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Allianz National Football League Div 2 2018

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I've been reading some of the comments regarding the team and management, some of them not very complimentary and all I can say is that after the Clare game would anyone have thought we'd have been lining out at Croke Park and promoted to boot.
With regard to the final itself, the decision not to take McVeety off when obviously injured cost us the game as Seanie passed to him when he was unable to run. This led to a Roscommon goal which practically killed the game..
Need to address defensive frailties or Donegal will have a field day.

Virginia (Cavan) - Posts: 101 - 02/04/2018 16:40:24    2090366


Having been at the match and watched it back i think that the management need to look at getting a midfield for the championship. Mc Kiernan does not do the hard work that is needed. He doesn't follow up once he has passed the ball. He should have been taken off yesterday. Killian Clarke didn't do much either.
I thought Seanie Johnston did a great job when introduced and along with Mackey e has the best chance of creating scores.
We need our forwards to be picking off points and that is not happening,

marita (None) - Posts: 467 - 02/04/2018 16:51:25    2090373


If it's the hamstring McVeety did, he would be gone for 6/8 -weeks. He would have no training done for Donegal. Whatever chance Cavan have, they need him playing.

Galway have improved a lot since 2 years ago when cavan beat them. Walsh is stronger looking now . They have the corofin players to come back and Michael Daly, their best u21 player last year. The defence is more solid looking now, thanks to the Tyrone coach they brought in, Paddy Tally. They will be thereabouts for Sam in next few years

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2791 - 02/04/2018 16:59:11    2090375


Looking back on the game i think we lost it on the line . Leaving a injured man on the pitch for 5 minutes and then pass the ball to him and they concede a goal . Moving on i still think our mid field and center back needs to change . I honestly think mcveety is our best center back he is a great leader . We have not had a center back since toasty . I taught taking bradley off was very odd considering they were 3 or 4 players worse on the pitch .

cavanlawd123 (Cavan) - Posts: 70 - 02/04/2018 20:21:38    2090429


Replying To Virginia:  "I've been reading some of the comments regarding the team and management, some of them not very complimentary and all I can say is that after the Clare game would anyone have thought we'd have been lining out at Croke Park and promoted to boot.
With regard to the final itself, the decision not to take McVeety off when obviously injured cost us the game as Seanie passed to him when he was unable to run. This led to a Roscommon goal which practically killed the game..
Need to address defensive frailties or Donegal will have a field day."
My issues with the management simply revolves around the lack f a defensive system....we dont have one that works....we are coughing up goal chances....5 at least yesterday, Down should have scored 3, and Galligan made top class saves in the games in Roscommon and at home to Tipp......Add to that, our top scorer from play was Ciaran Brady.....our centre back. Hes a natural attacker so why is he lumbered with the extra responsibility of CB.....Clarke Faulkner or Niall Murray would be better fits for the position

I also have an issue with them re McVeety yesterday......the chap was hobbling badly....he understandably didnt want to come and physio should have taken that decision out of his hands.....but didnt.....his championship and summer with his club is now in jeopardy.

Crash Bang Wallop (None) - Posts: 268 - 02/04/2018 21:24:33    2090447


Management need to take a look at themselves after yesterday. Why was our most potent attacker all through the league (O Reilly) taken off at half time with Cavan playing with the breeze in the 2nd half and did McLaughlin get injured... Flanagan was the defensive weak link and was the cause of at least 3pts in the 1st half... McKiernan just doesn't turn up for important games... Stick him in full forward and if he fails to deliver get rid..his work rate is poor. .I would put Clarke back fullback as he looks a bit lost at mid field... We are badly lost for a ball winning midfielder

