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The Corona Virus And Possible Effects To GAA Matches

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The GAA has had to jump through hoops, plead and beg to get some sort of games played this year; promising that all the health guidelines would be adhered to. But now, due to the incompetence, ignorance and couldn't care less attitude of certain counties and clubs, we've lost the lot.

Cockney_Cat (UK) - Posts: 2643 - 05/10/2020 15:56:11    2295851


Unfortunately,the problem is that NPHET said something completely different on 1st October...!!!

They have lost their credibility now,if they had any in the first place.

Am glad to hear that Govt have just rejected the Level 5 proposal.

Moyle (Tipperary) - Posts: 89 - 05/10/2020 16:01:47    2295854


Replying To lilypad:  "
Replying To supersub15:  "No face masks = Delusions of Egoic Grandeur. / Thrumpalism."
So the meath lads are Trump supporters?"
Didn't say that, howeve they may be sympathisers.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2978 - 05/10/2020 16:09:13    2295855


Looks like the troika government are going for level 3, Donegal should be on level 5 though, you'd think the GAA could have waited till after todays cabinet meeting before they pulled the nuclear switch, level 3 means games can go ahead, but people need to cop on with the celebrations.

Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 2947 - 05/10/2020 16:17:21    2295858


Replying To Cockney_Cat:  "The GAA has had to jump through hoops, plead and beg to get some sort of games played this year; promising that all the health guidelines would be adhered to. But now, due to the incompetence, ignorance and couldn't care less attitude of certain counties and clubs, we've lost the lot."
I have always said guidelines never work. Unless you had rules that can be quickly enforced with sufficient punishment, it was would not work. Ultimately the GAA didn't see it as their responsibility to enforce the laws of the land and were quite happy to believe that it would all be ok. They could have done so much more to change public opinion on say facemasks and social distancing but chose not to, in fact the opposite has happened. While it may still be true that people didn't catch the virus through any of the scenes we saw but that's not the point - the GAA positions itself as the heartbeat of the community so what people saw as acceptable in one place they do in another.

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1859 - 05/10/2020 16:42:14    2295865


Replying To royaldunne:  "
Replying To Htaem:  "[quote=lilypad:  "[quote=supersub15:  "No face masks = Delusions of Egoic Grandeur. / Thrumpalism."
So the meath lads are Trump supporters?"
Yep, we're going to extend that wall at Carton House all the way to Offaly border and make Meath great again!"]And take back was is rightfully ours to the west.
Hon the royal.
Make Meath great again. 4 more years. :)"]Sounding very like that Johnson boy from over the water about making ....... Great Again.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2132 - 05/10/2020 17:41:20    2295882


Replying To lilypad:  "
Replying To Htaem:  "[quote=lilypad:  "[quote=supersub15:  "No face masks = Delusions of Egoic Grandeur. / Thrumpalism."
So the meath lads are Trump supporters?"
Yep, we're going to extend that wall at Carton House all the way to Offaly border and make Meath great again!"]:)"]Carton House is in Kildare, not Meath. Who will get the building contract?

MicktheMiller (Offaly) - Posts: 421 - 05/10/2020 18:03:24    2295888


Replying To cuchulainn35:  "Look any clown could count that there was more than 200 in Navan today, grand if social distancing but, all on top of each other in the stand - this is the kind of poor management and organisation which will have implications for the rest of the country. No one can honestly say that there was social distancing....
Then we tune into the Cork final - a fine big ground and its empty. Well done Cork, Meath need to do better!!"
Meath could certainly do better, however well done Cork? Don't think so.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2191 - 05/10/2020 18:25:57    2295892


Replying To lilylanger:  "Spot on. I can't understand anyone defending the obvious breech in numbers and complete lack of social distancing in a game that was broadcast live for all to see too. It's absolutely mortifying what happened in Cork yesterday too. Fork Hill GAA, and countless others we may never hear about. The GAA are rightly getting crucified across all social media fora today and I can't say I blame anybody."
There wasn't more than 200 there. It was all ticket and limited to that amount. Now I agree re social distancing that was unacceptable. However there wasn't a excess crowd. Just they didn't social distance

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 05/10/2020 18:31:21    2295894


Replying To royaldunne:  "Pay no attention to him. Jesus look at the basket case that's in the north. Almost 1 k cases in one day ffs. Won't be lectured to by anyone up there on anything Covid related"
You should seriously consider speaking to someone professional about all that anti Northern bile and bitterness you have. You must walk around demented all day, Northern folk live inside your head.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 05/10/2020 18:41:56    2295896


Replying To Moyle:  "Unfortunately,the problem is that NPHET said something completely different on 1st October...!!!

They have lost their credibility now,if they had any in the first place.

Am glad to hear that Govt have just rejected the Level 5 proposal."
imo The level 5 talk was put out so the public would grab a nationwide level 3 and make out the govt are standing up for businesses. The agreement was always level 3 everything else is spin

brisbane (Galway) - Posts: 675 - 05/10/2020 18:59:57    2295897


Replying To Stmunnsriver:  "your players get there themselves??? amazing , even for kilkenny"
It's an under 8 camogie challenge match, not the All Ireland final. There won't be a big crowd there, fans aren't going to go ape on the sidelines of their team wins and there won't be a mad session after it. We should be identifying the "high risk" events and acting accordingly, not using a sledgehammer to crack every nut. Cancelling something like that is just so stupid and pointless.

ballydalane (Kilkenny) - Posts: 1250 - 05/10/2020 19:01:06    2295898


It is always a few who ruin it for the rest. I predicted back months ago that inter county would never happen. Not that there is any pleasure in being right. It is also sad to say that the non democracy are the best at controlling the virus including China because they take no b.s. and the rest of us kicking it around like a football forgive the pun. Neither I am condoning these regimes but democracies are failing big time. Look at the U.S. But in fairness you can not call them a democracy. They just like to tell the rest of the world what to do while being as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2854 - 05/10/2020 19:27:25    2295905


Replying To royaldunne:  "There wasn't more than 200 there. It was all ticket and limited to that amount. Now I agree re social distancing that was unacceptable. However there wasn't a excess crowd. Just they didn't social distance"
Were you there?

