Cavan Forum

Banty for Cavan??

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Replying To The Quiet Man:  "Clarke wearing 3 ???"
Yes , he was always an exceptional full back from minor and u 21, it's his best position and we need consistentancy in these positions.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 19/08/2018 13:53:52    2134388


Replying To blueman1903:  "Yes , he was always an exceptional full back from minor and u 21, it's his best position and we need consistentancy in these positions."
I remember him playing in the amalgamation wing half he did well there as it allowed him to move forward. The other lad that's with the county played no 6 he was brilliant I just cannot remember his name I think it was Clerkin at that time I did not know either but in that final Clerking edged the man of the match for followed by Clarke. Thats a few years back now off course.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 19/08/2018 15:05:53    2134404


Replying To GallantJohnJoe:  "Mickey Harte (that guy who keeps beating you when it matters) didn't have any senior inter county experience."
Don't mind Kupa he just likes a wind up....we don't take him seriously !

Shelbourne (Monaghan) - Posts: 567 - 19/08/2018 21:45:08    2134549


Replying To cavanman47:  "Well you're blessed that side of the border to be fair.
You have a manager that has gotten the absolute maximum out of a team of journey men and a once in a lifetime forward who might prolong your inevitable nosedive to division 3 for another couple of years."
Oh Lord...the bitterness and your obvious frustration......not one sensible Cavan supporter believes your statement......Kupa has definitely achieved his purpose of winding you up......we don't fall for his wind ups over on our site.

Get behind your new manager....that's half the battle !

Shelbourne (Monaghan) - Posts: 567 - 19/08/2018 21:59:41    2134555


Replying To fredflint:  "I don't see why you would be content. You blew a tremendous chance to win both Ulster and to make an all Ireland final."
I agree we're far from content......we'll do it next year ....upwards & onwards.......we have a conveyor belt of young forwards coming on stream ...hope to see us meeting Cavan in big games in Croke Park in near future.....Believe !

Shelbourne (Monaghan) - Posts: 567 - 19/08/2018 22:39:38    2134567


Replying To MadgeKing:  "Probably like a lot of supporters, I'm a bit underwhelmed with the proposed new management team. Anyway I was very enthusiastic about the last man so it shows how little opinions on here a worth! We will wish him well and get behind the team again.
Mickey did pretty well with Mullinalaghta, though how much of that was down to the McGinvey brothers can be questioned. One of his challenges obviously will be to smooth out the undercurrent of tensions between club factions and get all players in the county putting their hand up to play. Despite that I wouldn't see that many new or returning faces on the 2019 panel- maybe 3 or 4 players that can make a difference could return. The notion of a huge bank of untapped talent is fanciful in my view.
So the main challenge then will be to mould what he already has into a competitive outfit. Physical power will be the key to staying in Div 1 and if that means peaking early for 2019 so be it. Tactically, there so much to work on that wasn't resolved by mcGleenan- a centre back, midfield partner for McKiernan, a plan for the inside forwards. Too early for all that.
The objectives for year 1 write themselves. Survive in Div 1 and get a first round win. Look no further than that. Achievable targets league will be to beat Roscommon (overdue), Monaghan at home and pick up a win or draw somewhere else. If we avoid Tyrone or Donegal in Ulster, all the rest we are plus or minus 2 points so its game on."
Dream on !

Shelbourne (Monaghan) - Posts: 567 - 19/08/2018 23:09:41    2134578


Replying To blueman1903:  "I think that's a fair post, surviving in did 1 has to be a priority, I do think we have a good spine there if played in proper position and given a run there in stead of chopping like Mattie, eg. k Clarke at 3
P falkner at 6."
I'd go Clarke at 6 and Faulkner at 3.

That's where they lined out in Castlebar last year and Clarke completely nullified Cillian O'Connor (who started on the 40).

Both keepers have been excellent for us the past few years but I would prefer to stick with one throughout the league. Thought we changed for the sake of it last year.

Hard to know who to play with Gearoid - maybe Thomas Galligan? Buchanan?

Mackey has another year in him at least and is the perfect link man. I'd play him at 11.

And, as I've been saying for some time, McVeety is our most dangerous inside forward (even if it's not his best position).

Would love to see Martin Dunne come back, Keating too. Gerry Smith also.

A rough starting team for the league;


Gunner (discipline needs sorting)

M Reilly

T Galligan

G Smith

Keating (unlikely to return IMO)

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5082 - 20/08/2018 11:37:15    2134674


Martin Dunne why? He was good against poor teams. Colin Walshe roasted him when Dunne was playing well in 2013. Lacks physicality for County football.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 20/08/2018 13:15:57    2134721


Replying To Shelbourne:  "Dream on !"
One week later, have you recovered yet?!

