National Forum

Our Accents And Our Culture

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Replying To Breffni40:  "There's very little difference in all the faiths and they all mostly come from the same mythologies and legends. Faith is fine and I often wish I had it as people with it often appear very content. However organised religion and fundamentalists and extremists down through the centuries have exploited every faith for nefarious reasons. Ireland is no different and I personally cannot see how any moral person can associate themselves with any of our religious orders. Evil is evil and supporting it, even passively, does not strike me as something that will work in your favour in any potential afterlife"
I hope there is an afterlife as long as there is a hell, where these types should be left to burn for their evilness. For all the ones that did commit these heinous crimes, I'm sure there we're as many again that knew what was going on and chose to do absolutely nothing about it and cover it up or worse still move these people on so they offend elsewhere.

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2106 - 10/09/2024 17:49:28    2569303


Replying To Bon:  "I hope there is an afterlife as long as there is a hell, where these types should be left to burn for their evilness. For all the ones that did commit these heinous crimes, I'm sure there we're as many again that knew what was going on and chose to do absolutely nothing about it and cover it up or worse still move these people on so they offend elsewhere."
I would say the colluders outnumber the (many) perpetrators by a factor of about 5:1 in terms of those in actual service (to church, institutions etc.).

In terms of those in wider society who actually knew what some were up to and didn't speak out, in say 1960s Ireland. . . The ratio could well be 100s:1.

That is the power the Catholic church yielded over Irish society in the last century. Truly sickening.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5215 - 11/09/2024 06:31:23    2569337


The accents in my county are awful although they could be worse like our neighbour in the east or in south Armagh.
There must be 4 accents in the county, Derry city, North Derry, South Derry and then the accent along the River Bann up to Coleraine.
The accents are starting to mellow a bit but a broad County Derry accent from an older person above 50 isn't an easy listen.

PattyONeill (Derry) - Posts: 251 - 11/09/2024 21:27:23    2569462


Replying To PattyONeill:  "The accents in my county are awful although they could be worse like our neighbour in the east or in south Armagh.
There must be 4 accents in the county, Derry city, North Derry, South Derry and then the accent along the River Bann up to Coleraine.
The accents are starting to mellow a bit but a broad County Derry accent from an older person above 50 isn't an easy listen."
What about ye mucker.Are you from the city Hi.

gunman (Donegal) - Posts: 1126 - 11/09/2024 22:28:56    2569469


From Fermanagh and South Tyrone, I can confirm that the accents are very strong among our underage teams. The differences between Irvinestown, Enniskillen, and Teemore are incomparable. I swear, some of the men and women from South Fermanagh sound like they're speaking a different language.

I must admit, the older generation speaks with an even thicker accent. Despite many years of travelling, two things remain true: every other nation adores our accent, and every other nation can't understand it.

Itown1234 (Fermanagh) - Posts: 48 - 12/09/2024 16:26:41    2569590


Replying To Itown1234:  "From Fermanagh and South Tyrone, I can confirm that the accents are very strong among our underage teams. The differences between Irvinestown, Enniskillen, and Teemore are incomparable. I swear, some of the men and women from South Fermanagh sound like they're speaking a different language.

I must admit, the older generation speaks with an even thicker accent. Despite many years of travelling, two things remain true: every other nation adores our accent, and every other nation can't understand it."
Down has a fair few. Mourne, Posh Bangor, South Belfast, Ap in Newry, rural south Down, West Down, Ards peninsula, Lecale and up the roAD in around Downpatrick and Crossgar.

HurlingObserver (Down) - Posts: 65 - 14/09/2024 14:13:00    2569837


Replying To Cockney_Cat:  "Snarky? I asked Jack_Sparrow (Westmeath) to explain the link between Wexford and Somerset.
supersub15 (Carlow), Replied, telling me something that had nothing to do what I asked."
Oh dear there is always one, ever think he may have just made a mistake? But sure he knows now!

arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4946 - 14/09/2024 19:27:28    2569866


Replying To yew_tree:  "My view is when you die it won't matter if there is an afterlife or not because if there is no afterlife you won't realise that because you won't exist just like when before you were born.

Keanu Reaves summed it up best when asked what do you think happens when we die? "The people who love us will miss us""

arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4946 - 14/09/2024 19:31:36    2569867


Replying To arock:  "
Replying To Cockney_Cat:  "Snarky? I asked Jack_Sparrow (Westmeath) to explain the link between Wexford and Somerset.
supersub15 (Carlow), Replied, telling me something that had nothing to do what I asked."
Oh dear there is always one, ever think he may have just made a mistake? But sure he knows now!"
And it's always the same one.

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2106 - 16/09/2024 13:31:22    2570141


Replying To Bon:  "I hope there is an afterlife as long as there is a hell, where these types should be left to burn for their evilness. For all the ones that did commit these heinous crimes, I'm sure there we're as many again that knew what was going on and chose to do absolutely nothing about it and cover it up or worse still move these people on so they offend elsewhere."
I'd say hell was shut down years ago, due to environmental emissions issues etc. A more modern image of hell is required for this day and age imo. I'm sure there's someone working the concept. Perhaps a gadget/phone free zone with no WiFi for all eternity would do the trick!?

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3911 - 16/09/2024 13:54:45    2570146


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "I'd say hell was shut down years ago, due to environmental emissions issues etc. A more modern image of hell is required for this day and age imo. I'm sure there's someone working the concept. Perhaps a gadget/phone free zone with no WiFi for all eternity would do the trick!?"
The Greens closed hell on environmental issues, carbon etc. The image of hell we were taught in the past, was an outdated concept, used to instil fear in the gullible.

I personally believe that hell is more a state of ongoing crises than fire,( no need for fire insurance), and heaven a state of permanent happiness. To me the departed exist in a parallel world, all around us, but never seen. That maybe a bit left of centre, but that is my philosophy.
We need more Christianity, less dogma. I hope this gets aired, as some posts have not been published.

thelongridge (Offaly) - Posts: 1879 - 16/09/2024 14:47:53    2570161


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "I'd say hell was shut down years ago, due to environmental emissions issues etc. A more modern image of hell is required for this day and age imo. I'm sure there's someone working the concept. Perhaps a gadget/phone free zone with no WiFi for all eternity would do the trick!?"
You're probably right. No more burning coal or fires.

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2106 - 16/09/2024 16:52:58    2570207


Replying To thelongridge:  "The Greens closed hell on environmental issues, carbon etc. The image of hell we were taught in the past, was an outdated concept, used to instil fear in the gullible.

I personally believe that hell is more a state of ongoing crises than fire,( no need for fire insurance), and heaven a state of permanent happiness. To me the departed exist in a parallel world, all around us, but never seen. That maybe a bit left of centre, but that is my philosophy.
We need more Christianity, less dogma. I hope this gets aired, as some posts have not been published."
we need less christianity and more cop on

eddieSize5Balls (Donegal) - Posts: 87 - 27/09/2024 22:04:01    2572151
