Metals Recycling in Tullamore is providing sponsorship to the
local Cappincur hurling club. In October, 2012, the company presented
a resplendent set of new jerseys to the club, much to the obvious
satisfaction of both parties!
Operating out of its current location at Cappincur Industrial
Estate since 1985, KMK Metals Recycling is Ireland’s premier
EPA-licensed, end-of-life metals recovery facility, having been
established in 1979.

KMK Metals started life recycling precious metals and electronic
scrap and has expanded, developed, diversified and grown to become
a proven industry leader.
The facility boasts a very strong nationwide presence, with up
to 60% of Ireland’s electrical waste currently coming through
its gates. Typical products treated at the facility would include
household electrical appliances (televisions, fridges, washing
machines etc.), office equipment, batteries and lighting equipment.

2011, KMK Metals Recycling has been offering dedicated processing
of smaller items. “It’s very much a manual process,
which is why we employ 70 people here in Tullamore,” notes
commercial manager Kai Meyer. “A lot of man power is involved
in the actual recycling activity.”
Twelve new positions recycling televisions (as a consequence of
the analogue – digital switch-over) were created as recently
as January this year.
As well as direct employees, KMK would also generate a great deal
of indirect employment through its activities, which makes it
one of the most significant employers in the Tullamore region.
Metals, plastics, components and other materials are extracted
from the waste items and then processed for export.

Since its inception, KMK Metals Recycling has been an intrinsic
part of the local community. This includes providing a lot of
funds for various sponsorships, as Kai continues. “Certain
individuals from our staff would be involved in various activities
including weightlifting, soccer, rugby, equestrianism etc. and
we have always involved ourselves in sponsorship of all of these.”
Thus the decision to lend some support to the local hurling club,
by presenting them with a new set of jerseys (complete with KMK
emblazoned across the chest) was a natural progression: “We
want to support local teams and we are more than happy to be able
to come on board and support the Cappincur hurlers,” says
Kai. “We are delighted with how they are performing and we
would like to take this opportunity to wish them continued success
in the future.

“We see ourselves very much as a local business and we are
delighted to be able to employ local people and to contribute
to the local economy. The majority of our workforce would be with
us a long time and we have also been able to take some new people
on recently, which is obviously pleasing.”
Looking to the future, Kai is optimistic that KMK Metals Recycling
will continue to go from strength to strength: “Electrical
waste is very topical at the moment and it will continue to be.
We are involved in the fastest-growing waste stream and we are
continuously investing to make sure that we remain at the forefront
of the waste recycling industry here in Ireland.”
And the fact that the work at KMK Metals Recycling is so labour-intensive
is great news for the people of Cappincur and Tullamore in these
difficult economic times!

Metals Recycling is a business division within KMK Metals that’s
dedicated to the handling, processing and management of hazardous
and non-hazardous materials that contain metals, such as precious
metals, automotive batteries, filter cakes and extractor dusts.
Equipped for the transport and storage of both hazardous and non-hazardous
materials, KMK Metals Recycling has a dangerous goods safety adviser
and ADR trained drivers on site.
There are three business divisions within the KMK brand: KMK Metals
Recycling is licensed to handle, store and treat all hazardous
and non hazardous metals containing waste; WEEE Recycle offers
a secure, fully compliant and traceable recycling service for
all electrical equipment and electronic goods: and Accumulator
Recycling is a nationwide battery collection and battery recycling
service for waste batteries.