MadgeKing (Cavan) - Posts: 493 - 20/08/2018 13:52:26    2134761


Keating would be an addition but I fear he hasnt the balls to get involved again. I will always remember the pictures of him going around hugging everyone and fists in the air after beating Galway to get to Div 1 and then refusing to go into county the next year - what was the point in that. Maybe he will prove me wrong?
Givney is a man that is badly needed, I hope Mickey is working hard on that one. I'd also love to see Turloc Mooney give at rattle again, Joe Dillon and Argue also.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 20/08/2018 14:23:31    2134812


The only downside to Mickeys appointment is McCabe as selector, Mickey could struggle to persuade players to come in with McCabe there, nevertheless, it is what it is, Mickey is a strong character and will have the final say.

On another note, I see a few people questioning the decision as he has no inter county experience. Jim Gavin had no senior inter county experience before he started managing Dublin in 2012. He managed the Dublin U21s alright, but as we all know, managing an u21 team is a lot different to managing a senior men's team. Mickey has done brilliantly with Mullineaghta and is held in high regard over there. We dont need a master tactician to fill the role of manager, what we need is a manager who will have a good relationship with the players, get their buy in and play a brand of football that they can enjoy playing. Mickey comes from good stock in Cavan Gaels, a club renowned for playing football the way it should be. Jim Gavin hasn't performed miracles, he's just a good man manager, who allows his players to play football the way it should be. Dublin go man on man, dropping one player back in front of the full forward when they dont have possession and then attack when in possession. The problem is, we are not Dublin, and we dont have the quality of players in this County, the sooner people realise that, the sooner they'll lower their expectations, and the sooner Mickey can start looking at and bringing in players.
I see people talking about Clark and McKiernan et al, those guys had their chances, they're good lads, but they've had their chances but they're simply not good enough, McKiernan is no mobile enough for the modern game, and Clarke is just a ordinary footballer, who lacks decision making. Time to move on and bring in new blood, although having watched a few senior championship matches, Mickey is gonna find it hard to find much quality out there.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 20/08/2018 14:30:51    2134816


Replying To cavanblueman:  "The only downside to Mickeys appointment is McCabe as selector, Mickey could struggle to persuade players to come in with McCabe there, nevertheless, it is what it is, Mickey is a strong character and will have the final say.

On another note, I see a few people questioning the decision as he has no inter county experience. Jim Gavin had no senior inter county experience before he started managing Dublin in 2012. He managed the Dublin U21s alright, but as we all know, managing an u21 team is a lot different to managing a senior men's team. Mickey has done brilliantly with Mullineaghta and is held in high regard over there. We dont need a master tactician to fill the role of manager, what we need is a manager who will have a good relationship with the players, get their buy in and play a brand of football that they can enjoy playing. Mickey comes from good stock in Cavan Gaels, a club renowned for playing football the way it should be. Jim Gavin hasn't performed miracles, he's just a good man manager, who allows his players to play football the way it should be. Dublin go man on man, dropping one player back in front of the full forward when they dont have possession and then attack when in possession. The problem is, we are not Dublin, and we dont have the quality of players in this County, the sooner people realise that, the sooner they'll lower their expectations, and the sooner Mickey can start looking at and bringing in players.
I see people talking about Clark and McKiernan et al, those guys had their chances, they're good lads, but they've had their chances but they're simply not good enough, McKiernan is no mobile enough for the modern game, and Clarke is just a ordinary footballer, who lacks decision making. Time to move on and bring in new blood, although having watched a few senior championship matches, Mickey is gonna find it hard to find much quality out there."
So our top scorer and sole representative on the Ireland tour of Australia are past it and should be replaced. Do you actually read back what you write? Good God.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 20/08/2018 15:05:00    2134842


Replying To fredflint:  "So our top scorer and sole representative on the Ireland tour of Australia are past it and should be replaced. Do you actually read back what you write? Good God."
And apparently Dublin only being one player back.