Sean.66 (Cavan) - Posts: 293 - 02/04/2018 22:06:13    2090465


Replying To Sean.66:  "Management need to take a look at themselves after yesterday. Why was our most potent attacker all through the league (O Reilly) taken off at half time with Cavan playing with the breeze in the 2nd half and did McLaughlin get injured... Flanagan was the defensive weak link and was the cause of at least 3pts in the 1st half... McKiernan just doesn't turn up for important games... Stick him in full forward and if he fails to deliver get rid..his work rate is poor. .I would put Clarke back fullback as he looks a bit lost at mid field... We are badly lost for a ball winning midfielder"
I agree McKiernan full forward or on the bench. Not working hard enough for midfield. But I think you need Clarke in the middle to get up and down pitch. He does serious tracking and no one gives him credit for it. He was chasing his own man and gearoid man all day. Need to look at Thomas galligan/magee/David Brady for midfield. Management had bad day yesterday. Putting Johnson in half forward lines cost us a goal, made changes to early and mcvitty was such a bad call leaving him on field. However with 10 to go we were in position to win and we bottled it on the field wasting countless chances.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 02/04/2018 22:56:17    2090491


I have to say, I really enjoyed the day in Croker and I was quite proud of what our lads came up with. Yes, we conceded 4-16 but this was a gutsy display and we came back from the dead after Roscommon took hold of the game. I think that our ability to score goals is improving and we put together some nice moves. Like everyone else, I am sick of the sight of the Roscommon shirt but some of those lads have an All Ireland underage and the difference in quality showed. I am by no means disappointed about the performance and I was very proud of how we stayed in it and with some smarter decision making, we could have won it. No shame in this performance at all. I was wondering what would be up here over the proceeding 24-48 hours and it is no major shock...

Mr O'Rinn: "it's hard to comprehend where we are going with our team". Well its hard for you as you predicted that we were going nowhere at the start of the season and this must have given you something to think about! There is more but I don't have the interest in waffling on.

Some improvements are needed and it is obvious that we need more mobility in midfield - McKiernan is never a midfielder and as someone mentioned, should be full forward or even coming off the bench. I thought Clarke really struggled yesterday but he should remain there with someone like Buchanan if he gets back to full fitness.

How many people predicted promotion? How many would have imagined being in Croker in April at the beginning of the year? No me on either front but i have been pleasantly surprised by the football that we have played and we all need to get behind the team for the championship!

Reformation (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 03/04/2018 07:44:36    2090517


Folks, we have come a long way since the team took the field against Clare back in late January. However, there is still a lot to be done if we are to put ourselves into contention for an Ulster Championship. Indeed, I very much doubt if we can travel the extra distance needed over the coming months.

We have a major problem in the midfield sector and management may have to make some very hard calls and indeed play the long game with their selection choices over the weeks ahead. We blooded a host of new players over the winter but we did not solve our midfield problem. When teams push up on the kick out we simply must have a go to man who claim primary possession and we also must have two players in that sector who have the capacity to move up and down the field tirelessly during the course of a game.

If I had to make the call right now I would keep Clarke at midfield and move McKiernan to full forward.

With regards to Sunday's game, well Roscommon are further ahead of us than at any other point over the past couple of years, however, this has to be expected given the changes made by management in January, sometimes you have to go back in order to go forward.

kildare blue (Cavan) - Posts: 578 - 03/04/2018 08:29:54    2090522


Have to agree with most posts- wiped out in the midfield sector. I don't know how McKiernan was left on the pitch, was he injured or something? McVeety, Mackey (even though the shooting boots weren't on) and Reilly class. I would like to see Clarke back in the back line to strengthen up defense but have we any other midfield options?

McGiolla (Cavan) - Posts: 42 - 03/04/2018 09:16:23    2090531


Replying To McGiolla:  "Have to agree with most posts- wiped out in the midfield sector. I don't know how McKiernan was left on the pitch, was he injured or something? McVeety, Mackey (even though the shooting boots weren't on) and Reilly class. I would like to see Clarke back in the back line to strengthen up defense but have we any other midfield options?"
Would have to agree Clarke is not a midfielder and McKiernan has been marked absent in most of the important matches including the AllIreland under21 final. Easy to play against poor teams but if you want to compete against the big guns you need to front up. Maybe he is carrying an injury, if so he should have been substituted.
Still need to build the panel up.
How come Moynagh is not on from the start as he played most games last year.

