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The Corona Virus And Possible Effects To GAA Matches

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Gaa were totally wrong to cease club activity, the Donegal county final could have went ahead next week behind closed doors, the wheels are coming off the cart big time, Gov and Nphet at loggerheads, confidence in CMO is gone, total mess, well done troika. idiots.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2947 - 05/10/2020 22:05:46    2295949


Replying To Crinigan:  "You need one of the following to best Corona:

1. Hardcore sci fi dictatorships like China where human rights don't matter. They literally dragged screaming families out of homes to separate anyone suspected of Covid. Would be no surprise if they just murdered anyone who had the thing given their regard for human life (remember what happened to second born children?!)

2. Generally very obedient populace like you'll get in South Korea and Taiwan. Remember them cleaning up after themselves when hosting World Cup. Independently responsible people.

3. Strong leadership - see Australia. Proper right wing govt (no wannabes like Trump and Johnson) who made the unpopular call to instantly ban inward travel (the standard guardian lefty liberals of course immediately called it racist etc)

4. An island in middle of nowhere and an already very strong and coordinated health system - see New Zealand

Ireland has none of the above. Generally not law abiding if we can bend it or get away with it, in no way independently responsible (drinking culture, rubbish after electric picnic etc ) and the country is packed full of woke liberals who'd have cried blue murder if we'd blocked incoming visitors like Italians and Chinese last March."
bang on

lilypad (Kildare) - Posts: 1363 - 05/10/2020 22:15:08    2295951


Replying To Canuck:  "Yes, using a shovel to swat a fly. The problem with that is you begin to lose the people who are complying and heavy handedness will bring on revolt. Why not deal with the offenders. Have the law go to the grounds and if there is breaches walk out on the field. tell the referee to shut it down there and then. Both clubs should then be suspended indefinitely by the GAA until they make their case present their side of the breach."
You can not be serious. Shut down everything is your answer. Listen to yourself, words like heavy handed, revolt, offenders, breaches,shut it down,suspended, are ye wise. People would be better off in China.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2132 - 05/10/2020 22:43:44    2295959


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Gaa were totally wrong to cease club activity, the Donegal county final could have went ahead next week behind closed doors, the wheels are coming off the cart big time, Gov and Nphet at loggerheads, confidence in CMO is gone, total mess, well done troika. idiots."
The GAA didn't call off club games in response to anything NPHET or the government said. It was due to the regulations clearly being ignored in games up and down the country, with the final straw being the Blackrock celebrations.

CastleBravo (Meath) - Posts: 1657 - 05/10/2020 22:44:26    2295960


Replying To CastleBravo:  "The GAA didn't call off club games in response to anything NPHET or the government said. It was due to the regulations clearly being ignored in games up and down the country, with the final straw being the Blackrock celebrations."
yeh its a feckin disgrace losing the run of your emotions when your team wins, shocking.

lilypad (Kildare) - Posts: 1363 - 05/10/2020 22:54:25    2295963


Replying To Saynothing:  "You can not be serious. Shut down everything is your answer. Listen to yourself, words like heavy handed, revolt, offenders, breaches,shut it down,suspended, are ye wise. People would be better off in China."
You mentioned China so I can't let this opportunity go! Not Level 3 or Level 4 or Level 5 but Level 42 on the Chinese Way.


GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7572 - 05/10/2020 23:23:27    2295967


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Gaa were totally wrong to cease club activity, the Donegal county final could have went ahead next week behind closed doors, the wheels are coming off the cart big time, Gov and Nphet at loggerheads, confidence in CMO is gone, total mess, well done troika. idiots."
John Horan said he spoke with Acting CMO last week, NPHET were concerned with some aspects surround GAA games, Horan contacted County Boards to get message out,
However: Speaking to RTÉ Sport, "Horan said the "actual games weren't really the problem", however, the "post-match element" which was evident in Cork among other counties at the weekend meant they had no choice but to come to the difficult decision"
Total mess as you say is down to a minority of supporters (players/management have also to shoulder some blame) and it is laughable to blame government.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2191 - 05/10/2020 23:30:42    2295970


Unfortunately gaa players and spectators failed to realise that they were lucky to have games during a world pandemic. There was an onus to maximise social distancing. Navan was not near the worse but still the crowd supposed to be only 200 crammed together, and the players had huddles before and after with hugs afterwards.

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 541 - 06/10/2020 00:53:26    2295972


Replying To Saynothing:  "You can not be serious. Shut down everything is your answer. Listen to yourself, words like heavy handed, revolt, offenders, breaches,shut it down,suspended, are ye wise. People would be better off in China."
You don't get it do you. To avoid shutting down every thing deal with the people who will not comply with the few basic requirements to avoid spreading the virus. You also seem to struggle with the context that words are used as they were used in support of avoiding completely shutting everything. Have you any update on this two fellow who never showed up for their test but got results ? Have they rescheduled ?
As to drawing a comparison about China if not getting to play games or being suspended for breaking rules. Now that is ludicrous.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2854 - 06/10/2020 03:10:06    2295977


All clubs that were proven to be in breach should be banned from club championship next year.

naomh_conaill_4 (Donegal) - Posts: 491 - 06/10/2020 08:43:29    2295982


Replying To Crinigan:  "You need one of the following to best Corona:

1. Hardcore sci fi dictatorships like China where human rights don't matter. They literally dragged screaming families out of homes to separate anyone suspected of Covid. Would be no surprise if they just murdered anyone who had the thing given their regard for human life (remember what happened to second born children?!)

