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2019 Season

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Tough call with the provisional fixtures, I presume they only change for dates & times. 3 home to Kerry, Roscommon & Dublin with 4 away. Tough games that we might reasonably expect something from made tougher by being away.

offtheditch (Cavan) - Posts: 158 - 05/09/2018 08:07:24    2139321


Replying To offtheditch:  "Tough call with the provisional fixtures, I presume they only change for dates & times. 3 home to Kerry, Roscommon & Dublin with 4 away. Tough games that we might reasonably expect something from made tougher by being away."
Did you think we were going to get anything from Tyrone Mayo Galway Monaghan. There would judging on the way Mallachy builds up his team be an outside chance of some change from them Monaghan maybe we might take something from Mayo but with a new manager I feel anything will be hard got. Below is how the top 6 finished the season just gone 2018 where do you think Cavan will get points from ??? I suppose it will be a battle with Mayo Roscommon and Cavan for relegation. Our record is not great with Roscommon so I expect they will be thinking two handy points here. I am struggling with what we have to find where we will get a point from to be honest.

Division 1
Team P W D L +/- Pts.
Galway 7 6 1 0 23 13

Dublin 7 5 1 1 32 11

Monaghan 7 5 0 2 6 10

Tyrone 7 4 0 3 14 8

Kerry 7 3 0 4 -13 6

Mayo 7 2 1 4 -16 5

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 05/09/2018 10:46:04    2139361


Exciting times for the new manager in 2019, Kerry, Roscommon and the All Ireland Champions coming to visit, there was a great atmosphere in Breffni the last time Kerry and Dublin visited. I think the new manager will introduce a new brand of football...can we be the fist team to topple the Dubs in a while!!

Will Breffni be ready though, Prunty normally gives his pitches at least a year, the County Final will be allowed on it, but it might be too early for the national league to be played there.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 05/09/2018 11:49:56    2139396


I think Galway peaked too early and ran out of steam last year. I would expect them to ease off a little earlier in order to peak later. Hopefully Corofin are going well in club football then too and some of their players might be missing. So Galway away needs to be one to target.

Second one has to be home to Roscommon. They are no better or worse than us so we really need that one.

After that we need points from either Monaghan away or maybe Kerry at home, less likely Mayo away.

Cant see us getting anything off the Dubs even if they were playing their 2nd team on the last day.

Galway has to be a big target to get us up and running.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 05/09/2018 12:33:08    2139415


Replying To cavanblueman:  "Exciting times for the new manager in 2019, Kerry, Roscommon and the All Ireland Champions coming to visit, there was a great atmosphere in Breffni the last time Kerry and Dublin visited. I think the new manager will introduce a new brand of football...can we be the fist team to topple the Dubs in a while!!

Will Breffni be ready though, Prunty normally gives his pitches at least a year, the County Final will be allowed on it, but it might be too early for the national league to be played there."
Don't worry the pitch will be ready for the national league. Looking at it last night maybe they might play to finals on it like the senior and intermediate together. Or senior one week and Intermediate the next. If I was asked would the pitch be ready for loads of matches I would say no but maybe two and an outside chance of three. It looks great at the moment but a sod has not developed yet but near there. I hope they don't allow anything on it then until the three national league matches. Just my opinion for what it's worth., Sean

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 05/09/2018 12:51:54    2139424


Replying To fredflint:  "I think Galway peaked too early and ran out of steam last year. I would expect them to ease off a little earlier in order to peak later. Hopefully Corofin are going well in club football then too and some of their players might be missing. So Galway away needs to be one to target.

Second one has to be home to Roscommon. They are no better or worse than us so we really need that one.

After that we need points from either Monaghan away or maybe Kerry at home, less likely Mayo away.

Cant see us getting anything off the Dubs even if they were playing their 2nd team on the last day.

Galway has to be a big target to get us up and running."
Sadly fredflint: I am finding it very difficult to see where we are going to pick up 5 points to maybe be safe I know Cork were relegated a couple of years back on 6 ?? trying awhile now to beat Roscommon but it's a possibility but I fear both Roscommon and Cavan have to be favorites to be demoted. Roscommon may well have a crack at the Connaught teams so one never knows maybe Galway and Mayo will be looking over their shoulders when they play them. It will be interesting for sure. I cannot see Cavan take any points from the Dub's along with Kerry & Tyrone so that leaves Monaghan Galway Mayo and Roscommon so a huge task ahead of them for sure.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 05/09/2018 13:00:28    2139433


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "Did you think we were going to get anything from Tyrone Mayo Galway Monaghan. There would judging on the way Mallachy builds up his team be an outside chance of some change from them Monaghan maybe we might take something from Mayo but with a new manager I feel anything will be hard got. Below is how the top 6 finished the season just gone 2018 where do you think Cavan will get points from ??? I suppose it will be a battle with Mayo Roscommon and Cavan for relegation. Our record is not great with Roscommon so I expect they will be thinking two handy points here. I am struggling with what we have to find where we will get a point from to be honest.