Virginia (Cavan) - Posts: 101 - 03/04/2018 10:42:00    2090568


Very confused after Sunday- I don't know whether to be looking forward to the Donegal match or to be dreading it! I suppose we should stay positive and not let one result dampen the mood after a surprisingly excellent league.

A few things to be worked on though. First, like many on here, has to be McKiernan's work rate. I have been saying this for a few years now. The solution is not moving him to full forward, the solution is moving him out of the starting 15. He is a fan favourite due to a few big scores on the run, but more is needed. Impact sub for the next one
Mackey and McVeety were the only 2 capable of getting forward momentum for Cavan, but Mackey doesn't look to have the 70 minutes in him. For me he starts on the bench and comes in after half an hour. Definitely needed on the field late on. Donegal will be planning for him so no harm to have him to come in rather than marked out of it early on. Likewise SJ, in for the last 20 minutes and chained to the goalpost. His roaming days are over.
Solving the Murphy/McBrearty problem? Murphy is a player for the ages but one thing he may struggle with is a mobile man-marker with a singular job to take him out of the game- Justin McMahon and Vinny Corey have done it in the past so its a job for a most physical player. Has to be Killian Clarke if that's the case. If Murphy roams it will only suit our man better. Who does that leave for Paddy? I think Faulkner is not the finished article yet and plays better as an organizer/sweeping defender so it would be better to go with someone else. A 60/40 split in favour of McBrearty would do. Jason McLoughlin with Conor Moynagh as a spare man in front could work. We are not blessed with options. That just leaves Odhran McNillais to worry about...

MadgeKing (Cavan) - Posts: 493 - 03/04/2018 10:53:45    2090572


Replying To MadgeKing:  "Very confused after Sunday- I don't know whether to be looking forward to the Donegal match or to be dreading it! I suppose we should stay positive and not let one result dampen the mood after a surprisingly excellent league.

A few things to be worked on though. First, like many on here, has to be McKiernan's work rate. I have been saying this for a few years now. The solution is not moving him to full forward, the solution is moving him out of the starting 15. He is a fan favourite due to a few big scores on the run, but more is needed. Impact sub for the next one
Mackey and McVeety were the only 2 capable of getting forward momentum for Cavan, but Mackey doesn't look to have the 70 minutes in him. For me he starts on the bench and comes in after half an hour. Definitely needed on the field late on. Donegal will be planning for him so no harm to have him to come in rather than marked out of it early on. Likewise SJ, in for the last 20 minutes and chained to the goalpost. His roaming days are over.
Solving the Murphy/McBrearty problem? Murphy is a player for the ages but one thing he may struggle with is a mobile man-marker with a singular job to take him out of the game- Justin McMahon and Vinny Corey have done it in the past so its a job for a most physical player. Has to be Killian Clarke if that's the case. If Murphy roams it will only suit our man better. Who does that leave for Paddy? I think Faulkner is not the finished article yet and plays better as an organizer/sweeping defender so it would be better to go with someone else. A 60/40 split in favour of McBrearty would do. Jason McLoughlin with Conor Moynagh as a spare man in front could work. We are not blessed with options. That just leaves Odhran McNillais to worry about..."
MadgeKing (Cavan) - Posts: 239 - 03/04/2018 10:53:45
You put K Clarke on Murphy I guarantee you Clarke will get a black card every time so a non starter that plan.
Maybe G McKiernan should move to a senior club and rub shoulders at the higher level this might be a plan of action?? just a suggestion remember A. Forde did it and he improved no ends.

7 Weeks to get a spine it's that simple playing like you did Sunday is a recipe for disaster. The same will happen to Roscommon if they do the same thing, The difference with Roscommon they knew how to move forward with support and scored really at will.
I don't want to be seen to be knocking the panel but the sooner the management realise it playing boy's against men is a no brainer it's that simple.
Could you have done with Mossy Corr Sunday you bet you did for sure. There are others but too late now for they would never be ready for the Donegal match.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 03/04/2018 11:55:57    2090596


Few realities to be faced following the weekend.

If McVeety is out for the season, we won't even beat Donegal never mind get anywhere near an Ulster Final.

