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Methods To Improve The Cavan Team

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I am wondering are we using all the tools available to improve the team.

(a) I assume we have access to modern top classs S&C coaching. Does anyone have an opinion ?

(b) I think the biggest thing we need to work on is our winning mentality. Limerick used top sports physchologists over a number of years and this has been our greatest weakness. If we are not doing this i dont think we are on the right track.

Good to beat Roscommon who have been a bogey team but a long way to go.

Discipline of players getting sent off in key games has dogged us.

We need to dig deep and get dogged when going gets tough ... i think gearoid showed that against tyrone in championship more of that.

(c) Defense

we need to ensure defenders first ability is to stop opponents..and that leaders react on the field. Langan from Donegal killed us in the championship and we never handled him throughout the game and he did similar in the mc kenna cup.

(d) Attack

hopefully this is mickies area and he can improve us.

Good chance to beat monaghan in championship as wheels must come off this team soon.

An Cabhain Abu

eamonnmac (Cavan) - Posts: 59 - 06/03/2019 14:29:36    2170646



-If Cavan are going to play a sweeper, we should know who it is and leave him do his job. How many times did Dara McVity drop back the other evening into a space where he was neither acting as a sweeper (when there was actually another sweeper in place) or putting pressure on the ball. It allowed Tyrone to deliver perfect ball into the full forward line.
-Conor Moynagh should never be isolated in corner back as was evident at the weekend and many times before.
-Ciaran Brady has had 2 very quiet games and we need more from him. I believe he should be wing forward.
-Far too many lazy tackles in the scoring zone are killing us. We need to cut it out.

Kickout Strategy:
What worked so well against Roscommon wasnt replicated at the weekend. We need to attach the breaks. One man up to fist the ball and 5 Cavan lads in under the breaks. It sounds simple because it is. The nonsense of trying to thread kicks down the middle cost us 3 points in the first half. If the short kick out is on, go for it. If its not, we need to attack the breaks.

Gerry Smith and Thomas Galligan are the men for this position going forward. Comfortable on the ball and a bit of presence.

Football is a very simple game and the two goals came about because of long balls. Holding onto the ball is costing us and drawing defenders into the game. We need to move the ball faster and direct. Possession based football is good in certain circumstances and has to be mixed with direct football.
We need our full forward line to let the players out the know where they want the ball. They are not winning their own ball frequently. I like the look of Niall McKiernan if he is used properly. We need Caoimhim and Big G as our starting full forward line.

waynerooney11 (Cavan) - Posts: 142 - 06/03/2019 15:56:09    2170660


The ! i am asking is are we being systematic in tackling issues...have we sports physchologists on board ?

Have we got a defense coach ? Dont want to go back to the negativity of U21s but we need better man to man skills..

eamonnmac (Cavan) - Posts: 59 - 07/03/2019 13:26:52    2170849


You can bring in defensive coaches, psychologists, S & C coaches, the lot, but you cant teach footballing intelligence and natural ability you either have it or you dont, and unfortunately for Cavan, many players dont have it. It comes from a very young age, and is developed right through from underage, Cavan Gaels were a shining example of this with the Reilly brothers starting in the late 70s. The main problem now in Cavan Football and many football Counties is that coaching is now systematic, players are discouraged from playing their natural game, training sessions are no longer about players playing in their natural positions or forwards practicing scoring, defenders are being discouraged from scoring, take for example only last week, an u14 girl being substituted because she went up and scored from half back, or the recent school match up North finishing 2 points to 1 at full time.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 15/03/2019 12:10:16    2172373


There are two separate things

How to improve the Current Senior Team from where they are now

Are mackey , Madden and Jack Brady the only guys who normally start in the forwards for their Clubs ?

When did we last see a Cavan back dominate a top player one on one ? Rory Dunne on Star ?

I think Sports psychology is part of the Solution ...certainly worth trying ...maybe we are doing it.

Sit down with Liam mc Hale and get an honest opinion ?

How to develop better players overall for the future

I think we have to ensure that at underage that Corofin/Crossmaglen are the model rather mc guiness Donegal.

I believe at very young level Cavan clubs teams are playing all behind the Ball and that they leave a good strong forward up front..bad for development of all the and bad for the enjoyment.

If necessary play less in the games and Ensure a number of players in each half to ensure we have people playing on the ball 7 a side competitions innovative.

I thought format of the championship last year was great for intrest and County Final was pretty decent too.

eamonnmac (Cavan) - Posts: 59 - 19/03/2019 17:36:42    2173755


Ah the 70s, the glorious decade where we won zero.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 21/03/2019 18:14:16    2174243


We are just not that good, we have maybe 5 pretty good players ( G, Raymond, Mcvitty, Martin and Flaukner) that's about it. In reality we are closer to the level of Sligo than we are to Dublin, Kerry or Mayo.