Cockney_Cat (UK) - Posts: 2643 - 05/10/2020 20:46:19    2295917


Replying To ballydalane:  "It's an under 8 camogie challenge match, not the All Ireland final. There won't be a big crowd there, fans aren't going to go ape on the sidelines of their team wins and there won't be a mad session after it. We should be identifying the "high risk" events and acting accordingly, not using a sledgehammer to crack every nut. Cancelling something like that is just so stupid and pointless."
If there're keeping schools open then there should be no harm in underage matches.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2132 - 05/10/2020 20:52:00    2295920


We can all parade our own poor old me story, but the reality is that GAA members (or parents) have been on the p1ss after underage victories in probably every county.
I know one of my friends his younger brother won an underage county title and cue a house party for all the parents of the team.
The GAA community just come across as uneducated clueless idiots when they can't follow even basic rules. I was hammered on the Wexford Page for saying there was way more than should have been at a GAA match in Wexford when if anybody from NPHET tuned in for 1 minute and paused it he could see the crowd and the lack of social distancing.
Sometimes, you live by the sword you die by it.
I still can't see an All-Ireland championship, imagine the problem with an outside county winning an All-Ireland. The GAA will see this a mile away and say it is not worth the hassle.
But why does everything have to be so underhand in the GAA. Why can't clubs and counties just do their business honestly, stop paying managers under the table, stop the nod-and-wink culture which has existed forever?

StoreysTash (Wexford) - Posts: 1777 - 05/10/2020 20:54:32    2295921


Replying To Canuck:  "It is always a few who ruin it for the rest. I predicted back months ago that inter county would never happen. Not that there is any pleasure in being right. It is also sad to say that the non democracy are the best at controlling the virus including China because they take no b.s. and the rest of us kicking it around like a football forgive the pun. Neither I am condoning these regimes but democracies are failing big time. Look at the U.S. But in fairness you can not call them a democracy. They just like to tell the rest of the world what to do while being as crooked as a dog's hind leg."
You need one of the following to best Corona:

1. Hardcore sci fi dictatorships like China where human rights don't matter. They literally dragged screaming families out of homes to separate anyone suspected of Covid. Would be no surprise if they just murdered anyone who had the thing given their regard for human life (remember what happened to second born children?!)

2. Generally very obedient populace like you'll get in South Korea and Taiwan. Remember them cleaning up after themselves when hosting World Cup. Independently responsible people.

3. Strong leadership - see Australia. Proper right wing govt (no wannabes like Trump and Johnson) who made the unpopular call to instantly ban inward travel (the standard guardian lefty liberals of course immediately called it racist etc)

4. An island in middle of nowhere and an already very strong and coordinated health system - see New Zealand

Ireland has none of the above. Generally not law abiding if we can bend it or get away with it, in no way independently responsible (drinking culture, rubbish after electric picnic etc ) and the country is packed full of woke liberals who'd have cried blue murder if we'd blocked incoming visitors like Italians and Chinese last March.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1347 - 05/10/2020 21:03:08    2295924


Replying To ballydalane:  "It's an under 8 camogie challenge match, not the All Ireland final. There won't be a big crowd there, fans aren't going to go ape on the sidelines of their team wins and there won't be a mad session after it. We should be identifying the "high risk" events and acting accordingly, not using a sledgehammer to crack every nut. Cancelling something like that is just so stupid and pointless."
Yes, using a shovel to swat a fly. The problem with that is you begin to lose the people who are complying and heavy handedness will bring on revolt. Why not deal with the offenders. Have the law go to the grounds and if there is breaches walk out on the field. tell the referee to shut it down there and then. Both clubs should then be suspended indefinitely by the GAA until they make their case present their side of the breach.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2854 - 05/10/2020 21:33:36    2295935


Replying To Crinigan:  "You need one of the following to best Corona:

1. Hardcore sci fi dictatorships like China where human rights don't matter. They literally dragged screaming families out of homes to separate anyone suspected of Covid. Would be no surprise if they just murdered anyone who had the thing given their regard for human life (remember what happened to second born children?!)

2. Generally very obedient populace like you'll get in South Korea and Taiwan. Remember them cleaning up after themselves when hosting World Cup. Independently responsible people.

3. Strong leadership - see Australia. Proper right wing govt (no wannabes like Trump and Johnson) who made the unpopular call to instantly ban inward travel (the standard guardian lefty liberals of course immediately called it racist etc)

4. An island in middle of nowhere and an already very strong and coordinated health system - see New Zealand

Ireland has none of the above. Generally not law abiding if we can bend it or get away with it, in no way independently responsible (drinking culture, rubbish after electric picnic etc ) and the country is packed full of woke liberals who'd have cried blue murder if we'd blocked incoming visitors like Italians and Chinese last March."
Have to agree with you on most points except this left right b.s. It is has become tiring honestly. Conservative and liberal is used skillfully to maintain the political gravy train by keeping us at each others throats. Divide and conquer. One would milk us to give your hard earned money to the rich while the other would milk us by coming up with schemes that are government top heavy. The net result id they are going to screw the tax payer one way or the other.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2854 - 05/10/2020 21:52:48    2295941


Replying To Cockney_Cat:  "Were you there?"
My club mate is head steward.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 05/10/2020 21:53:18    2295942