Division 1
Team P W D L +/- Pts.
Galway 7 6 1 0 23 13

Dublin 7 5 1 1 32 11

Monaghan 7 5 0 2 6 10

Tyrone 7 4 0 3 14 8

Kerry 7 3 0 4 -13 6

Mayo 7 2 1 4 -16 5"
I was merely pointing out the fixtures and in my opinion the games (excl. Roscommon) that we might have potential to pick up some points in were away. I think we are in agreement but couldn't be sure.

offtheditch (Cavan) - Posts: 158 - 05/09/2018 14:38:29    2139494


With this year's panel I wouldn't give us a chance. We need some big players back in.

The positives from the fixture list are:

Kerry early. They always improve as the league goes on. We drew with them last year, a win is not out of the question.

Galway peaking too early this year. If they ease into it as suggested above then we can definitely target them.

Dublin last. Even with an exceptionally strong 2nd team, we'd have a chance should they rest players - look what Monaghan did to them this year.

Roscommon at home. Can go either way, but this hoodoo needs to end soon because they're just not that far ahead of us.

Monaghan - they have to change their all out apporach to the league if they're ever going to kick on in the championship. Not sure they will but even if they don't it's always a tight game when we meet.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5082 - 05/09/2018 14:39:52    2139496


We had a much stronger panel going into the 2017 league, and managed three points.

It all depends on who commits to the cause next year, going by recent trends it doesn't look good. Does anybody know the progress or the status of the survey being carried out on players who won't commit? I read about it in the Celt a few weeks back. I'm glad to see some action being taken on it, whether it'll produce a meaningful difference is another thing.

I have no idea why people always think we can beat Roscommon, they've given you your answer repeatedly in the last five years.

Cavan_Shambles (Cavan) - Posts: 575 - 05/09/2018 14:59:41    2139507


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "We had a much stronger panel going into the 2017 league, and managed three points.

It all depends on who commits to the cause next year, going by recent trends it doesn't look good. Does anybody know the progress or the status of the survey being carried out on players who won't commit? I read about it in the Celt a few weeks back. I'm glad to see some action being taken on it, whether it'll produce a meaningful difference is another thing.

I have no idea why people always think we can beat Roscommon, they've given you your answer repeatedly in the last five years."
Why would we need to do a survey on the players that can't commit or won't commit??
Have these players not given their answer by not committing?
It's not a professional game you know? These players have lives outside football and if they can't play so be it.
57 players refused to commit to Galway and Kevin Walsh this past 2 years but it didn't stop them getting to a league final or All Ireland semi.

Inaroundehouse (Cavan) - Posts: 975 - 05/09/2018 16:34:15    2139557


Replying To Inaroundehouse:  "Why would we need to do a survey on the players that can't commit or won't commit??
Have these players not given their answer by not committing?
It's not a professional game you know? These players have lives outside football and if they can't play so be it.
57 players refused to commit to Galway and Kevin Walsh this past 2 years but it didn't stop them getting to a league final or All Ireland semi."
You have hit the nail on it's head also I might add there are several players who were not asked at all so maybe they might come in but I am not sure they will be attracted to the set up to be honest. Just look at what is supposed to be our best team in the county the way they are performing poor advertisement for anyone who has taken over the county set up??

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 05/09/2018 16:50:56    2139565


Well Kevin McStay has stood down as Roscommon manager this might help Cavan going forward so maybe good news for Cavan.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 05/09/2018 19:01:52    2139607


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "Well Kevin McStay has stood down as Roscommon manager this might help Cavan going forward so maybe good news for Cavan."
Maybe mcStay will go to his home County of Mayo. Perhaps do a swap with Rochford

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5520 - 05/09/2018 22:50:14    2139689


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "We had a much stronger panel going into the 2017 league, and managed three points.

It all depends on who commits to the cause next year, going by recent trends it doesn't look good. Does anybody know the progress or the status of the survey being carried out on players who won't commit? I read about it in the Celt a few weeks back. I'm glad to see some action being taken on it, whether it'll produce a meaningful difference is another thing.

I have no idea why people always think we can beat Roscommon, they've given you your answer repeatedly in the last five years."
We managed 4 points in 2017.

But your overall point is spot on. We need some quality back in the team.