IamADragon (Cavan) - Posts: 306 - 22/03/2019 13:14:21    2174362


Replying To IamADragon:  "We are just not that good, we have maybe 5 pretty good players ( G, Raymond, Mcvitty, Martin and Flaukner) that's about it. In reality we are closer to the level of Sligo than we are to Dublin, Kerry or Mayo."
I think we are a bit better than Sligo. I'd say maybe top 12 team.
Anywhere between bottom 2 div 1 to top 4 div 2.
I just don't see much of an improvement in McKiernan and Clarke and Faulkner or Murray from their u21 days.
I thought we might have improved from our last stent in Div 1 but we haven't really.
I think we need to stick with Mickey for at least 5 years and see how we progress.

Inaroundehouse (Cavan) - Posts: 975 - 22/03/2019 15:21:16    2174389


Replying To Inaroundehouse:  "I think we are a bit better than Sligo. I'd say maybe top 12 team.
Anywhere between bottom 2 div 1 to top 4 div 2.
I just don't see much of an improvement in McKiernan and Clarke and Faulkner or Murray from their u21 days.
I thought we might have improved from our last stent in Div 1 but we haven't really.
I think we need to stick with Mickey for at least 5 years and see how we progress."
I'm not saying we're not better than the likes of Sligo, just that we are closer to that level than the level of the big teams. We seem to have this perception that we are a very good side, the players seem to think they are better than they are. I just find it hard to see any success coming from this group and tomorrow probably will be our last D1 game for a long time. I'm a big fan of Mickey, I think he is the best manager we could have hoped for, I just don't think he has the tools to work with

IamADragon (Cavan) - Posts: 306 - 23/03/2019 11:26:23    2174496


Replying To IamADragon:  "We are just not that good, we have maybe 5 pretty good players ( G, Raymond, Mcvitty, Martin and Flaukner) that's about it. In reality we are closer to the level of Sligo than we are to Dublin, Kerry or Mayo."
Crosserlough would beat Sligo for God sake.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 23/03/2019 11:51:41    2174501


Replying To fredflint:  "Crosserlough would beat Sligo for God sake."
And they'd probably give cavan a run for their money as well. We're getting off point here tho, I was simply saying that we are a million miles behind the big teams in Ireland and whilst we might be a top 12 or 15 team in the country we are still closer to the worst teams in terms of ability than we are to the best teams

IamADragon (Cavan) - Posts: 306 - 23/03/2019 14:54:49    2174518


Replying To IamADragon:  "I'm not saying we're not better than the likes of Sligo, just that we are closer to that level than the level of the big teams. We seem to have this perception that we are a very good side, the players seem to think they are better than they are. I just find it hard to see any success coming from this group and tomorrow probably will be our last D1 game for a long time. I'm a big fan of Mickey, I think he is the best manager we could have hoped for, I just don't think he has the tools to work with"
He needs time. I just feel these players haven't improved from their u21 days. Who's fault it is well that's any mans guess.
We seem to be always teambuilding. Every new manager is teambuilding.
Take for example 2011. We won our first u21 title . Great young lads coming through. What did VA do? He ran Johnston., Lyng, Sheridan, Mackey. Our 4 most experienced players at the time.
Why not keep them and blend our up and coming u21 at the time?
Youth and experience go hand and hand. You won't win anything without both blended together.

Inaroundehouse (Cavan) - Posts: 975 - 23/03/2019 15:32:04    2174524


Replying To Inaroundehouse:  "He needs time. I just feel these players haven't improved from their u21 days. Who's fault it is well that's any mans guess.
We seem to be always teambuilding. Every new manager is teambuilding.
Take for example 2011. We won our first u21 title . Great young lads coming through. What did VA do? He ran Johnston., Lyng, Sheridan, Mackey. Our 4 most experienced players at the time.
Why not keep them and blend our up and coming u21 at the time?
Youth and experience go hand and hand. You won't win anything without both blended together."
We are clearly a top 10 team, having finished in top 2 in div 2 the last two times we were in that division and we were not disgraced in many on our div1 games. Why do ye want to down play our abilities. Room for improvement sure but no way are Fermanagh or Meath better than cavan.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 23/03/2019 19:16:16    2174556


Replying To fredflint:  "We are clearly a top 10 team, having finished in top 2 in div 2 the last two times we were in that division and we were not disgraced in many on our div1 games. Why do ye want to down play our abilities. Room for improvement sure but no way are Fermanagh or Meath better than cavan."
I think Meath are decent and improving. Will be playing Division 1 football next year bar a Devon Loch. But agree with you. People love a moan and have short memories. We've been promoted to Division 1 twice in 2 years. This is not to be sniffed at. It's actually much easier to free fall through the divisions after getting relegated from Div1. Back when we were bottom of Division 3, where we are now looked a world away. People moaned we wouldn't get promoted. When we did they moaned we wouldn't win a game in Division 2. Our players have proved them wrong. Sure we could be better but we're doing the best we can and players deserve a bit better from fans.
This has been a tough season for the team, especially up front with Johnson, McKiernan and COR out from the start. We've done alright though but free taking has probably killed us most. Hopefully we will improve in that regard come Championship but in any case I think we are in good shape for next year.
Just back to Meath, they may be on a par with us or they may have over taken us, but one thing about them, their fans will never write their players off like we do ours. Maybe they have more pride in the jersey.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 23/03/2019 22:02:17    2174594


