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The Corona Virus And Possible Effects To GAA Matches

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Replying To Saynothing:  "Let's save lives. What about starting with the sick. There's more disease's out there than Covid , but sure we'll all worry about them later. You could look at more than Tyrone PATMOUSE."
Tyrone in the news again for the wrong reasons when it comes to GAA … lets not get into this and lets all be honest the supporters have let the association down. no good going around the community give bread and milk to all the elderly people and then six months later, go out and celebrate and forget about all the rules and put us back in the same boat we were months ago were the economy and lives are at stake.

patmouse (Monaghan) - Posts: 120 - 06/10/2020 13:28:29    2296052


Replying To Tim_NicebutDim:  "John Horan's claim that the main problem was the aftermath of matches. He is right to a certain extent. But many of the matches streamed over the past few months at all levels showed spectators all grouped together even though some of the grounds were well capable of distancing. Limiting number by issueing tickets wasn't much good when gates were not stewarded properly either. I've seen numerous photos of trophy presentations and the crowds on the pitch showed no regard for the pandemic restrictions

Bottom line is the GAA could not control crowd limits nor crowd seperation once inside a venue. Can only see the inter county getting hte go ahead now with no crowds"
To be fair too, any live games I watched had very few stewards there anyway.

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2049 - 06/10/2020 13:41:41    2296058


A lot of people arguing re numbers at games etc. .

Look, 500 at most grounds would have worked just fine, if people had socially distanced.

Celebrating after wins would have worked just fine, if people had socially distanced.

Level 3 will work, if people socially distance, wash hands, etc.

The problem isn't the rules, its the failure to follow them.

We will likely end up at level 5 because it keeps people apart, so their stupidity can be controlled to a greater extent and the consequences of that stupidity are minimised.

You can complain about the GAA, NPHET, and the government all you want, but the virus spreads primarily through IRRESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR. (Meat plants and to a lesser extent schools are now an exception).

Settle in, look after yourself and others, because the best we can hope for now is that level 3 remains until January, because we ain't going back to level 2 or 1 during flu season, not a hope.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5115 - 06/10/2020 14:03:06    2296065


Replying To cavanman47:  "A lot of people arguing re numbers at games etc. .

Look, 500 at most grounds would have worked just fine, if people had socially distanced.

Celebrating after wins would have worked just fine, if people had socially distanced.

Level 3 will work, if people socially distance, wash hands, etc.

The problem isn't the rules, its the failure to follow them.

We will likely end up at level 5 because it keeps people apart, so their stupidity can be controlled to a greater extent and the consequences of that stupidity are minimised.

You can complain about the GAA, NPHET, and the government all you want, but the virus spreads primarily through IRRESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR. (Meat plants and to a lesser extent schools are now an exception).

Settle in, look after yourself and others, because the best we can hope for now is that level 3 remains until January, because we ain't going back to level 2 or 1 during flu season, not a hope."

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2854 - 06/10/2020 15:10:26    2296082


Maybe in a fantasy all of the above might have worked. Try telling a team who might have won a a County title to keep distance in the aftermath, or the crowds to keep apart.
It's peoples responsibility, but they get caught up in emotions.
There either shouldn't have been no fans and pubs kept closed, because that's where they were celebrating for 2 or days after county title.
Some of the ballinagh players in cavan now tested positive after the celebrations.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2792 - 06/10/2020 15:29:34    2296084


Replying To FoolsGold:  "John Horan calls for 500 look idiotic now. They couldn't manage with 200."
Look idiotic seems to come natural , and on the subject of our great troika gov, I'm sure I seen the minister for justice Helen McEntee in the middle of that crowd sitting very close together in the stand in Navan, sure aren't they a great example to us all.
I'm away now to Clifden for a few days of golf and a big dinner and piss up with a gang of oul mates. that's what I'll be telling any Garda I see and there 'operation fanacht' idiots.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2947 - 06/10/2020 16:03:02    2296094


