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And that is your right. It could be argued that Louth should be ahead of Mayo and us. They won 4 championship games, lost one less game than us and reached a provincial final. Anyway's it's all opinion. Our league game next year with Louth will be interesting. I see Devlin has gone back from Derry to them to run their academies and underage development.
MachaireConnacht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1000 - 19/07/2024 09:20:13 2560012 Link 0 |
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7750 - 19/07/2024 11:34:33 2560037 Link 0 |
If Galway win does each other Connacht County get Sam for 2 months? Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2064 - 19/07/2024 16:12:17 2560096 Link 1 |
I'd personally like to see Galway win it Sunday week. Just great to see a final without Kerry or Dublin in it. And if Armagh win fair play to them.
dave1988 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1175 - 20/07/2024 10:37:55 2560151 Link 1 |
It is indeed great to have a Final without Dublin or Kerry (and Tyrone, Mayo too). I don't mind which team wins it. Gakway with 9 m, Armagh with 1. Instinct is always to root for the lads with 1. Back to Roscommon.... great to see all the Leagues start and finish in one continuous period thanks to the "split season". Clubs will now have August/September to themselves for the Championships with no complications, such as County games on TV etc, which is also great to see. Any or many buy the €125 tickets? Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2064 - 20/07/2024 11:37:18 2560156 Link 1 |
Looking forward to going to croke park for next Sundays final. Have a feeling it is armaghs year Agree about the leagues. Club Championship in two weeks and I purchased the club season pass ticket. Great value for money well done Roscommon gaa BrigidsToom (Roscommon) - Posts: 24 - 21/07/2024 22:40:53 2560447 Link 1 |
Absolute shambles that the Divisional team (South Roscommon) pulled out of the competition. Makes an absolute joke the championship structure. Surely the CB will see sense and scrap the idea next year - back to top 2 in each group qualify for quarter finals, best place 3rd team goes trough and the other 2 3rd place teams play each other for the last spot. Rossfan93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 60 - 25/07/2024 15:43:03 2561540 Link 0 |
It's disappointing to see the Divisional set up not working out. I think Roscommon badly needs it given our population. As seen with Galway and Armagh this year squad depth is more important than ever and we were badly exposed on that front with the likes of McKeon, C Murtagh, E Nolan and C Daly not available. The divisional team idea can surely only help us get talented players who would normally never get a chance to play senior club, play at that level and possibly then be candidates for county. Even if you only got one or two players every few years that would hugely benefit the county panel. While I would like Galway to win, given the behavior of the loyalist crew in Armagh over the past few weeks I would love in some ways for the Gaels of Armagh to be able to bring Sam home and sicken the bigots. MachaireConnacht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1000 - 26/07/2024 11:31:06 2561687 Link 0 |
Don't really mind which of them wins as it's great not to have Dublin or Kerry there for once. Pity only North Ros is buying into the District team thing. It's a good concept and hasn't done Kerry any harm over the decades. Needs more thought put into it regards timing and what Clubs would be grouped together. The MidSouth have hurling to contend with as well. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2064 - 26/07/2024 12:04:19 2561703 Link 0 |
Hopefully all going well next year our best team will look like: Gaa2001 (Roscommon) - Posts: 4 - 26/07/2024 12:13:46 2561709 Link 0 |
Probably 4 of that 15 won't be on the panel at all. Use D2 to start younger lads, bring on 5 older chaps in 2nd halves to ensure victory and get promoted. Then get down to serious business. A lot of teams will feel they can do the business next year after Galway and Armagh making it this time. We need to be in there scrapping with them. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2064 - 26/07/2024 12:42:49 2561720 Link 1 |
Who are the 4.? I see Davy in another interview is talking about the intensity of the season for inter county Managers. I'm sure he's right. For Roscommon season's , it was 3 wins out of 13 in competitive games. I wonder how Davy rates that record. I'll be thinking tomorrow as Galway and Armagh run out that Roscommon missed a great chance to get to an All Ireland final this year. When you look back on the Armagh game, so much went wrong and we still only lost by 6 points in the end. A Galway v Roscommon All Ireland final would have been something else. No great team around anymore so the championship will be very open again in 2025. I hope Roscommon step up.
endgame (Roscommon) - Posts: 2312 - 27/07/2024 11:14:03 2561900 Link 0 |
Mc Ginley not near conditioned enough to make the step up to Senior and it won't happen in the space of a year. Potential but will take time.
moros (Roscommon) - Posts: 1111 - 27/07/2024 12:13:26 2561910 Link 0 |
You have dropped 8 players off the starting team from Roscommon's last match. Any team looking to make progress generally makes sight change to their first 15 from year to year (unless it's forced on them with injuries/retirements) than wholesale change. Main adjustment needed nowadays is improving the panel strength in depth and conditioning of the players both All Ireland's finalists on Sunday have those traits and took both a few years to reach their current standard and had to take some bad defeats on the chin over the years. I think reaching back to back Quarter finals would be progress for Roscommon in 2025 when you consider before this year Roscommon hadn't reached the last eight for five years. Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3529 - 27/07/2024 19:24:55 2561995 Link 0 |
A qf won't be progress. We got to a qf this year. We need to push on and get to a semi final at the least.
moros (Roscommon) - Posts: 1111 - 27/07/2024 21:42:24 2562019 Link 1 |
Reaching All Ireland Quarter final two years in a row is progress on not reaching the last 8 for the previous five years.
Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3529 - 28/07/2024 03:56:01 2562061 Link 0 |
Reaching and winning a Quarter Final would be excellent progress. Reaching a QF should be our bottom line aim. I guess at this stage Davy is staying/being kept. Hopefully he and the Board tie down a backroom team early and not be trying to find someone in December! Another difficulty for management is not knowing till December what the Competition formats or calendar might be for next year. Or playing rules also!! Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2064 - 28/07/2024 10:39:29 2562086 Link 0 |
So we were knocked out of the championship by the All Ireland champions. Galway much like ourselves will look back at so many poor wides and other efforts kicked short. Armagh keeping McGeeney on for 10 years rewarded to it's max this year. The_analyser (Roscommon) - Posts: 3940 - 28/07/2024 17:30:24 2562192 Link 0 |
And he did not win a match in the Ulster Championship in the first 4 years. Congratulations to Armagh. Very tough on the Galway team, management and players. letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 663 - 28/07/2024 17:52:57 2562211 Link 0 |
I hope you're not advocating Analyser that Roscommon keep Davy for 10 years. Mcgeeney took a lot of stick but he's an Armagh man managing Armagh. Nearly all successful gaa Managers have managed their native county. ( the late John O'Mahony excepted). Best of luck to Armagh but in reality Roscommon, Kerry and Galway today misfired against them. There's no great team around now and Roscommon could be as good as any of them. Interesting to read recently Martin McHugh ( Mark's Father) commenting on the number of good footballers in Roscommon. I honestly think that Roscommon could have been there in the final today. Hard to believe that a Connacht team hasn't beaten an Ulster team in an All Ireland final since Ros beat Cavan in 1943.
endgame (Roscommon) - Posts: 2312 - 28/07/2024 18:33:46 2562248 Link 0 |