2. Generally very obedient populace like you'll get in South Korea and Taiwan. Remember them cleaning up after themselves when hosting World Cup. Independently responsible people.

3. Strong leadership - see Australia. Proper right wing govt (no wannabes like Trump and Johnson) who made the unpopular call to instantly ban inward travel (the standard guardian lefty liberals of course immediately called it racist etc)

4. An island in middle of nowhere and an already very strong and coordinated health system - see New Zealand

Ireland has none of the above. Generally not law abiding if we can bend it or get away with it, in no way independently responsible (drinking culture, rubbish after electric picnic etc ) and the country is packed full of woke liberals who'd have cried blue murder if we'd blocked incoming visitors like Italians and Chinese last March."
Excellent post.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9458 - 06/10/2020 08:46:47    2295983


Replying To CastleBravo:  "The GAA didn't call off club games in response to anything NPHET or the government said. It was due to the regulations clearly being ignored in games up and down the country, with the final straw being the Blackrock celebrations."
John Horan said on the news last night that they warned county boards about their concerns. Was this publicised anywhere or did I miss it?
I don't recall seeing anything about this and one of my friends was playing in the Wexford county football final yesterday and he did not hear a word about it?

StoreysTash (Wexford) - Posts: 1777 - 06/10/2020 08:54:43    2295985


Replying To royaldunne:  "My club mate is head steward."
Didn't do a good job, did he?

Cockney_Cat (UK) - Posts: 2643 - 06/10/2020 09:07:54    2295989


Replying To Tirchonaill1:  "Gaa were totally wrong to cease club activity, the Donegal county final could have went ahead next week behind closed doors, the wheels are coming off the cart big time, Gov and Nphet at loggerheads, confidence in CMO is gone, total mess, well done troika. idiots."
lets safe lives, its the post match antics that are the problems, no one seem to care .. look at the Tyrone final…

patmouse (Monaghan) - Posts: 120 - 06/10/2020 10:11:51    2295999


Replying To royaldunne:  "My club mate is head steward."
Hardly an impartial observer then is it? He's the person most likely to deny there were any issues.
It's like saying "The USA handled the pandemic perfectly, Donald Trump told me so".

CastleBravo (Meath) - Posts: 1657 - 06/10/2020 10:22:10    2296003


I keep on saying that the GAA should have finished the national Leagues. The championships will be in doubt if the Covid figures rise at all. It is a more prudent option to play the last two rounds of Allianz leagues imho.

galwayford (Galway) - Posts: 2559 - 06/10/2020 10:23:48    2296005


John Horan calls for 500 look idiotic now. They couldn't manage with 200.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2792 - 06/10/2020 10:43:28    2296011


John Horan's claim that the main problem was the aftermath of matches. He is right to a certain extent. But many of the matches streamed over the past few months at all levels showed spectators all grouped together even though some of the grounds were well capable of distancing. Limiting number by issueing tickets wasn't much good when gates were not stewarded properly either. I've seen numerous photos of trophy presentations and the crowds on the pitch showed no regard for the pandemic restrictions

Bottom line is the GAA could not control crowd limits nor crowd seperation once inside a venue. Can only see the inter county getting hte go ahead now with no crowds

Tim_NicebutDim (Monaghan) - Posts: 347 - 06/10/2020 12:37:43    2296042


Replying To patmouse:  "lets safe lives, its the post match antics that are the problems, no one seem to care .. look at the Tyrone final…"
Let's save lives. What about starting with the sick. There's more disease's out there than Covid , but sure we'll all worry about them later. You could look at more than Tyrone PATMOUSE.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2132 - 06/10/2020 12:53:52    2296045


Replying To Tim_NicebutDim:  "John Horan's claim that the main problem was the aftermath of matches. He is right to a certain extent. But many of the matches streamed over the past few months at all levels showed spectators all grouped together even though some of the grounds were well capable of distancing. Limiting number by issueing tickets wasn't much good when gates were not stewarded properly either. I've seen numerous photos of trophy presentations and the crowds on the pitch showed no regard for the pandemic restrictions

Bottom line is the GAA could not control crowd limits nor crowd seperation once inside a venue. Can only see the inter county getting hte go ahead now with no crowds"
This is a bit of a painful truth about a lot of the measures against the virus, both in the GAA and in society; people think that combating the spread of the virus just means complying with what you're forced to do by a given authority, and that after that you're free to do whatever you want. Once the official gaze is off or not strictly enforced, many people put in no personal effort and don't act responsibly.

It's understandable that people want to go back to old habits, but you can't put no personal effort into stopping the spread of the virus, and then give out when the rampant spread of the virus means your activities are curtailed.

I was dragged in to umpire a junior hurling league match in July when games finally restarted, and had to laugh looking at how the 40 hardcore patrons, despite the whole pandemic and having a entire pitch to spread around, were all standing shoulder to shoulder at the fence on one side of the field.

CastleBravo (Meath) - Posts: 1657 - 06/10/2020 13:14:27    2296050
