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New Cavan Manager

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Replying To cavanblueman:  "If the Celt were to be believed, it looks as if another name was added to the pot last night, whom I heard was Declan Bonner, but according to the Celt, the next Cavan manager will be one of the 3 named individuals from last week. I dont know much about McDermot, but he has won County Titles with a few clubs, was with the Clare Senior Team for a while and led Kilmurray-Ibrakane to Munster Club glory so he has the stronger pedigree than the other two. Cavan Football is at a crossroads, Division Two Football next year, so the next manager needs to be an experienced manager who is well respected at inter-county level, the Co Board need to look forward as the wrong choice will be so detrimental to Cavan Football."
It's very worrying if it's true that the CB are actually going to select one of the three mentioned so far. Hearing that Terry Hyland and Dermot McCabe may be involved is even more worrying.

Surely we can attract some more experienced managers than that. A good manager, with a sound defensive base and attacking ethos could extract higher performance levels from the current crop. I guess uniting the clubs will be the first challenge. Will the next manager be able to get our best players playing together again despite the post-London mess?

If it has to be from the three I'd be happy to see Jason and Ray combine forces. I wouldn't recommend the third candidate to any county or club. Opportunist Emperor with no clothes.

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 27/07/2023 16:59:41    2497333


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Funny how the greatest ever manager ( in your opinion ) never got offered another job at County level… tried his nonsense at soccer.. got run out of Celtic and lasted a few weeks in China before they saw through his bull… He destroyed club football up in Donegal and is a spoofer of the highest quality yet you would like him involved with Cavan… Unbelievable"
Everything you stated there is completely wrong. mabe Do a little research

Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 258 - 27/07/2023 17:05:41    2497334


Replying To cavanman47:  "I honestly don't know if he has or hasn't been offered another county job, but I would expect he has been contacted numerous times by multiple counties.

2 involvements I do know he's had:

Galway last year (when they reached the AI Final)

Down this year (when they beat Donegal, their first notable championship victory with the current crop of players having been deplorable for the past number of years. I would suspect he was a major part in the Kilcoo players returning to the fold.)

To actually address the points you've made. .he wasn't "run out of Celtic". He left Celtic to take the better paying job in China.
And once there, they didn't "see through his bull". He resigned for family reasons."
The Kilcoo players returned to the county because of who was managing them not McGuinness… He was got rid of in Celtic again when new management took over and he never got a victory in China which led to his dismissal…. The old ' family reasons' or 'health issues' is a card very often played in these situations but it's hard to see how any soccer team would employ him to improve their fortunes… His terrible defensive style would be a disaster for football in Cavan… he has harm enough done to the game

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 27/07/2023 17:54:14    2497345


Replying To cavanblueman:  "In fairness to Mickey, had a hell of a lot of work to do with what he was left with. I certainly think we did move forward and he brought a good few young lads into the panel, we got to back to back Ulster Finals for the first time since the 60s and won an Ulster Title for the first time since 1997, he also has left us in a good place in Division Two and with the current squad of players, it probably the level that we should be at. It was his time to go, so now its up to the Co Board to appoint his successor, which I've already pointed out, that if its some of those mentioned, then any good work will be undone."
Mickey inherited a squad of players coming into their prime in their mid twenties, players who had been playing football at the top level for the previous few seasons, players who had just won promotion back to division 1, and he has now left an aging squad in division 2 after been on a yo-yo trip through the divisions, indeed he brought us places we'd never been before. It seems from reports that Mickey didn't leave by his own choice , that he was actually putting a backroom team in place for the coming year until he got the nod from the CB that there were rumblings of discontent among the clubs, he then decided to call it a day. Don't get me wrong I supported Mickey all the way, who can forget the drive by on a cold November night in 2020, the cars, the people the brilliant atmosphere that was created in a strange world. He brought us hope, we'd turned the corner the good days had returned, but alas that was it, it was only one small wonderful GAA moment in time. There's no need to sugar coat Mickey's tenure over the county team , he's had some terrible times as manager but we can outweigh all that with the fact that he brought the Anglo Celt back to the county ,so to conclude I'd like to thank Mickey for his endeavours over the years and wish him the best for the future.

