Cavan Forum

Mckenna Cup

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Replying To blueman1903:  "It beggars belief!!"
To those of you that don't understand the word positional I suggest you do your home work.
If you read my posts I have not suggested that C Brady is not good enough BUT your team breaks down into 15 positional starting positions your job first and foremost is to martial this designated position it's your job?? so any scores that come from this because you are in another location and your position is empty??? well this is a negative and your team suffer as a result.
Off course it's great when any player leaves his position and scores but if by chance he is turned over ?? the opposition come back up the filed of play and score well you are failing in your duty.
Can you imagine every player doing their own thing well Micky would not be there long for he would have lost control of his team. So in a nut shell you do what you are told to do not what you decide to do yourself. This applies to all player's from the goalkeeper to the full forward.
I am not knocking any players wearing the county shirt so point your fingers in another direction.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 04/01/2019 12:49:14    2155643


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "To those of you that don't understand the word positional I suggest you do your home work.
If you read my posts I have not suggested that C Brady is not good enough BUT your team breaks down into 15 positional starting positions your job first and foremost is to martial this designated position it's your job?? so any scores that come from this because you are in another location and your position is empty??? well this is a negative and your team suffer as a result.
Off course it's great when any player leaves his position and scores but if by chance he is turned over ?? the opposition come back up the filed of play and score well you are failing in your duty.
Can you imagine every player doing their own thing well Micky would not be there long for he would have lost control of his team. So in a nut shell you do what you are told to do not what you decide to do yourself. This applies to all player's from the goalkeeper to the full forward.
I am not knocking any players wearing the county shirt so point your fingers in another direction."
You called him a liability Sean. That's knocking him in any man's language.

Inactive x5 (Cavan) - Posts: 1452 - 04/01/2019 22:49:23    2155704


Replying To JonSmith:  "You called him a liability Sean. That's knocking him in any man's language."
"your team breaks down into 15 positional starting positions your job first and foremost is to martial this designated position it's your job"

That's what you just said Sean, I'm afraid it's been a long time since that was the case. Outside a few dedicated positions like full back etc, the rest of your team is an attacker when you have the ball and a defender when you don't. That's why there's such a huge emphasis on keeping possession as bad turn overs are lethal.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 05/01/2019 11:52:39    2155727


Replying To cavanblueman:  "Give it a rest lads, its the McKenna Cup, a time for trialing new players.

As I said before, Cavan people need to lower their expectations and accept that we are a very average footballing County. Whilst we will be playing in Division One this year, realistically, we are a tier two team when it comes to Championship. We are not blessed with very many quality footballers, but we now have a young manager who led his club to totally unexpected win in a Leinster Final against one of the Goliath's of club football playing a very exciting brand of attacking football. Who knows what will happen with Cavan this year, maybe they will improve, maybe not, but if people lower their expectations, accept where we are at in terms of being an average team, you'll be less disappointed if things dont go well. As I said before, we dont have many top quality players like a lot of the top teams, we will be punching above our weight in Division One, but we might cause a few surprises along the way and who knows, make progress in the Championship this year."
I agree with you totally that the McKenna Cup is for trailing new players and its good to see that Mickey has a panel of 45 and is going to give lads a chance before he cuts back for the League and calls in a few more familiar faces.
I totally disagree though with you describing our team as ''average''. This will be our second year in the last three operating in Division 1, and we gained promotion last year with what I feel was a weak manager and a weaker panel than we will have this year.
Other than Dublin, and perhaps it could be argued Tyrone and Kerry, there's very little between the next 12 or 13 counties that make up Divisions 1 and 2. Let's not forget, for example, Tyrone made an All Ireland final last year and Meath should have beaten them and Cavan played poorly and only lost to them by three points. Also, Monaghan are operating at a high level for the last decade but there has regularly only been a kick of the ball between them and Cavan.
As I said previously, we have a good core group of players there that a team can be built around - Ray Galligan, Padraig Faulkner, Killian Clarke, Ciaran Brady, Gearoid McKiernan, Martin Reilly and Dara McVeety. That's seven of your starting 15 and then you've Conor Moynagh, Niall Murray, Caoimhin O'Reilly and Jack Brady (a player who I think has been criminally underused by Cavan) in the supporting cast. Not to mention the likes of Argue and Gerry Smith coming back to the panel.

