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New Cavan Manager

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Decent update by Fitzpatrick day - Hyland or Jayo won't rule themselves out of the running .
Jayo needs to finish his apprenticeship first and Hyland would definitely be a sideways step.
It's time to go outside the county because we simply don't have the footballing IQ internally at the present moment .

asdfg (Cavan) - Posts: 320 - 21/07/2023 17:02:21    2496022


Replying To Loughduff Lad:  "I beg that you boys go back and read what you wrote before. On one hand you say the like of this, that we should have tried more, and switched things up for the Tailteann. On the other hand you were all over the manager for losing a few pointless games, and then giving out that our underage teams are rubbish and we have no players coming through? Which is it? You are all heads I win, tails you lose kind of guys. Always negative, always giving out, and when it invariably fails, you're there to say I told you so because you've played both sides of the argument to suit yourselves and your narrative. And then revelling in it

I'll tell you one thing for fact: if Graham lost 6 games like Meath did when they switched up their players, there is not a hope you'd have supported a young team, and you'd have been calling or the experienced players to be brought back in. You are such revisionists

What players exactly would you have removed and who would you have played this year in the Tailteann?"
Mickey gone lets try and forget about him i backed him for 4 years but his time was up yes he tried a few new players in the league but not in the tailteann cup where the opposition was weaker and when you seen him when chasing the game against Armagh and Down going to the bench and bringing on Moynagh you should know he had lost the plot and had no faith in his squad anyone else in the squad would have been a better option.

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 482 - 22/07/2023 12:47:49    2496119


Dominic Corrigan!!

Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 351 - 22/07/2023 15:49:44    2496146


Gallagher should be the number one target if we have any hope of going anywhere. If we dont go after him he will be manager of some of our rivals come next January. He already has custody of his children so social services in north have already looked at what happened and made their ruling.

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 482 - 22/07/2023 18:39:49    2496169


Replying To breffnibluewhite:  "Gallagher should be the number one target if we have any hope of going anywhere. If we dont go after him he will be manager of some of our rivals come next January. He already has custody of his children so social services in north have already looked at what happened and made their ruling."
Still wouldn't want him anywhere near…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3437 - 22/07/2023 21:02:54    2496186


Replying To Thejampot:  "Dominic Corrigan!!"
Ah stop. A decent club manager yes but not county level.

Fontofwisdom (Cavan) - Posts: 128 - 23/07/2023 14:44:09    2496259


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "At the end of the day the CB will make up their mind on who the next manager will be… just as they made their minds up that enough was enough regarding Micky Graham…. It was let him go or let 3/4 gate men go at Breffni park as attendance figures had slumped so much…. All we can hope for is that the new manager has a different perspective on how the game should be played…. He could hardly be worse"
I'm looking forward to commenting on some of the bile you posted about our players and management of this year at some stage next year. In my opinion, your comments about only fools attending Cavan games mean that you don't have a place in this debate.

Fontofwisdom (Cavan) - Posts: 128 - 23/07/2023 14:47:22    2496261


We need an outside high calibre manager and a good back room team and the whole set up needs sorting, too much off the field antics going on with certain players (well publicised throughout the County) there is no unity within the panel, and there is an unhealthy rivalry between some players and some clubs, until thats sorted, Cavan Football will never move forward. Academy system needs a complete overhaul, the current system isnt for purpose, Breffni Park as an academy HQ isn't fit for purpose either, there's club facilities throughout the Country far better than Breffni Park. Look at what Knockbride have done, a really fine facility, Cavan couldve have something similar, but a few acres of land out of Town and build from scratch. The 3g in Breffni is a total disgrace and Its over 3 years since the Polo Grounds project was launched and what's been done? a training pitch built on a slant at the back of Breffni.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 24/07/2023 10:55:46    2496475


Wow. Celt reporting that Raymond Galligan has thrown his hat into the ring. he has been nominated along with Micheál McDermott and Jayo Reilly by the clubs. Really hard to know what to make of that yet

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2455 - 24/07/2023 12:09:58    2496496


Replying To Loughduff Lad:  "Wow. Celt reporting that Raymond Galligan has thrown his hat into the ring. he has been nominated along with Micheál McDermott and Jayo Reilly by the clubs. Really hard to know what to make of that yet"
A strange one.
No disrespect to Ray but he has zero management experience as far as I'm aware.

Of those 3, McDermott would be by far the outstanding candidate IMO, but I think I read that the CB will also look outside the county for potential candidates. Even heard some whisperings that Mickey Harte has been sounded out.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 24/07/2023 15:17:31    2496570


Replying To cavanman47:  "A strange one.
No disrespect to Ray but he has zero management experience as far as I'm aware.