aceofspades (Cavan) - Posts: 256 - 27/07/2023 18:07:36    2497351


Replying To Thejampot:  "Everything you stated there is completely wrong. mabe Do a little research"
Not at all…. What County did he manage apart from Donegal…? A new manager at Celtic decided he wasn't needed… The China gig lasted no time and from there I think he took up some other soccer job in America where he definitely got run…. I don't think the Cavan CB would be willing to pay what McGuinness would want thank goodness

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 27/07/2023 18:40:17    2497354


Replying To Thejampot:  "Everything you stated there is completely wrong. mabe Do a little research"
Got the boot from Charlotte FC in the states after a month or so also

JamsieMac (Cavan) - Posts: 481 - 27/07/2023 19:43:34    2497357


Replying To ondforty:  "It's very worrying if it's true that the CB are actually going to select one of the three mentioned so far. Hearing that Terry Hyland and Dermot McCabe may be involved is even more worrying.

Surely we can attract some more experienced managers than that. A good manager, with a sound defensive base and attacking ethos could extract higher performance levels from the current crop. I guess uniting the clubs will be the first challenge. Will the next manager be able to get our best players playing together again despite the post-London mess?

If it has to be from the three I'd be happy to see Jason and Ray combine forces. I wouldn't recommend the third candidate to any county or club. Opportunist Emperor with no clothes."
Post London mess that's funny

tom84 (Cavan) - Posts: 334 - 27/07/2023 20:00:08    2497359


I wouldn't be surprised if Cavan appointed Jason or Ray as it would be the cheapest option… This is why they stuck with Mickey Graham for so long despite bringing the team down to Div 4 and then surprisingly offering him a 2 year extension last year.. This backfired badly as attendance figures totally slumped because of the woeful football his teams were playing so they took action after 1 year.. They might go down the same road again… Whoever takes over has a bit of tidying up to do after Graham and co….

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 27/07/2023 20:30:41    2497363


You would imagine Galligan would have been assured of some county board members support before putting his name forward. Pretty foolish to jump into the ring without certain guarantees.
That said, it would be a terrible decision to give it to someone who hasn't officially ally retired yet and has zero experience.
It would be a classic county board move though.... put a guy in who they would have a level of control over.

milhouse (Cavan) - Posts: 469 - 28/07/2023 04:03:50    2497383


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Not at all…. What County did he manage apart from Donegal…? A new manager at Celtic decided he wasn't needed… The China gig lasted no time and from there I think he took up some other soccer job in America where he definitely got run…. I don't think the Cavan CB would be willing to pay what McGuinness would want thank goodness"
I never said he managed another county. You said he was never offered another county manger job( wrong) . Celtic did NOT run him after a new manager as you stated (wrongly) There was no new manager at that time and he only left because of the job offer in China. Most people would take the chance to go from u-20 assistant manager to a first team assistant.

Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 258 - 28/07/2023 10:43:35    2497401


The level of delusion and/or arrogance to be turning your nose up at potentially having Jimmy McGuinness as manager is off the charts.

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 28/07/2023 11:25:23    2497407


Replying To Thejampot:  "I never said he managed another county. You said he was never offered another county manger job( wrong) . Celtic did NOT run him after a new manager as you stated (wrongly) There was no new manager at that time and he only left because of the job offer in China. Most people would take the chance to go from u-20 assistant manager to a first team assistant."
Funny you don't mention him getting run from his American club… And he was dispatched by a new Celtic manager and then took up the China offer…. He was a great success there not… He is just a talking shop…. He got success out of a very talented Donegal squad I do agree but he ultimately ruined club football in the county….. GAA folk up there would tell you the same

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 28/07/2023 11:30:29    2497409