BreffniGuide (Cavan) - Posts: 474 - 05/01/2019 12:41:44    2155732


Replying To fredflint:  ""your team breaks down into 15 positional starting positions your job first and foremost is to martial this designated position it's your job"

That's what you just said Sean, I'm afraid it's been a long time since that was the case. Outside a few dedicated positions like full back etc, the rest of your team is an attacker when you have the ball and a defender when you don't. That's why there's such a huge emphasis on keeping possession as bad turn overs are lethal."
There's are very few defenders on medicore sides like Cavan who are able to defend and attack.
Most think they are the next Jack McCaffery or Phily McMahon , but they are not and never will be.
Both of these can pass and move as they attack at speed, lads like C Brady try to do it all themselves, K Clarke runs up blind alleys and gets turned over and MReilly has a serious habit of attacking latterly for some unknown reason.
Yes the game has changed but you have to be unselfish when attacking from the back. 2 speed merchants like S Murray and G Smith is what's needed in the half back line on the wings with a solid centre back like Faulkner that can read the game.

Inaroundehouse (Cavan) - Posts: 975 - 06/01/2019 09:34:11    2155772


Replying To Inaroundehouse:  "There's are very few defenders on medicore sides like Cavan who are able to defend and attack.
Most think they are the next Jack McCaffery or Phily McMahon , but they are not and never will be.
Both of these can pass and move as they attack at speed, lads like C Brady try to do it all themselves, K Clarke runs up blind alleys and gets turned over and MReilly has a serious habit of attacking latterly for some unknown reason.
Yes the game has changed but you have to be unselfish when attacking from the back. 2 speed merchants like S Murray and G Smith is what's needed in the half back line on the wings with a solid centre back like Faulkner that can read the game."
Yes, that pretty much what I said if you read it again.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 06/01/2019 10:46:31    2155777


Replying To fredflint:  ""your team breaks down into 15 positional starting positions your job first and foremost is to martial this designated position it's your job"

That's what you just said Sean, I'm afraid it's been a long time since that was the case. Outside a few dedicated positions like full back etc, the rest of your team is an attacker when you have the ball and a defender when you don't. That's why there's such a huge emphasis on keeping possession as bad turn overs are lethal."
I understand what you are saying BUT your priority first and foremost is you protect your position it's that simple. Off course players leave their post in every match but if the end result you are caught in no man lands and make no effort to get back or forward to where you should be then you are not doing your job it's that simple.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 06/01/2019 13:14:52    2155788


Replying To JonSmith:  "You called him a liability Sean. That's knocking him in any man's language."
Replying To fredflint: "Or maybe the opposite way around, depending on the opponent."
K Clarke is not a full back and C Brady is by no stretch of the imagination a corner back in fact I would worry about playing him as a wing half as well for he does not protect his post. He wants to score so you decide what position suits him best.
The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4272 - 1/1/19 2:14:35 PM
As a player I thunk he is a fine player BUT my criticism is the number of times his position has been exploited by the opposition after the ball has been turned over he is not there this is my only negative observation of the player nothing else. We could do with more of him just with a little more position conscious thats all. Yes a fine scorer, so maybe a more forward roll might suit him better.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 06/01/2019 13:25:25    2155789


Don't know why Ulster still has the Colleges still in McKenna Cup, when the other 3 Provincew no longer have then in pre season competition.
Very little to be gained from a hammering like today.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 06/01/2019 15:36:19    2155803


Replying To Inaroundehouse:  "There's are very few defenders on medicore sides like Cavan who are able to defend and attack.
Most think they are the next Jack McCaffery or Phily McMahon , but they are not and never will be.
Both of these can pass and move as they attack at speed, lads like C Brady try to do it all themselves, K Clarke runs up blind alleys and gets turned over and MReilly has a serious habit of attacking latterly for some unknown reason.
Yes the game has changed but you have to be unselfish when attacking from the back. 2 speed merchants like S Murray and G Smith is what's needed in the half back line on the wings with a solid centre back like Faulkner that can read the game."
So we've gone from ''average'' to ''mediocre'' in the space of a few posts. Doesn't say much about the teams operating in Divisions 2 to 4 if we're a mediocre side!
Gerard Smith is injured, has had an operation and won't feature for at least a month or two.
Good to hear that Graham is going to keep a reserve panel going. An extended panel of players is needed but the key for Cavan has to be retaining lads. No point putting a year into strength and conditioning to see lads walk away. That said, Mickey is going about it the right way in the McKenna Cup by giving everyone a game. That's what the competition is for.
Hopefully we'll also enter the Leinster Junior Championship again.
Be interesting to see what team plays against Donegal. Kevin Tierney has only featured as a sub to date so hopefully he gets a start. Jack Brady apparently made ball stick yesterday in the inside forward line so would be good to see how he does against better opposition.
Plenty of lads chomping at the bit to get their chance anyway.