Of those 3, McDermott would be by far the outstanding candidate IMO, but I think I read that the CB will also look outside the county for potential candidates. Even heard some whisperings that Mickey Harte has been sounded out."
Hard to know. He has some coaching experience, but no management. But then Vinny Corey didn't have either as far as I'm aware before taking up Monaghan role this season. With the way the game is going being so technical and tactical, a player who is a student of the game could well be one of the better ones to know how to do it. With a good background team of course to fill in shortcomings. I'm unsure too, but intrigued to see if it could work. We were unconventional in bringing an outfield player back as keeper and that worked, who knows if this'll work too.

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2455 - 24/07/2023 15:59:08    2496589


Replying To cavanman47:  "A strange one.
No disrespect to Ray but he has zero management experience as far as I'm aware.

Of those 3, McDermott would be by far the outstanding candidate IMO, but I think I read that the CB will also look outside the county for potential candidates. Even heard some whisperings that Mickey Harte has been sounded out."
Don't know what makes McDermott an outstanding candidate though I will admit he's far ahead of Galligan.
Mickey Harte style of football is not what's needed at the moment. Yes he did improve Louth but then that wouldn't be difficult seeing where they were. The style Harte adopts is just awful.

Breffni1969 (Cavan) - Posts: 510 - 24/07/2023 16:30:37    2496603


Corey was 4 years retired and had been in the backroom under Banty. Galligan going straight in as manager would be a big ask.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2856 - 24/07/2023 16:41:46    2496609


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Corey was 4 years retired and had been in the backroom under Banty. Galligan going straight in as manager would be a big ask."
No way will Galligan get it…. shouldn't even be considered while still playing. CB still looking outside the county but I'd say they will opt for Mc Dermott..

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3437 - 24/07/2023 18:57:46    2496652


if the names above are being considered god help us we have very little talent coming through and will need an exceptional experienced manager to keep us in division 2 and make us competitive in ulster championship which is the best we can hope for not inexperienced lads and others that are well past their sell date taking over.

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 482 - 24/07/2023 20:00:23    2496663


Mark McHugh could be a good choice… he'd get the low down from his dad…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3437 - 24/07/2023 23:30:30    2496681


Replying To Loughduff Lad:  "Wow. Celt reporting that Raymond Galligan has thrown his hat into the ring. he has been nominated along with Micheál McDermott and Jayo Reilly by the clubs. Really hard to know what to make of that yet"
3 poor candidates in my opinion. I really hope the CB get someone of a higher calibre of the 3 nominated.
Raymond has no managerial experience and is too close to the current players.

McDerrmott is not good enough for the cavan job. He has a good club Cv but seems to pick clubs on the rise and doesn't do well in his second year in charge.

Jayo not good enough either but will probably get it because of his name.

Too much politics going on in Cavan football. Larry getting that u20 job is crazy IMO. Andy McGovern is the only decent one on that ticket, but anyone is a step up from the previous management.

Cavan need to get better underage structures In place Asap and recruit more coaches and crack the whip with the current head of coaching in cavan . Counties have left us behind in terms of development.

coolio (Cavan) - Posts: 12 - 25/07/2023 05:54:17    2496692


The players and the quality arent there, Graham got the best out of what he had at the time, current Cavan squad is no match for any of the top teams in Ulster. Derry, Armagh, Tyrone & Monaghan are streets ahead, and I've no doubt that Donegal will come back strong and Down look to be on the rebuild. McDermott has good pedigree behind him and is well respected, has been around a long time, but if the Co Board even consider the other two (and thats no disrespect to either of them) it will set Cavan Football back 5 years. I also see that TH has left his hat in the ring, so dont be surprised if the Co Board go with Galligan with TH part of the background team....

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 25/07/2023 09:14:23    2496704


Replying To breffnibluewhite:  "if the names above are being considered god help us we have very little talent coming through and will need an exceptional experienced manager to keep us in division 2 and make us competitive in ulster championship which is the best we can hope for not inexperienced lads and others that are well past their sell date taking over."
These are only the internal names nominated by the clubs, as that deadline was Sunday. There will be the usual outside name who apply themselves, we just haven't heard those names yet

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2455 - 25/07/2023 09:40:30    2496711


Replying To coolio:  "3 poor candidates in my opinion. I really hope the CB get someone of a higher calibre of the 3 nominated.
Raymond has no managerial experience and is too close to the current players.

McDerrmott is not good enough for the cavan job. He has a good club Cv but seems to pick clubs on the rise and doesn't do well in his second year in charge.

Jayo not good enough either but will probably get it because of his name.

Too much politics going on in Cavan football. Larry getting that u20 job is crazy IMO. Andy McGovern is the only decent one on that ticket, but anyone is a step up from the previous management.

Cavan need to get better underage structures In place Asap and recruit more coaches and crack the whip with the current head of coaching in cavan . Counties have left us behind in terms of development."
Absolutely, 3 very poor candidates. To be fair Galligan has the makings of a good manager but he needs to go off and learn his trade first .
McDermott is probably the best of the 3 and that says a lot. All 3 are a massive step down from Graham let's be honest .
Im sure the county board will have enough cop to go off and look elsewhere.

asdfg (Cavan) - Posts: 320 - 25/07/2023 10:51:26    2496735
