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Dublin people do not extend the hand Friendship - 7 Like(s)
Tomsmith Cavan here
On virtually all the times that I go away up to Dublin to games I have noticed that the Dublin people appear to either not like the Country Cousin coming up to GAA games or just simply look on us as fare game to make a few Euros on us.It seems that Dublin feel that the GAA belongs to them and that we from the Country should be glad to be afforded the opportunity to visit Croke Park. It is that feeling that I get every time I go. The Dublin supporters are very arrogant and loud, They decide when to come into a game ( ie last minute) and when to leave. If Dublin are getting beat the Dubs are gone before full time. Even lockhard will not look after your car for nothing. All are out the money from us

tomsmith (National) - 17/08/2016 10:19:34

Tomsmith Intends To Retire From Intercounty Posting On Hoganstand - 5 Like(s)
Tomsmith here Thanks for all the wonderfull comments / encouragement/ suggestions / promptings and other contributions. It is to be noted by Tomsmith and indeed ( wth dismay ) by the great Mrs T thgat my original post should have stated Tomsmith intends to retire form intercounty posting on Hoganstand at the end of 2024 . So all of you will have the benefit of my intelligent / informative posts for one more year only

tomsmith (National) - 07/01/2024 16:34:18

When You See That Horrible Football (Over And Back ) Now Played People Will Soon Need To Be Payed To Go To A Game - 5 Like(s)
Tomsmith here I have watched many games of football in my life including footage of our great victory in Gaelic Park New York in 1947 , when we beat Kerry in an All Ireland final played in New York. Aye and beat them well. But the the game now has deteriated to the extent that people will soon be looking for money to go to sit and watch a game. Ough even down in Junior football in some Counties it is all possession sure it is now gone like the beautiful game you could fall asleep and miss nothing. Them two or three individuals who were responsible for this new possession culture should receive a life time ban from the GAA.

tomsmith (National) - 08/02/2023 09:46:27

Lee Keegan Appreciation - 5 Like(s)
Tomsmith here from Cavan While all the platitudes bestowed upon Keegan for his many years service to Mayo are well intentioned , I feel his unsporting gesture in laughing the face of was it Darren Mc Corry when he missed a score was in bad taste and a bad sporting gesture on an all Ireland day. Keegan may be a fine played also on All Ireland day comes the responsivity of carrying one well and I feel that Keegan laughing into the face of an opponent when he misses is not in that league

tomsmith (National) - 17/09/2021 09:31:35

Tomsmith Intends To Retire From Intercounty Posting On Hoganstand - 5 Like(s)
Tomemith here Following prolong promptings from the great Mrs T it is with deep regret that I wish to announce that it is my intention to retire from inter County posting on Hoganstand. I enjoyed my time imparting my knowledge and expert Views . I know I will leave the site which is much richer of my contributions.

tomsmith (National) - 05/01/2024 10:55:47

Tomsmith Intends To Retire From Intercounty Posting On Hoganstand - 4 Like(s)
I could not leave some of you right now. I do know that most of you need / learn from my intellectual, Spiritual, Mentally and Emotionally sensitive Posts I do know that a few Posters, Viking , Killing fields ( Ough what a horrrible handle) defenitely require further guidance, correction for another period

tomsmith (National) - 07/01/2024 22:13:54

Garvaghy Road Flag At Roscommon V Ardmagh Game At Athletic Grounds - 4 Like(s)
Tomsmith here Looking at the Television on Saturday evening I saw a large banner behind the goals to the right of the Commentary box which read Garvaghy Road Orangemen on Tour or something similar, Anyone that would be familiar with the words on this flag would and should feel that it would be offensive to a vast number of people living in Portadown ( Non Gaa suporters) because of history. I feel that the Ulster Council should take a stand on this type of material which in my opinion has no place in the GAA

tomsmith (National) - 18/10/2020 23:42:45

Light Hearted Friday Wind Down Jokes - 3 Like(s)
tomsmith here Here goes A Wife came Home early and found her Husband in their Bedroom making love to a very Attractive Young Woman. She was very Upset. "You are a Disrespectful Pig!" she Cried. "How dare you do this to me - a Faithful Wife, the Mother of your Children! I'm Leaving you. I want a Divorce, NOW!" The Husband calmly replied, "Hang on just a Minute Love. At least let me tell you what Happened." "Fine, go ahead", the Wife Sobbed, "but they will be the last Words you say to me!" The Husband Began: "Well, as I was getting into the Car at Work to drive Home, this Young Lady here asked me for a Lift. She looked so Distressed, Helpless and Defenceless that I took pity on her and let her into the Car." "She was very Thin, not well Dressed and very Dirty and told me that she hadn't Eaten for Three Days." "Out of Compassion, I brought her Home and Warmed up the Pizza I made for you last Night that you wouldn't eat because you're afraid you'll put on Weight. The Poor thing Ate it, Ravenously." "She was Dirty. I suggested she have a Shower. While Showering, I noticed her Clothes were Filthy and Threadbare. I threw them away." "I gave her the Designer Jeans that you've had for a Few Years, but don't Wear because you say they are too Tight." "I gave her Underwear, your Anniversary Present from me, which you don't Wear because you said I don't have Good Taste." "I gave her the Sexy Blouse my sister gave you for Christmas, that you don't Wear just to annoy her. " "I also donated those Boots you bought at an expensive Boutique but don't Wear because someone at Work has the same Pair." The Husband Paused, took a quick Breath and continued: "She was so Grateful for my understanding and help that as I walked her to the Door, she turned to me with Tears in her Eyes and said, "Please Sir... Do you have anything else that your Wife doesn't use?""