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Maybe in a fantasy all of the above might have worked. Try telling a team who might have won a a County title to keep distance in the aftermath, or the crowds to keep apart.
It's peoples responsibility, but they get caught up in emotions.
There either shouldn't have been no fans and pubs kept closed, because that's where they were celebrating for 2 or days after county title.
Some of the ballinagh players in cavan now tested positive after the celebrations."
Try telling that to some of the above, a crime to stand together at matches but go and mix afterwards in pubs, restaurants, schools and university

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2132 - 06/10/2020 16:56:12    2296106


Replying To galwayford:  "I keep on saying that the GAA should have finished the national Leagues. The championships will be in doubt if the Covid figures rise at all. It is a more prudent option to play the last two rounds of Allianz leagues imho."
Still chasing that auld league title huh

lilypad (Kildare) - Posts: 1363 - 06/10/2020 16:59:51    2296108


Replying To lilypad:  "Still chasing that auld league title huh"
Can you blame us? Other than Corofin we've had very little to cheer about in Football for quite a while! Ha ha.

Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2218 - 06/10/2020 18:24:26    2296124


Replying To Saynothing:  "Try telling that to some of the above, a crime to stand together at matches but go and mix afterwards in pubs, restaurants, schools and university"
Not in northern Ireland anyways. Its worse then the Republic of

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2792 - 06/10/2020 18:34:55    2296127


Replying To Trump2020:  "Can you blame us? Other than Corofin we've had very little to cheer about in Football for quite a while! Ha ha."
Haha ye are better than that in fairness

lilypad (Kildare) - Posts: 1363 - 06/10/2020 20:15:54    2296140


Replying To CastleBravo:  "Hardly an impartial observer then is it? He's the person most likely to deny there were any issues.
It's like saying "The USA handled the pandemic perfectly, Donald Trump told me so"."
Ok I'm not going to entertain this slandering of a man who gives his time free and has done so much for Meath gaa in coaching and every other level as a VOLUNTEER

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 06/10/2020 20:37:18    2296145


Replying To galwayford:  "I keep on saying that the GAA should have finished the national Leagues. The championships will be in doubt if the Covid figures rise at all. It is a more prudent option to play the last two rounds of Allianz leagues imho."
Agree on the NFL, First and foremost the competition that was halted in March should be finished before a new competition is started.

Its level 3 for the next three weeks which gives the GAA the opportunity to play the final two rounds of the NFL.

After that so long as Tony Holohan who thought he was charge doesn't get his way and the country don't go into level 5 the championship should get the go ahead, best case scenario we'll all be back in level 2 for what it's worth I don't believe that at least 10 counties should be getting moved up to level 3 tomorrow.

The_analyser (Roscommon) - Posts: 3863 - 06/10/2020 20:47:29    2296147


Replying To The_analyser:  "Agree on the NFL, First and foremost the competition that was halted in March should be finished before a new competition is started.

Its level 3 for the next three weeks which gives the GAA the opportunity to play the final two rounds of the NFL.

After that so long as Tony Holohan who thought he was charge doesn't get his way and the country don't go into level 5 the championship should get the go ahead, best case scenario we'll all be back in level 2 for what it's worth I don't believe that at least 10 counties should be getting moved up to level 3 tomorrow."
I agree, there should be different levels for different counties, wasn't that the whole point of the thing, Donegal should have been at level 5 2 weeks ago, the likes of Mayo and Leitrim should be level 2,
level 3 will do no good in Donegal when the people from Derry and Tyrone can come across and go where they like while Garda checkpoints in the middle of county Donegal are stopping and asking locals where they are going, and it doesn't matter what you say to them, you could say you are going to Cork and there is nothing they can do about it, it's a complete joke.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2947 - 06/10/2020 22:25:09    2296166


When news of the increase in levels started to leak all I could think of was please let the All Ireland go a head.

Now I know in the greater scheme of things it may not seem important particularly if you are losing your job or have someone close very ill. But as a society we need something to keep us sane during this crazy time and I think elite sport should be exempt from restrictions as much as possible as long as guidelines are adhered to (I don't count club as elite). During initial lockdown we were blessed with great weather and I think that really helped. There is going to be wall to wall GAA for approx 6-7 weekends.