IMO, and it's a worry, the only players good enough to make a difference are guys who already were in and then opted out.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5082 - 06/09/2018 06:07:00    2139708


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "You have hit the nail on it's head also I might add there are several players who were not asked at all so maybe they might come in but I am not sure they will be attracted to the set up to be honest. Just look at what is supposed to be our best team in the county the way they are performing poor advertisement for anyone who has taken over the county set up??"
Can you please stop spouting nonsense about who and who wasn't asked. All available players were asked, the their clubs were also asked, so the previous manager had all 'available' players at his disposal. Any player that didn't come in had a reason why he didn't want to. As for the new set up, if a player isn't attracted to it, then so be it, thats his choice and it should be respected. As the previous poster said, its an amateur game, and absolutely nobody should be lambasted for not committing. But one this is for sure, Mickey will ensure that all available players will get a chance, and his style of football will no doubt be good to watch. But at the end of the day, its up to the players, and the players only to step up to the plate. Countless seasons and a number of managers have gone by and players have failed to perform when it mattered, McKiernan, Clarke and the rest have not stepped up when it mattered. You can pick a game where they might have played well, but they need to play well consistently, week in, week out. Time to stop blaming managers and time for players to start performing.

As for the so called best club in Cavan Sean, if they're a poor advertisement for football in Cavan, what does that say about the rest of the teams? The Gaels are still the current Co Champions, Castlerahan and Killygarry are the only two teams in Cavan to have beaten them in 2 years, yes, they're going through a bit if a poor spell which they can rectify on Sunday, so until some other team lifts the Cup, the Gaels are still the best team in Cavan.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 06/09/2018 09:13:27    2139727


Replying To cavanman47:  "We managed 4 points in 2017.

But your overall point is spot on. We need some quality back in the team.

IMO, and it's a worry, the only players good enough to make a difference are guys who already were in and then opted out."
I agree with some regarding players that opted out but this type player are a cancer in the dressing rooms and the county and any county for that matter are better off without these individuals. Players dictating no one needs them end off story. I would rather be playing division 3 than entertain these people.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 06/09/2018 09:54:08    2139738


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "I agree with some regarding players that opted out but this type player are a cancer in the dressing rooms and the county and any county for that matter are better off without these individuals. Players dictating no one needs them end off story. I would rather be playing division 3 than entertain these people."
I know 2 players who left for personal reasons.

Neither exercised this type of player power you speak of, they simply didn't have the time in their lives to commit to intercounty football.

They may have the time now as a couple of years have passed.

Can you explain to me how these lads would be a cancer in the dressing room?

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5082 - 06/09/2018 10:34:48    2139753


As I said previously players can't commit for various reasons, work , family Ect.
Yes there are players who probably are fed up with the style we play so it's up to Mickey to convince these players things will change.
I know 1 club forward who's not interested in tracking back to his own 20m line as he doesn't have to with his club. It's up to Mickey to sell his vision of the future to players like that.
Nobody should be slagged off for not playing.
Supporters have stop going to games in their droves. Why? They don't want to see the sh@@e that's been played.
See it's all a matter of choice and I'd respect any players or supporters choice.
It's up to the new management to show things can and will be different, more attractive and more enjoyable for all concerned.
Remember it's a sport. There to be enjoyed.. by all.
It's become more like a chore lately .

Inaroundehouse (Cavan) - Posts: 975 - 06/09/2018 11:18:14    2139773


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "You have hit the nail on it's head also I might add there are several players who were not asked at all so maybe they might come in but I am not sure they will be attracted to the set up to be honest. Just look at what is supposed to be our best team in the county the way they are performing poor advertisement for anyone who has taken over the county set up??"
What's the performance of the Gaels got to do with the County team? There was only 2 gaelsmen on the county team at any one stage this year and 1 of them was a 34 yr old forward playing as a half back.
When the Gaels were performing back in the day your old mate VA dropped them because they were too old. That was 8 years ago and those 2 are still winning championships.

Inaroundehouse (Cavan) - Posts: 975 - 06/09/2018 11:31:46    2139777


Replying To Inaroundehouse:  "As I said previously players can't commit for various reasons, work , family Ect.
Yes there are players who probably are fed up with the style we play so it's up to Mickey to convince these players things will change.
I know 1 club forward who's not interested in tracking back to his own 20m line as he doesn't have to with his club. It's up to Mickey to sell his vision of the future to players like that.
Nobody should be slagged off for not playing.
Supporters have stop going to games in their droves. Why? They don't want to see the sh@@e that's been played.
See it's all a matter of choice and I'd respect any players or supporters choice.
It's up to the new management to show things can and will be different, more attractive and more enjoyable for all concerned.
Remember it's a sport. There to be enjoyed.. by all.
It's become more like a chore lately ."
In fairness to Mickey, I heard him in an interview on the Radio and he recognised that players were not enjoying playing and that is a big part of what he wants to change. Given that Mickey is saying that then the challenge goes over to the players. Do they want to be remembered as fellas who could have made it if they only put the work in (do they want their kids in the future hearing that) or fellas who played with distinction for Cavan and were respected by the supporters in the county. I know which I would want for me. You are only of an age to play sport at the highest level for 10 years really and I believe a lot of these lads who don't commit will have a lot of regrets in later life if they dont give it a right go.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 06/09/2018 11:55:57    2139781