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 20/08/2018 15:29:02    2134864


Replying To fredflint:  "Keating would be an addition but I fear he hasnt the balls to get involved again. I will always remember the pictures of him going around hugging everyone and fists in the air after beating Galway to get to Div 1 and then refusing to go into county the next year - what was the point in that. Maybe he will prove me wrong?
Givney is a man that is badly needed, I hope Mickey is working hard on that one. I'd also love to see Turloc Mooney give at rattle again, Joe Dillon and Argue also."
I agree with a lot of that fredflint, a must is getting a few in like argue, joe dillion, David givney, Gerry smith Tomas galligan, Turlock Mooney, Buchanan, Kevin Meehan, Barry Reilly, Brian o,Connell, Kevin tierney, mcgees, Conor Smith, keating, Paul graham along with the panel that's there and a serious effort put in to s+c and fitness.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 20/08/2018 15:29:46    2134865


Replying To fredflint:  "So our top scorer and sole representative on the Ireland tour of Australia are past it and should be replaced. Do you actually read back what you write? Good God."
They're both past their sell buy dates - the only reason Clarke went on tour was because the Dublin players and a number players from other Counties weren't available.
They've both had their days in a Cavan jersey, they served the County well, but neither have been consistently good enough, and you wouldnt pick either of them out if you watched them playing for their clubs. Time to move on...fresh faces needed.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 20/08/2018 15:54:26    2134886


Replying To doratheexplorer:  "And apparently Dublin only being one player back."
You obviously dont know football if you dont know the Dublin system, when Dublin lose possession, each man marks their own man, except for the centre back, who drops back in front of the full forward, Dublin have employed that tactic since Gavin took over in 2012. The only team that came close to beating Dublin was Mayo, who by employing the same tactic of going man to man, pushed Dublin to the very end. I've seen lads on here calling for coaches like Poacher & Tally to come to Cavan, both are defensively minded coaches, and indeed, Tally was with Galway when they could have and should have beaten Dublin in the league final had they went man for man, rather than paying defensive zonal football. Galway did the same against Monaghan in the championship and look what happened. Indeed, everyone was expecting Tyrone to adapt a defensive system against Monaghan, but instead, Tyrone went man for man against them with Cavanagh dropping back when losing possession and then attacking in numbers.

As I said before, you can adapt a defensive system, but scores win games, which is why Dublin are so successful, and I believe Mickey will do this with Cavan, albeit, he doesnt have the quality to work with.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 20/08/2018 16:06:34    2134893


Replying To cavanblueman:  "They're both past their sell buy dates - the only reason Clarke went on tour was because the Dublin players and a number players from other Counties weren't available.
They've both had their days in a Cavan jersey, they served the County well, but neither have been consistently good enough, and you wouldnt pick either of them out if you watched them playing for their clubs. Time to move on...fresh faces needed."
You must not have seen much football this year? G mckiernan was brilliant all year.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 20/08/2018 16:16:34    2134901


Replying To cavanblueman:  "You obviously dont know football if you dont know the Dublin system, when Dublin lose possession, each man marks their own man, except for the centre back, who drops back in front of the full forward, Dublin have employed that tactic since Gavin took over in 2012. The only team that came close to beating Dublin was Mayo, who by employing the same tactic of going man to man, pushed Dublin to the very end. I've seen lads on here calling for coaches like Poacher & Tally to come to Cavan, both are defensively minded coaches, and indeed, Tally was with Galway when they could have and should have beaten Dublin in the league final had they went man for man, rather than paying defensive zonal football. Galway did the same against Monaghan in the championship and look what happened. Indeed, everyone was expecting Tyrone to adapt a defensive system against Monaghan, but instead, Tyrone went man for man against them with Cavanagh dropping back when losing possession and then attacking in numbers.

As I said before, you can adapt a defensive system, but scores win games, which is why Dublin are so successful, and I believe Mickey will do this with Cavan, albeit, he doesnt have the quality to work with."
Only if he has control if not it will not be an open pitch. We will find out once the league begins and see how they progress I expect if relegated his head will be looked for or will it not thatthis is the question. If he gets five years it will be a disaster three years max two years minimum. If they are relegated in 2019 it will be very difficult to get back to division 1 easier I expect to drop to division 3 lets hope this does not happen.

cavanexile11 (Dublin) - Posts: 25 - 20/08/2018 20:35:00    2135005


Replying To MadgeKing:  "One week later, have you recovered yet?!"
Bitterness personified........but I suppose your delusions ease the pain ! Don't worry in the least about us ......we've plenty to look forward to next year ....hopefully see you in Croke Park..........stranger things have happened !

Shelbourne (Monaghan) - Posts: 567 - 20/08/2018 22:26:04    2135053


Replying To Shelbourne:  "Bitterness personified........but I suppose your delusions ease the pain ! Don't worry in the least about us ......we've plenty to look forward to next year ....hopefully see you in Croke Park..........stranger things have happened !"
No delusions here lad, we are being realistic unlike you and some of your fellow bandwagoners. If you stuck to your own board it would be helpful, the average football IQ will increase in both places...

MadgeKing (Cavan) - Posts: 493 - 20/08/2018 23:50:21    2135097
