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Galway Football thread

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Replying To jobseekersbent:  "From watching club games, I don't think he's any longer than the other keepers. Healy from Annaghdown, O Beolain, Breatnach, Lavelle, O'Malley, Keane, Farragher from Monivea all from the top of my head can hit it as long as Gleeson. On top of that, most of them can ping it accurately. I think it's a lazy comment by pundits that because Gleeson is a big lad he can hit it longer than other keepers in the county.

Having said all that, I'll be shocked if Joyce drops him for any game."
Conor Flaherty and Oran Burke are very comfortable on ball and can give a long accurate kick out as well.Doesn't matter how far you kick the ball if players are not winning it in the air.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 342 - 05/02/2024 14:33:39    2524560


Replying To Sssthe:  "No other county would be called at "full strength" if they were trying at 5 relatively new players.

Where does nonsense come out off they were not training since October. They were not back any later or earlier than Galway."
I think the training point you make is fair enough. On balance all squads are back in or around the same time whether they have the full pick between club, injury and singerson absenteeism is another issue. What is not comparable is I am not aware if any other Div 1 side whose top 5 players are all out at the same time with an injury and a 6th taking his third year away in five seasons. And believe me nobody including us can absorb that loss as they are the 1st six players on our teamsheet. Imagine Kerry missing Sean O' Se, Clifford (either of them) and say Tadgh Morley, one of the O'Sullivans and a starting half forward. They would be far less potent. We will be doing very well to stay in Div 1 and our best hope is to have them back in stages fresh for championship.

kiloughter (Galway) - Posts: 1973 - 05/02/2024 14:45:42    2524566


Replying To Sssthe:  "None of Bob Toughy, Boland, Towey, or Brickiden have never being first team players for mayo in the past. Mayo aren't going full tilt we just have way more debt than Galway. 10 of the squad that bet Galway last year in the championship were not named yesterday."
Mayo like most counties are missing a few players but are still fielding close to full strength. Whether Mayo have more depth ( or even debt) are 2 entirely different debates. But no county is as weakened as Galway are. I would say if you asked most people who our top 5 players are , 90% of people would go for walsh comer mcdaid Kelly and Silke. All 5 are in many opinions in the top 30 players in the country. Mayo don't have a clear cut top 5 and definitely don't have 5 players in that calibre but are probably more balanced. If I was to guess top 5 it would be something like durcan callinan flynn, o donoghue and d o connor . Only o Connor missing currently and mayo would be struggling without the other 4.

anotheralias (Galway) - Posts: 931 - 05/02/2024 15:44:29    2524578


Replying To Alwaysencourage:  "Conor Flaherty and Oran Burke are very comfortable on ball and can give a long accurate kick out as well.Doesn't matter how far you kick the ball if players are not winning it in the air."
I haven't seen much of Flaherty in goals the last few years because he's outfield with the club. I didn't think his kickouts were excellent while he was in goal for the league in 2022 and he struggled in the league final when Roscommon pushed up. But he still had a bit more variation than Gleeson. Agreed that he is very solid on the ball.
Have only seen Burke under age and half a game for corofin and the FBD. Hard to know much about him based on so little.
Is Power still involved?
On a different note, anyone know anything about Patrick Kelly?

jobseekersbent (Galway) - Posts: 382 - 05/02/2024 16:33:24    2524586


Over last 5 years ( P.J.s time )we have blamed Covid ( no other County was affected as badly as us apparently).
Referees for being against us and handing Kerry easy frees to win the All Ireland.
Injuries ( no other Country was affected as badly as us either apparently )
Poor goalkeeper ( no other County etc etc )

Over last 5 years Dublin survived without Cluxton, McCaffrey, O .Callaghan (inj), Mannion plus all their retirements but they kept going and performing well.

Our noisy neighbours lost a host of players to retirements Over last 5 years inc. Their best in Keegan and next best in Mullin. They are also currently missing their best corner back in Hession and their 1st choice midfield in O Connor and Ruane but they also keep going without whinging.

