Cavan Forum

Mckenna Cup

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Replying To kupa:  "Bring back Larry and jason Reilly too .."
you are back with your silly talk once again but if the players that were mentioned are in then there has to be room for Ray.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 31/12/2018 20:48:02    2155367


Replying To BreffniGuide:  "It is indeed nine players the former manager had. I would see seven of them as starters and, as I said, Mackey and Johnston impact subs. Galligan at 31 could play for years as a goalie and Martin Reilly is as fit as a fiddle.
Mickey does need to bring in his own men but there's no need to discard the core of good performers that are there.
Cullivan is a great player to field a ball but unfortunately has fitness issues. He didn't kick a ball in the championship for Lavey last year and was only able to play every second game for them last year.
He's also above the age of 30 so not sure why you are singling out players above 30 in my list yet calling for one to be brought in that hasn't been fit for the last two years."
There is a very good chore of players there
I think playing them in proper positions is
more important, not like last year, I think Killian Clarke has to be full back, and I think that would free up faulkner for no 6, c brady a great wing back but not a centre back.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 31/12/2018 21:11:57    2155374


Replying To BreffniGuide:  "It is indeed nine players the former manager had. I would see seven of them as starters and, as I said, Mackey and Johnston impact subs. Galligan at 31 could play for years as a goalie and Martin Reilly is as fit as a fiddle.
Mickey does need to bring in his own men but there's no need to discard the core of good performers that are there.
Cullivan is a great player to field a ball but unfortunately has fitness issues. He didn't kick a ball in the championship for Lavey last year and was only able to play every second game for them last year.
He's also above the age of 30 so not sure why you are singling out players above 30 in my list yet calling for one to be brought in that hasn't been fit for the last two years."
Just to clarify what I meant to say here was that Cullivan didn't play in 2018 Championship at all for Lavey and only played every second game in 2017 championship, with his game time having to be managed carefully.

BreffniGuide (Cavan) - Posts: 474 - 01/01/2019 09:34:35    2155384


Replying To BreffniGuide:  "It is indeed nine players the former manager had. I would see seven of them as starters and, as I said, Mackey and Johnston impact subs. Galligan at 31 could play for years as a goalie and Martin Reilly is as fit as a fiddle.
Mickey does need to bring in his own men but there's no need to discard the core of good performers that are there.
Cullivan is a great player to field a ball but unfortunately has fitness issues. He didn't kick a ball in the championship for Lavey last year and was only able to play every second game for them last year.
He's also above the age of 30 so not sure why you are singling out players above 30 in my list yet calling for one to be brought in that hasn't been fit for the last two years."
To be honest I am not singling out any players you mentioned I was putting them beside Ray Cullivan. A Ray Cullivan in condition there is not a midfielder in the county to match him FACTs. Has he been asked in I wonder if not why not??. I have no problems with the players mentioned. It looks like many will be in from last year and the year before. We will see going forward. Good luck to Micky and his team.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 01/01/2019 12:04:15    2155388


Replying To blueman1903:  "There is a very good chore of players there
I think playing them in proper positions is
more important, not like last year, I think Killian Clarke has to be full back, and I think that would free up faulkner for no 6, c brady a great wing back but not a centre back."
Or maybe the opposite way around, depending on the opponent.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 01/01/2019 12:36:16    2155393


Replying To fredflint:  "Or maybe the opposite way around, depending on the opponent."
K Clarke is not a full back and C Brady is by no stretch of the imagination a corner back in fact I would worry about playing him as a wing half as well for he does not protect his post. He wants to score so you decide what position suits him best.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 01/01/2019 14:14:35    2155402


It's good to see Argue back. Thought he done very well and Down came well back into the game once he went off. If he can harness that undoubted potential and bring some aggression into his game he could be the fix to many of the problems we had over last couple of years and stop the tinkering with Clarke. Young lads did well overall. Nothing special but no major downers. They tried hard but looked nervous at times which is understandable. Forwards showed plenty and won decent ball at times but didn't make much inroads afterwards. Sometimes the ball into them could have been much quicker though. There were times when they were free inside in front of goals and it never came. Half backs made some great overlaps on the opposite side of play too on occasion but the ball never materialized. So plenty to work on but plenty of positives considering the experimental nature of the team and I'm sure next day out we will see a completely different team. Anyone know if Phillips from Gowna is back? Also surprised Killian the Gunner not asked in. Surely worth a place in the squad at least.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 01/01/2019 14:15:50    2155403


Faulkner is more disciplined to play full back. Clarke goes on marauding runs at times and forgets his defensive duties.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 01/01/2019 14:39:12    2155404


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "To be honest I am not singling out any players you mentioned I was putting them beside Ray Cullivan. A Ray Cullivan in condition there is not a midfielder in the county to match him FACTs. Has he been asked in I wonder if not why not??. I have no problems with the players mentioned. It looks like many will be in from last year and the year before. We will see going forward. Good luck to Micky and his team."
Did you read my post? Cullivan is a great midfielder I agree. The one argument against him could be that he lacks the mobility for inter county football.
However, that is beside the point, I would imagine he hasn't been asked in because he won a Blue Star in 2016 and has rarely featured for his club in the two seasons since, as I pointed out.
IF, and it's a big IF at this stage, he gets back fit and playing for his club you could ask that question but not now.
Re Killian Brady, my belief was he was asked in but the Mullahoran lads were given extra time off following their Ulster run.