Himself and Mackey are still running the show for us and the only two attacking players we can really depend on to create chances.

Gearoid has been a bit undependable in big games and it's time we stopped expecting him to do any different. Impact sub like Seanie for the last 20 mins when the game is loose might be best position for him.

Two new midfielders needed. Clarke is not a midfielder and is needed as a man marker in the fb line to shore up the defence. McBrearty might even destroy him but he'll definitely destroy any of the rest.

I would try Tomas Galligan, with a look to the future even though he might not be ready yet. Or even for the present, Sean McCormack might be an option that would do a bit more useful dogwork than the current pair.

Other big problem is that we don't have a stopper Centre Back to hold the middle. Ciaran Brady has to be moved to the wing and someone needs to be put in CB that does what Alan Clarke did for us the few years before he retired. I would go with Faulkner even though I would prefer to have him in FB line along with Clarke. Or even McCormack.

At the minute, you can almost guarantee that any decent top 10 team would run through us and score 3+ goals a game.

On the upside, they were not wonderful on Sunday but Bradley and Cole are useful additions to the forward line.

It was a good achievement getting promoted but Mattie needs to fix these blatantly obvious problems before the Donegal game or he is bringing us nowhere.

PatTheDandy (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 03/04/2018 12:06:07    2090602


Disappointed on Sunday, would've been nice to cap Mattie's first real season in charge with a league title, but nevertheless, after all the doom and gloom from the St Terry Brigade after the Clare match, we ended up in a league final in Croke Park, and gained promotion to Division One. Mattie has done this in his 2nd year, and not only that, he did it by providing us with some enjoying and exciting football. We weren't far off Roscommon if some of our better footballers turned up on the day, and if some of our decision making was a bit better. 3 points down with a 7/8 minutes left, and we take a short free rather than putting it over the bar.

We need to realise, we are punching above our weight, supporters need to lower their expectations a little bit and get behind this team. Mattie made a lot of sweeping changes since he came in, not only with personnel, but with tactics too. Don't write this team off just yet, I'm sure Mattie has some tricks up his sleeve for the meeting with Donegal. Remember, they got relegated this year having drawn with a very poor Mayo side in the final game so we are more than capable of beating them. Roll on May, and the sunshine and lets look forward to the day when Cavan make their come back in Ulster.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 03/04/2018 12:43:51    2090632


As far as I can see Mattie has no tricks up his sleeve. Left an injured player on and maybe finished his season. We've being wide open in most games this season and only great goalkeeping and last ditch tackling has saved us. Has absolutely no defensive plan.

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 03/04/2018 13:02:10    2090645


First of all, it was McVeetys decision not to come off, its obvious that he told the medical staff that he was ok to carry on, it wasn't until the pass from Johnston that people realised how bad the injury was.

After the first game against Clare, people wrote off this team and the manager, yet he got us to a league final and promotion to Division One in his 2nd year.

As for being wide open, after the final league games, our scoring difference was in the top 4 of all 4 divisions.

As the old saying goes, points win games!

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 03/04/2018 16:05:40    2090718


Guys, when Jason Mc Loughlin was on the field in the first half we conceded no goals, when he was gone we gave up 4 and Ros took a point when the goal was open for their fifth. Two very strange decisions re the half time changes, Jasin is our best man marker and will be needed for Mc Brearty.

bunnoe1 (Cavan) - Posts: 60 - 03/04/2018 16:37:10    2090731


Replying To bunnoe1:  "Guys, when Jason Mc Loughlin was on the field in the first half we conceded no goals, when he was gone we gave up 4 and Ros took a point when the goal was open for their fifth. Two very strange decisions re the half time changes, Jasin is our best man marker and will be needed for Mc Brearty."
Only made sense if he was injured. I thought introducing Johnson at HT was too early and playing him at Ctr forward cost us a goal. Mattie has done well with decisions on the line this year but I think he mad a few poor calls Sunday.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 03/04/2018 17:04:54    2090742


Jason's men the last two games have scored heavily. He attacks too much to be considered a man marker.

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 03/04/2018 17:36:29    2090762