Replying To aceofspades:  "Mickey inherited a squad of players coming into their prime in their mid twenties, players who had been playing football at the top level for the previous few seasons, players who had just won promotion back to division 1, and he has now left an aging squad in division 2 after been on a yo-yo trip through the divisions, indeed he brought us places we'd never been before. It seems from reports that Mickey didn't leave by his own choice , that he was actually putting a backroom team in place for the coming year until he got the nod from the CB that there were rumblings of discontent among the clubs, he then decided to call it a day. Don't get me wrong I supported Mickey all the way, who can forget the drive by on a cold November night in 2020, the cars, the people the brilliant atmosphere that was created in a strange world. He brought us hope, we'd turned the corner the good days had returned, but alas that was it, it was only one small wonderful GAA moment in time. There's no need to sugar coat Mickey's tenure over the county team , he's had some terrible times as manager but we can outweigh all that with the fact that he brought the Anglo Celt back to the county ,so to conclude I'd like to thank Mickey for his endeavours over the years and wish him the best for the future."
Would agree with most of what you say although you may have upset Loughduff Lad and Cavanblueman by confirming what I said happened as regards how Mickey Graham left the job…that pair would need to come up for air an odd time and listen to those who know… The CB need to be careful and get this appointment right….they left Graham there too long

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 28/07/2023 11:40:59    2497412


Replying To Breffni40:  "The level of delusion and/or arrogance to be turning your nose up at potentially having Jimmy McGuinness as manager is off the charts."
I would say people would be more sceptical of his style of play rather than any level of arrogance towards it… I don't think the CB will put their hands deep enough in their pockets to satisfy the demands of Jimmy McGuinness….

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 28/07/2023 12:07:15    2497421


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Funny you don't mention him getting run from his American club… And he was dispatched by a new Celtic manager and then took up the China offer…. He was a great success there not… He is just a talking shop…. He got success out of a very talented Donegal squad I do agree but he ultimately ruined club football in the county….. GAA folk up there would tell you the same"
He LEFT In 2017. I do believe that Celtic had the same manger from 2016 to 2019. (Brendan Rodgers) So if you could name the new manager that came in 2017 would appreciate it. Yes things did not go well in America but not every man can be successful every time.

Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 258 - 28/07/2023 12:09:57    2497422


Replying To Thejampot:  "He LEFT In 2017. I do believe that Celtic had the same manger from 2016 to 2019. (Brendan Rodgers) So if you could name the new manager that came in 2017 would appreciate it. Yes things did not go well in America but not every man can be successful every time."
You are right… he was there for a year with Brendan Rodgers … he must have been the new manager I was thinking off… I knew he didn't last long after a new appointment…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 28/07/2023 13:46:04    2497448


Lads can we move away from that 97 crop for our managers. In most cases good soldiers dont make effective generals. The CB and clubs are then reluctant to run them when they dont perform. We need a fresh start and get a manager with a track record of bringing teams forward at intercounty level. It takes a high calibre man to win the hearts and the minds of players who are smart people themselves. and not be experimenting with ex players because we liked how they played football for cavan.

Creilly_Baby (Cavan) - Posts: 39 - 29/07/2023 13:51:44    2497573


Replying To Creilly_Baby:  "Lads can we move away from that 97 crop for our managers. In most cases good soldiers dont make effective generals. The CB and clubs are then reluctant to run them when they dont perform. We need a fresh start and get a manager with a track record of bringing teams forward at intercounty level. It takes a high calibre man to win the hearts and the minds of players who are smart people themselves. and not be experimenting with ex players because we liked how they played football for cavan."
I would agree with that…. Probably the reason Graham was left in situ for far too long… New man has a lot of pieces to pick up…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 29/07/2023 14:29:43    2497581


List all the 97 players who have managed county teams there

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 29/07/2023 17:04:48    2497608


Replying To Breffni40:  "List all the 97 players who have managed county teams there"
Ah lad I didnt restrict it to county snr jobs. Theres 5 or 6 of that late 90s squad always in the conversation for mgr or selector every single time a cavan job pops up. And no harm to any man who throws his hat in the ring and takes up the mantle. Im aiming my comment at the selection committee. Go for someone who has a cv with achievements and a history of getting into young lads heads. Without insulting any fella between blacklion and kingscourt but we have not exactly been killin it at county or club level for a long time now. Surely there are multi title managers at club and college level around the country that would love to do the same with a county team. bring the know how in.

Creilly_Baby (Cavan) - Posts: 39 - 29/07/2023 22:09:21    2497636