BreffniGuide (Cavan) - Posts: 474 - 01/01/2019 16:26:41    2155409


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Faulkner is more disciplined to play full back. Clarke goes on marauding runs at times and forgets his defensive duties."
Totally agree with you and the same applies to Brady deserting his post hence my earlier post. If Clarke played in the half back line with Durkan both from Shercock that would be a good set up but I feel K Clarke would prefer to be a half forward. Let's see how it pan's out by the start of the national league.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 01/01/2019 16:52:46    2155411


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "K Clarke is not a full back and C Brady is by no stretch of the imagination a corner back in fact I would worry about playing him as a wing half as well for he does not protect his post. He wants to score so you decide what position suits him best."
No one mentioned ciaran brady as a corner back. He is a wing half back.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 01/01/2019 19:15:19    2155424


Replying To blueman1903:  "No one mentioned ciaran brady as a corner back. He is a wing half back."
No harm but you did say wing back, as a wing half he is a liability for he wants to be forward all the time and forgets his post. All looks nice but if your forward attack breaks down there is no immediate rush to get back to the position you should be in. Maybe even wing half back is not his position either. I am sure Micky will sort this going forward.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 02/01/2019 11:02:30    2155444


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "No harm but you did say wing back, as a wing half he is a liability for he wants to be forward all the time and forgets his post. All looks nice but if your forward attack breaks down there is no immediate rush to get back to the position you should be in. Maybe even wing half back is not his position either. I am sure Micky will sort this going forward."
The game of football has changed Sean, wing backs are scoring as much as corner forwards these days. That's the way it's going and you need a very good spread of scores across your team.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 02/01/2019 19:30:00    2155488


The half backs on the top teams all score. Jack McCaffrey, James McCarthy, Tiernan McCann, Peter Harte, Karl O Connell, Lee Keegan, Colm Boyle, Paddy Durcan, . Ryan McHugh if playing in defence scores alot.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 02/01/2019 20:21:31    2155490


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "No harm but you did say wing back, as a wing half he is a liability for he wants to be forward all the time and forgets his post. All looks nice but if your forward attack breaks down there is no immediate rush to get back to the position you should be in. Maybe even wing half back is not his position either. I am sure Micky will sort this going forward."
Don't think i've ever seen Ciaran Brady wanting for effort to get back into defence? Top scorer in the League from play for Cavan last season. Absolutely not a liability, one of our best players.

Anyone know if David Phillips is back in? He was fantastic before his injury last year.

Inactive x5 (Cavan) - Posts: 1452 - 02/01/2019 22:11:32    2155509


Replying To Hardtimes:  "It's good to see Argue back. Thought he done very well and Down came well back into the game once he went off. If he can harness that undoubted potential and bring some aggression into his game he could be the fix to many of the problems we had over last couple of years and stop the tinkering with Clarke. Young lads did well overall. Nothing special but no major downers. They tried hard but looked nervous at times which is understandable. Forwards showed plenty and won decent ball at times but didn't make much inroads afterwards. Sometimes the ball into them could have been much quicker though. There were times when they were free inside in front of goals and it never came. Half backs made some great overlaps on the opposite side of play too on occasion but the ball never materialized. So plenty to work on but plenty of positives considering the experimental nature of the team and I'm sure next day out we will see a completely different team. Anyone know if Phillips from Gowna is back? Also surprised Killian the Gunner not asked in. Surely worth a place in the squad at least."
I assume Phillips is back in and I'd be surprised if Killian Brady isn't involved come the league. We aren't blessed with many very good corner backs in this county but in those 2 we have 2 good ones

IamADragon (Cavan) - Posts: 306 - 03/01/2019 13:14:13    2155546


Christ if we are blaming Ciaran for running up and scoring then we may forget it lads. I agree that he is one of our best players and someone we should be applauding for his performances.

Reformation (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 03/01/2019 13:31:45    2155549


Give it a rest lads, its the McKenna Cup, a time for trialing new players.

As I said before, Cavan people need to lower their expectations and accept that we are a very average footballing County. Whilst we will be playing in Division One this year, realistically, we are a tier two team when it comes to Championship. We are not blessed with very many quality footballers, but we now have a young manager who led his club to totally unexpected win in a Leinster Final against one of the Goliath's of club football playing a very exciting brand of attacking football. Who knows what will happen with Cavan this year, maybe they will improve, maybe not, but if people lower their expectations, accept where we are at in terms of being an average team, you'll be less disappointed if things dont go well. As I said before, we dont have many top quality players like a lot of the top teams, we will be punching above our weight in Division One, but we might cause a few surprises along the way and who knows, make progress in the Championship this year.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 03/01/2019 16:29:55    2155573


Replying To Reformation:  "Christ if we are blaming Ciaran for running up and scoring then we may forget it lads. I agree that he is one of our best players and someone we should be applauding for his performances."
It beggars belief!!

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 03/01/2019 16:32:37    2155575


Replying To blueman1903:  "It beggars belief!!"
He's definitely one of our best and committed fully to the cause - his goal against Meath in the League last year was as good as you'd see.

On the ongoing mystery of who is on the 2019 panel, I'd be disappointed if some of the players who got us to Division 1 were discarded - besides Philips, I'd hope that Caoimhin O' Reilly and Enda Flanagan are involved.

TheFean (Cavan) - Posts: 28 - 04/01/2019 12:21:08    2155637
