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Donegal GAA thread

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Replying To Lockjaw:  "I don't think it's a question of focus/dedication. The lads that are available train as hard and are as dedicated as any.
Gaoth Dobhair suffer more in terms of emigration perhaps.

You could list Cian Mulligan, Odhran MacNiallais, Naoise O'Baoíll, Michael Carroll, Kieran Gillespie (although unfortunately injured again, has also recently departed). Look I know every club suffers similarly, but I don't think that anyone could dispute that if the above five were at home and fit, they'd be serious additions to any team."
Those 5 are massive players, County standard players. 2018 showed the real potential that Gaobh Dobhair have, I felt there was much more in them, but part of me suspected they wouldn't step it up in 2019. But I'm glad they won Ulster and I was really proud of them and delighted for them.

Over in East Donegal in Finn Valley, a major issue seems to be keeping players dedicated after they reach 17 or 18. Like there seems to be a massive drop off after that, and its something Donegal GAA need to focus on badly, as there is serious talent slipping through the net here, that could really benefit the Donegal team.

Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1297 - 18/11/2024 13:06:09    2580141


Replying To peiledoir20:  "Word has it that Kilcar are back in the transfer market. For a manager this time.

The father/son same club dream didn't last long."
Oh no, Martin I take it?

BaileCrann (Down) - Posts: 62 - 18/11/2024 14:15:00    2580153


Replying To Whyme923:  "I see the semi finals are set for next Sunday in the u21.

Playing the glenties game in ballyshannon is crazy. Any reason why LK/Convoy/McCool park not available?"
How is having it on Ballyshannon's new pitch crazy?

The Glenties must be getting their excuses in early.

Samsforthehills (Donegal) - Posts: 1075 - 18/11/2024 14:56:42    2580162


Replying To Samsforthehills:  "How is having it on Ballyshannon's new pitch crazy?

The Glenties must be getting their excuses in early."
Well for the neutral to go it's not very suitable for travel? Thought they'd want a few to go to games.

Whyme923 (Donegal) - Posts: 25 - 18/11/2024 22:10:03    2580227


Replying To Whyme923:  "Well for the neutral to go it's not very suitable for travel? Thought they'd want a few to go to games."
Probably the best surface in the county though. You want a good spectacle too not lads trudging through muck and long grass in Mount Charles.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 1133 - 19/11/2024 09:30:21    2580254


Replying To Whyme923:  "Well for the neutral to go it's not very suitable for travel? Thought they'd want a few to go to games."
It's very suitable if you're from Glenties or Donegal Town though. Might be something in that.

Samsforthehills (Donegal) - Posts: 1075 - 19/11/2024 10:35:17    2580267


Replying To Whyme923:  "Well for the neutral to go it's not very suitable for travel? Thought they'd want a few to go to games."
It's the middle of November, I'd say the number of pitches available to them is limited. Many won't be playable at this time of year and clubs are probably reluctant to give their pitches to avoid them being damaged.

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 598 - 19/11/2024 11:19:55    2580282


Replying To Whyme923:  "Well for the neutral to go it's not very suitable for travel? Thought they'd want a few to go to games."
Ah Yes play it in Dunkineely sure so you don't have to travel an extra 20 minutes to a far better pitch and facilities.. Jesus wept

TomRiddle (Donegal) - Posts: 8 - 19/11/2024 13:34:59    2580310


Has anyone heard any rumours about club appointments in Donegal? Seems to be a lot of clubs on the hunt.

TomRiddle (Donegal) - Posts: 8 - 19/11/2024 13:50:06    2580311


Replying To Samsforthehills:  "How is having it on Ballyshannon's new pitch crazy?

The Glenties must be getting their excuses in early."
No Naomh Conaill people are complaining!!!!!

Scenicparish (Donegal) - Posts: 434 - 19/11/2024 14:01:14    2580313


Heard an interesting one this morning at work for an up and coming team in the south of the county. Supposedly bringing his son with him too to play as he is living in the area.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 1133 - 19/11/2024 14:23:54    2580317


Replying To peiledoir20:  "Heard an interesting one this morning at work for an up and coming team in the south of the county. Supposedly bringing his son with him too to play as he is living in the area."
Spit it out!

PeterQ92 (Donegal) - Posts: 129 - 19/11/2024 14:52:34    2580319


Replying To greenfan:  "Macumhaill park is hardly playable in the summer after a heavy shower"
There was a double header of Div 3 semis on it last Saturday night. It's in great shape, considering the use it gets. No other pitch in the county gets used as much at this time of the year.

ThroughTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 67 - 20/11/2024 14:09:59    2580449


Nominations are out for Convention. Secretary job is up for grabs, that's the biggest one there could be a context over. But if Asst Secretary wants it, it's probably hers.

ThroughTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 67 - 21/11/2024 12:24:09    2580561


Replying To ThroughTheGap:  "Nominations are out for Convention. Secretary job is up for grabs, that's the biggest one there could be a context over. But if Asst Secretary wants it, it's probably hers."
Such a relief to be going into Convention without a cloud hanging over us, and not having to worry about controversy. We are getting good teams together on and off the field.

Just a little surprised that the present PRO is looking to move to Secretary, she made good progress in 12 months, another year or two wouldn't do any harm.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 734 - 22/11/2024 14:53:38    2580728


Replying To ThroughTheGap:  "There was a double header of Div 3 semis on it last Saturday night. It's in great shape, considering the use it gets. No other pitch in the county gets used as much at this time of the year."
Great shape all right. That's why the u21 final had to be moved to Convoy

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 598 - 22/11/2024 17:49:56    2580755


First time poster
I was at 4 u der 21 games in last 2 weeks and have to say the abuse fans give other teams players is absolutely lethal , people need to realise these lads are young men trying there best and roaring when they miss is benefiting nobody

Gaaforall92 (Donegal) - Posts: 2 - 22/11/2024 23:29:38    2580779


Naomh Padraig Muff.. Ulster champions. Check out the speech from their captain after the game, he wrote a poem for their team mate Evan Craig who died earlier this year. They're an example of everything that's good about the GAA.

greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 598 - 23/11/2024 16:19:51    2580834


Replying To greenfan:  "Naomh Padraig Muff.. Ulster champions. Check out the speech from their captain after the game, he wrote a poem for their team mate Evan Craig who died earlier this year. They're an example of everything that's good about the GAA."
Absolutely top class.

SouthOfTheGap (Donegal) - Posts: 734 - 23/11/2024 18:23:27    2580857


Congratulations to Naomh Padraig Uisce Chaoin on a fantastic win and winning the Ulster Junior Championship. What a year of highs and lows, for this squad, doing it for #EC13 on the pitch...fair play and well deserved to all involved.

JUNIOR_B_SUB (Donegal) - Posts: 27 - 23/11/2024 18:23:42    2580859
