last team to appoint a manager, which is it?

Only last year Louth got Mickey Harte in probably as unrealistic in expectations to who they thought would manage them.

Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3439 - 28/08/2022 15:14:46    2438912


Replying To Yondu:  "The club in Galway is Moycullen who he lead to their first ever county title a few years ago.

Paddy Christie would be simliar to Connellan remains to be seen if he can cut it at this level, Longfords level is Div 3 level which will be easier task than Div 1. Paddy had no experience as a manager at county level. Don meanwhile involved with the successful NUIG team was basically working with and against top level county players"
Top level county players in sigerson! Very few and far between compared to previous years and Clifford was the biggest name of a handful of not very high standard. Lot of u20 county players alright.

Paddy Christie was coach in Tipperary with Liam Kearns so has cut his teeth already in inter county game. He is also a coach with Lomans in Mullingar. Hard for Connellan as a manager to get to Roscommon games to look at players if involved with a club in Galway.

A bit of a panic and a cheap appointment imo if they go for him.

SmokieRoss (Roscommon) - Posts: 279 - 28/08/2022 15:58:23    2438914


Replying To SmokieRoss:  "Top level county players in sigerson! Very few and far between compared to previous years and Clifford was the biggest name of a handful of not very high standard. Lot of u20 county players alright.

Paddy Christie was coach in Tipperary with Liam Kearns so has cut his teeth already in inter county game. He is also a coach with Lomans in Mullingar. Hard for Connellan as a manager to get to Roscommon games to look at players if involved with a club in Galway.

A bit of a panic and a cheap appointment imo if they go for him."
Paddy Christie experience is way beyond Don Connellans. Paddy has worked with Ballymun, Lomans, Tipperary and DCU for a number of years.
Don Connellan is nowhere near ready for a county job.
Just look at how his boss at NUIG has faired with Mayo u20. Big difference between senior County and College and not forgetting he works shift work in Galway.

reffingmad (Roscommon) - Posts: 371 - 28/08/2022 16:20:44    2438915


Replying To reffingmad:  "Paddy Christie experience is way beyond Don Connellans. Paddy has worked with Ballymun, Lomans, Tipperary and DCU for a number of years.
Don Connellan is nowhere near ready for a county job.
Just look at how his boss at NUIG has faired with Mayo u20. Big difference between senior County and College and not forgetting he works shift work in Galway."
At County level Paddy Christie would be a rookie manager and remains to be seen how he fares at inter County level now.

Padraic Joyce hadn't much experience before taking on the senior Galway gig what helped him along was well stocked management team and Cian O'Neill added further to that team this year.

So the main question regardless who is appointed can he be allowed to have a strong management do Roscommon have cash or backer to afford it?

Yondu (UK) - Posts: 845 - 28/08/2022 18:30:29    2438928


Replying To Yondu:  "At County level Paddy Christie would be a rookie manager and remains to be seen how he fares at inter County level now.

Padraic Joyce hadn't much experience before taking on the senior Galway gig what helped him along was well stocked management team and Cian O'Neill added further to that team this year.

So the main question regardless who is appointed can he be allowed to have a strong management do Roscommon have cash or backer to afford it?"
Joyce was with Sean Boylan at the international rules series and at least a year with Galway u20s. Not sure if he was involved longer with them or any other teams.

It seems at this stage that the person proposed is either going to be a rookie or someone out of the inter county game a while.

Looks like Monaghan are sorted and another ex Dublin player. Yous suspect he will have a number of ex dublin players with him also.

I'm sure we will know more in the next two weeks. You'd imagine they'd have someone in place for the latter stages of club championships but this county board does not instill much confidence.

SmokieRoss (Roscommon) - Posts: 279 - 28/08/2022 19:06:20    2438930


Would have seen Paddy Christie, Jason Sherlock as more guys you'd have on a management team than outright managers but i suppose you have to start somewhere if you have ambitions to take the hot seat.

Monaghan county board seemed to focus a lot of their search on Dublin people or those based in Dublin and eventually appointed Ger Brennan who's side made their exit from the Kildare championship yesterday and someone that wasn't mentioned at all in media at all.

So hopefully a decent candidate appears in the horizon for us. Top priority is bringing in a top and experience defensive coach, those fellas don't come cheap so our county board with the help of sponsors need to leave no stone unturned in regards to that.

The_analyser (Roscommon) - Posts: 3839 - 28/08/2022 19:59:35    2438941


Replying To SmokieRoss:  "Top level county players in sigerson! Very few and far between compared to previous years and Clifford was the biggest name of a handful of not very high standard. Lot of u20 county players alright.

Paddy Christie was coach in Tipperary with Liam Kearns so has cut his teeth already in inter county game. He is also a coach with Lomans in Mullingar. Hard for Connellan as a manager to get to Roscommon games to look at players if involved with a club in Galway.

A bit of a panic and a cheap appointment imo if they go for him."
Who would you rather see?

Tarismelting22 (Roscommon) - Posts: 764 - 29/08/2022 08:18:02    2438959


Do you think Pat Flanagan could modify his tactics to get Roscommon defensively tight but make good use of attacking talent?