BreffniGuide (Cavan) - Posts: 474 - 07/01/2019 20:10:32    2156011


Are Paddy Rudden & Philip Brady on the extended panel?

PatTheDandy (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 08/01/2019 10:53:17    2156063


Replying To BreffniGuide:  "So we've gone from ''average'' to ''mediocre'' in the space of a few posts. Doesn't say much about the teams operating in Divisions 2 to 4 if we're a mediocre side!
Gerard Smith is injured, has had an operation and won't feature for at least a month or two.
Good to hear that Graham is going to keep a reserve panel going. An extended panel of players is needed but the key for Cavan has to be retaining lads. No point putting a year into strength and conditioning to see lads walk away. That said, Mickey is going about it the right way in the McKenna Cup by giving everyone a game. That's what the competition is for.
Hopefully we'll also enter the Leinster Junior Championship again.
Be interesting to see what team plays against Donegal. Kevin Tierney has only featured as a sub to date so hopefully he gets a start. Jack Brady apparently made ball stick yesterday in the inside forward line so would be good to see how he does against better opposition.
Plenty of lads chomping at the bit to get their chance anyway."
Teams in the lower Divisions like Clare, Tipperary you mean? From recollection, our record against those teams in recent years hasn't exactly been good now has it?

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 08/01/2019 17:04:36    2156138


Replying To PatTheDandy:  "Are Paddy Rudden & Philip Brady on the extended panel?"
Paddy Rudden isn't .. donyou mean Philip Brady from mulahorn ?

BreifneBlue19 (Cavan) - Posts: 8 - 08/01/2019 17:39:04    2156147


Replying To cavanblueman:  "Teams in the lower Divisions like Clare, Tipperary you mean? From recollection, our record against those teams in recent years hasn't exactly been good now has it?"
We drew with Clare away last year and beat Tipp. Tipperary reached an All Ireland semi final in 2016. They are far from the pushovers they used to be.
From my recollection, this is our second year in Divosion One in 3 years so we must be doing something alright.
How about people get behind the lads.

BreffniGuide (Cavan) - Posts: 474 - 08/01/2019 20:44:44    2156175


Poor result last night. Looking lightweight in the forward both in size and ability to score heavily in my opinion, especially the full forward line.

How did James Smith do at FF? Thought he was just an out and out midfielder and would lack the kind of movement needed to play at FF.

Who else would we have that could come into the team/squad that started last night? Can only think of K. Clarke & GMcK of the top of my head.

PatTheDandy (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 10/01/2019 09:24:35    2156343


Replying To PatTheDandy:  "Poor result last night. Looking lightweight in the forward both in size and ability to score heavily in my opinion, especially the full forward line.

How did James Smith do at FF? Thought he was just an out and out midfielder and would lack the kind of movement needed to play at FF.

Who else would we have that could come into the team/squad that started last night? Can only think of K. Clarke & GMcK of the top of my head."
Dara mcveety, Killian gunner, Gerry smith.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 10/01/2019 10:28:13    2156354


The sending off had a big bearing on the game. It was very early and it was always going to be difficult for your lads after that. I thought Pierce Smith was having a decent match but he was called ashore after landing a nice point. He didn't look injured. Anyways all the best for Div 1 and the year ahead.

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9359 - 10/01/2019 11:10:21    2156361


Replying To BreffniGuide:  "We drew with Clare away last year and beat Tipp. Tipperary reached an All Ireland semi final in 2016. They are far from the pushovers they used to be.
From my recollection, this is our second year in Divosion One in 3 years so we must be doing something alright.
How about people get behind the lads."
I agree and we have seen a resurgence of some of our former great forwards on these games. So good work all round a great exercise at finding out who's up to standard and establishing what is required for the rest to get there.

Setantawatchl (Cavan) - Posts: 132 - 10/01/2019 11:52:40    2156367


Replying To PatTheDandy:  "Poor result last night. Looking lightweight in the forward both in size and ability to score heavily in my opinion, especially the full forward line.

How did James Smith do at FF? Thought he was just an out and out midfielder and would lack the kind of movement needed to play at FF.

Who else would we have that could come into the team/squad that started last night? Can only think of K. Clarke & GMcK of the top of my head."
Caoimhin reilly, Dara mcveety, Killian brady, Gerry smith, Oisin kiernan.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 10/01/2019 12:21:05    2156376


Replying To blueman1903:  "Caoimhin reilly, Dara mcveety, Killian brady, Gerry smith, Oisin kiernan."
Doubt we'll see Oisin for a while unfortunately. Gunner wasn't asked in. I think the rest are close enough.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 10/01/2019 12:57:41    2156381
