Cavan Forum

Banty for Cavan??

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As Cavan supporters, how would we feel about McEnaney taking over? A Monaghan man at the helm? He's only a few miles up the road, has lots of Ulster championship experience, did a tremendous job with Monaghan albeit no USFC title, but would he be a good candidate for the Cavan job? One thing is certain. We can no longer continue to make cringeworthy boasts about a blue future whilst both Fermanagh and Monaghan actually get on with the thing and leave us trailing miles behind both of them, two counties with smaller populations and less resources. It's beyond ridiculous at this stage that Hyland hasn't left.

McEnaney wouldn't break the bank, he's nearby, and he's a fresh voice.

"I do intend to go back into intercounty management some time shortly, if the right job comes around," the Corduff clubman told The Irish News. "A lot of boxes would need to be ticked for me to be interested in an intercounty job.

"I'm very busy at my own job so, for a job to attract me, it would need all the boxes ticked. What I mean by that is for the quality of players to be available to that county, the facilities to be available.

"If all those boxes are ticked in a job in Ulster, that's probably where my preference would be to go back into management. I'd certainly consider it."

Ned_Stormcrow (Cavan) - Posts: 1071 - 28/07/2015 19:07:57    1760442


County: Cavan
Posts: 734

First off ned he would cost far too much a lot more than you realise

Second many of the boxes are not filled so he is not going to come to Cavan to start from scratch for that is what he would have to do.

mowbar (Cavan) - Posts: 452 - 28/07/2015 20:23:29    1760494


Stormcrow will be happy.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 08/10/2016 12:08:31    1924020


Really hope it's not Banty.
Many years with Monaghan and no Ulster won.
Mc Gleenan would be better.

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts: 10253 - 08/10/2016 20:10:49    1924113


Replying To mowbar:  "Ned_Stormcrow
County: Cavan
Posts: 734

First off ned he would cost far too much a lot more than you realise

Second many of the boxes are not filled so he is not going to come to Cavan to start from scratch for that is what he would have to do."
quality of players
in Ulster

I think we tick all three.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5082 - 08/10/2016 20:29:28    1924118


Banty as Cavan Manager ? it has to be a joke. Meath people could not get rid of him quick enough. He was a disaster .
And now he is getting the Cavan job. Please let it be a joke.

CavanMike (Cavan) - Posts: 16 - 08/10/2016 22:46:46    1924141


lol...... no chance

kikfada (Louth) - Posts: 2091 - 10/10/2016 13:32:42    1924498


No doubt the question will be seriously asked again. My reaction the first time round was groan as I'm sure it was the same with a lot of Cavan people. But now the reality of the managerial merry-go-round has hit home would peoples' perceptions of the man have changed much?

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 14/07/2018 14:23:45    2121566


Replying To Hardtimes:  "No doubt the question will be seriously asked again. My reaction the first time round was groan as I'm sure it was the same with a lot of Cavan people. But now the reality of the managerial merry-go-round has hit home would peoples' perceptions of the man have changed much?"
No, not Banty for me. Look at the mess he left Meath in. We iverlloked him in preference to Mattie and I think that was wise, despite Mattie's performance.

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 14/07/2018 14:33:34    2121571


Replying To ondforty:  "No, not Banty for me. Look at the mess he left Meath in. We iverlloked him in preference to Mattie and I think that was wise, despite Mattie's performance."
That would have been my reaction last time but depending on who is available to us I would probably be more receptive to him this time. I think it's very easy to make sweeping statements about managers. Look at the mess he left county A in, set county B back 10 years etc. but reality is different and the structures within a county and the attitude of clubs have far more to do with a county's fortunes than the county panel selections of one man for a year or two. Meath were in trouble long before Banty showed up. I think there was a bit of snobbery there too and they didn't want to hear pragmatism or hard truths about where they actually were at. Balked at the notion of defend first and realise your limitations. They still had notions of winning Leinsters and AIs the old school way. That relationship was doomed to failure from the outset. I think we might be more compatible. Not saying it would be the best solution but there are certainly far worse.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 14/07/2018 14:56:30    2121575


Replying To Hardtimes:  "That would have been my reaction last time but depending on who is available to us I would probably be more receptive to him this time. I think it's very easy to make sweeping statements about managers. Look at the mess he left county A in, set county B back 10 years etc. but reality is different and the structures within a county and the attitude of clubs have far more to do with a county's fortunes than the county panel selections of one man for a year or two. Meath were in trouble long before Banty showed up. I think there was a bit of snobbery there too and they didn't want to hear pragmatism or hard truths about where they actually were at. Balked at the notion of defend first and realise your limitations. They still had notions of winning Leinsters and AIs the old school way. That relationship was doomed to failure from the outset. I think we might be more compatible. Not saying it would be the best solution but there are certainly far worse."
Fair point Hardtimes. Perhaps we'd get the benefit of any mistakes he made in the past in terms of learnings and experience. I just recall watching him on a few games for Meath along the sideline. When his side was struggling he usually sat down in the dugout. Then when the team made some progress or got some scores he'd come tearing up the sideline waving his hands to encourage the revival. The ultimate in 'I am their leader, which way did they go?'
Still if we ended up with him and won games with a good style of football, I'd be happy.

