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Hopefully you're just a wind up poster. If you're serious you need help. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2107 - 01/02/2025 13:05:26 2588755 Link 6 |
They are. A win put them ahead of Bruges. It also put them ahead of Paris or Stuttgart, depending on the result of their match8 clash. The Zagreb result was irrelevant therefore. City were GUARANTEED qualification with a win.
Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3994 - 05/02/2025 12:52:53 2589587 Link 0 |
So Des wasn't right in what he said. Possibly didn't realise Paris and Stuttgart was a match8 clash, but that's no excuse for Des.
Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3994 - 05/02/2025 12:55:35 2589588 Link 0 |
Some people just can't handle the truth
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 05/02/2025 13:09:21 2589591 Link 0 |
I disagree with you on the root cause of crowds falling away or other sports taking people away from the GAA, the real root cause is as follows 1. **** poor facilities at most grounds in terms of toilets, roofing, seating and general conditions. 2. Rising ticket prices to attend games in grounds that mostly haven't been upgraded in over 30 years. 3. Priority is never given to the ordinary GAA fans who ultimately provide 90% of its funding. Neglect the ordinary fan and those fans will eventually drop off. Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1300 - 05/02/2025 13:31:46 2589597 Link 0 |
I don't think the average GAA fan is too concerned about the state of ground facilities. Most facilities are perfectly adequate. I think any perceived falloff in interest/gates might be more of a reaction against the GAAs relatively newfound concentration on shaking down the fanbase for more cash revenues. Higher ticket prices, charging younger fans, more games, nonstop schedule of games in county and club, more streaming charges/revenue, and all very belt and braces with online cash payments etc'. Could all be a bit of a turnoff, for certain age brackets of fans.
Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3994 - 05/02/2025 15:40:21 2589618 Link 0 |
Whay do you define as perfectly adequate though. By any modern standard most gaa stadiums are nowehrre near adequate. KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3731 - 05/02/2025 17:27:23 2589640 Link 2 |
And you forgot about the pure garbage that was on show that would surely turn anyone of attending games…. Funny how all the things above had no impact on Hurling attendances in general… I wonder why…! The fare on offer maybe… ? Funny how the FRC concentrated solely on football….!!!!
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 05/02/2025 17:35:21 2589642 Link 1 |
"Funny" how the FRC concentrated solely on football?????? You do realise that FRC stands for Football Review Committee??? It would be even "funnier" if they'd decided to branch out and propose changes for hurling too, despite how they had no remit to do so. Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2734 - 05/02/2025 20:25:20 2589670 Link 4 |
The point I was making that most seem to want to ignore is that the FRC was set up because of the dramatic decline in football attendance figures… and the fact that increasing prices , extra games and all sorts of excuses being made it's the simple fact that the game had turned into pure muck that people were staying away… but the delusional don't want to admit that…. Hurling had no such problems attendance wise… I wonder why…?
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 05/02/2025 20:36:16 2589674 Link 3 |
I disagree, however the GAA top brass also doesn't think the average GAA fan is too concerned about the average ground facilities either, taking for granted the people who make the Association. Outside of a couple of modern GAA Stadiums, the vast majority are sub-standard when compared to Soccer and Rugby Stadiums across Britain and the EU, particularly in Ulster. - Most GAA grounds have 25% of the crowd or less under roof cover. - Toilet facilities for any sell out or big crowd game is a nightmare. Before focusing on the needs of Rugby fans, soccer fans or concert goers (Like Casement was all about), I think the GAA should start focusing on the needs of the good aul GAA fan who bank rolls the show year in year out. They don't need a gold or silver level lounge in Clones or stuff like that, but basics like having a bit more roof cover and better toilet facilities or even a few activity areas outdoor for families etc should be considered. Like low cost stuff Commodore (Donegal) - Posts: 1300 - 07/02/2025 12:13:42 2589872 Link 0 |
Antrim being told by the Ulster Council that they cant play home matches in Corrigan Park because it doesnt meet the required Health & Safety standard. bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4648 - 07/02/2025 16:04:01 2589917 Link 0 |
Not being smart but why did they close Casement Park before knowing when building was going to commence?
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1180 - 07/02/2025 16:37:33 2589924 Link 0 |
They closed it because it's not easy playing in a building site. Antrim were promised a stadium and powers that be stopped it. Fair play to Antrim, it's CorrIvan Park or nowhere.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2258 - 07/02/2025 17:09:03 2589928 Link 0 |
Translates into "it doesn't hold enough for us to maximise gate receipts from this fixture."
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15047 - 07/02/2025 17:24:47 2589931 Link 0 |
Farcical. After them bending over backwards hoping to get money from Brits to host soccer in a pitch they let go to wrack and ruin. Where are Antrim supposed to play? BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 07/02/2025 17:45:00 2589933 Link 0 |
Casement wasn't a building site when they stopped playing games in it....
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1180 - 07/02/2025 19:00:37 2589942 Link 3 |
What did you want them to do? Play and do building work together.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2258 - 07/02/2025 20:43:32 2589948 Link 0 |
If it is a home draw then they ought to be allowed play in Corrigan. Armagh can hardly insist on anywhere else and there have been similar situations with season and county ticket holders in other counties with small grounds and likely over capacity. BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 08/02/2025 09:50:08 2589979 Link 1 |
The Ground was derelict long before the Euro soccer thing was mooted. The Stadium should have been kept in use till the day before the bulldozers moved in. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2107 - 08/02/2025 11:36:52 2589996 Link 0 |