Replying To Hardtimes:  "I think Meath are decent and improving. Will be playing Division 1 football next year bar a Devon Loch. But agree with you. People love a moan and have short memories. We've been promoted to Division 1 twice in 2 years. This is not to be sniffed at. It's actually much easier to free fall through the divisions after getting relegated from Div1. Back when we were bottom of Division 3, where we are now looked a world away. People moaned we wouldn't get promoted. When we did they moaned we wouldn't win a game in Division 2. Our players have proved them wrong. Sure we could be better but we're doing the best we can and players deserve a bit better from fans.
This has been a tough season for the team, especially up front with Johnson, McKiernan and COR out from the start. We've done alright though but free taking has probably killed us most. Hopefully we will improve in that regard come Championship but in any case I think we are in good shape for next year.
Just back to Meath, they may be on a par with us or they may have over taken us, but one thing about them, their fans will never write their players off like we do ours. Maybe they have more pride in the jersey."
Best post on here in a long time.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 24/03/2019 06:37:11    2174615


Replying To Hardtimes:  "I think Meath are decent and improving. Will be playing Division 1 football next year bar a Devon Loch. But agree with you. People love a moan and have short memories. We've been promoted to Division 1 twice in 2 years. This is not to be sniffed at. It's actually much easier to free fall through the divisions after getting relegated from Div1. Back when we were bottom of Division 3, where we are now looked a world away. People moaned we wouldn't get promoted. When we did they moaned we wouldn't win a game in Division 2. Our players have proved them wrong. Sure we could be better but we're doing the best we can and players deserve a bit better from fans.
This has been a tough season for the team, especially up front with Johnson, McKiernan and COR out from the start. We've done alright though but free taking has probably killed us most. Hopefully we will improve in that regard come Championship but in any case I think we are in good shape for next year.
Just back to Meath, they may be on a par with us or they may have over taken us, but one thing about them, their fans will never write their players off like we do ours. Maybe they have more pride in the jersey."
And so say all if us.

Joebe (Cavan) - Posts: 76 - 24/03/2019 10:11:51    2174638


Replying To Hardtimes:  "I think Meath are decent and improving. Will be playing Division 1 football next year bar a Devon Loch. But agree with you. People love a moan and have short memories. We've been promoted to Division 1 twice in 2 years. This is not to be sniffed at. It's actually much easier to free fall through the divisions after getting relegated from Div1. Back when we were bottom of Division 3, where we are now looked a world away. People moaned we wouldn't get promoted. When we did they moaned we wouldn't win a game in Division 2. Our players have proved them wrong. Sure we could be better but we're doing the best we can and players deserve a bit better from fans.
This has been a tough season for the team, especially up front with Johnson, McKiernan and COR out from the start. We've done alright though but free taking has probably killed us most. Hopefully we will improve in that regard come Championship but in any case I think we are in good shape for next year.
Just back to Meath, they may be on a par with us or they may have over taken us, but one thing about them, their fans will never write their players off like we do ours. Maybe they have more pride in the jersey."
And so say all if us.

Joebe (Cavan) - Posts: 76 - 24/03/2019 10:12:23    2174639


We need to get players to start buying into the county set up. There is not enough players from the top senior clubs in on the county.
Castlerahan won the league and championship last year have been in five of the last six county finals have one player on county.
Cavan gaels won league and championship the year before got to ulster club final have two.
Ramor won the championship the year before have won several minor and u21 championships in the last ten year have none.
Crosserlough nearly got relegated from div 1 and got to the county final for first time in over 20 year have 7 players on county.

tom84 (Cavan) - Posts: 334 - 24/03/2019 14:22:42    2174691


Replying To tom84:  "We need to get players to start buying into the county set up. There is not enough players from the top senior clubs in on the county.
Castlerahan won the league and championship last year have been in five of the last six county finals have one player on county.
Cavan gaels won league and championship the year before got to ulster club final have two.
Ramor won the championship the year before have won several minor and u21 championships in the last ten year have none.
Crosserlough nearly got relegated from div 1 and got to the county final for first time in over 20 year have 7 players on county."
If you are going to have a moan at least get some of your facts right and not be so selective..

Cavan Gaels have 3 players - Paul Graham, Stephen Murray and Niall Murray
Ramor have 3 - Jack Brady, Conor Bradley and Liam Brady
Castlerahan have two - Oisin Kiernan and Cian Mackey

You also conveniently declined to mention another team who contested the senior final last year and who have a very stron underage setup Crosserlough, how many players have they on the panel.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 24/03/2019 14:53:54    2174699


We are a top 12 team in the league on recent performances but not in the championship ..on the basis of the last 10 years we are 8th in Ulster maybe ?

I think there is a collective mentality gap.

We get great effort from the players and we should be using all the approaches to improve that the players deserve for their effort and for the supporters.

I think gearoid showed potential last year to be a deliverer on the big stage of his true potential in his performance against Tyrone.

We need to get that into all the team ..hopefully Micky can do it time will tell.

Ultimately it is the championship we want to improve in.

eamonnmac (Cavan) - Posts: 59 - 24/03/2019 15:36:17    2174711