Of course we are missing really good footballers and leaders but Walsh had a very poor year last year , McDaid has missed an enormous amount of time since he returned from Australia , Silke missed last year, Kelly was very good untill injury last year, Comer has also missed an enormous amount of time with Injury over last 5 years.

We cannot assume these 5 players are going to be at the same level when and if they all return.
Management need to manage what they have and get on with it.

There were plenty of voices on here last year saying Cooke was slowing up play too much but now he's the answer to our slump.

Calls on here for Michael Daly, Mcloughlin etc are out of touch and classic cases of players reputations improving due to absence.
Mcloughlin and Hernon aren't part of the squad so they are not missing.

Management need to improve and organise the squad they have and if any of the above return this year
it'll be a huge bonus.

Black+Blue (Galway) - Posts: 127 - 05/02/2024 16:46:56    2524594


If I was Cinor Flaherty I'd definitely continue to stay away from the Galway panel. His reputation as a "great goalkeeper" seems to be growing more and more while he is on the sidelines. He'd be very foolish to come back now as he'd have a hard job to live up to.

FatLadySinging (Galway) - Posts: 91 - 05/02/2024 17:23:34    2524603


Replying To MayoDan:  "So why are Galway posters bringing up Mayo after a Galway and Roscommon game?"

TanCanRan (Galway) - Posts: 190 - 05/02/2024 18:41:43    2524620


So things were marginally better yesterday in The Hyde,
A little more hunger still disappointing result with the breeze you would have expected us to push on, i see people on here keep bringing up players who are away or not available or not selected I think we need to focus on players that have made themselves available, I am not saying pj's time is up but barring an all Ireland I think this could be his last year, the players don't seem to have any pattern of play and are a bit all over the place, if there was to be a new man at the helm who would be the man to take it,

Fox.1n.7he.b0x (Galway) - Posts: 122 - 05/02/2024 21:24:49    2524647


Mayo and Galway haven't a hope of winning Sam any time soon. That's the harsh reality.

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11375 - 05/02/2024 22:09:58    2524654


Replying To jobseekersbent:  "I haven't seen much of Flaherty in goals the last few years because he's outfield with the club. I didn't think his kickouts were excellent while he was in goal for the league in 2022 and he struggled in the league final when Roscommon pushed up. But he still had a bit more variation than Gleeson. Agreed that he is very solid on the ball.
Have only seen Burke under age and half a game for corofin and the FBD. Hard to know much about him based on so little.
Is Power still involved?
On a different note, anyone know anything about Patrick Kelly?"
Do you watch Sigerson or maybe like Joyce you don't consider that to be real football?

NorthWestern (Galway) - Posts: 14 - 05/02/2024 22:45:00    2524665


Replying To NorthWestern:  "Do you watch Sigerson or maybe like Joyce you don't consider that to be real football?"
I haven't watched as much as I would have liked.

jobseekersbent (Galway) - Posts: 382 - 06/02/2024 08:41:58    2524683


Replying To galwayman2:  "Same trap as Daly last week. Throw a big lad in there just because he's big.
Darcy hasn't the football to play in there.
He's just very limited. Honest but limited.
Conroy has shown in the past that he can be effective at 14. But we probably needed him in the middle of the field today so they didn't want to sacrifice him out there in the last 15 minutes.
We really need a plan B for when Comer is missing - and you can be sure with his injury record there will be times we won't have him.
Throwing random midfielders into 14 is not the answer."
I agree with the above. We all know we are missing at least 8 - 9 top class players currently who would walk onto the team if they were fit to do so but there has to be a better way of utilizing the players available now. It was mentioned that there was no fulcrum to the full forward line when Comer is missing (which is most of the time unfortunately) and Finnerty is not the answer but there has to be a system generated for off the shoulder runs, players running into pockets of space etc. Goals win matches and Galway have failed miserably in that department for a long time now. Even point scoring has become an issue e.g. 10 points at home last week and 9 points away this week will not cut the mustard at this level against the top teams. It appears that the players have been told not to take on shots unless there is about a 70% chance of them being successful which is why there is endless recycling etc. but then the risk of turnovers increases dramatically which is what we saw a lot of the last day. Not good enough and management must try harder.