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 14/07/2018 16:15:08    2121591


Replying To ondforty:  "Fair point Hardtimes. Perhaps we'd get the benefit of any mistakes he made in the past in terms of learnings and experience. I just recall watching him on a few games for Meath along the sideline. When his side was struggling he usually sat down in the dugout. Then when the team made some progress or got some scores he'd come tearing up the sideline waving his hands to encourage the revival. The ultimate in 'I am their leader, which way did they go?'
Still if we ended up with him and won games with a good style of football, I'd be happy."
Ha ha very good description of him there Ondforty. He's certainly not optimum choice but we might be foolish to overlook him if all else fails. I doubt he'd bring any new tricks though. I'd say we've seen just about the best of him.
Of the rest so far, I'd probably be leaning towards Jason. Done a great job with the Gaels. Well respected within the county. People will say anyone could get the Gaels up and running but I'd disagree. It takes a special talent to get a team working in the one direction when egos take over. Not many people could have turned them around like that and kept their sanity to bargain. Good people skills were needed and one of the job requirements would definitely have been- leave your ego at the door. I think the county team might have a similar requirement at present and he might just be the fit to get lads back in and to jell all together.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 14/07/2018 17:27:07    2121608


Replying To Hardtimes:  "Ha ha very good description of him there Ondforty. He's certainly not optimum choice but we might be foolish to overlook him if all else fails. I doubt he'd bring any new tricks though. I'd say we've seen just about the best of him.
Of the rest so far, I'd probably be leaning towards Jason. Done a great job with the Gaels. Well respected within the county. People will say anyone could get the Gaels up and running but I'd disagree. It takes a special talent to get a team working in the one direction when egos take over. Not many people could have turned them around like that and kept their sanity to bargain. Good people skills were needed and one of the job requirements would definitely have been- leave your ego at the door. I think the county team might have a similar requirement at present and he might just be the fit to get lads back in and to jell all together."
Good point about Jason Reilly and people management.

Ok, he has no intercounty experience, and I'd prefer a bit more of an expansive CV, nonetheless, he should be considered, and maybe Peter Reilly as his no.2? I know the u21 players liked Peter a lot. He might just get them back!

Cavan_Shambles (Cavan) - Posts: 575 - 14/07/2018 17:44:21    2121618


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "Good point about Jason Reilly and people management.

Ok, he has no intercounty experience, and I'd prefer a bit more of an expansive CV, nonetheless, he should be considered, and maybe Peter Reilly as his no.2? I know the u21 players liked Peter a lot. He might just get them back!"
Yeah I'd definitely consider Peter too. Additionally he looked tactically astute to me with the U21s and they were very well set up. I cannot see how more could have been got out of them. I'd say it would be one or the other though. Can't see how the 2 would work together or which of them you'd pick as no.1.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 14/07/2018 18:07:29    2121629


Replying To Hardtimes:  "Yeah I'd definitely consider Peter too. Additionally he looked tactically astute to me with the U21s and they were very well set up. I cannot see how more could have been got out of them. I'd say it would be one or the other though. Can't see how the 2 would work together or which of them you'd pick as no.1."
No thanks. Go with one of our own before calling in Banty.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 14/07/2018 18:27:36    2121638


Replying To fredflint:  "No thanks. Go with one of our own before calling in Banty."
That would be my thoughts too but the CB have a choice to make. Gamble again or go with a "safe pair of hands". If they err on the side of caution then there's not too many obvious choices.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 14/07/2018 18:38:57    2121648


Replying To Hardtimes:  "Yeah I'd definitely consider Peter too. Additionally he looked tactically astute to me with the U21s and they were very well set up. I cannot see how more could have been got out of them. I'd say it would be one or the other though. Can't see how the 2 would work together or which of them you'd pick as no.1."
Absolutely, he got the very best out of the 2014 U21 team, gave Dublin their fill of it despite some very questionable refereeing decisions that day.

Cavan_Shambles (Cavan) - Posts: 575 - 14/07/2018 19:12:06    2121674


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "Absolutely, he got the very best out of the 2014 U21 team, gave Dublin their fill of it despite some very questionable refereeing decisions that day."
I've said it be before. All this waffle about Horan and Gilroy and whoever is pie in the sky. They don't want the job.

What had Mickey Harte done at senior level before managing Tyrone or Gavin with dubs?

Go with out own. We also need someone to entice all those u21s back. Peter Reilly and Carolan worked with those guys and had good times. Only for an atrocious ref they would have bet Dublin and won the all Ireland.

I say Peter, for the love of cavan put your name forward as your county needs you.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 14/07/2018 19:53:37    2121685


Banty had one of the most talented Monaghan teams ever at his disposal and did nothing bar win a div 2 title.

He was living on the glory of almost beating Kerry in the AI Quarter final.

So if he under achieved with a talented squad what prospect has he with our less than talented squad ?

StirringIt (Cavan) - Posts: 374 - 16/07/2018 09:10:48    2122506


I remember Banty being mentioned for the job to years ago and the response by everyone was pretty much the same NO WAY!!!!!! Look my opinion is that it should be an inside manager, simple as. but the attitude and response towards the suggestion of Banty pretty much sums up cavans false elitist attitude. this county has won nothing at senior level in 21 year and nothing for another 27 years before that!!!! one solitary quarter final is our best finish in 17 years of qualifiers. Banty took Monaghan to two quarter finals and a whisker away from beating kerry!!! put a base in place to which Monaghan then went on and won two ulsters and consistent top 8 finishes. what have Meath done since he left btw? and what have cavan done , nothing!!!!!! the attitude needs to change in cavan, accept where we are (there is talent there) but its no good without the right attitude. so before dismissing Banty as pure folly remember the real problem in cavan lies within.

theweanling (Cavan) - Posts: 414 - 16/07/2018 12:35:04    2122648