tomsmith (National) - 04/07/2024 00:32:05

Light Hearted Friday Wind Down Jokes - 3 Like(s)
Holy moly Tom! I just Hope that lunatic who just introduced to cut and paste realises what he's done! Onion_Sack (Dublin) - Posts: 220 - 05/07/2024 20:47:14 Tomsmith here A light-hearted Saturday evening wind down Joke would be the # Poor Dubs returning from Croke Park last Saturday evening thinking that all the had to do is turn up to bate Galway ... ought how sad a sight to see all them cocky faced Dubs walk down Clonliffe Road after full time ..

tomsmith (National) - 06/07/2024 20:07:27

Should Gaa Friendly Filling Stations Be Named Countrywide To Offer Support To Travelling Fans - 3 Like(s)
Tomsmith here from Cavan In the times of austerity would it be an idea that the Gaa in each County would identify filling Stations that are Gaa friendly. This contact could be used for travellers filling up the motor car and also get food at a reduced rate going or coming from Gaa games. In order that its not abused or that too much Hawking is not done Gaa people should be asked to produced their e Ticket . Possibly some other safegiuards could be imposed

tomsmith (National) - 23/01/2023 21:14:26

Can the GAA survive the Rugby onslaught - 3 Like(s)

Replying To benched:  "Maybe the more pertinent question (for a more suitable platform than a GAA forum) is will Irish rugby ever live up to the media hype?"
Tomsmith here I feel that the Ruggers will struggle to live up to the Hype that the pro (Oval ball fellows) ruggers want us to believe this game is all about. I struggle to like a game that is full of Hype and lack the local parish input. That is me and in Cavan we have fine example of virtually all Parishes having a GAA team with a collection white collared boys playing other sports

tomsmith (National) - 04/02/2017 16:33:26

Has the Press gone all Anti Gaa - 3 Like(s)
Tomsmith Cavan here Over the past few weeks I have noticed that the Irish or should I say Oirish press seems to have gone and supported other sports other than our National sport. You would think that the most important thing in Ireland currently is what is happening in France . Well I can tell you that the most important thing that is happening in Cavan right now (yes Cavan) is what team Mr Hyland will put out against Tyrone. We are bombarded about 11 players that play in another Country so press lets get things right support the Irish game and leave other Country.s sport to themselves

tomsmith (National) - 28/06/2016 09:25:43

Virginia Detour Possible in Future? - 2 Like(s)

Replying To keithlemon:  "Just out of interest, did anyone try the non-toll roads and avoid paying 3 tolls (6 if you count the return) if you lived south of the M50 Blanchardstown exit?"
We travel to three or four away league games each year haha same as all other counties so we kind of do experience same hardships. Plus I travel around country a lot throughout year non sport wise so I know most counties really well. adare only has problems because of that little bridge that holds it up all the time abbeyfeale is another town that causes delays all time, much rather take the foynes road if going from m7 through limerick to killarney or tralee as it avoids all that and can get you in quicker if you avoid a tractor haha. Mountrath used to be very similiar to Virginia before m7 now it's a ghost town only used by cheapskates to avoid the toll haha hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts:11623 Tomsmith here Yes the auld road that has no tolls were carrying a lot of extra traffic yesterday A lots of Dubs ask why the the traffic jam in Virgina. Well I feel that the lovely fresh non polluted Cavan air had an effect on the Dublin Drivers . Yes I understand alot of them stopped to look with fright at Ramour Football field that has an open plan, (most Dublin fans would be looking at games through a high fence on the hill ), and the lovely rolling drumlin hills of Cavan can have an hypnotize effect on City dwellers who only see..................................... Hopefully some of the plates in Chapels would have benefited from some of youse who would have attended Upper Lavey or Killygarry for Mass, but sure we will not know that untill next week

tomsmith (National) - 06/02/2017 23:08:58

Dublin people do not extend the hand Friendship - 2 Like(s)

Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith Cavan here
On virtually all the times that I go away up to Dublin to games I have noticed that the Dublin people appear to either not like the Country Cousin coming up to GAA games or just simply look on us as fare game to make a few Euros on us.It seems that Dublin feel that the GAA belongs to them and that we from the Country should be glad to be afforded the opportunity to visit Croke Park. It is that feeling that I get every time I go. The Dublin supporters are very arrogant and loud, They decide when to come into a game ( ie last minute) and when to leave. If Dublin are getting beat the Dubs are gone before full time. Even lockhard will not look after your car for nothing. All are out the money from us"
helloTomsmith here live again I made several good points in my first post concerning my gut feeling on my visits to Dublins GAA fields, I take onboard what some of say about the friendly Dublin city, Sure it is all non National that are working where this survey was done in the Tourist section.what Dubs would work there. I still stand over my comments that Dublin is very in-hospital place (years ago standing under C-----Clock was traumatic) and that people should while not being frightened should be on ones guard. I feel that Dublin Gaa people can be robust in the support of the County team which has one contributor stated what he saw against Donegal Supporters. I applaud him for his views . I also say let others speak out and dont be intimidated

tomsmith (National) - 17/08/2016 18:11:10

Should Stag nights for Gaa players be banned in Summer? - 2 Like(s)
Tomsmith Cavan here

I just wonder would the Gaa be a great service to the Gaa players if a total ban was imposed on all GAA players participating in this so called stag night or indeed the twelve pubs night during the Summerr playing season. It could be banned at club level first and then if it was successful you could have a county wide ban
I suppose it would have to be a voluntary ban.
I know that the females among us ( The great Mrs T included) will say that hen nights will be the next thing to be banned.
But if you look at it currently team managers have to juggle between weedings, stag nights, hen nights, 18th birthday, 21 st and the latest is a getting together celebration

tomsmith (National) - 29/10/2016 10:07:54

Can the GAA survive the Rugby onslaught - 2 Like(s)
Tomsmith cavan Having to look at a recent domestic cup final is like watching cabbage grow . i feel that no matter how the beautiful game pundits talk up that great game I would prefer to be Breffni Park looking at a Junior C final

tomsmith (National) - 06/11/2016 17:38:56

Its that time of the year again - Christmas do for all of us - 2 Like(s)

Replying To cuederocket:  "Sounds good to me.As the only Dub who refused to attend Nowlan Park as a matter of principle last summer as i thought Laois were shafted,i would gladly attend a HS meet-up in Portlaoise,which happens to be where my Grandad is from.Sign me up."
It would be nice to host the inaugural Hoganstand posters social. We're used to handling big events like the ploughing match and the electric picnic." Sounds good to me.As the only Dub who refused to attend Nowlan Park as a matter of principle last summer as i thought Laois were shafted,i would gladly attend a HS meet-up in Portlaoise,which happens to be where my Grandad is from.Sign me up. cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts:4837 Cuederocket Tomsmith Cavan here Brillant that a senior poster like yourself will come along. I feel that we should be able to muster up sufficient numbers to have aknees up. Is it posters only or posters plus partners. If it is held up North parners travelling could make it expensive

tomsmith (National) - 16/11/2016 23:07:54

Will Super Clubs Ruin The Gaa - 2 Like(s)
Tomsmith here from Cavan I just wonder will the proliferation of super Clubs sound the death knell for rural Gaa clubs in every County. My own Club Cavan Gaels is now been described as a super club by some Country Club people but we are not and have never been asuper Club as we only play our own players who want to play for the love of the sport and wear the Blue Jersey with pride. I am referring to the big clubs who entice in players with either a Job, status, some say money or romance has attracted players into these big clubs . Every County has a few of these big super Clubs and if appears most belong to the principal Town in the County

tomsmith (National) - 09/11/2023 08:59:25

What has happened to the Older Posters in 2016? - 2 Like(s)
Tomsmith here

I just wonder what has shappened to our older posters who seemed to be very quiet in 2016
Liam from Walkinstown, with your lovely soft quotes you are very quiet
Ulster man with you pro Irelande rants, you are remarkably quiet, is it the resurgence of the rugger fellows that has quietened you.
As for that other poster who posts under two titles I just wonder why not use your own name ie Tomsmith, you are also quiet

tomsmith (National) - 22/11/2016 11:24:53

The Musings Of Tom Smith - 2 Like(s)

Replying To Freethinker:  "I'm not too sure how things are in the Lakelands but down here the scarcity of clergy will, within a few years, lessen TomSmiths fears about any interference with religious services. In fairness to Tom, to me he just puts these things - musings, is an apt description - to start a conversation and boy, does he succeed. Me thinks there is a lot of tongue in cheek involved. I can just imagine him sitting in a corner of a pub sipping a pint and grinning at some of the reaction he gets."
Freetinker from Wicklow Me thinks there is a lot of tongue in cheek involved. I can just imagine him sitting in a corner of a pub sipping a pint and grinning at some of the reaction he gets. Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 821 - 28/12/2023 22:34:53 Tomsmith here. Over the years on both domestic and National Hogan stand pages I have raised numerous intelligent issues from Woman driver parking ability right up to Woman commentating on Sport. Referees making the right call or inability to make the right Call was also raised As the great Mrs T who oven said to me as she guides me ( particulary on womans issues ) Tomsmith you have provided entertainment for a long number of years what keeps you going

tomsmith (National) - 29/12/2023 11:20:27