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 06/02/2024 10:03:47    2524702


Replying To galwayman2:  "I was talking about last weeks team.
Conroy - while not playing particularly well at the moment - will be a starter if he regains any sort of form at all.
Anyway no point harping on about it.
I agree ye have more depth than we do.
We can't beat anyone without Comer.
At the same time "if" we somehow manage to get Damo, Shane, Sean Kelly & McDaid fully fit and suffer no further injuries to first choice players we won't be easy to beat.
Certainly we won't be the pushover we were last week if that materialises.
I really think we will feel the loss of Peter Cooke though. The other absentees (Burke, Hernon, McLoughlin) are only losses to me in terms of reducing strength in depth.
Of course we still have that huge issue with our goalkeeper. But this management are not for turning on Gleeson as number one it seems.
Not sure what kind of injury Conor Flaherty has"
Just on the players missing at the moment, I couldn't help but think that the likes of Ian Burke and Owen Gallagher would have been just what Galway needed in the Roscommon game the last day and its not a case of "the longer some players are missing the better they become" syndrome as some posters sarcastically mention from time to time. Burke doesn't score too much but he definitely can link up play and spot space better than any Galway player I have seen over a number of years and Gallagher is a very direct, physically strong, hard runner not afraid to run into space and have a shot if he feels its on. We don't have too many of those kind of players in the current panel available and injury free.

tommy k (Galway) - Posts: 3470 - 06/02/2024 11:17:14    2524718


Replying To tommy k:  "I agree with the above. We all know we are missing at least 8 - 9 top class players currently who would walk onto the team if they were fit to do so but there has to be a better way of utilizing the players available now. It was mentioned that there was no fulcrum to the full forward line when Comer is missing (which is most of the time unfortunately) and Finnerty is not the answer but there has to be a system generated for off the shoulder runs, players running into pockets of space etc. Goals win matches and Galway have failed miserably in that department for a long time now. Even point scoring has become an issue e.g. 10 points at home last week and 9 points away this week will not cut the mustard at this level against the top teams. It appears that the players have been told not to take on shots unless there is about a 70% chance of them being successful which is why there is endless recycling etc. but then the risk of turnovers increases dramatically which is what we saw a lot of the last day. Not good enough and management must try harder."
Most of the goals last year were scored by Sean Kelly or created by his runs, we are badly missing him from an attacking point of view

smallfrank (Galway) - Posts: 429 - 06/02/2024 11:48:08    2524726


This is more to do with the coverage of GAA games than Galway football but I just thought I would make the point. I sat down las t Saturday evening to watch the Mayo v Dublin league game. It look as if it was a good game but I did not enjoy it because of the coverage on RTE. I thought that the camera work was terrible and the commentary was diabolical. Ger Canning and Peter Canavan sounded as if they would had preferred to be somewhere else. Ciaran Whelan and Lee Keegan and the presenter that was with them were also flat and diabolical, All in all a very poor return from guys who get paid handsomely to do a job. The Sunday game is the worse sports programme on any station. The presenter and her so called football experts are terrible, (the hurling guys are way way better). Its the same ding dong every time and has been for years. I don't think I be watching too many games on RTE this year, be it free to air or behind a pay wall.

JakeTheMan (Galway) - Posts: 19 - 06/02/2024 12:31:18    2524732


Replying To JakeTheMan:  "This is more to do with the coverage of GAA games than Galway football but I just thought I would make the point. I sat down las t Saturday evening to watch the Mayo v Dublin league game. It look as if it was a good game but I did not enjoy it because of the coverage on RTE. I thought that the camera work was terrible and the commentary was diabolical. Ger Canning and Peter Canavan sounded as if they would had preferred to be somewhere else. Ciaran Whelan and Lee Keegan and the presenter that was with them were also flat and diabolical, All in all a very poor return from guys who get paid handsomely to do a job. The Sunday game is the worse sports programme on any station. The presenter and her so called football experts are terrible, (the hurling guys are way way better). Its the same ding dong every time and has been for years. I don't think I be watching too many games on RTE this year, be it free to air or behind a pay wall."
Watch it with the use of the mute button next time?

Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3458 - 06/02/2024 13:11:35    2524741


Joyce gave game time to 4 lads who are 20 last Sunday, think he deserves a bit of praise for that and not gone back to the usual forwards who've had multiple chances in the jersey and not taken them.

Like others I was looking forward to the season but didn't bank on another crisis or Cooke, Hernon & McLaughlin opting out. Cooke is a likely starter but Hernon wouldn't be far off and certainly would have started the last 2 games and McLaughlin would have been given a chance too, Dublin, Kerry & Mayo don't have to deal with the likes of that.

I still think if we can get all the key players fit we could have a really good championship but if this is Joyce's last year then he leaves Galway football in a good place. The use of a development panel to give those players outside the current panel is a wonderful idea.

TheBishop (Galway) - Posts: 285 - 06/02/2024 13:18:17    2524743


Replying To JakeTheMan:  "This is more to do with the coverage of GAA games than Galway football but I just thought I would make the point. I sat down las t Saturday evening to watch the Mayo v Dublin league game. It look as if it was a good game but I did not enjoy it because of the coverage on RTE. I thought that the camera work was terrible and the commentary was diabolical. Ger Canning and Peter Canavan sounded as if they would had preferred to be somewhere else. Ciaran Whelan and Lee Keegan and the presenter that was with them were also flat and diabolical, All in all a very poor return from guys who get paid handsomely to do a job. The Sunday game is the worse sports programme on any station. The presenter and her so called football experts are terrible, (the hurling guys are way way better). Its the same ding dong every time and has been for years. I don't think I be watching too many games on RTE this year, be it free to air or behind a pay wall."
One man's poison is another man's pint. I thoroughly enjoyed the match last Saturday night. I also enjoyed Sunday night's programme. Unlike you I find the hurling analysts can be hard to listen to at times especially Dónal Óg Cusack. The hyperbole is at times ridiculous. I find that there can be excessive negativity at times in relation to football but in general I really enjoy both games and I look forward to the broadcasts.

Greengrass (Louth) - Posts: 6117 - 06/02/2024 13:25:29    2524744


Replying To Greengrass:  "One man's poison is another man's pint. I thoroughly enjoyed the match last Saturday night. I also enjoyed Sunday night's programme. Unlike you I find the hurling analysts can be hard to listen to at times especially Dónal Óg Cusack. The hyperbole is at times ridiculous. I find that there can be excessive negativity at times in relation to football but in general I really enjoy both games and I look forward to the broadcasts."
That's fair enough. Glad you enjoyed it. Maybe I am too hard on them and I agree that Donal Og is very hard on the ears.

JakeTheMan (Galway) - Posts: 19 - 06/02/2024 13:57:13    2524753


GK: Gleeson, Burke, Flaherty
Full Back Line: McGrath, Fitzgerald, E Kelly, Glynn, Silke, Seán Kelly, Boyle.
Half back line: McHugh, Daly, Mulkerrin, Molloy, O'Flaherty, B Mannion.
Midfield: Conroy, Maher, McDaid, N Daly, Darcy,Egan,Davoren, Brady, O'Neill.
Half forward line: Heaney, Tierney, Sweeney, Paul Kelly, Cian Monaghan, Patrick Kelly.
Full forward line: O'Curraoin, Finnerty, O'Conghaile, Comer, Walsh, McCabe, Cunningham, Culhane.

Just a quick run down of lads that have been/ will be involved for season ahead. I'm aware I may have missed some names. The line I was placed them in is based on where they've mostly played for galway (in case of the younger lads, where they played at U20 I.e Egan). They are listed in no particular order. They are in no particular order. Would be interested to hear what starting 15 other posters would pick based off the above. If there's anyone I've missed feel free to say!

gaillimhboy (Galway) - Posts: 353 - 06/02/2024 16:00:28    2524792
