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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To Commodore:  "I don't think you're the same poster as Greenfan, I just through that out there to cause momentary panic. But I do think you are posting under other accounts, specifically Donegal accounts."
Embarrassing stuff lad. Name the account you think might be mine?

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8306 - 11/03/2025 11:29:31    2595914


Replying To Commodore:  "Whoops!!! You responded under the wrong account, that conversation was with your Flaker account."
No I didn't. I have one account. What it shows is that more than one person on here thinks you're talking nonsense and it's getting a bit tiresome.

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 601 - 11/03/2025 11:42:44    2595915


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Embarrassing stuff lad. Name the account you think might be mine?"
Any chance of you answering my question directly and clearly. How do those other manager know what Donegal are doing?

I ask that specific question, because you are adament that its not because of you touting inside information on here on a public GAA forum.

To answer your question directly, I previously suspected PeterQ92 and you are the same person based on your posts and stated that on here.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1314 - 11/03/2025 12:32:06    2595924


Replying To Commodore:  "Any chance of you answering my question directly and clearly. How do those other manager know what Donegal are doing?

I ask that specific question, because you are adament that its not because of you touting inside information on here on a public GAA forum.

To answer your question directly, I previously suspected PeterQ92 and you are the same person based on your posts and stated that on here."
Well I am sure Peter will have something to say about that. Surely our post history would suggest otherwise. I am not sad enough to spend that much time on here trying to keep up with 2 accounts .

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8306 - 11/03/2025 12:56:29    2595928


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Well I am sure Peter will have something to say about that. Surely our post history would suggest otherwise. I am not sad enough to spend that much time on here trying to keep up with 2 accounts ."
Any chance of you now answering my question directly and clearly. How do those other manager know what Donegal are doing?

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1314 - 11/03/2025 13:09:46    2595933


Can we move on from the petty stuff here lads, not that big of a deal at all?

dgcrusader (Donegal) - Posts: 64 - 11/03/2025 17:09:03    2595971


Replying To Commodore:  "Any chance of you now answering my question directly and clearly. How do those other manager know what Donegal are doing?"
I dunno whether to laugh or cry at your posts. Honestly!
As previously stated, of course Donegal were training, every county in Ireland were training. It's no big deal. Only you seem to be getting you knickers in a twist about it for some reason. For Gods sake, move on!

As for the Mayo lad, more power to him. He brings accurate info here and contributes well to the boards.

PeterQ92 (Donegal) - Posts: 133 - 11/03/2025 21:22:59    2596008


Replying To TheFlaker:  "He's not just going in as 16s coach. There will be more developments with Lacey. Also a couple more of the 2012 winning team will be involved as academy coaches."
Great news having Karl back. As per on point. Thank you for the heads up.

panamasam (Australia) - Posts: 2829 - 11/03/2025 22:40:04    2596022