MachaireConnacht (Roscommon) - Posts: 975 - 29/08/2022 10:27:12    2438981


Replying To MachaireConnacht:  "Do you think Pat Flanagan could modify his tactics to get Roscommon defensively tight but make good use of attacking talent?"

sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1174 - 29/08/2022 11:19:43    2438989


Eamon Murray has stepped down from the Meath Ladies gig. Done an excellent job winning back to back senior All Irelands on top of an Intermediate success. He had Meath well set up.
Certainly would be worth considering. With Westmeath also on the lookout for a manager, the pool of suitable candidates is getting smaller.

Jack L (None) - Posts: 3133 - 29/08/2022 14:56:15    2439045


How do people feel the weekends games will go? Gaels Glaveys could be a tight one. Gaels probably hoping the return of Gilooly and Tim Lambe, along with the probable return of Cian Connolly to the starting lineup , will be enough for the win. Glaveys surely be boosted aswel with the return of Dylan Ruane

jimmy11 (Roscommon) - Posts: 15 - 29/08/2022 17:02:53    2439075


Group stage reaches its conclusion this weekend,


Oran v Elphin a dead rubber with one team already into the knock out stages and Elphin into the relegation play off. Oran by 4

Glaveys v Roscommon Gaels low scoring contest with the Gaels to edge it by 2 points

Strokestown v Pearses - this doubles up as league relegation play off. Reaction needed for the defending champs, Pearses by 3

Tulsk v Brigids - Brigids will likely rest a few starters here but still win Brigids by 2

Western Gaels v St Faltheachs probably the game of the weekend winner into the knock out stages and the loser has the unwanted relegation play off. Draw which will mean Faithleachs will finish ahead of W Gaels

Clann v Boyle winner will top the group i think Boyle will edge it by 1


Fuerty v Creggs - another game whereby the winner will top the group. Niall Kilroy hurling championship season finished yesterday and even without him should have the experience to win this game by at least 2 points

Croans v Kilmore - Croans by 3 their better scoring should be enough to win here

Clann B v Kilbride - Clann have been very competitive in their games far while Kilbride have struggled badly. Clann by 4

Castlerea v Eire Og top of the table derby clash in Ballinlough. I'd give Castlerea the slight edge by 1 won't be surprised with a draw

St. Dominic's v St Aidans. the championship favourites have done as expected thus far and haven't needed to hit top form, probably the same here, dominics by 4

Shannon Gaels v St Brigids Brigids have more than held their own higher level of competition the Gaels are struggling to retain their intermediate status. St Brigids by 3.

In the Junior A championship wins for St Michael's,Ballinameen,St Ronans,Western Gaels,Pearses,Kilglass

The_analyser (Roscommon) - Posts: 3839 - 29/08/2022 19:18:03    2439091


Replying To The_analyser:  "Group stage reaches its conclusion this weekend,


Oran v Elphin a dead rubber with one team already into the knock out stages and Elphin into the relegation play off. Oran by 4

Glaveys v Roscommon Gaels low scoring contest with the Gaels to edge it by 2 points

Strokestown v Pearses - this doubles up as league relegation play off. Reaction needed for the defending champs, Pearses by 3

Tulsk v Brigids - Brigids will likely rest a few starters here but still win Brigids by 2

Western Gaels v St Faltheachs probably the game of the weekend winner into the knock out stages and the loser has the unwanted relegation play off. Draw which will mean Faithleachs will finish ahead of W Gaels

Clann v Boyle winner will top the group i think Boyle will edge it by 1


Fuerty v Creggs - another game whereby the winner will top the group. Niall Kilroy hurling championship season finished yesterday and even without him should have the experience to win this game by at least 2 points

Croans v Kilmore - Croans by 3 their better scoring should be enough to win here

Clann B v Kilbride - Clann have been very competitive in their games far while Kilbride have struggled badly. Clann by 4

Castlerea v Eire Og top of the table derby clash in Ballinlough. I'd give Castlerea the slight edge by 1 won't be surprised with a draw

St. Dominic's v St Aidans. the championship favourites have done as expected thus far and haven't needed to hit top form, probably the same here, dominics by 4

Shannon Gaels v St Brigids Brigids have more than held their own higher level of competition the Gaels are struggling to retain their intermediate status. St Brigids by 3.

In the Junior A championship wins for St Michael's,Ballinameen,St Ronans,Western Gaels,Pearses,Kilglass"
Getting into the business end of the championship and no County team manager unveiled sounds ominous for 2022. Particularly when competing in D1. Will it be a rushed appointment like before.
We need stability rather than being a yo-yo team.
Selecting a manager when the championship is over seems like a pointless exercise

Jack L (None) - Posts: 3133 - 29/08/2022 21:56:51    2439106


Replying To Jack L:  "Getting into the business end of the championship and no County team manager unveiled sounds ominous for 2022. Particularly when competing in D1. Will it be a rushed appointment like before.
We need stability rather than being a yo-yo team.
Selecting a manager when the championship is over seems like a pointless exercise"
After decade and half you are still playing we gimmick. Anyone from Roscommon would know rushed appointments are never done in this county and the last time we stayed up in Div 1 (reached the semi final) the new management team wasn't selected until October.

The_analyser (Roscommon) - Posts: 3839 - 30/08/2022 07:19:26    2439107