Because of my feelings on the above I was really pi**ed off to see what happened in Waterford where the player waiting for a test result played and then the various goings on with celebrations and spectators watching games close together. Spontaneous celebrations are understandable but people sitting close together isn't. As for the club in Waterford....... the we didn't understand excuse........ffs there should be consequences for the club. inexcusable.

Can't wait for it all to start!!

Mayonman (Galway) - Posts: 1881 - 07/10/2020 09:00:44    2296186


Tipperary going to Level 3 is a joke!

But my take on this is that Dr Tony Holohan & Co. will keep pressing for Level 5 for the whole country.

Which is fine for them because they don't have to worry about where the next pay cheque will come from.

Leo was right in that regard.

Moyle (Tipperary) - Posts: 89 - 07/10/2020 09:41:40    2296188


Replying To Moyle:  "Tipperary going to Level 3 is a joke!

But my take on this is that Dr Tony Holohan & Co. will keep pressing for Level 5 for the whole country.

Which is fine for them because they don't have to worry about where the next pay cheque will come from.

Leo was right in that regard."
Unless we can bring the virus number down drastically then the economy will suffer anyway. If the virus is rampant in your area, you are not going to go to pubs, restaurants, etc. - even if they are open. Hopefully we can achieve this at level 3 but it will take much longer than a few short weeks at level 5. We could limp along at level 3 for the next 6 months and beyond, that is my worry.

I personally feel we are in a bad situation as we are trusting that politicians know more about infectious diseases than NPHET. There just be a good reason why Tony Holohan has suggested level 5. Personally I would trust him more than any politician.

Green_Gold (Donegal) - Posts: 1903 - 07/10/2020 11:37:13    2296212


Replying To Green_Gold:  "Unless we can bring the virus number down drastically then the economy will suffer anyway. If the virus is rampant in your area, you are not going to go to pubs, restaurants, etc. - even if they are open. Hopefully we can achieve this at level 3 but it will take much longer than a few short weeks at level 5. We could limp along at level 3 for the next 6 months and beyond, that is my worry.

I personally feel we are in a bad situation as we are trusting that politicians know more about infectious diseases than NPHET. There just be a good reason why Tony Holohan has suggested level 5. Personally I would trust him more than any politician."
From a pure health point of view, then of course he's going to recommend level 5.

As the government have repeatedly said, it is NPHET's job to recommend measures to reduce the virus as much as possible - that's the easy part. If they had their way, we'd be in Level 4 or 5 for the foreseeable. And that's fine, that's their job.

But it's the government's job to get the balance right. . .to weigh up the consequences of Level 5 vs. the closure of businesses and loss of thousands of jobs. 20% of the country were on the PUP in March! That simply isn't sustainable, regardless of our ability to borrow.

As I said above, Level 3 is more than sufficient in order to suppress the virus. It won't be the government's fault if case number rise, it will be the fault of the individuals who do not follow the guidelines.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5115 - 07/10/2020 12:07:33    2296217


With Fermanagh and Armagh stopping senior squad training, and Kerry hurlers reporting a positive case, is an inter-county campaign really feasible? The best option now might be to finish off the remaining club championship games behind closed doors, and bring the whole season to an end. Regroup and get ready for 2021...

football first (None) - Posts: 1259 - 07/10/2020 12:17:28    2296222


Replying To cavanman47:  "From a pure health point of view, then of course he's going to recommend level 5.

As the government have repeatedly said, it is NPHET's job to recommend measures to reduce the virus as much as possible - that's the easy part. If they had their way, we'd be in Level 4 or 5 for the foreseeable. And that's fine, that's their job.

But it's the government's job to get the balance right. . .to weigh up the consequences of Level 5 vs. the closure of businesses and loss of thousands of jobs. 20% of the country were on the PUP in March! That simply isn't sustainable, regardless of our ability to borrow.

As I said above, Level 3 is more than sufficient in order to suppress the virus. It won't be the government's fault if case number rise, it will be the fault of the individuals who do not follow the guidelines."
Right there Cavan,an. NPHET can advise, but the Government have to rule. The problem with NPHET was the haste and timing of the announcement late onSunday night. We have had 7 months of restrictions to date, people are tired of it.

MicktheMiller (Offaly) - Posts: 421 - 07/10/2020 12:18:11    2296223
